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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest lingling22




Thanks With S2!!!!

you guys are the best!! along with the other subbers of this drama...

anyways.. the link for ep 21 is not working though..

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Guest ii_christie

Episode 22 was better than expected in my opinion, I thought it was going to be worse. Anyways, the departure of Jae Kyung is relieving, especially the JoonDi couple. However, her farewell wasn't that dramatic; I wished it was stronger. Though I loved the Ji Hoo + Jan Di moments too, like the car wash. She's living at his house too now. And JD is taking care of JP's father. I can't believe how harsh JP's mother can be though ... She's getting at JD's close friends just because of the ruined wedding =x The zoo scenes with the little boy was so cute ^^; JP got jealous of the kid, pulling and tugging at him. The previews were making me squeal, hoping for a SoEul kiss!!!!!!!!

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JH should give up.

JP is the only one who makes her happy.

I see alot of pp supporting JH Jandi but I think JH should give up . Why?

Cause he is going to hurt himself and I dont want to see him like that. Yoon Ji Hoo, the 911 of Geum Jandi, I want him to be happy, to smile

Love has its own reason. We love somebody not because they are kind, thoughful etc. Although JH is an angel, great person but the fact is..Jandi has no feeling for him and we can do nothing to change her heart.

You may say that the love of Junpyo causes Jandi so much troubles. But he also makes her laugh. Jandi changes Junpyo from selfish, immature boys to thoughful, manly man. And he makes her to be the stronger, confidence girl. She always doubts herself: no beautiful, no money, no smart and JP not JH is the person telling her that she is special and she has authority to love anybody.

When Jandi fighting for her love with JP, she also fighting for herself. The love of JP makes her to belive that she can bring hapiness to somebody, she is really something not just a weed..

That is why I really love this couple. I think they are supportive to each other, they have changed so much to love to understand, to share and to fight. If Jandi loved JH, she would never go throudh those hardships and she would never understand herself like that..

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With President Kang in charge, it's no wonder that the business of the Shin Hwa group is tanking. She's one lousy businesswoman, since she can't even see the writing on the wall or the talley on the scoreboard. :P

Even now, she hasn't taken count that for every one thing she has done to JD, someone else has come to JD's aid and JD has ended up closer and closer to JP ... and right under President Kang's nose (in her own house). And, there is no one who is supporting President Kang's actions. Matter of fact, it is everyone else against her. :rolleyes:

Lady, get a clue. A really smart businessperson knows when to cut his/her losses and step away. :lol::P

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Guest cissi

This is my last post of the day... I disagree with you. Junpyo makes Jandi so happy. It's not Junpyo who causes the misery, it's that psycho witch who belongs in a mental institution who causes it. Do you notice that Jandi smiles a lot more when she is with Junpyo? They have so many sweet and bitter memories together. Sometimes in life we have to taste the bitter flavors to get to the sweet part and I think that it's the same for Junpyo and Jandi. Jandi has to suffer and make sacerfices in order to truely discover that she is in love with Junpyo and that she can't live without him. Now, if Jiho was man enough, he would have made his big move during the Junpyo's engagement, but the idiot that he is stood by and watched.

Hm, I'm not sure which version of the drama you have been watching but,

- Thanks to JP's abandonment, ShinHwa students insulted JD, beat her up and burnt her bike.

- JP threatened to throw JD out of the school because she didn't reciprocate his love.

- He dumped her with an insult.

- Then he got engaged. (Not his doing, but still.)

- Then he suddenly showed up next to her house. Then he visited her along with his fiancée.

Every time JD and JP are together, except the sushi date and episode 22, at least one of them end up screaming. (Seriously, I feel for neighbours / servants if they are going to get married. Get some earplugs.) JD looked genuinely annoyed when JP showed up in her house, and when he ordered her to make ramen for him. (And then she smiled when JH helped her out at the clinic and also when JH helped her get the gift for her parents. It's also interesting to see how JH did it. Back when JP and JD were dating, she made JP enter a contest to win a phone. JP thought it was humiliating and said that he could just give her a phone if she wanted. JD said that she wanted to earn it with her own ability. JH could have bought the gift for JD, but he initiated entering the contest upon seeing JD's interest. In his doing, JD won the contest, just the way she would want it to be.) Anyway, the only time when JD looks happy being with JP is in episode 22.

Regarding Jihoo's manliness, I guess his decision not to take advantage of the situation when JP is locked in an engagement to make his move with JD can be considered idiotic. Elsewhere, it's called being a gentleman. Now that JP is free from his engagement, dares he go against his mother? Tsukasa in the Japanese HYD gave up his name, future and fortune for Makino in the end, I'm waiting to see if JP can do the same.

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Guest KiBUm_Love


i feel so bad for jandi.

and more bad for junpyo.

and i get flooded with tears thinking about jihu.

its so sad.

jandi and junpyo can't be together because of the witch.

on the other hand, jihu CAN be with her, but she loves junpyo.

its all so sad!!!


ok when jaekyung got on that plane and left. i SWEAR a hallelujah chorus went off in my head. BOY AM I GLAD SHE'S GONE.

even though she was a "good" person when she stopped the wedding. and left jandi and junpyo to love each other,

i STILL can't forgive her for what she has done. (cough cough ruining the last 5+ episodes)

i don't feel bad for her ONE bit.

i don't like her either.

which really means she pissed me off ALOT because in hyd (japan ver.), i actually liked her (shigeru) character.

btw. jandi and junpyo are so cute. although i am jealous.

but it kinda hurt to see that part about the handkerchief (aka jihu)

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Guest XiahxTiffany

JP's mom literally has all the money she needs

even if Shinhwa has a lot of money losses

like she could do anything she wants gosh shes too rich literally 0_0

if i were JP i would try to take over everything to get his mom out lol

and JH i dont think he should give up if he truely loves JD

if he doesnt than he should find someone

but rite now we all know that JH likes JD which might cause conflict and might not

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Awww...i'm so frustrated..unlike many who seemed to like this episode I was quite disappointed. I don't want to sound like a complainer but i just gotta say it, the script writer is horrible. I loved all the Joondi moments in this episode but there was barely any..I was so excited for today because it was the "REUNION" episode, instead i get like 15 minutes of Joondi and than the rest is of what ever else there was...JiHoo and Jandi still felt like they had more screen time together, if not more screen time more important bonding parts...and man why do they gotta do all those "She's going to be my granddaughter" by JiHoo's GP...I think the script writer likes JiHoo and Jandi together...the reunion was not what i thought it would have been, Joondi didn't seem like lovers but more like friends because it was still soo awkward...no long talks of why they acted the way they did, it was just fiance is out of the picture "yeah we can be together now"...

This episode should have been dedicated to Joondi, 3/4 of the episode should have been of them reconnecting (cause we all know they are not the same people anymore)...We should have been reminded as to why JunPyo and Jandi NEED to belong together...We should have seen their relationship develop because we all know they separate tomorrow but all we got this episode was cute scenes that seemed really random and barely any reasons as to why they should be together...Heck JiHoo's love confession was more powerful than JunPyos.

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Guest mysticalz

with this commotion about who is best for jandi..junpyo or jihoo........and many supporters of both sides........i think the writer will just have an open-ended ending just to satisfy both sides..both sides can just fill in the gaps whomever they want JD really would end up with......thats all

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Guest victoria1

Can't help but kept repeating Ep 23 Preview...just love the near kiss of Yijung and Ga Eul.

Hopefully the episode won't be just a "nearly kiss" and nothing happens (i remembered reading on youtube the preview for Ep 23 that the kiss was interrupted by an incoming call)..

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Guest cissi

I see alot of pp supporting JH Jandi but I think JH should give up . Why?

Cause he is going to hurt himself and I dont want to see him like that. Yoon Ji Hoo, the 911 of Geum Jandi, I want him to be happy, to smile

Sorry for cutting your post, but my point is that: JH doesn't even try to win JD from JP. All I have seen is him lending both JP and JD the support they need. In the episode today, we saw him distancing himself from JD, but she is oblivious with his feelings and JP's assertion puts him in an awkward situation. He couldn't help but falling in love with JD. He had to see JD suffered from JP's and his mother's doing. Then, he has to keep telling JD to believe in JP. He doesn't want to keep her close, but he is also the safest place that she can go to. Who has it the hardest? This is why I think the script is so messed up.

I like what JK said to JH, "I guess neither of us has enough greed."

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Guest s0y0un*

loved the joondi joonpyo moments in todays episode but i find their dates are rather boring

their first dates were much more fun to watch and ive noticed jandi got really quiet and doesnt yell anymore

i wish they would fight a little more. hahaa xP

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I haven't watched the episode yet, but after reading all the spoilers, it seems that there are a lot of people annoyed with the JH scenes. I can't comment on that yet, but as a KHJ fan, if his scenes are useless, I would rather he gets to take a rest than continue on to film them and have the audience hate his character. As I have commented before, I really didn't like how the PD made the character Rui/JH so involved with Makino/JD. The triangle relationship was never really emphasized that much, but I guess the PD really loves triangle relationships. I think if JH wasn't so in the triangle relationship, then I wouldn't feel so bad for him and we wouldn't have mixed feelings in the audience as to who JD should end up with.

I think that JH wanted to confess his feelings not in the sense that he wanted them reciprocated because I think it would be weird of him to try and put JP and JD back together and try to get her himself. It's so obvious that JD still loves JP. Anyways, I think he just wants her to know so that it could get off his chest and probably move on because he would get a definate answer from JD.

Anyways, I'm going to try to watch the episode and see how many weird JH scenes are in there.

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Sorry for cutting your post, but my point is that: JH doesn't even try to win JD from JP. All I have seen is him lending both JP and JD the support they need. In the episode today, we saw him distancing himself from JD, but she is oblivious with his feelings and JP's assertion puts him in an awkward situation. He couldn't help but falling in love with JD. He had to see JD suffered from JP's and his mother's doing. Then, he has to keep telling JD to believe in JP. He doesn't want to keep her close, but he is also the safest place that she can go to. Who has it the hardest? This is why I think the script is so messed up.

I like what JK said to JH, "I guess neither of us has enough greed."

I think that he is trying to win her heart many times. He has his own way, not noisy and funny as Junpyo but he did want to have Jandi.

I wondered why JH kept silence about the night of JK and Junpyo? He knew nothing happened and he is so quiet..?

What is his purpose?

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Guest 7blue

I don’t like when JD’s too intimate with JH. Everyone know JH love her, there is no reason why her don’t know. If she don’t know, she’s too indifferent.

If she know but she’s still do like that  she’s awful

Ep 22, I love JP so much because He’s real man.

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Guest carleli

i haven't seen the subbed epi yet, so i cannot comment yet on what really is happening... just want to share the parts I love based on their actions:

1. F3 bowing in front of Madam Kang - shows respect even if they don't want what she's doing

2. Sec Jung stopped the bodyguards from following Chen and JD - shows who's side he's really on

3. JP hugging JD - loved the way he hugged her (loved the way LMH acts... you can really feel his excitement and love for the character

of GHS - JD)

4. the telescope scene - (although i wished it was longer) love their conversation, the little looks of love and the confession of love

together with the small kiss

5. the zoo scene - love how JP gets jealous of the little boy.... the way he's always removing him from JD side to be with her and when

he puts his arms around her shoulder with that naughty smile of him... lol... couldn't help but laugh at that

6. the way they parted - although i don't know what they are talking about, but the way they look at each after before parting ways,

that's precious

7. I also like the scene in the porridge shop - I really don't know what they are talking about, but Madam Kang seems to have deferred

to the old man, I think because either he's the former president or an old friend, her

action shows respect for the elder (even if she's a witch to the other characters & I hope

I'm right in my observation since it's based only on actions)

8. Love the conversation between Woobin and JD

9. Love also the foot spa and Woobin teasing them (I think)

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Sorry guys, another vent from me.

I guess if it makes sense, it wouldn't be a K-drama. But:

- Couldn't JP just tell JD that, "I'm in a different position now. I'm responsible for the ShinHwa group. Therefore I cannot continue this relationship with you."?!?! Why does he have to go to the extent of "You are a stain I want to erase" ?!?! If he knows her at all, does she need to be humiliated to stop having a relationship with him?

I rant a lot too with regards to this drama and I’m going to make myself better by making LOTSA assumptions. I thought this method of breaking up with JD is too cruel. There are many ways to break up too but I’m assuming that JP is aware that he’s being watched by the Witch. It makes sense since JP suddenly breaks into the Witch’s office after the break-up scene to demand if she’s happy. He’s probably being a badass so that the Witch is satisfied that he does want to break up with JD.

- Madam Kang is plainly sadistic. As if she were the mother to ShinHwa group, instead of JP and his sister. I love the Japanese version because Domyouji Kaede acts like a normal mother at times. Despite her cold manner, she stopped the plane to let Tsukasa say goodbye to Makino before he went off to New York. She also opposed the relationships out of her concern for her children, Tsukasa and Tsubaki, instead of solely out of the concern for the company like it is portrayed in the Korean version. (We also know that despite being married to someone she doesn't/didn't love, Tsubaki Domyouji is happily married and grateful to her husband, thus proving her mother's point.)

Though I don’t think the J-version mother actually acts like a mother (She is still cold-hearted. Her stopping the plane indicates that she’s accepting Makino a little which I’m sure the Witch will do soon; Tsubaki is also angry with her arranged marriage but she’s glad that this husband isn’t that bad. Tsubaki is just lucky.), I gotta agree that Mdm Kang is sadistic. Wait, sadistic is an understatement… I just cannot understand how a mother can lie to her kids that the husband is dead. I’m anticipating that the father will wake up from his coma and made the Witch accept JD but frankly, he shd just wake up and divorce her. She’s cursing him for goodness sake!

- If it hadn't been for JaeKyung, would JP have gone ahead with the wedding? He is painted so pathetic in this drama that it makes me wonder why anyone in her right mind would be in love with him. In the Japanese version, Tsukasa was adamant in breaking up the engagement and was ready to apologise to Shigeru's parents face-to-face. It was because of this insistence that Shigeru decided to help him and Makino out by cancelling the engagement herself.

I would think JP would also be adamant in breaking the engagement just like Tsukasa in the J-version/manga if not because they added one little difference in the K-version – JP’s agreement with his dad. Bound by the agreement to looking after the Company and family, JP appeared pathetic as he’s thorn between the desire to be with JD and keeping to his promise with his dad. He appeared to come to a break-down point, not knowing how he can achieve both except to kneel and beg JK to end the engagement.

- Why on Earth do JH and JD have to have so much romantic interactions up until this point?! While I don't mind adoring Kim Hyun Joong's unrealistic beauty, it just confuses viewers. The question I ask now is: Why is JD still in love with JP?! Is she slow or something? It seems that she was touched by JP's faith in her - she keeps saying that she is grateful to JP. Since her switch from JH to JP was because she thought he was in love with Min Seo Hyeon ("because of [MSH], I was able to let go of my first love"), which occurred within a few weeks (?) while JH was away in France, you'd think that since JH has been around during the time JP was away, taking care of her, helping her out, cheering her up, she'd feel something from him.

I’m asking this yesterday too. Why are there so many JH and JD romantic interactions? I’m going to assume that the PD is trying to make the viewer guess about the endings until next week by giving mixed signals. At least I have given up expecting JH to be out of the love triangle until next week.

As to why JD is still in love with JP… hm… a person’s heart is unfathomable right? True that JD hates JP initially but she sees his changes as days go by. By the time she falls for him, it’s too late for her to change her mind…

what you said is interesting. I read an article (chinese translated) about the highest one minute rating of each episode. The report was released after episode 19 so I don't know about the recent episodes. Here is the original article in Korean: http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=L...;aid=0002009890

Sorry to cut your post. Interesting statistics but just wondering, are the ratings related to those scenes? I always wonder why will there be any one minute peak in rating unless it is because someone was told that this particular scene was very good and they should watch it NOW. So can I safely assume that it was actually the previous scene from the scene stated above that lead to viewers to sms/call their friends/family to tune to the drama? However, they tuned in too late and they are now watching the above-stated scenes leading to a peak in rating during that one minute. Those scenes don’t seem interesting enough and these lead to channel-surfers to switch back to other channels, leading to the next one minute rating to drop. Er… do I make sense here? Then again, I cannot remember what are the ‘previous scene’ and hence am not sure if they are interesting for me or not :P

Anyway, if today’s episode is going to include the remaining half of zoo’s date, picnic date, YJ/GE story, bus scene, realization that Mr Gu is still alive, JH and JD at fishing village, the most I can hope for is that this epi ends with JP at the fishing village getting stabbed. JH will appear to remain as a ‘threat’ to Jundi until next week so that fans will continue to see which ship will reach the finishing line.

All I know is that after tomorrow, I’m going take a break from this thread and shall enjoy the last two epi spoiler-free and with no expectation. Heck, I think I’m going to even skip live-viewing this time round. Gonna watch both episodes together only on Wednesday. I’m gonna enjoy a full 2 hours of BOF :)

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Can't help but kept repeating Ep 23 Preview...just love the near kiss of Yijung and Ga Eul.

Same here :D i just rewatch and rewatch and still rewatching

In a boring moment i do some cellphone wallpapers.. i want to share it

they're not the greatest thing ever.. but if anyone like them feel free to take them

just dont hot link and if u post them somewhere else please credit ^^

GeumJanDi-Moon Gu Jun Pyo-Star


For the HooDi Shippers ^^



For SoEul Fans


Oh please Mr.PD give me tomorrow what i want to see D: no umi arc, JoonDi moments, a deep kiss, no more HooDi moments & Soeulmates love!

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