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Guest coreana

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Guest samgirl

lee Jun ki playing the role of Shin?

that will be weird

since we are used to JJH's face as Shin.

I have a question

dnt know if this has been answered before

what does "goon" mean?

Why does CG calls yul a "yul goon" as shin "shin goon"?

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Guest kakamoo

:huh::unsure: Lee Jun Ki??? We can't have 2 princes with ear ring in one dramas:lol: Sorry LJK fans, but for me, he is like...a bit short compare to Shin goon; just 10cm> CG_YEH :P hehe...I love how Shin have to bend himself towards CG everytime they hug and kiss. So it must to be a tall prince in Goong 2. I believe that JJH will always be our Shin in next season.

o... are the PDs thinking abt picking Lee Jun Ki as Shin?

w/out JJH, it'll be different tho.

I mean, I would love to see Lee Jun Ki in Goong 2, but not as Shin.

^.^ I love the idea of Lee Jun Ki in Goong 2. I love Lee Jun Ki in my girl ^.^

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Guest xosandy

yaaaay.OST 2 (((((=

thank you guys for uploading it.i have a question though.what is .rar?

i downloaded it and it's not able to open on my computer.do i have to do something with it?

thank you guys again!!!!

WinRAR is pretty similar to WinZIP. To open the .rar file, you'll need to download the WinRAR program to extract the file. You can download it here: http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm

Thanks guys for the the Goong OST II. I love it! I really hope JJH comes back for the second season too. It wouldn't feel right to have someone replace him. After all, Shin has already become a part of him. I just can't see YEH with any other guy. He should be grateful that he was given the part of Shin since it has brought him so much popularity. So he should finish what he started. =P

what does "goon" mean?

Why does CG calls yul a "yul goon" as shin "shin goon"?

"goon" literally means "sir" or "mister" but in the way it's used, it's more of a nickname. i love it when CG calls their names. it's so cute!

I don't think the PDs are thinking about picking Lee Jun Ki as Shin. I believe the name was just brought up by one of the members here. Isn't he working on Fly Daddy Fly or something too? It seems like he's already got a lot of projects in line. Correct me if I'm wrong. I truly hope that the PDs and JJH's agency work things out.

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Guest fantasian

hey guys, here's some direct DL links that i uploaded. Speeds should be pretty fast 200kbps+

just right click and save target as:

All episodes are Hardsubbed. Files are Good Quality between 200-300 MB each

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

i'm still uploading/re-encoding the rest of this series. I'll be posting 1-2 new links everyday so check back often.

credits: http://kpopper.com

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Guest _yinsyung*--

Actually, I'm not too worried about JJH coming back. As long as we still have the original CG (YEH) then I'm fine. JJH needs to stop being so big-headed; GOONG is what made him famous in the first place (okay, not in the first place, he was a model, but it made him more well-known). I always thought he was a good person, like when he did not accept pay for the last 4 episodes of S1. All this bad news on him is making me lose respect for him. Of course, I DO hope he comes back; I don't think anyone can really fill Shin's shoes as well as he does, but overall if he doesn't come back, then I hope he lives happily ever after knowing that he could lose many fans . . .

On a different note, Goong OST II is absolutely WONDERFUL. More instrumentals, I see! Very nice. :]

And what's this about Lee Junki as Shin?! Uhhhhh...no.

but we still don't know if it's HIM that wants the pay rise; HIM that wants to move onto bigger things...

i feel so sad defending him; because so many of you are disappointed in him, even though he hasn't done anything outright wrong, in my opinion.

i don't know if i'd watch goong2, if not only for the sole reason that i don't want my views of the original couple to change. we, as viewers, adapt pretty well to what we're given and i'm almost certain that i'd get used to whoever may end up replacing shin. but i really love our original goong couple and i don't know if i want that image to be replaced in my mind.

about leejunki - i think he's too pretty/beautiful to play shin. and yes, physically a bit short - considering how all us fan girls have swooned about how neatly our bigungmama fits under the head of our prince :x

and i'll laugh if tomorrow we get some tabloid news - MBC CONSIDERING LEEJUNKI TO PLAY PRINCE SHIN!!!

{nb: this is made up, yeah?}

Goong2 OST; i love the new piano insturmentals. LOVE LOVE LOVE them <333

{edit} i really want JooJiHoon to accept, if not for us than for himself.

it's obvious that he's going to lose quite a lot of his recent fanbase, if he doesn't. and i'm not sure he'll be able to regain it with whatever project(s) he may go for in the future.


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Guest cheli001

gosh there have been plenty of bad publicity for jjh. :( but i still think it's the workings of his crappy management! maybe they're thinking good or bad publicity is still publicity... argh! jjh really needs to be careful and put a stop to all of this gossip/bad publicity about him or else his career will go down the drain.

goong won't be the same w/out jjh. i can't see any other actor playing the role of our prince shin... i want him back for s2.

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Guest Pikachu

o... are the PDs thinking abt picking Lee Jun Ki as Shin?

w/out JJH, it'll be different tho.

I mean, I would love to see Lee Jun Ki in Goong 2, but not as Shin.

^.^ I love the idea of Lee Jun Ki in Goong 2. I love Lee Jun Ki in my girl ^.^

No they're not considering LJK, someone just mentioned that if JJH won't come back, he/she'd like to see LJK fill in Shin's role. XDD

As much as I like LJK, I would disagree since.. I guess I don't get the Shin vibe from LJK? Then again, it's probably cause I'm too used to his role in My Girl ... XDThen again, I said the same thing when I heard Joo Ji Hoon (more like Joo Ji WHO?? back then since who the heck was he before GOONG? :P).

But why are we preparing ourselves for a Goong w/o JJH anyway? XD News should come at the end of April about the status of the project, till then, let's hope for the best. :B

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Guest xx-outsider-xx

I haven't been reading the thread after Goong ends. ^^ and suddenly i saw all these bad talks about JJH. thank god I'm not a fan of his or I will be upset.

and Lee Junki as Shin? that's a no-no. I'd rather CG find a new lover in the form of Lee Junki rather than a different person playing Shin. That's just too weird.

on second thought, maybe we can put that Lee Ji hoon(?) from group S to be shin. haha. they are kinda similar looking (less skinnier though). it's like Shin growing up or maturing or something. lol.

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all these sad news is keeping us really tense..lets all wait for the final decision.. :blush: whether JJH comes back or not..lets all accept it personally I want him back. He has captured Shin really good. Especially with a height like his.. :blush: oh well lets just hope for the best!! Fighting!! :D

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Guest ruthie08

I just read the good and bad news in YEH's thread... gah~ i really hope she'll be okay...

being diagnosed of anemia is just... :tears: (jess, how bad is Anemia?)

I did a little research on it, and it says that one of the causes is "poor diet".

Did she go on a strict diet or sumthin'? coz she looks so skinnier than before.

Hopefully she'll be well and everything that has been going around in the news will settle down also...

And for YEH, wishing her speedy recovery and the best of success for the upcoming fashion show! ^^

hello! i'll just give u guys a little info abt anemia...there are many different kinds of anemia but i read that YEH has "PERNICIOUS ANEMIA"

yeah.. u can consider it as poor diet but specifically poor vitamin B12 absorption...which decreases RBC production and maturation---impairment of integrity of cells, tissues (decreased oxygen availability) and so on....

maybe YEH is taking Vit B12 supplements and of course on Iron therapy...and she really needs a lot of rest!

coz once ur on a active or stressful activity ur oxygen demand increases, on which she lacks...thats why most people who have anemia (like me *ehem* but not pernicious) needs bedrest most of the time.

i hope u guys understand my simplified explanation...coz if i discuss it fully to u it might take awhile plus its the medical terms are kinda heavy...

YEH...u better take care of urself...its not good having this kind of illness...trust me! YEH..FIGHTING!!!

as for JJH...aissshhh!!! i had enough of that! i just have to wait for his confirmation (which kinda irritates me coz i always think abt it)...if he'll be back, that would be definitely good...i mean great! really great!!! :lol: it he refuses...*waves* annyong!!! *teary eyes sniffsniff* TT.TT :tears: jjh, tangsin wang-ja...pabo kurigo nappun!!

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Guest jeansile

Well guys, you may think that my system is a total JJH hating system...but to tell you honestly, I'm not really like that...and besides it's not what I was actually talking about in my former posts...maybe I just said too much that gave you the wrong impression about my intentions...

In this case, I'm not a JJH hater, but someone who appeals that JJH, and not only him but the rest of the original cast must be retained for Goong 2...it is in them that we see these characters CG Shin, Yul, etc and that must not be changed abruptly...the Goong was made popular by them and in the same way, they were made popular by Goong...and if JJH, for example, could not come back, replacing him with another actor would be equivalent to killing Shin...the style of acting would definitely be different, the personality will be different no matter how great the replacement is, and gosh, the face...all will be different...JUST DIFFERENT...they are the trademarks of Goong and changing the original cast would be erasing everything that we have known and loved during those Goong days...and the Shin that we knew would be a totally different person...

Now, if they can't get JJH to come back, just omit the Shin character, or if they really insist to retain it, since I know that Shin is really an essential part of the series, then let them change the actor for Shin, but they would have to change YEH as well...

They shouldn't have brought up Goong 2 anyways, it just gives everyone headache...

BTW, thanks evelyn for your understanding...you're the only one who understood me...

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Now, if they can't get JJH to come back, just omit the Shin character, or if they really insist to retain it, since I know that Shin is really an essential part of the series, then let them change the actor for Shin, but they would have to change YEH as well...

They shouldn't have brought up Goong 2 anyways, it just gives everyone headache...

BTW, thanks evelyn for your understanding...you're the only one who understood me...

actually i do get u. but since they are gonna have season2.. itz either JJh or someone new..

and i dun think they can concentrate the story on yul because KJH is busy with his japan schedules..

[this is out of the topic but... manz.. did u guys check out KJH's thread? he is hella CUTE when he took a pic of himself to prove that he is really in the fan forum. manz so cute]

and also Shin cannot be omitted because goong is mainly about him and cg.

wad the heck.

i totally agree with u about them doing a season2?

i mean dUH! if MBC dun have 100% of getting back the same cast.. PLS do NOT even bother doing it.

that bunch of money minded creeps.


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Guest rainz*gurl

i am a newbie to goong *^__^*

jus watched up till eps 5 on youtube... all thanks to whiteflower... all the eps were super clear n most importantly with subs... ^_^

although i jus started... i totally love it!!!!!

i was all the time supporting yul but... when the scene: "prince shin picks up shoe for cinderella chae gyung" happen.... awwwwww.... now i m kindof rooting for shin... ^_^

although i onli watch a few eps.. i already hav few of ma fav scenes!!

1) NEWS FROM OUTER SPACE.... *^__^*... chae gyung connects her finger to yul's.... i like it veli much.... dunno y... ^_^

2) BAN ZA... dunno if i spelled it correctly ^^Tll.. the scene when chae gyung teaches yul to make ppl "faint" when pushing out the palm... ^_^

3) TWO FACE pillow or bear or watever u call it... ^__^ ... sooo cute... hope i have one too... the way chae gyung punch it... LOL....

i m watchin eps 6 7 8 without subs on utube too... but i dun understand korean... can anyone help me out n tell me where i can read the subs?? cos i dun hav any subbing programme.... pleasssee... i m so desperate to watch all the eps in one day.... gonna burn my com... ^_^ Tll

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Guest lazibratt

^I guess just download it?

EEEE I'm just done watching episode 7. He starts falling for her! YESSSSSSSS haha

I'm almost halfway there. YAY

There's a goong 2 ost? cool.

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Guest mmmmsushi

thank you guys for helping me out with the .rar situation (=

im listening to it right now and its ok in my opinion.haha

i havent listened to all of it just yet.im just listening to bits and pieces.

i cant wait for goong 2.i hope all of this mess would clear out soon.but again.the old characters of the show should stay in for the second season.it would be better to stick with the original characters.i do admit that JJH wasnt as good in the beginning but he did improve.i could see that he was starting to become his character.maybe we'll see much more improvment in the second season.i still think the director should've confirmed that the old casts would be willing to do another season before making a whole new sypnosis.and IF season 2 is a total bust for them they'll learn from it and know that showbiz is like poker.idk.haha.thats my view of it.they cant expect to make everything they do a success....this is all my opinion.haha.it just flowed into my mind just now ^.^;;;

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Guest gerlie777

^I guess just download it?

EEEE I'm just done watching episode 7. He starts falling for her! YESSSSSSSS haha

I'm almost halfway there. YAY

There's a goong 2 ost? cool.

hehehe .. ur not even to the part where it gets ultra madness !!!! get ready to go through the ultra sweet scenes in episodes to come ;) .. hahaha i think i shall watch agn

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Guest lazibratt

WAit, is the end episode 20 or 16?.. I don't see the links/subs for it.. is it just me?

Also how do I find out what channel MBC is? I clicked that link on the front page but it's not on the page. It's not airing still huh? EE I'm excited. IT takes forever to download though -_-

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Guest rainz*gurl

oh lazibratt.. lucki i m not da onli one who jus started wathcin.. ^_^... feel kindof left out here... cos the its oledi like 1800 pages?? n goong madness seem to hav ended when the last episode ended like a month ago??... hmm.. i do hope to find someone to share about the movie starting from scratch... i m not downloadin it... jus watchin it on youtube... cos its subbed... i hope i can learn korean n understand it =.=Tll.... hwaiting hwaiting... cos i still hav 17 eps to go....

n i cant seem to load eps 7 on utube... >.< crying.... everyone say its da best eps... can anyone load it again?? i onli found eps7 on utube under the member byul....help help s.o.s >.<

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Guest mmmmsushi

WAit, is the end episode 20 or 16?.. I don't see the links/subs for it.. is it just me?

Also how do I find out what channel MBC is? I clicked that link on the front page but it's not on the page. It's not airing still huh? EE I'm excited. IT takes forever to download though -_-

the last episode is episode 24.haha.you have to look for episodes that are subbed on youtube.and if you download them the subbers are currently working on subs for ep 22-24 and 1.5

i prefer downloading the episodes because the video quality is better.and it is worth the wait ^.^

as far as MBC goes.we dont have that channel in hawaii so i have no idea.haha i believe it stopped airing in a lot of places but we're still on episode 11 here.kinda sucks that we're behind.but i couldnt wait since i was hooked so i downloaded every episode.haha :sweatingbullets:

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