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Guest coreana

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it is said the CG will be attending Macau uni. entrance exam along with Kyang Hyun...

I dun't know where they got this idea from tho..

perhaps cause they were fliming at uni??

tanslated for those who dunno chinese....according baidu source

seems confirmed that CG is leaving the Goong. CG, her father and her good friend Kang Hyun came together to Macau to take the uni entrance exam.

Shin also takes the opportunity of an 'official' visit to come & look for CG.

Earlier, Amanda posted Rebby's pic of ChaeShin filming restaurant scene approx 6.50pm local time.

This is Shin after that filming headed to a pte resi shooting location around 8.07pm local time

(not sure if Rebby's pte resi = private residence???)


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Guest hsinyi069

To share some more information

the CHN fans said that the crew had seperated into two teams and went to Westin hotel in the evening (the msg was posted around 9)

it is guessed that they are shotting some hotel/dinner scene

the fans' camera and laptop were running out battery... pics might be post up by tmw...

that fan also said that Shin looks really hot/good looking/handsome in real person......

I am sure more ppl will be sharing the updated news....

Just can't wait for the last two episodes

it looks like lots will be happening

and I am looking forward to the sweet/happy scenes b/w Shin n CG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"我同学在澳门的说恩惠的皮肤很白的因为她是近距离的接触她看的很清楚,还说好瘦很漂亮的 "

quote from baidu

the fan who saw YEH at close distance said that YEH's skin color is actually pretty white.. and she is very skinny and beautiful~~~ ^^

tanslated for those who dunno chinese....according baidu source

seems confirmed that CG is leaving the Goong. CG, her father and her good friend Kang Hyun came together to Macau to take the uni entrance exam.

Shin also takes the opportunity of an 'official' visit to come & look for CG.

thank you, ai, for translating

however.. it looks like the storyline which CG taking the uni entrance exam wasn't right

i saw the following post from another fan just now

转自 韩朝风 riola







他們一天都在澳門的渡假區拍攝,沒有去澳門大學啊..(They were shooting at the resort area whole day today, they did not go to Macau uni area)

還有,MBC的員工說拍攝不會在澳門完的,(The MBC staff said the scenes they are shooting in Macau aren't the final shooting, they'll be a few more takes after returing to Korea)











他們到現在也在拍,(They are still shooting now (it's 11p.m. while she post the msg).. some of the fans are still waiting...)

聽MBC的人說明天他們要去澳門一家很有名的飯店拍一整天,(They will be shooting at the hotel whole day tomorrow... <that makes me wonder why did they fly all the way to Macau to shoot the hotel scene...>


他們明天半夜2點鐘會坐飛機回韓國,所以行程還蠻緊迫的,(They will be taking 2.a.m. flight tomorrow flying back to Korea)



I am just translating a few sentences.. maybe someone else can help to translate the whole thing..

thank you in advnace!! ^^

There are just too many news here and there in the CHN forum.. sorry if brought up the incorrect ones... :sweatingbullets:

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Guest DallasE

Kudos to Rebby for the scoop on their Macau filming.

So envious of you to be able to see Joo JiHoon & Yoon EunHye up close!

Looking forward to more of your on location reporting.

Thanks ai* & Amanda for uploading those pics first hand.

This is real exciting. Having great hope for the BIG , HAPPY ENDING!!!

Don't fail us, MBC.


Credits to miclub

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Guest vignette

Thanks for those wonderful photos and updates, you made my day so complete. I'm a Shin CG reel fan and JJH and YEH shipper.

Can't wait for another round of updates on what's happening is Macao.

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I translated the rest

"我同学在澳门的说恩惠的皮肤很白的因为她是近距离的接触她看的很清楚,还说好瘦很漂亮的 "

quote from baidu

the fan who saw YEH at close distance said that YEH's skin color is actually pretty white.. and she is very skinny and beautiful~~~ ^^

thank you, ai, for translating

however.. it looks like the storyline which CG taking the uni entrance exam wasn't right

i saw the following post from another fan just now

转自 韩朝风 riola

拿到信君的簽名了~~!!!!!!! -> i got JJH's signature

我們今天一天都在跟著他們拍攝呢.. -> we followed them the whole day today

而且MBC的人超好,-> MBC's people are very nice.

我跟其中一個MBC大叔說我要信的簽名, -> i told one of the crew i wanted JJH's signature

他就幫我拿去給他簽...好興奮~~~~ -> he went and got it for me.

還有,看樓上說妃宮要去澳門大學,這個不是真的啦, -> it is not true that CG is going to study in UNI there. there was NO uni scenes

他們一天都在澳門的渡假區拍攝,沒有去澳門大學啊.. (They were shooting at the resort area whole day today, they did not go to Macau uni area)

還有,MBC的員工說拍攝不會在澳門完的,(The MBC staff said the scenes they are shooting in Macau aren't the final shooting, they'll be a few more takes after returing to Korea)


因為我的韓語不是太好,所以也問不了那麼多... -> my korean is not good so i couldnt ask much either

我們今天有很多fans到機場接機啊,-> there are alot of fans at the airport.

有來自台灣,香港,內地,韓國,馬來西亞跟新加坡,當然還有我們澳門的啦, -> taiwan hongkong korea malaysia singapore and of course macau fans

我們包了三台車去追他們... -> we booked 3 cars to follow them around

我們追了一整天..超近的看到信和恩惠.. -> we followed them the whole, looking at JJH and YEH close up

信和崔尚宮一直都對著我們笑,很親切,還有恩惠也很可愛,-> jjh and the sang gong are very frenly always smiling at us and YEH is also very cute.

信的助理很害羞耶,我們都覺得他長的很像志勛 -> jjh's assistant is very shy. we all feel that he looks like JJH.

現在我一個人先回家報導最新的新聞,-> i am now back home to report the latest news

我的朋友還在等他們,-> my friends are still waiting for them

他們到現在也在拍,(They are still shooting now (it's 11p.m. while she post the msg).. some of the fans are still waiting...)

聽MBC的人說明天他們要去澳門一家很有名的飯店拍一整天,(They will be shooting at the hotel whole day tomorrow... <that makes me wonder why did they fly all the way to Macau to shoot the hotel scene...>

而且還是在室內,恐怕沒辦法進去看他們,-> tmr will be indoors, so i am afraid we cant go in and see them

他們明天半夜2點鐘會坐飛機回韓國,所以行程還蠻緊迫的,(They will be taking 2.a.m. flight tomorrow flying back to Korea), -> they will be taking midnight 2am flight back to korea, very tight schedule.

還有,我們要整理好照片, -. we will organise the photos and post it up tmr


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Guest Jesw_21

Hi, a little contribution for GOONG thread; pls refer to my translation for below sentences... :P

转自 韩朝风 riola


Got Shin's autograph~~!!!!


We've been following them fliming whole day..


and MBC staffs are very nice,


I requested to one of the MBC staff(ajussi-uncle) that i want Shin's autograph,


and he helped me pass to JJH to sign... so excited~~~


and as above said CG is going to Macau university,It's not true.

他們一天都在澳門的渡假區拍攝,沒有去澳門大學啊..(They were shooting at the resort area whole day today, they did not go to Macau uni area)

還有,MBC的員工說拍攝不會在澳門完的,(The MBC staff said the scenes they are shooting in Macau aren't the final shooting, they'll be a few more takes after returing to Korea)


They wll continue fliming on Tues when they're back in Korea, but unsure whether that's the ending or they are just fliming some extra scenes...


Because my Korean is not very good, so I didnt ask too much...


there were a lot of fans at airport to welcome them,


From Taiwan, HK,China,Korea,M'sia & S'pore, and of cos us from Macau,


we booked 3 cars to chase after them


we chased for a whole day, and saw SHIN and CG very Close..


SHin(JJH) and Choi Sang Goong kept smiling to us, very friendly, and YEH is very cute,


Shin's(JJH) assistant is very shy, we feel that he look like (JH)?


Now I'm home first to report latest news,


My friends are still waiting for them,

他們到現在也在拍,(They are still shooting now (it's 11p.m. while she post the msg).. some of the fans are still waiting...)

聽MBC的人說明天他們要去澳門一家很有名的飯店拍一整天,(They will be shooting at the hotel whole day tomorrow... <that makes me wonder why did they fly all the way to Macau to shoot the hotel scene...>


and they are shooting indoor, maybe there wont be any chance to go in to see them,

他們明天半夜2點鐘會坐飛機回韓國,所以行程還蠻緊迫的,(They will be taking 2.a.m. flight tomorrow flying back to Korea)


and we need to sort out the photos,


maybe tomorrow will po (upload) for everyone to see

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Guest hsinyi069

http://i2.tinypic.com/sbr0q0.jpg -> the pic is too huge... i decided to use link instead of img

from: baidu

给我拿了妃宫mama 的签名~~ I got binggong mama's signature!!

她超可爱好人~~ she is so cute and nice

我说"pi kong mama, can you sign??" I asked "pi kong mama, can you sign??"

我给她纸和笔~~ I gave her paper and pen

她就接著签上去了~~ She signed!

For YUL Camp


warning: it's kinda.. sad..... along with the bkground music

while we are all happy for Shin and CG.. hope he'll find his love soon.. :)




Shin is all happy and smiling~

and as mentioned, the fan who took these pics says that JJH is super nice and handsome in real life!!





waving to fans!!

JJH really loves his MP3.. he is listening to it all the time!!!!!

all pics credit to racvcv @ korenwind!!!!!

pls do not hotlink.. i uploaded to my own photobucket... thanx!

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Guest Pooie

So from these scenes it's kinda obvious CG is going with Shin is it not?

:tears: But I want CG to go with Yul...the poor thing.

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Guest avygoong

not sure if this already requested...I like the song give me a little try and wondering if someone can help translate it would be great

02 서현진 <suh hyun jin> - Give Me a Try

아직 나를 모르겠지

니가 알고 있는건 너무나 작을 뿐일텐데

많은 걸 원하진 않아

그저 너의 곁에서 손을 잡고 있을께

네 눈에 비친 얼굴 마음이 말해와

늦진 않았잖아

(Just give Me A Little Try )

high high 이렇게 가보는거야

다른 길은 필요없어

이토록 바래왔던 너의 kiss

내 사랑이 시작되잖아

모르는건 아니겠지 항상 내 몸속에서

맴돌고있는 사람 너라는걸

너무 멀리 가진 말아

잠시만 기다려줘 다가설 수 있도록

모든것은 우연히 항상

또 갑자기 찾아오는걸까

(Just give Me A Little Try)

high high기다림이 너무길어

and I - 나 너뿐인걸 알았어

이렇게 나의 눈을 감고 kiss

give Me A Little Try

Just give Me A Little Try

every turn with me 우-

내 손을 잡아줘 함께 또 영원히

이렇게 내게와 준 그대와

high high 이렇게 가보는거야

and I - 다른 길은 필요없어

이토록 바래왔던 너의kiss

내사랑은 Just give Me A Little Try

Just give Me A Little Try

umm...no offend but the story of Goong is not getting anywhere now...it's dragging...hope it gets better..n looking forward to the 2nd season

hi!!do u know where i can find the romanization lyrics of this one???..thnks

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Guest evy149

YEH going back to hotel at night



Wow !!! Manda & Rebby, thanks for the live update :) I feel like i'm in Macao with the crews, LOL ! and from all the caps and BTS seem that we will have a happy ending :D O... i can just die happily now !!!

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YEH going back to hotel at night


thanks for translating and posting wonderful pics. i think that the fan brought up a good point about why they went all the way to macau for a hotel room shoot. Maybe this whole happy ending thing is just a big farce and there really is a sad or open ending for the drama.

it just doesnt make any sense if they are giong to be shooting more scenes when they go back to korea too. Wouldnt it be a better secret for the ending since everyone is so paranoid about the ending being leaked if they finished wrapping up in macau instead of korea?

something is very fishy! maybe this is Shin and CG's final goodbye or something

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Guest helenou

OMG LUCKY FANS who were able to see JJH and YEH and got their sign !!!! :w00t:

from what i have read they look so nice, so natural and very warm with all their fans !! just like i have imagined them in the real life !! loooool

but wait a minute, if CG is not in Macao to go to uni, why would she go there? ..... or maybe they haven't shooted these scenes yet .....

or other screenplay : she goes there to be far from seoul, from the goong (coz she was forced to leave it and because of all the stuff that happened there ) and from what happened and maybe to try to forget Shin? .... what do u think about that?

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Wow !!! Manda & Rebby, thanks for the live update :) I feel like i'm in Macao with the crews, LOL ! and from all the caps and BTS seem that we will have a happy ending :D O... i can just die happily now !!!

nope this pic is not from rebby. i think she is asleep already.

tis is from baidu. =D

-> credits to baidu

-> no probs with the translations i do wad i can.

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nope this pic is not from rebby. i think she is asleep already.

tis is from baidu. =D

-> credits to baidu

-> no probs with the translations i do wad i can.

what do you make of the whole thing so far now that they are in macau? you really think its going to be a happy ending?

what does everyone think? i cant wait until Rebby tells us the details of this thing.

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