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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest XiahxTiffany

wow KHJ is really honest

he told a lot about himself

but i dont understand why he makes bad comments about himself

i even heard once that he tries to make the fans not like him 0_0

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Guest dalili

oh, hell-oh, woobie, (:

hey where's woobin's partner? wow, pd's are way too harsh,

they should've called me up, XD




A lot of people seem to prefer YJ over Woobin from the side characters, I think I'm one of the few who prefers Woobin. He's got an awesome personality, and I'll mention the obvious anyway, mafia + hotness = B):D:wub:

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Guest squeaky

Oh my goodness...I hate that Jaekyung thinks she could still marry JP after all she did.

If you're a "fwend", then you don't ask her to be your bridesmaid, or ask her to look at your wedding gown..omg...she is not innocent at all. Didn't her parents teach her any manners?! Grrr...Innocent my butt...

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Guest funkindagirl

Thanks for sharing!

HAHA I love this pic. Kim Joon & Kim Bum sure love to create funny angles using their fingers...I remember they did it to Minho too but this one looks way funnier. Lol, they're such little boys to find entertainment in these small things.

I really enjoyed the first 12 episodes, even Macau (ep 13 and 14?) were riveting because they were so heartbreaking. However, this series seriously lost its way after that. The script writer has been so wrong with the direction of the script.

The JK character has been selfish and unlikeable, the long separation between the main couple during the fiance arc made us forget how magical and adorable they were. Yes, there were a few Joondi scenes here and there, but looking at the series as a whole, the relationship/the love story just faltered and became too strained and awkward.

What happened to JP's undying love for JD? He says he can't let her go, but he's having dinner with the in laws and doing everything that JK wants. So much for undying love and the amnesia arc coming up as well. Sigh.

I'm sorry to say this, but I feel disappointed. It had the potential to be an awesome series. The PD and script writer really screwed up. My compliments to the actors and crew, it has been a grueling filming schedule. Hope that the remaining episodes wrap up all the story lines satisfactorily.

Yeah I do agree the first 12 episodes have been the best of the series so far because I always love to go back and watch it over without getting tired of it. Unfortunately havent been able to do that from the eps after Macau to Ep. 19, because it really slowed.

Although I do think Ep 20 & 21 have been a return to form because we're getting lots of JOONDI moments to make up for the lack of it earlier and the story is actually moving in the right direction now.

It may have lost its way during the middle with overdeveloped relationships of all the wrong couplings, but I think its really picked up again now.

Im generally happy with everything thats happening so far.

I think my only complaint now is that they're portraying YJ in such a horribly, depressing way its making me dislike and tire of him and his constant wallowing in self pity.

I MISS THE OLD YIJUNG! Hope they bring him back soon!

A lot of people seem to prefer YJ over Woobin from the side characters, I think I'm one of the few who prefers Woobin. He's got an awesome personality, and I'll mention the obvious anyway, mafia + hotness = B):D:wub:

Oh Im with you there! I prefer WB sooo much more ever since YJ's side plot came into the story.

I always look forward to WB scenes, Im still sad he hasnt got more, he's always the mood-maker in F4.

I've posted up Kim Bum's and Min Ho's Interview before. This is the third interview from Hyun Joong.

IS: Is there a place you’d particularly like to go on vacation? Who do you want to go with?

I want to go on a vacation to outer space with my friends and take on a new challenge against the limitations of life. Has this become too unbelievable?…


Ah Hyunjoong, ever the 4th dimensional person...trust him to come up with such an odd answer.

I can imagine him on a mission to discover aliens. :lol:

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First of all, I am now and always was a JoonDi shipper and not just because it's the way it's supposed to be. It's because the two them balance each other out. They are the yin to the other's yang. I agree with all of the posters who said that JP has changed for the better and I disagree with all the ones who felt that JP wasn't being man enough about his relationship with JD. This is a better, more mature JP because he does start to think about others. At no time did he ever stop thinking about or loving JD. You can tell that from Macau when he still had his minions stalking her from afar and taking pictures. Also after he came back when it was Mr. Jung (the assistant) who was providing him with pictures the night he cried himself to sleep. If he did not think about the consequences of his actions, then we as viewers would then wonder when he's going to grow up. He is now 20-21 is he forever going to go around doing what he wants because he wants to without regard to anyone else. If that is the case then he would be no better than his mother who uses people as pawns. He would hurt JD and her loved ones more by disregarding his mother without a concrete plan of action. Remember in one of the episodes JP said that he can do anything is he puts his mind to it. He had to put his mind to ending it with JD for her sake.

A number of posters have said that he should not have apologized to JK after she caught him and JD in bed. I don't think he was apologizing for getting caught. I rewatched that scene and JP was fully enjoying that hug with JD. I think he placed his arm over his head for two reasons 1.) because JK interupted what surely would have ended in a kiss and 2.) because he was reigning himself in to keep from exploding. He apologized to JK because he can't and won't love her not because he was sorry about JD. He has never shown this woman any loving emotion, yet she just walked in with him not only allowing JD to hug him but actually having initiated it. He would have stayed with JD in his embrace and allowed her to see it all. It was JD who pulled away. Sometimes I think JD is just too....nice for her own good. It's not like JK has been a lifelong friend. This person is trying to take your love away. Get a grip.

Last, because this post has gone on too long, why didn't JD tell JP that she wanted him to stay or end the wedding. I was screaming at the monitor, 'just tell him already'! JP was looking for some affirmation that she still loved him. At this point he thinks that she hates him and that she and JH may have something going on. That's the whole reason he gave his speech to JH to let him know that he's sorry but he can't let JD go. He just wants her to tell him that he still has a chance. He wants her to give him hope. Come on JD show him a little love. He's told her that he loves her, but he has never heard those words from JD.

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Lol, I forgot about the spoiler that MK might kindap JD to prevent her from ruining the ceremony. But I hope IF she did, it's Mr Jung who helps JD and at the same time tell her the reason behind JP's actions. I dunno about the manga, but I like the scene in HYD when the assistant told Makino about it. They showed at the end of ep 21 that JD looked reluctant to tell JP to not go to the wedding, IMO because she doesnt have reason for it. She DOES loves JP, but if she's fighting for it alone, it doesnt mean anything. It takes two to tango, yes? So, if she already knew the reason of JP's actions, she'll immediately forgive JP :P and I think that she'll run to the chapel to stop the wedding and arriving there to see that JK and F3 are doing the same. LOL! I'm thinking too much here.

OMG, I LOVE your speculation here. I so wish this happen because I want JD to be the 5th person to stop the wedding!

JP made me really disappointed because he cannot stand up for himself. He's letting himself get dragged around. Sure sure, he's 21 and young, but seriously, the mom is not going to disown him if he doesn't marry a girl. He should know that and play that to his advantage. He is a weak character.

Apologies for cutting your post but just want to comment on this. I would think it is easier to make a choice if the thing at stake is JP’s surname. I trust that JP wouldn’t give a damn if the mom disowns him but chances are, the Witch is not going to do that. It is JD’s safety that will be at stake and that’s what holding JP back from fighting with the Witch. It sounds weak if you compared to LMH’s and KJH’s interview (thanks jis lover for posting them!) who both said that they will continue to be with the girl despite parents’ objection, however in this drama setting, the Witch does have lotsa power. I mean, she got an army to find young JP who ran away? How hard will it be for her to harm JD?

Ehhh...I only really liked this drama around episode 18.

I just hate it sometimes how everything just seems so...unorganized and just plain ilogical.

In 18 (the whole Macau ordeal), JD+JP separated because he was oh-so-busy and bares the weight of Shinhwa now.


If that's so, then how come he is back to going to school/flirting with JD again?

I am just so confuzzled.

JP was a whole nother person in 18, and those scenes where he is comtemplating Shinhwa vs. Love For JD were really heartbreaking. And during those Macau scenes, he was all solemn and grown up.

NOWWWW (episodes 19+)...he is back to where he started, the old, egocentric Gu Jun Pyo. How did that happen?

Maybe there will some sorta explaination later on (I'm on episode 20)...but still...(I just get so frustrated sometimes!!!)

This drama is good...but it lacks some serious common sense.

I have my own theory on why JP’s behavior seems so illogical which I posted here. Of course this is just my own view :) What the drama need to do in the next epi is a really good explaination on why JP chose to ignore JD. I will assuem that it is due to the Witch's threat but that threat has better sound convincing.

Oh, love those photos posted by Suz07. Thanks! Poor LMH, he must be really tired. I LOL at the photos of KHJ, KB and KJ. They are so funny.

^beamokr, agree with you that JD should show JP a little love but if i have to stand in her shoe, I can understand why she won't. JP is the one who gave up on her first. She has no reason to cling on him even if her heart says otherwise. At the last scene when JP asks JD to stop him, she looks away and JP just let his hands dropped from JD's shoulder. I feel for him as he looks highly disappointed. :mellow:

Ok, off to stitch up my stomach which just split from reading flower pot reviews on epi 21. Wahaha, that was hilarious!

But before that…

Hehehehe..everyone was looking for this song...thanks! ;)

Interesting..OST 2.5..I hope they will include the song that everyone is Talking about..i already have OST I and II..all songs are really nice.. :D

bluescent10, these two posts can actually be combined into one post. Let’s try to keep to soompi rules ok? I hate to think back of the time when this thread was closed temporarily…

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Guest pangstar_lOVEs_herojaejoon

I've been reading the replies here, and it seems that ALOT of people want a JH/JD ending.

I am going to state what i think:

okay, i still think that Juny (haha, i've got a nickname for him) still loves JD. i can sense it (spidey senses activate!!!) i really hope that the endings that have been 'leeked' or made up arent really true, because i've already read them all....okay just kidding, i just want more surprises to the drama. Right now i have no care in the world for as who JD ends up with, But i will be very very very mad if there is such thing as a Monkey/Juny ending.



There should be a "Pang/Woobin" ending, that would be the best!~

*laughs, evil fangirl style*

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Guest hyukiemylove

flower pot your reviews are honestly absolutely hilarious. I cannot help but laugh. :D

episode 21 was really kind of spectacular in so many ways. It was dragging for a while but these last two episodes have brought the drama to the right "flow" I guess.

It was always really hard for me to hate JK. I always told myself to hate her because she was an obstacle in JD and JP's relationship but I couldn't help but like her bubbly personality however what she asked Jandi to do really crossed the line.

She understands Jandi's situation but she still has the nerve to ask her to be the bridesmaid. What kind of friend is that? Not a good one apparently.

I think one of the biggest impacts, if not the biggest impact was when Junpyo bowed down to Jaekyung as a plea. Being the emotional wreck that I am, I started crying because never in a million years would I think arrogant Junpyo would do something as to beg on his knees. It just showed how much he still loved JD and how much he couldn't let her go.

The spoilers for next weeks episodes sound SO good. I can't even imagine who the 5 people could be. Maybe, papa gu will come back from the dead? LOLOL justkidding.

I was discussing ep 21 with a friend, and she thinks the main reason why JK has yet to call off the wedding is not only because she junpyo but because of family reasons? Would it be family reasons? I always just assumed it's more personal reasons.

Since this is my first drama that I actually followed every week, I find it so depressing how there are only two more weeks left of Boys Over Flowers. I don't know what I'm going to do with my mondays and tuesday afterwards. Does anyone feel the same way I do?

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Guest loveex3

Hmm. So more Jihoo + Jandi fans, huh?

I am still all for Joonpyo + Jandi ending!

Which is how it's going to end whether we like it or not.

I feel like Jihoo is more like a BFF / protector of Jandi. I can see that Jihoo cares about Jandi a lot, but I can't feel anything stronger from this couple to make them girlfriend/boyfriend. I just wish they'd remain as best friends, as with Jihoo and Joonpyo.

I also want more Gaeul + Yijung action.

Their relationship seems to be a little bit draggy, but I can wait!

Jaekyung character makes me dislike her / get annoyed of her, but also makes me like her a lot.

Sometimes I like her more than Jandi. But other times, I wanna smack her in the head.

Especially when she asked Jandi to be her bridesmaid (? I don't remember).

I'm not gonna go on about this. Trying to keep it short, or else I'm going to go on forever.

Monday, can you come any faster?

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I rewatched that scene and JP was fully enjoying that hug with JD. I think he placed his arm over his head for two reasons 1.) because JK interupted what surely would have ended in a kiss and 2.) because he was reigning himself in to keep from exploding.

He would have stayed with JD in his embrace and allowed her to see it all. It was JD who pulled away. Sometimes I think JD is just too....nice for her own good. It's not like JK has been a lifelong friend. This person is trying to take your love away. Get a grip.

You are right... placing his arm over his head, he is so pissed off by the sudden appearance of JK...(i'm sure he was fuming already...).... but i think it's understandable that JD pulled away because as a maid, you wouldn't want to be seen with your master in such a position.. :P (at least she still knows her responsibility as a maid... just that she got carried away when JP hugged her and she allowed him to do so.. :lol: )

Last, because this post has gone on too long, why didn't JD tell JP that she wanted him to stay or end the wedding. I was screaming at the monitor, 'just tell him already'! JP was looking for some affirmation that she still loved him. At this point he thinks that she hates him and that she and JH may have something going on. That's the whole reason he gave his speech to JH to let him know that he's sorry but he can't let JD go. He just wants her to tell him that he still has a chance. He wants her to give him hope. Come on JD show him a little love. He's told her that he loves her, but he has never heard those words from JD.

If JP knows that JD doesn't love him anymore, i'm sure he will let JD goes....but JD has never said anything like this before either.. That's why JP is still hoping that JD could assure by asking him not to go on with the wedding. But likewise, JD felt she doesn't have the look/money to fight with JK at all, just love alone is not going to help JP, so she has asked JP to go ahead. both of them are protecting each other!!! :tears::tears:

JD said in epi 13(?can't remember if it's correct) that she has not told JP that she likes him.....so JD, in epi 22, we hope to hear you say it loud and clear in front of JP and make him blush and happy!!! :D

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You are right... placing his arm over his head, he is so pissed off by the sudden appearance of JK...(i'm sure he was fuming already...).... but i think it's understandable that JD pulled away because as a maid, you wouldn't want to be seen with your master in such a position.. :P (at least she still knows her responsibility as a maid... just that she got carried away when JP hugged her and she allowed him to do so.. :lol: )

If JP knows that JD doesn't love him anymore, i'm sure he will let JD goes....but JD has never said anything like this before either.. That's why JP is still hoping that JD could assure by asking him not to go on with the wedding. But likewise, JD felt she doesn't have the look/money to fight with JK at all, just love alone is not going to help JP, so she has asked JP to go ahead. both of them are protecting each other!!! :tears::tears:

JD said in epi 13(?can't remember if it's correct) that she has not told JP that she likes him.....so JD, in epi 22, we hope to hear you say it loud and clear in front of JP and make him blush and happy!!! :D

I dont understand why Jandi should say something to JP?

He is the person dumper her for no reason and said that she is the staind he wanted to erase?

How come she could say that she is still in love with him?

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I dont understand why Jandi should say something to JP?

He is the person dumper her for no reason and said that she is the staind he wanted to erase?

How come she could say that she is still in love with him?

my comment is targetted at the spoilers(if it is true) posted earlier that both of them reaffirm their love for each other in epi 22.....

besides that, i'm sure JD do knows a bit about the reason for JP coldness in Macau and what he had said.. (from working as a maid in the house, i'm sure she knows....otherwise she would not have allowed JP to hug her when he was in bed)

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Guest XiahxTiffany

guys dont be hating on the couple JD and JP

JD is just trying to make her JP and JK have a good life in a way

maybe JP and JD wont have the best life

but JD really treats JK nicely like a sister

and also she is actually a really nice person in the drama

so like i think its normal for her to be talking to JP about this stuff lol :)

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Guest laptop

Hi guys! Does anyone know the song played at the every end of episode 21?

I've checked the Boys Over Flowers Ost but it's not in there. :( Could someone

please share!!! Thanks! :)

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Guest philmein

Honestly, as I'm watching the show, I notice alot of the similarities between the JP version and this one, and while I'm reading alot the posts here, I really wonder if the producers will intend on following through as in being faithful to the manga. For those who read the manga, and watched the JP version, we all know how it ends. =) But, is it possible for the producers (for the KOR version) to totally screw it up? I really wonder. Honestly, if they do pull a 180 with this show, I'll be supremely pissed should the end not be how I expected it to be when compared to the adaptations. Overall, I REALLY enjoy this series. It's literally on par, if not, slightly better than the JP version.

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my comment is targetted at the spoilers(if it is true) posted earlier that both of them reaffirm their love for each other in epi 22.....

besides that, i'm sure JD do knows a bit about the reason for JP coldness in Macau and what he had said.. (from working as a maid in the house, i'm sure she knows....otherwise she would not have allowed JP to hug her when he was in bed)

In ep 23 they will reaffirm that but not now.

She still loves him..and that is why she lets him hugging her..Who can deny the person you love?

But if i were her, i would never say anything either.

Let's him go with that damn wedding..

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Thanks elexis for posting that link to download the 2.5 ost. I haven't listened to it, but I hope my favorite song is in there.

Thanks renjitehsmex for posting that article on KHJ. He is so nice!!! I would love to be able to attend that, but I'm not in Korea. Oh, I so want to fly there right now. Everyone is so lucky to be able to attend that.

Anyways, we have four episodes left and I wonder how it will end. I hope YJ and GE get together and I hope there are more JP and JD scenes! I wonder if there is going to be a girl for JH and WB?

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If JP’s mixed signals confused me about his character, I had mixed feelings with Episode 21. When I watched it raw, I felt ok about it;both JP and JD were suffering over the impending marriage; their actions paralleled each other when JD refused JH’s hankie and JP slapped JK’s wrist away from him when she touched his face. Again, exquisite scenery, especially the part where JP was looking out to sea, the waves crashing on the side of the cliff was very symbolic of the turmoil going on in his head. However, and this is where my rant begins, when I watched the subbbed version, I just lost it; my chest hurt from all the angst that I felt with this episode. Mr. pd man, you and what’s her face scriptwriter must have had a bad hair day judging from the dialogue and demeanor of the main characters. JP totally lost his credibility, at least what’s left of it; ah JD, could there be a more pathetic heroine like her. It’s bad enough that JP called her a stain, his fiancé had the audacity to rub it in that JD lost to her. JD, you do all the doormats out there proud, thanks to Mr. pd man. And as for you Mr. pd man, you totally annihilated JD’s dignity in this episode that I no longer see any spark, only an empty shell of her former self. The bitterness Mr. pd man of this episode was so in-your-face that I can still taste it in my mouth. If you ask me Mr. pd man, I would go for a JH and JD ending. JH just epitomizes the ideal man that every girl dreams about. Is this a bad joke Mr. pd man or a sadistic attempt on your part to make us hate JP, the main character and choose JH instead as the person JD should end up with. C’mon be honest, cuz that’s what you’ve been doing all along, more JH/JD, less JP/JD. Oooh, I feel better already after giving Mr. pd man a piece of my mind. Anyway, there were scenes that I liked though and these partly redeemed Mr. pd man in my eyes.

I was secretly gloating when JK followed by the witch caught JP and JD in a compromising position. Some people thought that JP was being a coward when he just stayed in bed after JD pulled away from him. However, from his expression, he looked annoyed not because JK caught him with JD, but her interrupting their moment together. JP never cared if JK caught them in the act and proof of that was when they were almost discovered by her while watching a movie. Mama Kang’s evil intent to separate JP and JD boomeranged on her face. If she had not demolished the place where JD and her brother lived, JD would have stayed away from JP. Thanks to a fairy godmother in the form of the head maid, JD and JP were given the opportunity to mend their relationship. Take that you evil witch.


What I love about this scene before JK walked in was the way JP and JD spontaneously gave in to their feelings for each other; all the angry words and hurt in the past was set aside, even for a moment. Just love the way JP held onto her showing how much he’s missed her. LMH’s gaze was just hypnotic; even GHS could not move when their eyes locked. I'm glad that the rumour about them did not affect their onscreen chemistry.


With a friend like JK, who needs enemies. She's more scary than the witch because she hides her cruelty under the guise of friendship. At least with the witch, JD knows where she stands. When JK stated that before she became JP's fiancee, she was JD's friend first and that she should have been consulted, indicated that she's jealous. She's either in denial or incredibly stupid if she still did not get it after their trip at the resort and the truth or dare session. It was even more obvious when she said that she's not giving up on JP. In essence, she was warning JD to stay away from her man. Why is JD apologizing all the time. Instead of feeling sorry for her, I just got irritated by the minute. The scriptwriter must have a warped sense of justice; her idea of a heroine, in this case JD, is someone who allows everyone to step all over her. Did the scriptwriter ran out of ideas? JD could have said "No, I am not trying to land your boyfriend, I'm just using him for my own amusement." Erase, erase, that's too b**chy and uncouth. Truth no matter how you hide it will surface in the end; JD should have just told her the truth. She need not go into details a plain "JP and I were in a relationship before but we broke up." If JK asks for details, JD can just say, "Sorry but I'd rather keep it to myself or go ask you fiancee."


The witch and JK decided to surprise JP and I'm sure JD as well, of their agreement regarding JK staying at the Gu home and also, moving the wedding date earlier than was agreed upon. A shocked JP could only mutter his indignation but was unable to do anything about it. What I did not like is the way the witch and JK just railroaded everything; just goes to show that both of them did not want JP's say on the matter because they knew he'd disagree. JP does not seem to be seriously concerned about his impending marriage because so far, he has done nothing to prevent it. For example, there is his sister who had at least done something positive to reconcile him with JD by inviting her to live in their home, the head maid who obviously has power over his mom, the F3s, and most importantly, JP should have looked into Shinwa's situation. Heck, they must have experts within the company who can do a study on what can be done if the merger does not come into fruition. Shinwa is a huge conglomerate and if it can attract a merger with a mammoth like JK, I am sure it can also attract other companies. If all of these fails, then he can go to plan B, which is to decide whether he is willing to let go of JD or not. The scriptwriter should have looked into this because then, JP will come out as a very smart man instead of an immature man/child. If he really wants to be with JD, then he should fight for her, maybe hire guards if that's the only way to keep her safe. If he can afford to purchase a house for JD which he originally planned when he sent furnitures and appliances to their tiny home, he can very well afford the best security for her. As it is, there is no guarantee that the witch will do no harm to JD even if he married JK.



As if warning JD was not enough, JK had to call her to flaunt her bridal gown and jewelry, adding that JP's mom will give her the pearls after the birth of her first baby. To humiliate JD further, she asked her to be the bridesmaid. Whoa, that screams desperation to me. What's with the sad face JD? You are just playing into her hands and you know it. Mr. pd man, why do you have to turn JD into such a loser? I think 99.9% of women out there would agree with me that no way in hell would they stand as the bridesmaid for their ex's wedding. Get real Mr. pd man for crying out loud. Can't she just say no and give some excuse? I just feel like shaking JD to wake her up from her stupor.


I was touched by the scene where JH and his grandfather were fishing. What made it sad was the time they wasted being apart from each other. KHJ's crying was kind of forced and he should have not attempted if he was not ready for it.


For a minute I felt sorry for JP when he told the F3 that he felt like a bomb went off in his head but when they asked him what he planned to do, he answered that he did not know. Unfortunately JP, this was an agreement you went into with your mom. You knew the consequences right? So why are you surprised? Tearing the invitation will not help if you don't do something about it. I think Mr. pd man did the right thing when he made the situation for JP untenable; just like a mouse that's been cornered, JP is now being forced to finally make a decision about his future. You're going in the right directon Mr. pd man. The only thing is that I wish JP finds a way out of his predicament instead of relying on other people to do it for him. JH's statement that JP should find a way because he's the only one who can come up with a solution was very mature and I believe that if JH was in JP's place, he would surely choose JD.


What JD revealed in her converation with GA confirms that she had given up on JP, not because she did not love him but she believes that JP would be better off marrying JK for the simple reason that JK has more to offer in terms of family background and social status. It's bad enough that she was unwanted by his mom and felt uncomfortable in his world but to be casually discarded by JP after they made a vow to each other was what broke her spirit.

I like this scene when JD was looking at JP's CF; they seemed to be looking at each other.



JH's grandfather was so sweet when he arranged for JD to meet him at the park. They were such a cute couple when they entered the wedding picture contest. People were cheering them on to kiss. JH was about to kiss JD but she avoided it by kissing him on the cheek. JH was clearly disappointed; I felt sorry for him. JH must have been surprised how a box of meat can make JD ecstatic, even giving him a warm hug after he exchanged their prize with that of the other couple. I would not really mind if JD ends up with JH. I definitely see JH and his grandpa spoiling and treating her like a princess. JH could not help but smile when he saw his lovely bride; he was obviously taken by her. GHS was so pretty in her bridal dress; I just wish they did something with her hair.






My heart just went out to JH when he happily looked at their pictures and then took out his mother's ring. He would have probably proposed to her if her heart was free of JP.


I only felt contempt for JK when she cried on JD's shoulder after she confessed that she knew all along about JP and JD's feelings for each other. To add insult to injury, she expressed that she will still marry JP irrespective of JD's feelings for him. When she said that JP and JD were the most important persons for her, JD should have answered, "Are you freaking kidding me?" If JK really cared about JD, she should have at least spared her the humiliation of standing as her bridesmaid. No wonder she has no friends. Even if she gives up JP in the end, I still will not consider her a friend of JD. As I've mentioned before, people don't change overnight. The way I see it, she probably felt that JP would say no when the minister asks him if he wants to take JK as his bride. So, she's just sparing her own skin from being publicly humiliated. She will then turn herself into a magnanimous heroine who would save the day for JP and JD. Yay, whatever!



JH informed JH, that it's not too late if she wants to hold onto JP. He was afraid that she may not smile again. JD assured him that she will smile again knowing that JH is at her side. To me, her words meant that there is hope for both of them. In a way, JD loves JH but not with the same intensity as her love for JP. Her refusal to accept his hankie was to make herself more independent instead of relying on him all the time. It's a good thing that JD is taking steps to heal herself both physically and emotionally.





I have a feeling that JP has already made up his mind to back out of the wedding even before his conversation with Jun-hee. She just made it crystal clear to him that he was making the right decision.


Knowing that JH was in love with JD, it must have been difficult for JP to let him know that he cannot let go of JD. He had to ask JH to punch him before he could tell JH about his decision.


Finally, JP had the courage to tell JK that he can't marry her. JK was really cold blooded; he was already begging and even knelt in front of her but she would not let go. She was deluding herself into thinking that she could make JP fall in love with her after they're married. What I saw in her face when she turned her back on the kneeling JP was fear. It was obvious from her expression that she already lost the battle. It was a good thing that when she did the mock vow, JP answered no; that must have knocked some sense into her. Yay JK, you don't want to embarrass yourself on your wedding day do you?


The ending scene was a cliffhanger since we don't know if JD will tell JP not to get married; however, my hunch is that she will not stop him. I was sad for JP and JD; they looked so despondent. Gone were the pretences when JP came over to her and begged her to stop him from leaving. JP suddenly forgot that he broke off with her a few months back. It's hard for JD because he has not been truly honest with her about his feelings after they broke off. The mixed signals he sent her were enough to drive any girl bonkers. So if JP is serious, he should first prove that he is worthy of her. And JP, I don't think mommie dearest will care if your arm or leg is broken on your wedding day, as long as you marry the heiress. The satin jacket that GHS is wearing over her dress is dreadful. Whose her stylist anyway? Even her hair needs a serious makeover.




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