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[drama 2006] Fireworks 불꽃놀이

Guest xosandy

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Guest second_glance

I hope the part of In Jae and Mi Rae buying engagement rings is at the beginning of ep. 14, so then In Jae and Na Ra ha at least 3 episodes left to DEVELOP something!!! I dont know how the PD is gonan pull it off in 3 episodes b/c In Jae has not shown any interest in Na Ra whatsoever! His concern for her right now is just as a friend. MI RAE SHOULD BE DAMNED TO THE LAST LEVEL OF HELL!!

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Guest poisonliz2

I'm with you second_glance. I'm just wondering how the PD is going to develop the romance between Injae and Nara with just 3 episodes left. Well I must say that Injae looks miserable in all the pictures posted by Luv. Even when he is buying the ring, his face is so sad and even when he gave the ring to Mireh he looks even worst off. The only one who is happy is Mireh (Kill her - get the Omen child to do the killing). So far the drama is good except that there's too much of Mireh which is getting a bit irritating and putting everyone off the drama. Luckily we are supporting KJH if not .......... I can't be bother with this drama at all.

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Guest kiki08

eps. 15 summary preview is up!!!

인재를 포기할 수 없다는 나라에게 미래는 인재의 아이를 갖었다 이야기한다.

NR says she cant give up IJ and MR tells her that she has his baby

미래는 인재에게 사랑의 확신을 갖기위해 작은 선물을 해달라 청하고,

MR trying to find out if IJ really loves her she asks him to buy him a present

인재는 조촐하게 약혼식을 올리자고 한다.

and IJ says lets have a small engagement party

진화는 인재와 미래를 갈라놓기 위해 미래를 도쿄지사로 발령내지만

JH wanting to separate IJ and MR she says go to the office in Tokyo

미래는 갈 수 없다고 한다.

but MR says she doesnt want to go

승우는 나라를 만나 미래가 임신한 아이가 인재의 아이가 아니라고 말


SW meets NR and tells her that MR's baby isnt IJ....

awww.... poor NR she cant give up IJ and she has to hear that

that devil has his baby even though isnt true

and SW i like him more even though he is a dumbbutt

at least he is telling NR the truth

OMFG the story is going the way i said it was going to go besides that he was drunk ^^;;



okies calming down see ya

later maybe i'll see the long preview and tells yous about it

bies ^^*

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Awww...Thank you kiki :wub:

Now that I thought about the situation...I don't know what SW was thinking...He found out about the baby then found out that it was his baby...and he still let Mireh get away with his baby??? That is too passive for his character...and it's unbelievable...I thought he would react strongly and do something more crazy than to tell Nara the truth...Wouldn't it be better if he tell InJae or even InJae's Mom??? Why tell Nara so she can get hurt some more? What can Nara do with that information? If she tells InJae about it...it might reflect badly on Nara. InJae might think it's Nara's jealousy or something...Arghh...Nara can't win.

Well...at least one more person knows the truth...and the news can only spread since it seems no one can keep a secret...hehe...I think Nara might be sad and talk to her sister about it...and of couse her sister will help her spread the news to Injae ...hehe......After InJae or InJae's Mom found out the truth...Mireh will have a "good" time defending her lies and deceits and trying to make excuses saying things like...she loves IJ too much...she has to lie to keep him.

The only good feeling I got from the preview is that Mireh's lies will soon be exposed...

Now we can only hope that SW will do something that will make a difference since everyone else can't seem to do anything right.

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Guest jerilee

Thanks for the laughs AG! Funny spin to what otherwise is a horrible situation. Why do I keep watching this!? It's definitely going to drag until the very last episode. Even with MR's lies exposed, it still feels like a hollow finish. I want romance or at least the main guy showing some interest. Even if he looks miserable with MR, actions still speaks louder than the dumb expressions. I don't want NR to tell IJ about the baby. That will just make her look like the bad guy. I'd prefer that he finds out on his own. So that he'll realize how stupid he's become. I guess there's nothing to do but wait for it to happen.

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Thanks for the laughs AG! Funny spin to what otherwise is a horrible situation. Why do I keep watching this!? It's definitely going to drag until the very last episode. Even with MR's lies exposed, it still feels like a hollow finish. I want romance or at least the main guy showing some interest. Even if he looks miserable with MR, actions still speaks louder than the dumb expressions. I don't want NR to tell IJ about the baby. That will just make her look like the bad guy. I'd prefer that he finds out on his own. So that he'll realize how stupid he's become. I guess there's nothing to do but wait for it to happen.

i was watching episode 12 last night and wondering the same thing... why am i still watching this..

the story couldn't have been written any worse.. i hate it when it drags on the most boring parts.. gosh, it makes me want to kill mi rae's baby myself.. :o *how can i ever think about killing an ae gi * *slaps myself*

but really, that baby theme is getting really old... its frustrating, because everything is about a stupid lie that mirae can never cling to, or considering how many stomach pain she gets the baby is probably not gonna live anyway. so yeah, makes my blood boil.

and worst, what the heck is in jae doing at a time like this? drinking? making friends with nara? its episode 12 and i hardly see any progress between IJ and NR and that just makes me mad. at the rate this is going, i think the drama is about how NR and IJ will be friends forever. <_<

and i agree with Luv, what the heck is happening to SW.. why is he suddenly such a gentlemen.. so he's gonna let another man have his baby? the writer is really slacking in the 2nd half of the story.,, at least in the beginning there was some humour and sweet moments. now, its just gone stale, unexciting, and pretty pointless..

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Guest second_glance

Omg, if this drama is one of those dramas that in the last episode, EVERYTHING will be figured out, and SPLAT, In Jae realizes that Nara has been there for him all along, and she's the one he loves, OMG! i WILL BE SO MAD!! I hate dramas that try to put everything together and end it all in the last episode. I want In Jae and Nara to have some time to do cute stuff as a couple!!

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Guest zinc

2nd part of Ep 12 screen cap summary:


[NR moves back to the attic house.]

IJ: Why? Thinking of the past?

NR: Of course, so many things happened in this house.

IJ: Yes, many things happened…conning me into renting the house. When I think of the leaking roof on rainy days…

NR: That’s why, you should have observed properly first. Treat it as an experience.

IJ: Really, when I think of those times, I still get angry now.


NR: But can I really stay here?

IJ: Yes, you’re more familiar with this place than I.

NR: Then I’ll really stay here. If anything happens in future, don’t blame me. This is all agreed by the kind-hearted you.

IJ: Don’t worry, do a good job for your business proposal. Don’t see my mum as being very easy-going. She’s actually very smart, and ruthless with the son.

NR: I know, as long as she’s not violent. My dad…he’s cold-blooded.

IJ: Any way, do a good job. Shin NaRa’s business proposal…sounds competitive.

NR: Thanks, I’ll make good use of this room. I hated this place last time, but it looks rather nice today.

IJ: I’m leaving.

NR: OK, you do a good job too.



IJ’s mum knows his reason for staying with her, and she tells him outright that she opposes their relationship. IJ complains that his mum had always favoured the elder brother. His mum rebuts that it’s because IJ had behaved willfully, throwing tantrums, leaving the house etc, while the brother was always reliable and well-behaved.


NR was testing out some products for her proposal when she accidentally spilled some on the bed sheet, so she decided to wash them. MiReh sees her at IJ’s house, gets angry and accuses her of trying to get near IJ by using poor excuses like this [being homeless]. MiReh tells NR that IJ’s mum asked NR and SW to work at the company in order to separate IJ and MiReh.


IJ’s mum asks him to check over NR’s business proposal.


SW has lunch with a friend who is pregnant. He sees her feeling nauseous, then finds out that pregnant women usually have this symptom starting from the 5th week, or 3rd week at the earliest.


MR helps Choon-ae to carry some goods and starts feeling uncomfortable. She later faints in the office. IJ and NR sends her to the hospital.


Doctor says MR is over-tired and needs more rest.


SW goes back to MR’s office to check the pregnancy handbook. He sees the ultrasound sonogram printout pasted in the book, says “3 weeks”, and starts flipping through the calendar.

[For those of you who don’t know, these sonograms usually have the measurements of the foetus, the estimated no. of weeks of the baby, and the estimated date of delivery.]


MR wakes up, hears NaRa say that IJ is listening to the Dr’s examination report, and looks worried. [There was no conversation between IJ and the Dr, so I’m not sure if IJ knows MR is pregnant yet.]


SW rushes to the hospital after hearing from Choon-ae that MR has been hospitalized.

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Guest mily2


Episode 5

Main Translators: leila, angele0487

Spot Translatosr: sgwannabe, sparklinghugs

Timer: Victory

Editor/QC: doozy

Special Thanks to: upikepik

Episode 6

Translators: xgoody2shoes15x, discreed

Spot Translator: sgwannabe

Timers: kiss the rain., ltrang

Editor/QC: upikepik, moose

Episode 7

Translator: angele0487

Spot Translatosr: sgwannabe, sparklinghugs

Timer: victory

QC/ Editor: schizoar

Episode 8


Spot Translator: sgwannabe

Timer: Victory

QC/ Editor: seirin

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Guest second_glance

Omg, this is heaven!!! THANK YOU WITHS2!!! You can tell we are frustrated with this drama, and you guys came to the rescue!!!! Staying up late tonight for sure!!!

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Thank you so much WITH S2 for all the subtitles...and to the wonderful zinc for the summary :wub:

I agree with everyone...The storyline is getting so frustrating...I was so dissapointed...I remember the similar feelings I got when watching the last 2 or 3 episodes of Alone In Love...I think I went through the same thing...They made me so miserable toward the end then suddenly made everything bright and happy...and I just couldn't be happy because of all the pain they brought me. They didn't give me enough time to "heal" :)

Now we only have 3 episodes of Fireworks left and we're pretty miserable ...I hope they can clean up the mess quickly and give us some time to warm up to InJae & Nara's relationship. I won't accept the 15 minutes lightning wrap up. I hope they won't be that cruel to us.

I went back and read the synopsis of the story...hehe...I'm pretty lost and don't know what to expect... :) so I have to go back to reassure myself that InJae and Mireh has some love for each other.

I'm reposting the synopsis and the 4 different colors of love...from MBC Global Media.

This is the synopsis:

The main character of this drama is Shin Nah-rah, a girl approaching thirty who doesn’t have a house, money, a boyfriend, a job, or anyone to support her. All she has are her brains. After living unemployed for a while and struggling to make a living she thinks about getting married because then she can at least work as a housewife. After she gets dumped by her boyfriend, who she was planning on getting married to and living together with, she goes out to find the woman who stole his heart; but while at this woman’s cosmetic company an ad for a sales clerk catches her eye. Having nothing to lose she fakes being her 20 year old little sister, a high school graduate, and starts working as a sales clerk at the company. At work she meets an immature and spoiled guy likes the woman who stole her boyfriend’s heart. The two always snarl at each other and get into disputes but this guy later turns out to be an employer who came into the company to work only because his mother is the vice president of the company; in other words he is the son of a really rich family! A love story starts to grow between the employer who knows nothing except being tough and an employee who knows a lot more than her boss throughout all their disputes and quarrels.

Through a fun, exciting, and exhilarating story about a woman in her marital age getting a job to get back the man she loves we will be able to see how women in the year 2006 live through and fight to succeed in today’s society. This story about a woman who meets a man in the process and their ensuing love story goes back and forth between making you laugh and causing you to cry.

The synopsis said it's InJae and Nara's love story...I was like...show me the love :) Their synopsis is so vague also...didn't help us much. And they even said...their love will cause us to cry??? that's not good.

This part is about the 4 colors of love...

In the second episode the fireworks scene, also the drama's title, dealt with the 4 different colors of love of 4 different people. It showed the definite differences in emotions of the 4 characters about to be revealed further in the drama.

At Nah-rah's rooftop room;

Nah-rah: (Watching fireworks) Fireworks are very beautiful but yet empty, aren't they? They're like love.

In-jae: Hey, why is love empty?

Nah-rah: Because when the fireworks explode in the sky and all the brilliant colors fall down on me it seems like the world is mine; but suddenly they all disappear right in front of my eyes. Just like a lie, nothing is left, there's nothing to hold onto...(she becomes lonely)

In-jae: (after watching) Still, they're pretty. They show the other person only they're prettiest looks by burning their own body. Isn't that itself enough?

Taking a cruise on the Han River...

Seung-woo: It might seem that I'm firing them up in any matter I want but it really requires more skill than you think. The time when the image disappears changes according to the size of the fireworks, the time it explodes, and their height. All these factors must be perfectly joined together just right for the perfect fireworks performance. (Looks at Mi-rae) Just like love.

Mi-rae: (Smiles)... I guess so. When looking at it from afar it's beautiful, but once you actually put your hands on it it's very dangerous. (Gets caught in her thoughts and looks far away)...

OMG...reading the color of loves...really scared me...Nara said...it's a lie...nothing is left...I thought it applies to SW only...but it scares me to think that it might apply to InJae as well...

Then what Injae and Mireh said is even more scary...

Well...we're almost there...3 more episodes...just like Nara...we're waiting to see InJae smile...I miss his smiles the most.

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Guest kiki08

Awww...Thank you kiki :wub:

Now that I thought about the situation...I don't know what SW was thinking...He found out about the baby then found out that it was his baby...and he still let Mireh get away with his baby??? That is too passive for his character...and it's unbelievable...I thought he would react strongly and do something more crazy than to tell Nara the truth...Wouldn't it be better if he tell InJae or even InJae's Mom??? Why tell Nara so she can get hurt some more? What can Nara do with that information? If she tells InJae about it...it might reflect badly on Nara. InJae might think it's Nara's jealousy or something...Arghh...Nara can't win.

Well...at least one more person knows the truth...and the news can only spread since it seems no one can keep a secret...hehe...I think Nara might be sad and talk to her sister about it...and of couse her sister will help her spread the news to Injae ...hehe......After InJae or InJae's Mom found out the truth...Mireh will have a "good" time defending her lies and deceits and trying to make excuses saying things like...she loves IJ too much...she has to lie to keep him.

The only good feeling I got from the preview is that Mireh's lies will soon be exposed...

Now we can only hope that SW will do something that will make a difference since everyone else can't seem to do anything right.

aww... your welcome^^

yeah when i read your post i was like OMG i think i heard thast somewhere

it was like.. ummm... if one person says something its a rumor but 2 people say it it's the truth

i think i heard that from a old eps. of dawson's creek :sweatingbullets:

yeah i'm WERID

i get reminded of the darnest things

and SW is an DUMBA$$.

like 5 more hours till it start but will soon go to sleep

bies ^^ again

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Guest kynkiez

dunno why i just quited this series.....maybe without sub i dun know wat r they talking about...if got time im gonna re-dl the whole thing again...

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Guest zinc

First part of Ep13 screen cap summary [i actually quite like this episode. More interaction between NR and IJ, and some parts are rather funny too.]


The episode starts off with MR saying,”It’s nothing major, everyone don’t be too worried. I’m just a little tired. Let’s all go home.” But both IJ and SW ask her to rest longer in the hospital.


NR speaks in a sarcastic tone to SW, saying he seems to know the whereabouts of MiReh all the time. NR finally learns that SW is working as a finance director in the same company. SW hints to NR that they were being made use of by IJ’s mum to separate IJ and MiReh. NR says that even then, she’s ok with it because she just wants to work hard and become successful. SW praises NR for presenting a good business proposal. NR says it’s because of SW (breaking up with her) that she has become more motivated and stronger. She thanks him for that. NR says that the difficulties she experiences now have been faced by the others too, and she’ll be OK after surpassing them. SW asks if she’s giving up IJ, then tells her that things are not settled for the 4 of them yet.


MR tells IJ not to let his mum know about her being hospitilised, reason being she doesn’t want the mum to worry.


IJ’s mum finds out from SW that MR is in hospital, but SW doesn’t tell her MR is pregnant. Instead he says MR could have been overtired from working between the main office and shop outlet. IJ’s mum guesses that IJ is accompanying MR at the hospital and becomes angry. She asks SW why MR and him broke up.


MR is happy that IJ has accompanied her home, and tells IJ that she wished the 2 of them can be together alone everyday. She pretends to be worried about not being able to help NaRa with the business proposal. IJ tells her not to worry.


SW, NR, MR and IJ’s mum have a meeting. IJ’s mum asks SW’s opinion of NR’s proposal. SW says it’s quite good, but the budget for advertisement may be too low. IJ’s mum asks MiReh why she set such a low budget and she replies it’s because the product requires a different method of promotion. IJ’s mum suggests holding a company party to boost the staffs’ morale and launch the new product. IJ comes in later, and his mum asks him to help NR. At the end of the meeting, IJ’s mum asks how MR is feeling, but tells her that when someone falls ill during busy times, it’s troublesome for others. Then she tells MR to take good care of her health. MR looks hurt hearing that.


MR complains to IJ about his mum criticizing her health in front of NR and SW.


IJ’s mum regconises NR from her home address and her mum’s name in the employee’s data. They talk about the old times, and IJ’s mum asks NR to bring her mum to the party the next day. NR asks IJ’s mum about the boy who always had a running nose and was a cry-baby. IJ’s mum says that boy is IJ.


(After the conversation) NR goes into the store, grabs IJ’s face and turns it from side to side.

IJ: Hey, hey, what are you doing?

NR *talking to herself*: Really…why is it like this? (I) should be happy, should be very happy.

IJ: What is it?

NR: I had wanted to hug the fellow if I see him again. It shouldn’t be such a feeling of strangeness.

IJ *frustrated*: Ah…really…Shin manager, wake up! What’s happening with you?

NR: Na InJae…

IJ: What?

NR: Why is it like this?

IJ: What is it now?

NR: I told you about my childhood before right? About the auntie who came to my house to sell cosmetics and the runny-nose little boy who followed her?

IJ: Ah…runny-nose, the guy who ate dog’s food.

NR: Yes, that runny-nose. I’ve found him.

IJ: Really? Who?

NR: You.

IJ *shocked*: What?!

NR: You. You are that runny-nose.

IJ: What do you mean by that?

NR: My mum and your mum are friends. The vice-chairperson (IJ’s mum) is my mum’s friend. I’m her friend’s daughter, Shin NaRa. You’re that auntie’s son, Na Injae.

IJ: Really?!

NR: Yes, the vice-chairperson…no, runny-nose’s mum admitted it. It’s unbelievable.


IJ looks at NR carefully.

NR: What is it?

IJ: Ah…really cannot recognize. How come there’s no resemblance from childhood?

NR: What?? It’s not as if we’re meeting for the 1st time.

IJ: Yah…what a twisted kind of fate.

NR: We don’t know if it’s fate yet, but at least it’s been an impact.

IJ: What?

NR: The fellow who occupies a part of my memories turns out to be you. I’ve only realize the fact today, not sure if it’s good or bad. Ah…how come you are the runny-nose?


NR tells IJ she won’t be staying in the attic house anymore. The first reason is that if people finds out NR is staying at IJ’s house, she won’t be able to get married. The second reason is that NR feels bad for MiReh. NR says MiReh told her to give up IJ. NR also says she felt awkward when IJ’s mum was criticizing MR during the meeting. She tells IJ to treat MR better. IJ doesn’t seem to be paying attention to NR, and instead asks her if he really ate dog food before. At the end of the conversation, IJ says he wished he could forget everything from the past, just as he had forgotten about eating dog food.


IJ’s mum asks MR to pick up a VIP for the party, but doesn’t tell her its NR’s mum. At the pick-up, NR’s mum tells MR that they and IJ’s family used to be close neighbours. She says NR and IJ used to play the family game and wanted to marry each other when they get older. NR looks unhappy hearing that.


The 2 mums greet each other happily. IJ’s mum addresses NR as team manager and tells her to show her mum the new products showcase. NR’s mum is very happy and proud.


IJ’s mum announces NR as the team manager in charge of the new products launch, and IJ as NR’s helper. She also reveals that IJ is her son.


MR goes outside the shop to sit in her car because she can’t drink the cocktail at the party. [From her reaction, I think it’s the smell of alcohol that makes her nauseous]. SW passes her a bottle of water to drink.

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Guest SweetKim

thx muchos kiki for the preview summaries...

yeah poisonliz2..i totally agree w/ yoo. why the hck is MiReh getting a gabizillion hrs of air time. she's the third party of this drama. and it's all like repitition.."INJAE shii..please don't leave me" followed along w/ "SeungWoo, leave me the heck alone...." yeah, w/ only 3 eppies left..i def. think this might be a lil' forced a rushed..o well hope for the best. like i'm sure atleast one eppie''s gonna be left for the whole revealing of MiReh's lies, the second eppies, is just closing ties between MiReh and SeungWoo and InJae, and the last eppie's on InJae and NaRa (that's if they even end up together)---if that's the case, it's gonna be realllly tighttt w/ time. yeah AG--lmao yur comments are too funny!!!

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