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Guest Mugen

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Guest madeinktown

i liked the UVERworld OP. not only the song, but the crayon effect of the OP was really awesome. so was the OP by HYDE.

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Guest .:daRkwinGs:.

this anime was really good...though i regret not downloading all..i only download to ep 6 and then..started watching it off on youtube..but i love the drawings.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest yurikah

i just started watching and its the first time im watching an action/horror anime. it's really interesting.

i was wonering if anyone could give me a link where to download this anime.

the japanese ones with subs?

edit: nvm....

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Guest yurikah

I just finished this anime and I'm so sad and happy at the same time! T.T XD

Saya <3 Haji!!!!

But I have a question, does Saya always lose her memmory after waking up after 30 years???

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest tarochan

This has got to be the BEST anime that I have ever seen! From beginning to end. I love it because the ending wasn't so stupid and it satisfied me! Man, when the first ending song came up on the last episode, I was soo sad because it ended. :tears:


I almost cried when I saw Haji almost die. He is my favorite character right next to Solomon. Aww. Man, they are like the perfect gentleman. *sighs* OH. And Saya turned out pretty hot too.

I just finished this anime and I'm so sad and happy at the same time! T.T XD

Saya <3 Haji!!!!

But I have a question, does Saya always lose her memmory after waking up after 30 years???

I don't think so. I think she only lost her memories because Haji wasn't there to tell her what happen because Diva didn't lose hers.. I guess her chevaliers told her.. I think that's why... hmm..

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Guest Atmosphere.

I want to try download all the episodes of Blood+

Let me ask my boyfriend how many episodes they are again^^


awww He doesn't remember T_T;;

*checking google*

OooOOhh 50 episodes total^^;;

Cool^^;; Not bad at all :]

I'm sooo looking forward to see it.

I love vampire animes with good looking girls & good looking guys x]

And no, I'm not a lesbian -____-;; Neither Bi :]

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Guest madeinktown

still have the anime. i'm waiting til i get more DVDs before i start burning them over. i get yelled at for burning my anime on DVDs so i need to get my own stack.

i ended up deleting a lot of anime to make room for other stuff...sucha waste...

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Millou

i just started to watch the anime, i'm up to eps 6 now. But there's one thing i don't really get, how come the dad and the other guy turned into one of those blood sucking creatures?

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i just started to watch the anime, i'm up to eps 6 now. But there's one thing i don't really get, how come the dad and the other guy turned into one of those blood sucking creatures?

i dunno if its a spoiler or not... but...

it b/c they got infected. they were attacked by a chiropteran (i know i spelt that wrong).

the dad got slashed. therefore got infected.

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  • 6 months later...
Guest s e n t i m e n t a l e *

i just started watching blood+ and i am currently on ep 12..

i really don't know lots of stuff in here.. the plot is so dense that there is way too much to absorb

anyway i had a few questions...

  1. can someone please explain to me solomon and the phantom's relation to saya?
  2. who is diva?
  3. what is the pharmaceutical company (the french guy, solomon, phantom) all trying to do?
  4. what is delta ---???? and why are they creating chiro(something)???

if any of these questions get answered later on through the series.. then you don't need to answer it

i don't want to spoil it~ hahaha


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Guest Max_4_lyfe

i just started watching blood+ and i am currently on ep 12..

i really don't know lots of stuff in here.. the plot is so dense that there is way too much to absorb

anyway i had a few questions...

  1. can someone please explain to me solomon and the phantom's relation to saya?
  2. who is diva?
  3. what is the pharmaceutical company (the french guy, solomon, phantom) all trying to do?
  4. what is delta ---???? and why are they creating chiro(something)???

if any of these questions get answered later on through the series.. then you don't need to answer it

i don't want to spoil it~ hahaha


they are all answered in the episodes to follow so you don't need to worry about it :) yet... XD

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yeah it'll be answered in the next episode

it flows like a movie..

its just a lot slower though.. because .. of the obvious reason XD











1. can someone please explain to me solomon and the phantom's relation to saya?

i already forgot the whole phantom issue but solomon is the chevalier of diva.. diva's chevaliers are supposed to marry saya and only saya.. they are her arranged bridegroom.. and that goes the same for diva.. haji is set to be diva's husband.. why? i also don't know.. it wasn't specified clearly or maybe i just didn't notice it much

2. who is diva?

diva is saya's twin sister..

the one who was left in gloom..

the scientists who took care of them decided to do experiments

pamper the one in happiness and leave the one alone in the darkness

diva was the one who was left alone..

3. what is the pharmaceutical company (the french guy, solomon, phantom) all trying to do?

if i'm correct, i think they're trying to eliminate saya.. because its diva's orders.. and you know when one's a chevialier.. they could only follow orders.. diva's allies wants the world to be filled with chiropterans

4. what is delta ---???? and why are they creating chiro(something)???

if i remember correctly, i think delta is a blood containing the same compositions of diva's blood.. well, in another term.. its like a mass-produced diva blood.. if you inject it to someone, he/she will turn into a chiropteran.. not instantly though..

they want to chiropterans.. because they despise humans..

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Guest amydien

I just finished this series today...omg one of the best anime shows I've watched! I was hoping to see Haji at the end though, I was a bit disappointed. lol. The Haji-Saya romance draw me into the show, ever since I saw that last scene on episode 1 ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest cHunSahPyO


i'm just elaborating on nonage.sanctum's answers to s e n t i m e n t a l e *'s questions

1. can someone please explain to me solomon and the phantom's relation to saya?

i already forgot the whole phantom issue but solomon is the chevalier of diva.. diva's chevaliers are supposed to marry saya and only saya.. they are her arranged bridegroom.. and that goes the same for diva.. haji is set to be diva's husband.. why? i also don't know.. it wasn't specified clearly or maybe i just didn't notice it much

both solomon & the phantom are diva's chevaliers (of her many chevaliers). they keep saying that diva's chevaliers are saya's bridegrooms and haji is diva's because they can only be impregnated by their sister's chevalier. that's why diva raped riku and was able to become pregnant (because he was saya's chevalier at the time). oh and solomon actually comes to love saya as a man and does not just feel a connection with her because he thinks of saya as his bride.

3. what is the pharmaceutical company (the french guy, solomon, phantom) all trying to do?

if i'm correct, i think they're trying to eliminate saya.. because its diva's orders.. and you know when one's a chevialier.. they could only follow orders.. diva's allies wants the world to be filled with chiropterans

actually they only want to eliminate saya because saya is trying to kill diva. if saya had agreed to come over to their side they would have accepted her. the pharmaceutical company is basically trying to take control of the world in a bigger sense. there's like a whole conspiracy thing with the US. wherever there is war there are chiroptera and the US. it was a more complicated line of the story that i don't remember clearly. plus there's the fact that the higher level chiroptera on diva's side (diva & her chevaliers) don't like humans and want to turn the world into one dominated by chiroptera. also diva clearly enjoys turning people into chiroptera and seeing them wreak havoc so i would think that has something to do with why cinq fleches was producing delta 67.

4. what is delta ---???? and why are they creating chiro(something)???

if i remember correctly, i think delta is a blood containing the same compositions of diva's blood.. well, in another term.. its like a mass-produced diva blood.. if you inject it to someone, he/she will turn into a chiropteran.. not instantly though..

they want to chiropterans.. because they despise humans..

like nonage.sanctum said, delta is a substance made using components of diva's blood. it's not just diva's blood because those who consume diva's pure blood turn into her chevaliers. people who consume delta 67 become plain chiroptera (those beasts). george--saya's "father"--became a chiroptera because they injected delta 67 into his bloodstream. reasons for why they are creating chiroptera are mentioned above. (btw chiroptera aren't just the beasts you see but include chevaliers & diva & saya. they're just different levels of chiroptera)

this was the best anime ever! i'm not an anime fan but i was absolutely drawn into this one.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Missel

I have a question, is there another series that's similar to something like this? I just can't stand watching any other anime after watching this when it first came out... T_T Help m33hhh

But seriously this is my all time FAVE!

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Guest anna12125

Great beginning, and great ending. I always recommend this series to people who haven't watched it. It was really satisfying to watch the plot grow and mature as the episodes went along. I did wonder what Diva or Delta was but i'm glad that i didn't spoil myself XD If i did, it wouldn't have been as interesting.

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Guest noue08

OMG i love BLOOD..

who ever hasn't seeen it SHOULD go watch it.. it's great

all teh killing blood and everything.. very interesting...

one of my favorite animes...

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