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If Your Not Korean & Love Korean Music


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have you been put down for not being korean?
have you ever been like put down for not being korean and liking korean music?

for example you love big bang but korean people you know dont like you for not being korean and loving them.

like for me i love super junior but my old band section leader who is korean told me this exactly

"wtfck nicole your not even korean your stupid. you dont even know wtf they are saying.why dont you just go listen to some japanese music since your japanese"

i dont think he was being racist but yah in a way it came off like that.

well yah if you ever had a situation like this

what did you do?

what did you say?

if this is in the wrong place sorry

i wasnt to sure if it goes here but yah if it doesnt belong here can you move it.


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Guest fobbiyo

hrmm. I think this is in the wrong place? and I think someone already started this topic.. But I'm not sure :D hahahhaa.

Yes. I have been put down. TONS AND TONS of time. Even today! I don't mind so much if they say "You don't even understand it" because then I'd be "So? Doesn't mean I can't listen to it." but when they start saying stuff like "wtf. why would you listen to Asian music? it's so gay!" I'm like DUDE! YOU don't listen to it, how do you know it's gay? and then if they keep bugging me about it, I just want to *slap* them in the face sometimes. I mean, I'm the one listening to it, not you! So back off! freaking homos. -_- hahahahaha.

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Guest love.in.the.ice

that's weird.

people have asked me if i'm korean.

which i'm not.

maybe the fact that i'm well-known for listening to korean music is rubbing off and tampering with the minds of my friends to forget that i'm vietnamese. or that i look chinese.

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Guest deevyne_

Yo~ that guy needs to chill. That’s messed up. x_x

As for me, my family and friends were a bit weird about it at first. They thought I only had a small fandom for kdramas, but not clue about my love for kpop. They would crack jokes and stuff but I chose to ignore it. Eventually I slowly displayed my interest in the music and my mom told me, “wtf, you listen to that but you don’t even understand it Lenna” and I simply replied with, “well, you listen to Hawaiian and Samoan music and you don’t understand it either, nor are you Hawaiian or Samoan. O.o”

After a long pause, she replied with, “that’s true…” and hasn’t made fun since.

(listening to Hawaiian and Samoan music is kind of common here since we live in Hawaii, and I guess you can count the fact that I'm part Samoan XD)

As for my friends.. it’s still awkward for them. They just don’t talk about it unless it’s like..

“Can you send me a ringtone if you have any good ones?”


”But… none of that Japanese crap, keh?”


If someone were to flat out tell me what your band leader told you – I’d just reply with that I have a great appreciation for the music regardless if I understand or not and I could care less what he thinks. I'd probably add in a few cuss words too. >.>

Personally, I prefer Asian music over American music. American music is so boring now days. Basically about the same thing – clubbing, drinking, sex, gang banging, etc. T_T Of course love also, but that’s like 75% of all music.

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have you ever been like put down for not being korean and liking korean music?

for example you love big bang but korean people you know dont like you for not being korean and loving them.

like for me i love super junior but my old band section leader who is korean told me this exactly

"wtfck nicole your not even korean your stupid. you dont even know wtf they are saying.why dont you just go listen to some japanese music since your japanese"

if this is in the wrong place sorry

i wasnt to sure if it goes here but yah if it doesnt belong here can you move it.


eh... what is up with that guy. he does need to chill. ignore him - he's not worth your time to worry about. listen to whatever music that clicks for you. :D personally, i'm a little surprised at his response cuz i would've thought that koreans do like it when japanese people do show interest in korean things. well, at least he's your old band section leader so i guess that means he's no longer around...?

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Guest miki_chan

Yeah thats kind of harsh. At first I got the occasional "Oh but you don't understand the lyrics though" and I always reply with " No.. But I like the way it sounds"

But now its alright since they know I'm an asian music fanatic and they accepted it.

I tend to think some of the American songs nowadays are boring but I still listen to them.

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Guest Summerella

All the time, but I've just kind of gotten used to it.

I try and explain but people I know, really don't understand.

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i would say

"oo who cares, some korean people love to eat chinese food, and they're not chinese,

doesn't matter."

they should be happy since other people are enjoying korean music..

none of my classmates are korean,

but they think i'm weird because i listen to korean songs,

they would ask "Do you even know what they're saying?"

i answer "It all matters about the beat, doesn't matter what language."

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Guest emceej

this girl : wtf ? why are you listening to some crap you don't even understand ?

me : because i like it .____. music is universal smart one.

this girl : ....

personally, im not ashamed to tell people that i listen to music i don't even know.

i just ignore them , maybe they'll get the message that they need to get a life.

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Guest RndmFan

well for me it wasnt that hard coz most of my friends enjoyed it and tryed to get me into it.

at first i was the typical ignoran person thinking "why listen to it if you dont understand", howevr then

i had the best change of mind i have ever had. ^.^

When i started getting really into it then even my firends where saying "OMG YOU'RE SO ASIAN" which im not.

i personally dont see anything wrong with it and its good to see people here who are in the same position. im still proud of what i am and simply enjoy korean and japanese music.

As for my family they are still getting used to it. My parents and siblings are used to me watching dramas and listening to the music but still have moments where they like to bag me about it. My cousins are the worst bagging me about being a "tryhard asian" and sometimes it gets a bit much and i get really frustrated but then i look at some pictures of DBSK,FTI,Big Bang, Suju etc and all that goes away. Similar to deevyne_ people also tell me not to send them my asian stuff. but to show them it doesnt affect me i either send them one on purpose or play it loudly and sing loudly and dance. THAT SHOWS THEM!

However i have to admit i dont watch variety shows or reality shows like "suju full house" when they are around because im scared of what they will say.

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Guest lovecubedlee

hmm i have good and bad experiences...

well first of all, people arleady think i'm korean and they don't believe me when i say i'm not because i do look korean and i have a korean last name and...i have more korean friends than chinese friends XD

lol but most korean ppl i know are impressed when i bust out with my unlimited kpop/kdrama/ketc knowledge and it's fun to talk about with them...i think sometimes some get weirded out cuz i'm more obsessed with it than they are.

i just watch myself when i know theres a lot of korean ppl around cuz i don't want to come off that strong & obsessive loll

but my family doens't really care....cuz everyone in my family also looks korean so we're used to ppl telling us and so we keep up on all the good dramas. and my mom likes bigbang and my dad likes epik high so its all good. =]

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