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Guest coreana

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Guest gtea22

Can't wait to see the last two episode ahhh i can't wait :w00t: LOL shin have a nice smile he should smile more often

Cg and shin looks like a really nice couple in real life :D

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i copy this article from one of the gooners at bai du.com

can someone translate it? Thank you



我是早走了的其中一个~ 恭喜你们拍到了合照~ 羡慕ing ~~

昨天真的累死我们了~~ 真的追了整整一天

但真是兴奋的一天!! 真的忍不住要亏一亏没有去的朋友~ 没有去真是很浪费!!嘿嘿~

首先在机场的时侯真的很混乱, 大家看到他们出来都一拥而上!

太皇太后和恩惠真的走不了, 志勋立刻回头拉他们走, 我拍到了这个时候的视频, 迟一点放上来~



他们的车子上了大桥,当回头看的时候,看到了整列车队在後面! 很壮观!




幸好我们的车不是在後面,没有被截停, 我们停在一旁,


他们的旅游巴真的是带我们"游花园", 不停的绕路, 还直冲2个红灯


就看到他们的旅游巴来了~ 当他们下车时, 粉丝们再次一拥而上,再次混乱起来





等了大约半个小时,他们工作人员陆续下来, 看到志勋出来, 大家再次包围他,

有粉丝拿到签名,我也伸右手上前握手! 哗!! 他的手真的是超级滑溜的!!





这一张是他拍我们粉丝和跟我们自拍!!! 虽然相隔著玻璃~~~



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Guest sweet_treats1812

^oh, was that kang hyun? :lol: i cant believe i didnt recognize her!

he does looks so friendly in the pics..a total opposite to his always stoic character in the drama...anyways, it's now monday in korea! two more days to go and we'll get to see episode 23! hooray!!! then one more day and then the last episode hahaha~ i cant wait :rolleyes:

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Guest haydee

Decided to watch episode 22, since it was the only episode that got me curiouse. After looking at it, I can say that I understand why CG was acting the way she did, and in a way it makes sense for her to leave the palace at that point in time. I dont think Shin will learn anithyng until his experienced the loss of a loved one. I can finaly say I respect CG's decision in doing this. Shes not going with Yul but shes doing it for herself.

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Guest hsinyi069


Shin on the phone


Shin self-taken pic in the bus

credit: baidu

For those who wish CG and Shin get together in real life...

I sersiouly think they should just get together no matter what!! Both of them seem to be soooooo nice/adorable in real person


" 我也有去澳門, 現上班中, 先說一小段趣事吧

在機場, 本來信信和恩惠是一塊平排而行

但實在太多人, 在場的fans, 有香港/澳門/新加坡/台灣/國內

一出來便幾十人擁向信君 (fans應該有100以內, 計埋路人便過百)

他們串步難行, mbc沒請保安, 只是幾個工作人 員圍住信君

走了幾步, 我見到有一女子上半身趴在信身上, 露出一隻手, 好像扯著信君的手

當時心想~~~ 哇~~~哪個fans這麼狼死呀~~完全是女色狼要強扯輕薄人家一樣


(While at the airport, JJH and YEH were walking together, however, there were 100+ fans there, MBC did not hire any bodyguard to protect the casts, that made it difficult to pass the crowds. One of the fans saw a girl who was basically lying on JJH and was trying to grab JJH's hand. The fan was in shock and thought who that girl is dare to take such action, the fan thought it's another fan's crazy action or something.. later on, she found out it was YEH)

因為本來兩人一起行, 人太多, 把彩靜擠了出去, 見到的是

gentleman王子信從人群外, 踎低身, 把彩靜扯回進來, 彩靜當時好狼背, 頭髮也亂

信君攬著她一起行. 所以我就看到一女子趴在信君上半身的情況

(Cause there were too many ppl, tho they were walking together, YEH got pushed over... and while YEH got push out, JJH returned to save YEH, he hold her to walk together and that's why the fan saw YEH lying on JJH all over...)

這件事, 回想起來也覺得好sweet , 當時就覺得他們好好朋友呢~~

呵呵~~希望能有所進展吧 "

联想起有亲说的在旅游车上小朱又是问恩惠要不要听mp3,又是问她要不要吃东西,觉得小朱真是不错的同学,还挺细心的,尤其在机场那种混乱的时候也没把妃宫忘了, 呵呵!(ps: 虽然很希望他们私下有点什么,不过还是理智一点好,要不然希望越大失望越大....)

(Some other fans saw JJH ask YEH if she wants to liten to MP3 or to eat anything.. they just thought he is quite nice and detail-oriented(?)... especially while he didn't forget to "save" YEH at the chaos... they just hope they really have something going on in real life...

credit to kdorn/koreanwind

MV_Reasons to LUV - Shin

credit to Korean Website 빠져빠져

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i really hope that they put this out on dvd this year! with subs! like what they did with My Name is Kim Sam Soon! I bought it as soon as it got here (well, @ yesasia) hehehehe....

it will be cool if they gonna have behind the scenes and cut scenes as the extras...hehehehe...

oh yeah! thanks for sharing everything here! really appreciate it!

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i believe this was right before or after the restaurant scene with YEH.

in that scene they only filmed them at the dinner table so top half only (bottom half with be out of sight)!

he still looks good in everything huh?

if he's overcome the polka dots, these pants are no problem for him at all, our suave prince!

will attempt to translate the chinese post from mishudo now....hang on!

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Guest jhessy

I'm kinda confused, could the shooting in Macau be on episodes 24 only cuz I think they were probably done shooting scenes for episode 23 since they already showed previews on episode 22 right?? Unless they just showed a preview of the partial shooting for episode 23 and 24.... oh well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see what's gonna happen. I can hardly wait at the same time I'm feeling sad that Goong is finally coming to an end..... wahhhhh!!! :(:tears:

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Guest usyagitntn

Oh thank you so much for the translation hsinyi069

It must have been really funny when the fans found out that the girl was YEH :lol:

I was surprised that MBC didn't hire any type of bodyguards for the cast and crew it could have been a dangerous situation if we have some overexcited fans there :ph34r: . Where are all the bodyguards for our Prince Shin and Bigung mama :phew: ?

JJH came back to save YEH from the crowd. That's just so sweet someone stop me from imagining stuffs now!!! They must be really tired with the filming and all the commotion with the fans :lol: but we all know that they work hard to give us a good ending so "fighting" to all the casts and crews there!! And of course thanks all the lucky fans there for their updates!


Cause there were too many ppl, tho they were walking together, YEH got pushed over... and while YEH got push out, JJH returned to save YEH, he hold her to walk together and that's why the fan saw YEH lying on JJH all over...)

Doesn't this remind you all of the eatery scene where Shin held CG hand , trying to help her escape all the reporters! :)

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i copy this article from one of the gooners at bai du.com

can someone translate it? Thank you


Only relevant portions are translated…

Initially, there was big upheaval at the airport. Fans swarmed near when they showed up. Great Queen and YEH couldn’t budge so JJH immediately pulled them along. Later, as their travel bus was just leaving, we immediately jumped into our taxi and followed them as soon as they took off with a Police patrol (motorbike) at their side. As their bus went on the bridge, a long trail of vehicles was behind them, very grand! Don’t think the cast nor MBC staff expected this! Their bus stopped right in the middle of the bridge, the Police patrol warned the vehicles behind not to follow any further. Luckily we were not stopped as we weren’t in that procession (we were just by the side). When the bus started up again, we followed again.

The travel bus really took a long detour and ran 2 traffic lights. But the clever fans went directly to their hotel and caught them just alighting from their bus. Fans swarmed in again. JJH was really cute as he entered the elevator. We were standing in the last row waving wildly non-stop and he immediately waved right back at us!! After a while, they showed up again but without YEH maybe cuz she needed a rest as she looked really tired. The travel bus started off again to a restaurant where they booked the whole upper floor.

After about half hour, the staff straggled out. When JJH emerged, fans surrounded him asking for autographs. I stretched out my right hand. Wow! His hand is super smooth! My left hand was immediately on the top of his hand, really smoother than a girl! He smiled as he shook my hands; utter ecstasy!!! *faints*

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Guest V A L XD

Jang Kyung & his beautiful swan


All credits to miclub

Cute couple! hehe.

Ai* your so LUCKY to have touch Shin's hand! :w00t: I'm so jealous! Why did i have to leave Macau 3 weeks ealier than them! boo!


OH, wait..Ai was only translating..haha. i got to excited. Can't wait for Rebby to tell us the WHOLE story!

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Cute couple! hehe.

Ai* your so LUCKY to have touch Shin's hand! :w00t: I'm so jealous! Why did i have to leave Macau 3 weeks ealier than them! boo!


OH, wait..Ai was only translating..haha. i got to excited. Can't wait for Rebby to tell us the WHOLE story!

I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wish it was me but sadly i'm still stuck here in singapore!!!

that was some chinese fan who originally posted the update in baidu forum and I just translated it!

so it wasn't me at all! *sigh*

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Guest mayetlovesjisung

I'm kinda confused, could the shooting in Macau be on episodes 24 only cuz I think they were probably done shooting scenes for episode 23 since they already showed previews on episode 22 right?? Unless they just showed a preview of the partial shooting for episode 23 and 24.... oh well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see what's gonna happen. I can hardly wait at the same time I'm feeling sad that Goong is finally coming to an end..... wahhhhh!!! :(:tears:

I can't wait for the series to be over there in Korea so that a copy would be available in dvds and I can watch. I've only seen episodes 1-12 and I feel so bad now. I can't wait! I totally love shin and CG!

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