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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest shamien7

For me, there's no doubt that JP and JD should be together. Who was the man who stood out in cold snow waiting for her to show up? Who showed her that beautiful scene on their first trip? Who was the man that randomly showed up at her house and made an effort to stay with her commoner family? Who was the man that redecorated a park to look like Paris? It was all Joon Pyo. Despite his bad upbringings, he was willing to change it all for her. Ji Hoo is more like a brother than anything. And after having JP chase after JD for 10 episodes, it'd be nice to see a little reciprocation from her part.

I second everything u said! :)

Yeah, every effort junpyo made to win her heart is truly undeniably wonderfully sweet :lol:

If anyone deserve to has jandi's heart, its gu junpyo

I'm not denying jihoo feelings for her...hes sooo kind to her, but, i think everything he did for jandi, is what a bestfriend would do rite?

Thanks alot flower pot for your explaination! geezz...what gonna happen to them (jandi,jihoo,jaekyung&junpyo) after the date is much more horrifying!!! I cant imagine that!! I tot the date and kiss already gonna give me nightmares...huhu (if the pd decided to follow the manga) :ph34r::sweatingbullets:

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Guest betchay

Don't worry about the kiss of JP & his fiancee. :D

Coz in JP & TW version... rui/lei kissed again makino/sanchai when he opened his heart to her.

So if Ji Hoo will confess his love to JD on ep 16.. and JP might heard it, maybe the writer will

add a little spice, JP witnessing JH kissing JD again. :D:D

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Guest nysophia_x_ii



omg, she's so cute :D i saw her interview and it said that she doesn't want to get plastic either because every part of her was given to her by her parents <3 you should put this on the kim so eun thread instead of the BOF thread though lol

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Guest doremii*

^ she's so cutee ^__^

I can't believe he's going to kiss another girl. That's going to be hard to watch

I'm looking forward to it :lol: I love drama haha

wasn't there also a scene in the manga where Shigeru, Domyouji(can't spell), Makino, and Rui go to the hotsprings(or something), and Shigeru tries to force herself onto DT?

edit: have you guys seen this?

someone made the hide and seek scene from episode 14 seem like something from a horror film lol


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Well, i've just finished watching Ep.14. I have this random question which I don't know if I can ask in this thread or not. If not, plz nvm. ^.^

In the scene when JP spoted JD in the clothing store holding the shoes, do you guys remember the part when she turned back the shoe to see the price ? I would like to know the brand of the shoes if anyone of you know...because it doesn't make sense to me since the shoes are made in China and the price is 2 thousands smt.

are you kidding me? can u find anything that isnt made in china nowadays? it doesnt matter whether it's made in china or vietnam or morocco or whereever, it's the brand that matters. you can see the red ball sticker above the price sticker, that red ball sticker is a special protection system from the store. the store is BOSS, you can see half of the logo when JP catches JK.

I think JK is already smitten by JP when he catches her and afterwards say: what is he? is he crazy? you can totally tell by her face :lol:

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Guest susamirain

I was just backtracking a bit and I read a few posts regarding Joon Pyo/Jae Kyung that were unfair. Jae Kyung has been really sweet so far. She helped and protected Jandi and she was spunky while fighting with Joon Pyo for those shoes. But of course, people are going to be biased for Jandi. Still, Joon Pyo is getting all this heat for even talking to another girl while Jandi is allowed to have two men in her life and it's fine?

For me, there's no doubt that JP and JD should be together. Who was the man who stood out in cold snow waiting for her to show up? Who showed her that beautiful scene on their first trip? Who was the man that randomly showed up at her house and made an effort to stay with her commoner family? Who was the man that redecorated a park to look like Paris? It was all Joon Pyo. Despite his bad upbringings, he was willing to change it all for her. Ji Hoo is more like a brother than anything. And after having JP chase after JD for 10 episodes, it'd be nice to see a little reciprocation from her part.

Who was the man who has been the cause of her getting beat up so many times and humiliated? Who was the man who got so jealous of her and JH till he was going to have them put out of school? Who was the man put his own friend out of F4? Who was it that totally believed JD was a richard simmons and didn't bother to investigate after claiming to like her so much? Who is the man who accused JD of throwing his necklace away on purpose causing JD to wonder into the midnight snowstorm almost dying? Who is the man who upsets JD causing her to have to be saved by JH?

The reason JP took the time to learn about her life wasn't so heroic or amazing, that's what good boyfriends do. On top of that, JP needed to humble himself cause he was such a snob. Ji-Hoo went on a commoner's date w/o calling it a commoner's date over 3 times, can't say the same for JP. So JH doesn't need schooling in JD's lifestyle, he's the one who told her that there's no such thing as rich ppl's world or poor ppl's world. Why? Cause JH already understands that ppl are ppl wherever you go. No one is better than someone simply b/c of money and status. It only makes sense that JP try to learn about not looking down on others.

Ji-Hoo has been saving her life and he hasn't been the cause of the trouble. JH has been the one there for her everytime JP misunderstands and upsets JD. JD would be dead if it weren't for JH saving her from drowning. He also saved her from being nearly raped by goons that JP sent.

While I understand why JP basically dumped JD at the bridge, it's just another round of misunderstandings and pain he's going to cause JD. After all that JP and JD have been through they still act like they barely know each other.

All I'm saying is that JH has not been so inconsiderate, mean, and the root of so many problems for JD. JH has taken the time to understand her and be sensitive to what she wants. JP hardly ever ask JD what she really wants, he just bulldozes and tells her what she will get.

While I understand JP's background and why he acts this way, it doesn't excuse his behavior only explains it.

Now while JD is left in pain and confusion over why JP is doing what he did, who is the man who is there to keep her happy and pick up the pieces of her shattered heart? Who is the man that cares about what JD really wants? Who is the man who has been keeping JP and JD together no matter what? Who is the man who would give the world if it meant seeing a smile on her face? Who is sensitve enough to know JD better than she knows herself?

The answer so far has been Ji-Hoo.

Btw, I know I may sound hostile in my post but I'm just passionate, too passionate sometimes. :sweatingbullets: So no offense if I sound like I'm raving mad :blush:

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I can't believe he's going to kiss another girl. That's going to be hard to watch

In the Japanese version Shigeru kissed Domouyji and not the other way around, Makino came and saw that thinkng Domouyji was the kisser. Therefore , I'm hoping for this kiss scene its the same thing, JP kisses only one woman throughout and thats JD, if the kissing is done he will not be the instigator, thats what I would like.

I watched episode 14 and enjoyed it a lot. Both parties are not at fault here, JP is undergoing enormous emotional pressure from his father, the company and his mom who is doing a great job with the emotional blackmail. The thing is in order to SHINWA group to really blossom in the future it needs JD, Shinwa does not know that yet. So because of what JP is going through , we cannot blame or castigate him. He and JD are being constantly watched by his mother, if he shows his true feelings for her, she, her family and those associated with her Gaeul and her boss will be in great danger. Look how long it took for him to get a job, reason could be JP's mom influence.

By the way I like JP fiancee but not for him more for Woobin, even though they have yet to meet directly I can imagine the chemistry between them, she's quirky, he's straightforward and they both like to kick butt. I am thinking the fiancee would have more a crush than love for JP. She believes its love, but its a crush and ends up falling more for Woobin instead. Once she realises that JP and JD love each other, she joins the group to provide backup, arguments with Woobin about her antics places her with him.

Jihoo's granfather- its understandable why few people would recognise him as they were kids when he was president over 10 years, the man aged since then and unless they are really into current affairs and the country's history its unlikely for the girls to know much about him. Also I believe he blamed himself for the accident that happened and went in seclusion, because of Jandi & Jihoo I think he's preparing to come out of hiding. What would be interesting to see is when Jihoo and him meet face to face as well as whats he will be doing to help JD.

YiJeung punched JP not only because JP hurt JD but for disspelling his beliefs in "Soulmate" , he is disillusioned with his father and yet seeing JP and JD's relationship rekindled that belief.

As for a deep kiss scene, there needs to be at least one before the show ends, otherwise I'm sure most of the fans who watch this will be disappointed.

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^Ya , i think a kiss scene between Souel would be nice to conclude their story.

If the SoEul storyline gets 5-10 mins each episode , it would mean 50-100 mins of screen time for their story to develop. Which i think and hope will be enough.

As for JiHoo , other than his grandfather'plot and with Jandi , he does not really have much plot. I wonder who controls his supposed clubs or companies if his grandfather is not.

And his grandfather was really scruffy looking compared to the pictures , so it not really suprising not one regconized him. And he did not have the composure and attitude to go with it too.

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Guest I_broke_a_nail!

Views on Episode 14:

Personally, I think a lot of credit was taken away from Jihoo.

To have Eejung verbally and physically fight for Jandi and the respect that she deserves from Junpyo -- that was great.

But with all do honesty, it should be Jihoo doing all that -- or at least part of it

Maybe Eejung feels that he represents Gaeul as a friend to Jandi, now that they were Macau, miles away from home.

Or maybe he is actually starting to like Jandi , friendship and respect-wise.

But there is no doubt that Jihoo should've said SOMETHING meaningful, rather than stating the obvious throughout that argument. [Like, "Oh, so this is how it is..." or "Junpyo, what's up with you lately.." -- such impersonal stuff. Leave such small talk for Woobin to say while Eejung and Jihoo double team T___T ]

I liked the scene, because Eejung shined and showed major character development -- a guy who was looking out for Junpyo was now looking out for Jandi.

... Jihoo's "chinese" friend -- a bit irritating

Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against flamboyancy and homosexuality

but this guy pours it on HEAVY...

... and was this character even in the manga and was he this ... frank?

In a way, it's quite obvious that he likes Jihoo MORE than a friend, which is cute.

I'm a big fan of the way Jihoo's grandpa and Jandi's panicking family collides

I mean, this way, the parents will be 98% on Jihoo side when it comes down to the final custody battle for Jandi (Junpyo vs. Jihoo)

And the grandpa has some sort of liking to cozy and warm families, such as the Geum family.

Damn... I never thought the drama could get so sad

I never cried watching scenes where Jandi/Makino gets hurt emotionally.

I usually cry when Junpyo/domoyogi is hurt.

Although, yeah, you could consider both of them getting hurt, I feel that Jandi took a big toll when he slapped rejection into her face.

I was/am anticipating the 'raining' scene where after Jandi and Junpyo manage to pass this bump in their relationship,

the mother gets Jandi to reject him and tell him she doesn't love him (while the old maid of the mansion sees them and after she hires Jandi as a maid to keep the two together)

But I wonder if they would still do that...

Gaeul and Eejung

Ah, another favorite couple of mine.

I totally agree that this couple strays the drama away from the MAIN couple and that they shouldn't even be so involved with each other

... but I can't help it T___T

Seriously I don't care if this ending is cheesy:

- Junpyo and Jandi

- Jihoo doesn't get Jandi, but regains some family ties aka grandfather (plus a whole host of gay fans lol)

- Yi Jeong and Ga Eul

- Woobin and Jae Kyung

HAHAHA! Disclaimer: The above is just how I would personally like this drama to end. Yes, in a totally cheesy way. LOL

That, or that girl who severed her marriage with the guy in France (aka, his first love), comes back and Jihoo's story simply ends with him moping around but his first love visits, and all Jihoo does is smile. So this is leaving their relationship/friendship open-ended -- I mean this could be up to the fans, whether or not they envisioned them to end up together... but I think that's the best way to end his story. IMO.

The whole grandpa thing is cool too -- but I feel that's most likely going to happen anyways =)

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Guest cimechang

Seriously I don't care if this ending is cheesy:

- Junpyo and Jandi

- Jihoo doesn't get Jandi, but regains some family ties aka grandfather (plus a whole host of gay fans lol)- Yi Jeong and Ga Eul

- Woobin and Jae Kyung

HAHAHA! Disclaimer: The above is just how I would personally like this drama to end. Yes, in a totally cheesy way. LOL

Wow, how cruel. Why does JH get left out? Why can't he have someone too, geez. Now I feel bad for JH since it seems no one really wants his character to have a love interest. I guess his love will just be one-sided for JD and SH. I would date JH in a heartbeat, haha, Kim Hyun Joong is friggin HOTT!

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Let me play devil's advocate. JD realised how much she missed JP when she went on a date with JH. She further realises how much she trusts and loves Jp when Haje kidnaps her. I think the kiss is a way for JP to discover that he cannot fool himself, he is irrevocably in love with JD and nothing will ever change that. The path to something as unattainable as true love is not supposed to be easy.

I totally agree with you. I think that the kissing scene is a way for Junpyo to discover if he can love anyone else and well... let's hope that the kiss will show him that Jandi is his one and only love and that he can't deny his true feelings for her. But, another question... when it is all said and done you know the kissing scene and the other drama that surrounds the two love birds JD and JP, do you think that JD will take Junpyo back? Wouldn't Junpyo have to offer some kind of explanation to Jandi about his actions? Will it be JiHoo who will find out the truth, like the incedent at the ski resort, and expose the truth to Jandi? Thinking about this kinda gives me a brain cramp... I don't think that I have been so obessed about a drama like this in my life!

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Guest doremii*

Views on Episode 14:

Personally, I think a lot of credit was taken away from Jihoo.

To have Eejung verbally and physically fight for Jandi and the respect that she deserves from Junpyo -- that was great.

But with all do honesty, it should be Jihoo doing all that -- or at least part of it

Maybe Eejung feels that he represents Gaeul as a friend to Jandi, now that they were Macau, miles away from home.

Or maybe he is actually starting to like Jandi , friendship and respect-wise.

But there is no doubt that Jihoo should've said SOMETHING meaning, rather than stating the obvious throughout that argument.

I liked the scene, because Eejung shined and showed major character development -- a guy who was looking out for Junpyo was now looking out for Jandi.

I completely agree with you. I think Kim Bum handled the acting well, but that was a total 'Jihoo scene'.. he should've been the one to punch JP.

I'm starting to think the director made Yijung do it instead because Kim Bum is a better actor than Hyun Joong -__-

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I completely agree with you. I think Kim Bum handled the acting well, but that was a total 'Jihoo scene'.. he should've been the one to punch JP.

I'm starting to think the director made Yijung do it instead because Kim Bum is a better actor than Hyun Joong -__-

I'd think the director made Yi Jung do it because he wanted to highlight how Ga Eul's "concept" of Seoulmate has deeply effected Yi Jung. Yi Jung deep down inside believes Gan Di and his F4 leader are destined to be with each other just like Ga Eul told him so.

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Guest susamirain

Views on Episode 14:

Personally, I think a lot of credit was taken away from Jihoo.

To have Eejung verbally and physically fight for Jandi and the respect that she deserves from Junpyo -- that was great.

But with all do honesty, it should be Jihoo doing all that -- or at least part of it

Maybe Eejung feels that he represents Gaeul as a friend to Jandi, now that they were Macau, miles away from home.

Or maybe he is actually starting to like Jandi , friendship and respect-wise.

But there is no doubt that Jihoo should've said SOMETHING meaningful, rather than stating the obvious throughout that argument. [Like, "Oh, so this is how it is..." or "Junpyo, what's up with you lately.." -- such impersonal stuff. Leave such small talk for Woobin to say while Eejung and Jihoo double team T___T ]

I was surprised that Ji-Hoo wasn't the one getting on JP but as I watched a while I think I understood. JH is very good at assessing other people's intentions and emotions. I think JH sensed that JP had good reasons for acting as he did. JH probably figures JP's she devil of a mother has everything to do with JP being so careless and cold about JD and to his friends. Remember, JH doesn't jump to conclusions too quickly, he takes time to really assess the whole situation to make sure it appears as it truly is. I believe JH knows that JP loves JD but is under tremendous pressure from his mother.

Plus it's about time the other two F4 members got a chance to shine. :D

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Guest I_broke_a_nail!

I completely agree with you. I think Kim Bum handled the acting well, but that was a total 'Jihoo scene'.. he should've been the one to punch JP.

I'm starting to think the director made Yijung do it instead because Kim Bum is a better actor than Hyun Joong -__-

Yeah, Kim Bum did a good job with that scene but I don't think Hyunjoong is a complete acting retard.

There's a way around it if the director had no faith in Hyunjoong's acting.

But if that's the case, then the scene could've easily be done this way --

- Woobin is all friendly with Junpyo but Junpyo is treating F3 like they weren't best friends.

- Junpyo talks about how his old lifestyle was childish and talks about how he fell out of love with Jandi.

- THEN, Eejung could say all the nice and pretty defending-Jandi stuff.

- Woobin could hold angry Eejung back.

- Meanwhile, while Junpyo pours on the jerkiness, Jihoo could punch Junpyo (since the neutral Woobin is preoccupied with Eejung)

- Jihoo would then walk away, leaving nothing to be said, still maintaining his coolness factor.

- Then the rest of the scene where Junpyo talks about the 700,000 people on his shoulder and such.


Jihoo -- minimal acting required for "hitting" Junpyo and he just walks away, saying nothing. Silence is deadly and just as meaningful.

Eejung -- given his possibly "better" acting techniques, he is still able to develop character-wise BUT still leave things for Jihoo to do! And if its for the sake of Gaeul's morals, he could still easily show that he's a "changed" man.

Woobin -- still had his neutrality intact

Junpyo -- could still say his infamous "700,000 employees" excuse

I'd think the director made Yi Jung do it because he wanted to highlight how Ga Eul's "concept" of Seoulmate has deeply effected Yi Jung. Yi Jung deep down inside believes Gan Di and his F4 leader are destined to be with each other just like Ga Eul told him so.

OOH, nice. Good point.

But still, Jihoo should've been more involved in that scene.

They so could've used that scene to show what's in store for JandiJunpyoJihoo love triangle.

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Guest cimechang

I completely agree with you. I think Kim Bum handled the acting well, but that was a total 'Jihoo scene'.. he should've been the one to punch JP.

I'm starting to think the director made Yijung do it instead because Kim Bum is a better actor than Hyun Joong -__-

I don't think the director made YJ punch JP because he is a better actor than Hyun Joong. If you look closely JH already knows what's going on between JD and JP and why they haven't talked for a long time. The only ones that were still oblivious to this is YJ and WB. I think JH sat this one out because he wanted YJ and WB to see it for themselves as to how much JP has changed that he doesn't really truly care for JD anymore. I think the reason why YJ was chosen to punch JP this time was because YJ hates cruel players (like his dad) and the way JP was talking about JD made him angry. Remember, it was YJ in the beginning who warned JP about getting envolved in a relationship with someone and promising to be responsible 'til the end. YJ told him that in their world, they are free to do anything they please except for when it comes to relationships/marriage. YJ also stood up for JP when JH kissed JD saying that he knew that JP was with JD so how could he do that, then he got mad because he thought that JH only regarded JD as a rebound girl. With all this I think it's pretty reasonable as to why YJ was chosen to take that punch on JP rather than JH.

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I completely agree with you. I think Kim Bum handled the acting well, but that was a total 'Jihoo scene'.. he should've been the one to punch JP.

I'm starting to think the director made Yijung do it instead because Kim Bum is a better actor than Hyun Joong -__-

To me if JH did it, it would seem out of character. He's not a fighter like the other three. He barely touched JaHae. JH is an observer and a cerebral guy. He indirectly stands up to JP and is quick to back down.

On the other hand, YJ will get into JP's face. From the very beginning, he was the one who cautioned JP. He foresaw what would be the worst case scenario and it came to fruition. He also tried to warn GE to get JD to be careful. So, YJ punching JP was in line with his character.



When she said good-bye in Episode 8 after leaving JH's house, it was the end of any romantic relationship. She will take his offer of friendship and comfort but she will not push further. And, JD's damning words to JH before she left also showed that she felt no more for him than friendship. JH can try to win her heart but she will likely not open it anytime soon.

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