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Guest coreana

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Angeline: wow! 2 noypi sa S.A.V.E. with a Silent J lol!

Jun Ji: a million thanks!! i just hope that it doesn't run out on me. my net is all wonky and it keeps getting disconnected and its so slow dling today. sigh!

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Guest DAYdream*

I know this is a bit random, but ChaeKyung's friend... The one with the glasses? I like her best out of her three friends. Heh heh, she's the least annoying.

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i luv epi6.....

shin's 'invitation' for cg to dance was hilarious *gauffaws & bangs table*....said all with a nice smile!!!

her improvised steps! gosh, it did turn out quite unique huh?! *claps enthusiastically*

i must say he is such a good lead! that's what u need for a good dance!

now where're my lead dancer? *head going up looking around left & right* but there's no one near!

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ahahhahaa omg

this thread grows like crazy!!

just got back from school so i'm d/l ep 6.... *sigh* only 4% done

i thought it was just a TAD bit slow at first, but after the 5th episode, i'm an ADDICT! i LOVE it! :P

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MV in YSI ~ thanx to quyen's CB


"<3" this?

it's a heart ^^

if you look at it from a side view, it's a heart..<3

:o oh my gosh, i've never put that together :blush: . hehe thanx YEHJIN ( :rolleyes: i feel sheepish)

going back to watch now...

oh but before i do:

Angeline: wow! 2 noypi sa S.A.V.E. with a Silent J lol!

yeah i know ey...don't u just luv it ;) !

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Guest evelyn168

I'm falling more and more in love with the drama!!! I gotta say that though I love the manhwa more but today's episode, I'm just really captivated... My thoughts of today's episode:

I'm wondering when Shin is going to realize that he likes CG... You can tell that he's jealous of Yul and that when CG hugs him, he's really touched... But I still think he's a bum... He tells the CG to go home when he's horseback riding... But then, the scene where Shin is looking at CG dressing up, that was really good. You can tell that there's something going on... I gotta say that the dancing scene was hilarious!!! CG doing ballet... Haha... It was just so touching when Shin put on shoes for the CG... He was like the prince from Cinderella... :blush: Sorry, but I'm into fairy tales...

I still love Yul... I loved how he held CG's hand when she was worried about the ppl egging Shin... I feel so sorry for him that he's the 3rd party in the romance. I would've loved him and CG to get together cause they're so friendly and comfortable with each other...

Hyorin and Yul's mom can both D.I.E.... Can't they just accept that things are what they are right now.. Everything is fated!!

As for the previews, they're awesome!!! I'm dying for next week's episode... They're on the same bed and CG hugs Shin again... Trying not to think of naughty thoughts right now... I think CG realizes how important that Yul is to her when she sees him hurt... I think Shin's gonna get jealous... It seems like CG discovers Shin taking pics of ppl and Shin scolds her... I wonder if it's because those pics are of her... CG's brother is hilarious and dumb... It's like CG's family are psychos... The so-called Prince William doesn't look anything like him.. I can't wait to hear how CG is gonna learn English or try to have a decent convo in English... Haha...

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Guest Enchanted

I know this is a bit random, but ChaeKyung's friend... The one with the glasses? I like her best out of her three friends. Heh heh, she's the least annoying.

I wonder why after the first episode, CG friend with the glasses wore the red glasses without lenses.

I'm not sure if I'm seeing thing, but on the bottom of the cup CG and Shin drink out of during their wedding night seem to have a price tag.

Thanks those who reupload the MV. Episode 6 is freaking hilarious and I can't wait till next week. CG admiration for Shin back. :lol:

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u repeat this like a million times.. someone uploaded for ya already!!! check the pages..

we upload for ya~ 3 and 4 i think.

check before requesting again and again for the same thing..

u waste our efforts if u didnt download the ones we put up

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I'm falling more and more in love with the drama!!! I gotta say that though I love the manhwa more but today's episode, I'm just really captivated... My thoughts of today's episode:

I'm wondering when Shin is going to realize that he likes CG... You can tell that he's jealous of Yul and that when CG hugs him, he's really touched... But I still think he's a bum... He tells the CG to go home when he's horseback riding... But then, the scene where Shin is looking at CG dressing up, that was really good. You can tell that there's something going on... I gotta say that the dancing scene was hilarious!!! CG doing ballet... Haha... It was just so touching when Shin put on shoes for the CG... He was like the prince from Cinderella... :blush: Sorry, but I'm into fairy tales...

I still love Yul... I loved how he held CG's hand when she was worried about the ppl egging Shin... I feel so sorry for him that he's the 3rd party in the romance. I would've loved him and CG to get together cause they're so friendly and comfortable with each other...

Hyorin and Yul's mom can both D.I.E.... Can't they just accept that things are what they are right now.. Everything is fated!!

As for the previews, they're awesome!!! I'm dying for next week's episode... They're on the same bed and CG hugs Shin again... Trying not to think of naughty thoughts right now... I think CG realizes how important that Yul is to her when she sees him hurt... I think Shin's gonna get jealous... It seems like CG discovers Shin taking pics of ppl and Shin scolds her... I wonder if it's because those pics are of her... CG's brother is hilarious and dumb... It's like CG's family are psychos... The so-called Prince William doesn't look anything like him.. I can't wait to hear how CG is gonna learn English or try to have a decent convo in English... Haha...

OMG~ i love it when u say

they can both juz die.. aGREED!!

*throw darts at them*

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Guest Remember Me

I don't think I've posted in here before, so I wanted to drop in and introduce myself. I've caught the Goong obsession and am totally hooked on to this series. Lol, who isn't? Well first, I wanted to give a BIG THANK YOU to the subbers and everyone else who've help with this thread. The first page is very organized and easy to navigate. Keep up the good work everyone. I'll be around--I can't seem to get myself away from this thread, lol. And by the way, Saki>^.^< I think your signature is very funny and cute. Oh that reminds me, I love both the male actors, and I have to admit Yul is sweet all around, but I'm gonna be cheering for Shin.

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