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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest tohoblaq

Oh My God... Did you really mean this??? the Korean culture??? Let's take an example of the Soulmate couple... I still don't understand how could Ga Eul forgive Yi Jung after what he had done to her on their "real" date. If I remember correctly, there was no scene that Yi Jung at least says he's sorry or regrets about her "ordeal" (i.e. being offered to his father!!!). We only see a playful couple afterward and surprisingly, how devoted Ga Eul to this playboy to overcome his sorrow. I hope many Korean girls, ladies, ahjumas out there would agree with me that this is unacceptable in their society.

I wasn't using Yi Jung as an example in the first place. I'm talking about JP's character. Some HYD fanatics are saying that this drama totally destroyed the original Domyouji character portrayed in the manga because he is not supposed to have a soft spot so early in the storyline. And we all know that the only reason Yi Jung did all that to Ga Eul is because he didn't want her to feel what his mother felt about his father, and he didn't want to admit that he's start to fall for her as well. He wanted a reason to hate himself, for being the 'bad guy' that he claims he is.

And in most of the Korean dramas we've seen with the male leads portraying a cold, heartless personality, they aren't complete inhuman either like Doumyoji's character in the manga, or even in HYD drama. I love the Korean JP for the way he is. And I still think that this version is a good version despite certain draggy scenes, which the only reason we feel they're draggy because we're so used to the original storyline in the Japanese and Taiwanese version. It all comes down to making this version a KOREAN one. If it's really that bad, why is it still causing a big hype in the country, and probably around Asia as well? Why does it still have high ratings? Don't say that it's because of the gorgeous actors, because Lee Minho is doing one heck of a great job portraying his character as a newbie (somewhat). As far as I know, I haven't come across anyone saying that he is overrated because people know that he is talented.

So, for those who are still complaining about this version up 'till NOW when we only have two episodes left, I suggest you stop whining and just finish the darn drama for goodness' sake. =____=" It's just pointless to keep complaining and making yourself feel miserable for not getting what you expected. Just let it be a Korean drama!

I feel that the scriptwriter did a good job giving the characters beautiful lines, portraying their love and friendship for one another. That's all I want to say for now. Don't want to start a heated debate. And I'm really sorry if I offended anyone.

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Guest funkindagirl


- The "___ years later" is indeed FOUR years later.

- The last scene BEFORE fast-forwarding four years ahead is Jan Di and Jun Pyo's kiss in the Namsan cable car on the day of her graduation. <---- That sounds like such a nice scene to end on before going 4 yrs ahead.

- What sparks Jun Pyo to regain his memory of Jan Di? She does pack a lunchbox (eggs and rice) like before in order to try triggering his memory - however, Yu Mi takes credit for making it so it doesn't help Jan Di at all. <--- :blink: Thats so mean.

- Our source gives hints regarding what actually does trigger his memory to return:

Jun Pyo and Jan Di's first kiss - NOT the one on the swing at the playground

New Caledonia

Jae Gyeong's resort

Jun Pyo's trauma

KP's note: Maybe something to do with swimming?

- Yu Mi uses lies to try to widen the drift between Jun Pyo and Jan Di during his memory loss (of Jan Di). She will appear in the latter half of episode 24. Apparently, she is a character that is sure to universally annoy all viewers - she refers to herself in the third person ("Yu Mi is... Yu Mi wants...").

Our source says that viewers need not worry too much, Jun Pyo doesn't pay that much attention to her. <-- Haha, Im glad.

- Also, for those of you waiting for episode 25's script to be leaked - the cast was given their copies of the final script on March 24. HOWEVER, the script did not include the ending (approximately 10 scenes). The creators have decided that nobody will know what happens at the end until the day they film the finale. On that day, each cast member will receive a copy of the ending to memorize immediately. It has been confirmed that Boys Over Flowers will end happily, but it may differ from Hana Yori Dango’s ending.

Our source says he/she will likely get the script by Monday, but for the sake of not spoiling the ending for everyone, will NOT reveal how it ends. <--- Ahh, we're all going to be hanging in suspense, but Im relieved, I dont think I want to know the ending in advance.

SoEul (Yi Jeong and Ga Eul):

Apparently, the date scene at Namsan is NOT in the before-4-years-later script that our source has. Hence, he/she is GUESSING that it is part of the “4 years later” ending.

The last SoEul scene before the fast forward is Yi Jeong opening up his heart slightly to her. All signs seem to point to a happy SoEul ending!

credit kpculture

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Guest pixie_eve

Just want to add my two cents on the BOF that we've just seen..

Y can't the sriptwriter come up with a good dialogue for Joondi moments? she can think up lengthy monologues for jihoo's angst, y can't she make up a sweet satisfying lovey line for JP and JD?? arrgggh seriously, i think ms. scriptwriter has the hots for jihoo, he always has the good lines, the goody impression, the empathic characterization urgh!! this is BOF!!! its a JANDI-JUNPYO love story..don't butcher it with JIhoo's angst for chriSsake!!

And the KISS..wahhhhh Im so HUNGRY for a Joondi moment i didn't even mind the high schoolish peck on the lips kiss..come on mr PD? arent we gonna get some real kiss from JOondi?? u made Us want to see them together this much, can we just be rewarded with a 15second lip lock?? and i mean a true lip lock like in episode 10 which you edited out?? awww seriously mr PD man, joondi moments were soo FEW in this HYD version,, so much so that we want to see them make out wen you finally give us the pleasure of showing them onscreen together *sigh* :wub: Ohhh i just long to have more joondi moments,, im so tired of seeing jihoo looking so somber and Jandi looking so bored :huh: I want some HYD manga LOVE...not the angst ridden BOF version. If not for the beautiful f4 and the JP-JD chemistry, i wuld have had a heart attack feeling like im watching a remake or an extension of winter sonata and spring waltz :rolleyes:

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Guest mikasaranghae

OMG the goodbye between JD&GJP is so sad. Lee Min Ho is a good actor; I feel very sad watching his tears & face expression when he was sitting on the street, looking GD's bus leaving...... OMG....the best scene is the whole drama, really touches my heart.

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Guest echiq

hi guys. im new here, i just caught on to the BOF craze. at first i wanted to wait until it was done, and everything was already sub, but after seeing and hearing how about ga eul and yi jung i just had to watch and see their interaction. and im not disappointed.

let just say my very first drama ever was meteor garden, the tawianese version. so it still has tender spot during my adolescent years.

but im totally loving the korean version, because its spinoff with the combination of Hana Yori Dango and Meteor Garden and Meteor Rain moments. I was a bit sad about the second couple in the MG, but with BOF shown more indepth of their relation made me giddy all over, because to me it give me a better understanding of the pair (ga eul and yi jung)

but i feel like there's only like 2 more episode left, and i felt like everything seem so rushed adding another character in and having him losing his memory, like this can be in like BOF part 2 or even in a sequel movie.

i'm not hating on the character or anything but i don't feel the love chemistry between jandi and junpyo, i read her interview about how she does not understand her character, so i guess that's only reason i don't feel the chemistry between those two

all i wish is that it has a complete happy ending that ties up with all the loose ends, if not hopefully there's a part 2 :D

sorry i just have to vent somewhere because no one understands me...because they don't watch dramas anymore, im just saying they're missing out, especially with all the eyecandies going on :P

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Guest spirtual_affection x3

Who would be the couple in the third picture?

- Jandi and Jihoo

- or Yi Jung and Ga Eul

- or Jandi and Junpyo (unlikely since he doesn't have curly hair)

i believe it's JK and WoonBin ( i think i spelled his name wrong).

i'm not sure but it seems like it from the hair and outfit.

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I have mixed feelings about the coming episodes. i'm looking forward to it but at the same time I don't want it to end yet. I really, really love BOF. My only regret is.. I haven't heard Jan Di call Jun Pyo .. OPPA! I want to see what would be JP's reaction when he hears her calling him that. I wish they will extend more but then again it will mean more Ji Hoo too. :mellow:

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LOL..Ji Hoo grandfather is the first one againts JH and Jandi as couple. You are the one should re watch the ep 22 my dear.

I dit not find any clues which make me think that JH and Jandi could be the couple.

Hey, ask Jandi whether she knows about JH. She can say that JP loves ramen, star gazing, picnic.. but how much she can talk about JH?

They definetely will not be the couple!

You should be the one to rewatch the episode. And rewatch it very carefully. THE OLD MAN WAS BEING SARCASTIC. Ever heard of REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY? Please, red OneSky's post. He was being sarcastic. The old man was being sarcastic. If you didn't find any clues then sweetheart you weren't watching very carefully. There was MAJOR foreshadowing in the last few episodes.

And why are we picking on JH-JD shippers? I mean god. I was trying to be nice, and objective but you guys make it so hard to be objective and nice because you're so rude and harsh. It's not illegal to voice your opinions. You guys could be a little nicer with your responses.

All these rude, derogatory comments are so uncalled for! It's so offensive to us JH-JD shippers who are trying to give this couple a voice!

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Guest SweetTemptation


Nobody is picking on anybody. Just like u, they were just giving out their opinions about the drama and the actors and actresses who have portrayed the characters in the drama. Of course, there have been always negative and positive comments.

U are just so sensitive about ur favorite idol that u feel like u are being attacked by those viewers when u read their comments. Don't worry. Your idol won't be hurt by those negative comments. IT IS JUST A DARN DRAMA after all. Lets enjoy it as it has been presented. Don't be so angry and obsessed.


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Guest betchay

- The last scene BEFORE fast-forwarding four years ahead is Jan Di and Jun Pyo's kiss in the Namsan cable car on the day of her graduation. <---- That sounds like such a nice scene to end on before going 4 yrs ahead.

- What sparks Jun Pyo to regain his memory of Jan Di? She does pack a lunchbox (eggs and rice) like before in order to try triggering his memory - however, Yu Mi takes credit for making it so it doesn't help Jan Di at all. <--- :blink: Thats so mean.

Thats why next to JP's mom, i hate Umi ... she has a two-face character.

They will kiss again.. maybe twice, after memory lost & 4 yrs. :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:

I wanna see Jandi with long hair... :rolleyes:

Those lunar sea cartoon pix were cute. B)

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You should be the one to rewatch the episode. And rewatch it very carefully. THE OLD MAN WAS BEING SARCASTIC. Ever heard of REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY? Please, red OneSky's post. He was being sarcastic. The old man was being sarcastic. If you didn't find any clues then sweetheart you weren't watching very carefully. There was MAJOR foreshadowing in the last few episodes.

And why are we picking on JH-JD shippers? I mean god. I was trying to be nice, and objective but you guys make it so hard to be objective and nice because you're so rude and harsh. It's not illegal to voice your opinions. You guys could be a little nicer with your responses.

All these rude, derogatory comments are so uncalled for! It's so offensive to us JH-JD shippers who are trying to give this couple a voice!

We just had this thread closed again and one of the main reasons for the most recent closure was that we were not being nice. Frankly, I'm curious to know if you are trying to get this thread closed again.

Also, I honestly don't think that any of the JunDi-shippers pick on JH-JD shippers. We have certainly expressed our displeasure in the large volume of JH-JD scenes, but that's our right to do so. After all, the purpose of this forum is to discuss and share our observations regarding the drama as a whole and each individual episode. We pick on the relationship itself, but we've never said that JH-JD shippers should all go away or anything like that. Our opinions have been directed specifically to the couple as they exist in the drama. Any other negative comments have been directed at both the PD and SW.

Second, our comments are not rude, derogatory, or uncalled for. This drama is based on the HYD manga where the main couple is JP and JD. So our comments about the amount of screentime devoted to JH-JD are objective observations. It's a fact that there has been a LOT of focus on JH-JD. We're simply pointing that out. And we comment negatively on it bc as a whole, the amount of screentime given to JH-JD takes away from the amount of time the show has left to flesh out all the other issues (i.e., Umi arc, amnesia, JP's dad, GE/YJ coupling, WB's story, how JunDi will get together in the end). We expressed the same displeasure when JK took up so much of the episodes and for the same reason: too much time on her took away from everything else that needed to be covered, or could have been covered, and thereby ultimately resulting in a rushed ending.

And perhaps you disagree and think that there was some major foreshadowing of a JH-JD ending. While you are certainly entitled to hope for a JH-JD ending, in my opinion, it's very clear that's not going to happen. You get the "foreshadowing" scenes bc scenes like that are at the heart of every Korean drama. It's almost part of the formula bc without angst and lots of male crying it simply isn't a Korean drama. The difference with BOF is that the PD did such a poor job that he's given JH-JD shippers hope for a different ending. (He seriously needs to go back to PD school or watch more Korean dramas before he even attempts another project.) But, based on the Korean drama formula and the fact that this is based on HYD, I don't think there can be any doubt that we will have a JunDi ending.

And, in all fairness, I didn't read all of meileiz's post so I don't know if you felt attacked or not. If you did, then I would have to agree that you shouldn't be attacked for your belief that JH-JD have a happy ending. But as for the rest of us, I don't think that our comments have been in any way offensive. It's Hana Yori Dango, not JiHoo Yori JunPyo. If the PD and SW wanted to make something with a JH-JD pairing, then they should have called it something else. Or they could have just borrowed the F4 theme and done something completely different. But they didn't. Although they messed up, they did still follow the manga very closely and in doing so they cannot now deviate from it and give us a JH-JD ending. That being said, what's offensive is the amount of time they have devoted to pure close-up face shots of JH and extra JH-JD interaction shots that don't help the storyline.

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Would you believe I spent a little over one hour typing my comments only to hit the wrong key and lose all that work. Bummer to the max, anyway back to the drawing board, there must be a reason for this. I had to do this in word and paste it. Requesting that the moderators bear with me on the epistle that I’m about to write. I'm apologising beforehand. It’s either this or have it in 5 parts, 1 will do.

I sincerely believe that the comments in relation to kisses in BOF will be going on for a while or at least until the last episode which will determine whether we are suitably satisfied or not. It may extend to a few days after as well.

In reference to the following comments:-

Akirchu, post #22005, page 1101 – I agree with the majority of your statements with exception to GJD , being weak, she has her weak moments yes but she is strong in her own way and I am one person who has criticised the PDS for making GJD go through these “weak areas”, there are a lot of examples , but will not go there right now. The point is GJD is strong in her own way; she has to be when dealing with the many challenges that she has to encounter through Madam Kang (MK). I have always admired how she usually faces MK and that is with 100% class, she has never bowed down to that woman and as such I think because she does this that MK may have a so called inferiority complex when GJD responds with some form of dignity and not with so-called meekness. To me GJD in her confrontations with this woman always appear to be the one who is the lady and MK the virago, no matter what was thrown at her, she never lost that. Though it has never been said or obviously stated, I think that’s one of the reasons that GJP loves her, she may be poor but she has always had a classy personality, never cute.

Flower pot, post #22006, page 1101 – Whoever you are, I love you. I have enjoyed your comments on this show tremendously; they are a highlight and a treasure to this board. You are a unique blessing to soompi.com. I and the rest of the members look forward to them. I am also looking forward to your review of ep 24, 25 & final comments on BOF. Let me know what the next show you plan to watch, so I can read your classic reviews and comments.

As for your comment on the kissing issue, I agree with you 100%. We should note that in They Kiss Again there were more passionate scenes between the main couple, though married, and they were truly passionate. The Taiwanese dramas tend to show a fair amount of intimate intense and otherwise scenes between the main couple (very little skinship, but the kisses are there with the right amount of passion needed for the scene), which I enjoy. I am all for romantic, intimate scenes as long as its tastefully done and appropriate for the scene in question. This to me is missing from BOF. As a Asian drama addict , I have discovered something ‘s with their dramas in terms of passion scenes – Kdramas are usually a mixture depending on the story and the channel they are shown on but they tend to slightly lean towards conservative, due to the culture; jdramas – passionless, I have yet to watch one that has it; Twdramas – similar to kdramas with the exception of leaning more towards the contemporary as I previously said I like how they do the passion scenes for their show, most tend to be believable; Chinese dramas – not sure because I watch the wuxias more, I like pure action in my cup now and then, if I am to go by that category I’ll say they have a little bit of passion there its subtle, you sense more than feel though.

Shaz, post #22018, page 1101 – agree with your comments 100%.

Tslberry, #22039, page 1102 – I enjoyed and support your comments.

Now this is my take on the whole BOF kissing issue. I am with the majority, believing that there needs to be more intense ones in the show for the main couple as it is as stated they are the main couple who love each other very very much with other strong feelings and desires. If we get one in the end, I’m happy. This intensity to me has not been shown somewhat, what we get is Affection, you know the I just like you feeling and not love, what we get are in my eyes “Pecks”. Those that one receives from a crush as a little kid growing up don’t tell me that we have not encountered those before or seen them at some point. I also look at another factor GJD and GJP are 20 & 21 , they are not teenagers, they are as MK likes to say when it suits her Adults, lets remember that word ”ADULT”. Therefore, this relationship though it started in high school in my eyes is an adult one. The feelings they have for each other i.e. desire, want, love etc are supposedly strong and should be portrayed as such even for the first time, this to me is not done, their and I believe our hormones demand an appropriate response for those feelings, I don’t think a peck would suffice or do they another type of hormone I don’t know about, tell me about this hormone please. I felt that the kisses in the arc 1 – eps. 9 and 10 were right for the moment in that ep. 9 – It was I like you (beginning kiss), ep. 10 – I really like you and want to protect you (beginning kiss 2). The kisses given after that and the actions screams affection, no oomph. What I liked about arc 1 which makes it a miss in arc 2 – is the heart beating sessions that occurred between them signifying – I really really really like and am attracted to you, would act on it but they tried to avoid it. It was funny with the actions but right, I did not get that in arc 2. I think most of us want that in arc 2 – ACT ON IT, YOU LOVE EACH OTHER, DO SOMETHING PASSIONATE. I do not believe anyone wants a sex scene, nor do we care for one either, we expect that would happen in their marriage, but the passion to us is a requirement. I have watched HYD 1, 2 & the movie, more or less skimmed through Meteor Garden and am watching guilty pleasure BOF. Have yet to read the manga from which I understand /have heard in terms of passionate moments, all these shows pale in comparison. This is my take on the passion & kissing intensity for all of them:

Passion, kissing intensity – Meteor Garden, hands down, though they were not plenty, you get the picture that the main couple were into each other check out episode 8 in MG 1 for an example as well as the side couple romance story they had later on the drama. The reason I skimmed most of this show was because they dragged out too many the stories, not fun at all, the show could have cut some episodes especially in arc 2.

Affection, most pecks – BOF definitely. You sometimes have to wonder if the couple were into each other at all for the most part of arc 2, if it wasn’t for arc 1 , I would be wondering if this was the same show. I do understand that children are watching the show which I believe is at 9:55 pm their time (they should be going to bed by the way, if they are under 10), however, I am having a warm time understanding that its inappropriate to show a young couple as those two who are “Adults” not in a kissing relationship a somewhat intense one at that who are in love with each other & very close together. They is no skinship or such, just a very responsive/emotional hug needed for ep 22 especially from GJD – who should be shouting in her mind “Yes, I got my man back, finally, shouldn't forgive him too easily though” and a love kiss when he says “I love you”. This culture is a mixture of conservatism and contemporary which are always fighting each other and justifies the poll result given earlier. For them not to understand that as normal behaviour between consenting adults who care about/love each other, or in their own family for instance that’s mummy & daddy (then again its possible), its like someone is not educating them about the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees. GJD and GJP give me a lover’s kiss, please, you are allowed. My angst with GJP & GJD is that they do not talk to each other about their problems and try to sort it out TOGETHER, this creates a lot of misunderstandings and its wasteful. Communication is a very important aspect in a relationship, especially during the tough times. Its what couples do and its time you both start working on that especially GJD. I understand wanting to be on equal footing, but try and give him some credit, if both of you use your brains, some of the things that had occurred did not need to have happened. Nuff said there.

Blah, no chemistry after-effects - HYD 1, 2 & the movie. Especially the movie, I enjoyed HYD 1 and 2 b/c the story was interesting, characters consistent and flowed. The kiss though mild was blah, I’ll live with it and when one thinks of it there was little or no affection shown at all between the main couple. I expected that because it’s a jdrama who are not known for their passion in terms of relationships at all with exception to work sad but that’s what I’ve seen, they have passionless dramas. You watch a complete drama about something, and the guy proposes in the end, I’m like – huh, was there a date, was there a connection or attraction somewhere? Someone tell me please did they do a romantic scene at all? Their biggest passion was work and getting along with their working colleagues. Sorry jdrama fans but its true, from most of the shows I’ve watched, I keep wondering do these people love or are attracted to each other . When you find a good one, let me know, and I am not talking about s__ or skinship only either. The movie, - lets just say I had a difficult time believing that a couple who has been together for over 3 years, are engaged and on a deserted island for six weeks did not make out or kiss intensely at anytime. This reeks strangeness. The only time the kiss was done, was at the wedding, if you call that a kiss, her response left little to be desired, he tried, I was wondering at times if this was the same HYD I had enjoyed so much in the past.

So that’s my analysis in terms of romance for the three.

Other BOF stuff

Side romance – YJ and GE . GE, I know you like the guy a lot and he’s aware of it, but please now that he has learnt a lesson, make him work towards getting you, because you are worth it. Remember, he’s a playboy, if he wants a diamond and spots it he should do the work to get that diamond, don’t make it too easy for him. I was not really looking forward to a kiss between them so soon anyway, but if there was – this is how I would like it “ he kisses her once and likes it a lot – mmm kisses from nice girls are so much better are his thoughts, leans for another one GE words – I like you and all but no way, you will have to work for another one”.. YJ needs to change and stop being a pitiful man; with that GE he has to work to improve himself to be as I said worthy of you, you saw potential.

Episode 22, the wedding - The church congregation made a mockery of Shinwha Group and JK Group. Reason these are international and very powerful companies with reaches to echelons of the echelons of society at home and abroad, with a marriage merger of this magnitude how come there weren’t any guests of this nature at the event? The wedding in my mind is also suppose to be a very high societal event, granted the wedding date was brought forward, but I’m sure based on the weight they have, especially you MK who loves to boast and abuse this fact, they could have made it. Where’s the wedding planner? MK what did you do the wedding planner? The guests to me were sit ins, one you call off the street and ask to come for free food, a TV show just to keep you company and with nothing better to do with themselves. MK and JK group who are you really dealing with??? The church itself was lovely, but the decorations, please. PDS, you messed up here, I am sure you have no idea as to how much, if I had to explain this in detail, this would be a much much longer commentary.

Special scenes – There are a couple in the show that I’ve enjoyed and had nothing to do with the kissing at all. For instance, the father/daughter talk was special, the zoo date was special, it showed GJP’s potential as a father, the first kiss between GJD and GJP was special especially what led up to it and the skating date was special to name a few.

Woobin – to me, he was the surprise character of BOF. When you look at HYD in its complete essence, all in all Akira though a member of F4 was never a really an important one, and has been portrayed as such in the previous dramas. There is very little stories associated with him and the rest of the group, but because of how he has been portrayed by the actor, which is a compliment to him we want to see more. Woobin is fun. So Kim Joon, congrats for doing a job well done on Woobin, see you in future projects where you will grow as a actor.

I’ll stop here for now. Once, again I'll apologise for the epistle, but I just had to talk. :)

So PDs, give us the deserving kiss and very close moment we ask for from the main couple i.e. GJP & GJD, remember their names. Give us a good ending. Thanks. :D

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Guest F4fan


I have never skipped so many posts. The negativity on this thread about Boys Over Flowers is so overwhelming. Well, I am going to continue skipping over all the negativity because if I read them, I am going to start hating this series.

And, I love this series. Its the best out of the three live action adaptations. I love all the actors. Yes, I have some concerns and have expressed them. However, it has not ruined this drama for me at all. I enjoyed the chemistry between JD-JP, the friendship of JH-JD, the blossoming love between YJ-GE, the gangster of Woobin, the humor of JD's family, and the Machiavellian of JP's mother, and all the side characters SEH and Junhee.

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right, so here we go again.

I apologize if I came off as mean or anything like that. And no, I'm not trying to get this thread closed. I didn't even know it's been closed so many times.

Honestly, yeah, I feel like I'm being attacked a little bit for making an COMPLETELY HARMLESS comment. Yeah, ok, it may not be how it ends. And yes, the PD did do a somewhat bad job, and yes I may seem a little deluded but I'm not. I just see things differently I guess.

Again, who knows? Maybe the PD will surprise us. Maybe not. We'll just wait and see.

I used those terms because sometimes that's how it comes off. We're all entitled to our own opinions. We're all allowed to voice them. But then just because it's a little different you guys have a panic attack and like "OMG ARE YOU CRAZY!?"

Yeah, those kinds of comments are uncalled for. But I mean if you're gonna disagree, at least phrase it nicer instead of calling someone crazy. Or delusional. Or anything of that nature. But hey, you know what, I digress.

Maybe I'll just keep quiet from here on in, and maybe after the final episode I'll comment again. All I'm saying is, don't kill me because I see things a tad differently. Don't kill me because I root for the other couple.

And to whoever it was that said I was obsessed, no, I'm not. I'm not obsessed, and I'm not trying to defend that actor/actress even though I simply adore him. I'm just calling things as I see them. That's it. No obsession.

Besides, of all the people in this thread, are you really gonna call me the obsessed one? ;):lol:

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Guest darling138

i think this thread will be closed again and forever if u don't control ur anger and obsession :) ... just calm down. Go drink a cup of cold water, sweetie:)

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Guest mysticalz


Yu Mi uses lies to try to widen the drift between Jun Pyo and Jan Di during his memory loss (of Jan Di). She will appear in the latter half of episode 24. Apparently, she is a character that is sure to universally annoy all viewers - she refers to herself in the third person (”Yu Mi is …. Yu Mi wants….”). Our source says that viewers need not worry too much, Jun Pyo doesn’t pay that much attention to her.

What sparks Jun Pyo to regain his memory of Jan Di? She does pack a lunchbox (eggs and rice) like before in order to try triggering his memory - however, Yu Mi takes credit for making it so it doesn’t help Jan Di at all.

Our source gives hints regarding what actually does trigger his memory to return:

Jun Pyo and Jan Di’s first kiss - NOT the one on the swing at the playground

New Caledonia

Jae Gyeong’s resort

Jun Pyo’s trauma

KP’s note: Maybe something to do with swimming?

The “___ years later” is indeed FOUR years later.

The last scene BEFORE fast-forwarding four years ahead is Jan Di and Jun Pyo’s kiss in the Namsan cable car on the day of her graduation.

SoEul (Yi Jeong and Ga Eul):

Apparently, the date scene at Namsan is NOT in the before-4-years-later script that our source has. Hence, he/she is GUESSING that it is part of the “4 years later” ending.

The last SoEul scene before the fast forward is Yi Jeong opening up his heart slightly to her. All signs seem to point to a happy SoEul ending!

Also, for those of you waiting for episode 25’s script to be leaked - the cast was given their copies of the final script on March 24. HOWEVER, the script did not include the ending (approximately 10 scenes). The creators have decided that nobody will know what happens at the end until the day they film the finale. On that day, each cast member will receive a copy of the ending to memorize immediately. It has been confirmed that Boys Over Flowers will end happily, but it may differ from Hana Yori Dango’s ending. Our source says he/she will likely get the script by Monday, but for the sake of not spoiling the ending for everyone, will NOT reveal how it ends.

credit: kpculture

You should be the one to rewatch the episode. And rewatch it very carefully. THE OLD MAN WAS BEING SARCASTIC. Ever heard of REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY? Please, red OneSky's post. He was being sarcastic. The old man was being sarcastic. If you didn't find any clues then sweetheart you weren't watching very carefully. There was MAJOR foreshadowing in the last few episodes.

And why are we picking on JH-JD shippers? I mean god. I was trying to be nice, and objective but you guys make it so hard to be objective and nice because you're so rude and harsh. It's not illegal to voice your opinions. You guys could be a little nicer with your responses.

All these rude, derogatory comments are so uncalled for! It's so offensive to us JH-JD shippers who are trying to give this couple a voice!

that is so true my friend......the grandfather is not really oppose to JH and JD relationship..he is just doing reverse psychology....and we also have to remember that JH's grandfather saved JD from that evil b*cth witch who is JP's mother

BTW....if mama GU is devil incarnate........would JP be a spawn of the devil (which is alwayd bad in anyone's dictionary)......just a thought.dont hate me :P

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that is so true my friend......the grandfather is not really oppose to JH and JD relationship..he is just doing reverse psychology....and we also have to remember that JH's grandfather saved JD from that evil b*cth witch who is JP's mother

BTW....if mama GU is devil incarnate........would JP be a spawn of the devil (which is alwayd bad in anyone's dictionary)......just a thought.dont hate me :P

Sorry for cutting your post. But, THANK YOU!!! FINALLY SOMEONE FRIENDLY ON THIS THREAD!!! ZOMG THANK-YOU!!!!!! ok, I'm good now. As long as someone understands me all is well. XD

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I'm really excited to see the ending of BOF. After much heartache suffered, a grand Gu & Geum wedding ceremony would be a wonderful highlight and an awesome ending for all BOF/HYD lovers. (Just a dream, just a dream.)

Five things I wouldn't mind if there's a grand Gu & Geum wedding:

1. I wouldn't mind if the wedding takes place @ the fishing village, while the evening sun set's in.

2. I wouldn't mind if the ceremony only lasted 60 seconds, or 40 ... heck I'll settle for 20 .. but that's IT.

3. I wouldn't mind if the wedding kiss was a peck on the cheek or NO kiss, a hug ... whatever!!!!

4. I wouldn't mind if mommy dearest came to the wedding, in fact, I LIKE her.

5. I wouldn't mind a little JP jr. with curls and dimples, appearing 9 months later ...

Although, who need's such a grand wedding, when one can just elope. Heck .. with a rich, devoted hunk of a boyfriend like Gu Jun Pyo. No marriage license is NEEDED. NONE, ZIPPO, NO THANK YOU. :blush:

Upon the completion of this drama. I hope the cast and crew receives some well deserved rest and gain back some of the weight lost during the filming process. :)

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Guest mysticalz

Actually, I think the PD doesn't really care about the ending, because no matter what they have reach their targeted viewership/ratings, and yes Boys over flowers is popular, no matter how the ending is like, or how bad or good the ending is, people like me are still watching, so I doubt they will really care about the rest of the drama. I bet the drama has already sold the rights to other countries, so the PD/scriptwriters don't have to care about it anymore. Sad to say this....I don't really put much hope/expectation to the ending, but I will support this drama till the very end.

No matter how bad everything turn out, this drama still have it's memorable moments for me to remember. I know I am bad but I am actually one of those who hope JD will end up with JH, because the only moments that I can remember in this drama are those of JH and JD, even as I listen to the track 5 of second OST now, I can only remember those pictures with JH and JD together. It's hurting me so badly because JD is suppose to be with JP.....argh can't the writer let the JH (the one they have been giving so much attention to) have a good ending too.

Bad writer...so cruel.... :tears: What have you done to JH? What have you done to JP and JD couple? Nothing is right.

i am wishing the same thing. im forever in favor of JH and JD to be together in the end...but we cant do anything about that coz JP and JD "suppose to be " together in the end......which sucks the joy out of me....but im glad that author of the original manga said that she meant to have a JH and JD ending and JH as the leading character but she changed her mind because of many fans of JP, wanted him to be the lead guy (what a bummer--*kill those idiotic people*) while she was on the process of writing the ending of her manga....so at least this gives me a sense of ease that JH and JD should suppose to be together but under some circumstance the author changed it (which sucks by the way miss writer of the manga, piece of advice dont change ur mind stick what u really intended the story to be) .........damn damn damn i could have the ending i wanted.......JH AND JD FOREVER

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