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Guest q12345

I dont know if I should or shouldn't say this but.. (don't read it if you don't want to feel a lil bit angry about the end of Goong)

Isn't this all tragedy and incidents in CK' imagination?? (from the first episode says "The Dream Story of Shin Chae Gyung). I was thinking about what Shin said, after 2.5 million years or whatever number that is human have a cycle. Is it possible that CK will meet Shin again (but not as a prince) in the end of Goong's drama while she wakes up from her daydreaming in her school?? :D Just wondering..

Hey, nice analysis! I do recall this in the first episode when CG said it. You may be onto something here. ;)

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Guest q12345

Here are some things I've noticed in ep.22 (I guess it's a spoiler of a sort, so read at own risk :) ):

Shin told Alfred not to cry, that it's shameful.


CG & Yul - it's 25 million years

She tells him that if they were to meet in 25 million years to walk away and pretend he doesn't know her, and she'll do the same. Yul asks her why. CG says that even though she is leaving Shin's side now, in 25 million years she will still fall in love with him. Yul says that even so he will wait for her.

CG tells him not to be like that. Yul responds with why can't it be him. And she magically disappears from the scene.


In the ep.23 preview, Yul says that if CG had never entered the Palace and if he had never returned, the three of them would have lived without pain.

CG says Shin is crying. She is so sorry that all she could do is cry for him.


When CG's necklace breaks and the pendant falls it's surely a sign of things to come!


I think they'll pin the fire on Shin because he dropped his cell phone when he was in Yul's room. But notice he didn't drop the drawing of CG!

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AY!!!!!!!! *smooch* Wassup??? I haven't seen you in like forever... But that's the one that's the one!!!! Yeah, I could tell it was Yutaka for some reason ^_^ He's super cute :wub:

Anyways, back to Goong... WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! :tears: I just skimmed through eppie 22... WAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! That's like the saddest eppie ever!!!! Shin's tears brought me to tears! And at the end when Shin thinks CG is in the fire, I could see all the emotions swirling through him in his eyes! I could so see that he was super worried about loosing CG! And the preview ending scene! OMGJCSS!!!! Is Shin crying because he thinks CG died???? Poor Shin baby :tears: I'm hoping they can smile together again, I mean, this is so sad, almost to sad to bear! If I was CG, I would've collapsed a loooooonnnnngggg time ago, I mean I probably couldn't cope with all that sadness and stuff going on =(

And if you Goong peeps are wondering why a HS Student is at home at 12AM... I'm sick =( Dang, n I have an important chem test today too -_- Okies, then I better study some more...



nah saki~i think shin was crying because he became a suspect and no one believed him.

and when cg was standing outside she said : SHin goon is crying.. i am so sorry towards him and because of that i dunno how to console him...

WTF the rest is on season2?? wtf?

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Guest Saki>^.^<



nah saki~i think shin was crying because he became a suspect and no one believed him.

and when cg was standing outside she said : SHin goon is crying.. i am so sorry towards him and because of that i dunno how to console him...

WTF the rest is on season2?? wtf?

Manda Panda!!!!! *Muah* <33333333 How are you dearie???? I haven't talked to you in forever!!!!

Okay, about Goong... Yes!!!!! MO-TOOT finally gets what she deserves... muahahahaha XD S.A.V.E. with a silent J is successful... kekeke....

But how can the PD's do this???? They finally let their feelings out during the last 2 seconds of season one??? Grrr... I hate dramas that end like that :fury:

Yeah, Manda Panda, I thought what I said didn't make sense... I mean the whole palace would be freaking out if everyone thought CG died... but I can't stand to see Shin crying! It's just too sad... my poor Shin baby :tears: They really need to tell their feelings! Arg... but it's going to happen during like the last 2 seconds of the last eppie of the first season -_- Wahhhhh.... I wish that this wasn't like an american series where they leave you with a freaking good cliff hanger... We have to wait 10 months for the rest to come out ^O^

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i miss the drama when things were funny; and happy

with hyorin & such .

magaw;;;i hate how its going to end ( if the articles are true)

and WHAT the heck was the ending about?! that girls hand who was touching chaegyngs phone..lalala.... -___- omg. im gna die not being able to wati till nex week.

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Guest AznGrlz

----> http://www.sendspace.com/file/eejg9a

Here's a new mv i just made for goong :shin: :D i used the song called :sad without you by andy lau: one of my all time fav. but its in english w/ chinese chorus.

i prefer the viet version better :but i can't find it: 'cause there's a part in there that goes like this *Tears are the purest liquid to wash away and endure pain…for you, let me drop them once; the first and the last time in my life.* and i find it sounding like what shin feels, because so far we only see him crying for cg :tears:

btw, the chorus goes like this :

My love (my love) whoa oh…my heart (sad without you)

My love…I love you

My love (my love) whoa oh…my soul (sad without you)

My love…I miss you

i translated it based on viet version, but i think the chinese version is close to there :plz correct me if i'm wrong: :D

edit- g2g...so goongnight and sweet dreamz everyone! See you all tomorrow...bye bye

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Manda Panda!!!!! *Muah* <33333333 How are you dearie???? I haven't talked to you in forever!!!!

Okay, about Goong... Yes!!!!! MO-TOOT finally gets what she deserves... muahahahaha XD S.A.V.E. with a silent J is successful... kekeke....

But how can the PD's do this???? They finally let their feelings out during the last 2 seconds of season one??? Grrr... I hate dramas that end like that :fury:

Yeah, Manda Panda, I thought what I said didn't make sense... I mean the whole palace would be freaking out if everyone thought CG died... but I can't stand to see Shin crying! It's just too sad... my poor Shin baby :tears: They really need to tell their feelings! Arg... but it's going to happen during like the last 2 seconds of the last eppie of the first season -_- Wahhhhh.... I wish that this wasn't like an american series where they leave you with a freaking good cliff hanger... We have to wait 10 months for the rest to come out ^O^

SAKI! i heard u are bz with sch~~ come join the regulars in irc~we are whinning there. lOlx..

and yeah~~ poor shin. probably his lousy pea braindad did not believe him..

and what kind of ending is that???

but iwatched the entertainment news lasy night and they had YEH in her new green tea ad, the reporter asked her who will she end up with.. she say with the crown prince?

hmmmmm freak. i hope they dun give us some weirdo last 2 seconds love scene and end the season. i will slap them

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Guest insideMYheart

I will be heartbroken if there are no more loving scenes between CG & Shin before the season ends. I don't want to have to wait until season 2 :unsure: I hate seeing them so down and sad.

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Guest lilcuteeguh

right now, i'm just hoping that it won't end up in a sad scne cuz then i bet lots of fans would be so sad and anxious to find out what's gonna happen next and wiating 6 months (more or less) would bring many people with anger and anxiety... ahhh... have they starts to film the second season yet?

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Guest mayetlovesjisung

right now, i'm just hoping that it won't end up in a sad scne cuz then i bet lots of fans would be so sad and anxious to find out what's gonna happen next and wiating 6 months (more or less) would bring many people with anger and anxiety... ahhh... have they starts to film the second season yet?

Hi! Are you talking about season 1? I hope CG ends up with Shin. I totally love Yul but I want a happy ending for Shin and CG. Maybe Yul and I could end up together hehehe!

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Guest Saki>^.^<

SAKI! i heard u are bz with sch~~ come join the regulars in irc~we are whinning there. lOlx..

and yeah~~ poor shin. probably his lousy pea braindad did not believe him..

and what kind of ending is that???

but iwatched the entertainment news lasy night and they had YEH in her new green tea ad, the reporter asked her who will she end up with.. she say with the crown prince?

hmmmmm freak. i hope they dun give us some weirdo last 2 seconds love scene and end the season. i will slap them

Yeah... I am -_- School = stress, it's that simple. PM meh about the irc thing... compie crashed so I need to redownload it :P

But yeah! How can the stupid king daddy not understand his own son!!!!!!!! Like what the frig??????? Yahhhh!!!!! Ugh... that no good two timing... ok better stop there <_<

Manda Panda I think that's exactally what they are going to do... the last 2 seconds... Plus they're going to make us wait an agonizing 10 months!!!!! ARG...

YEH said that? Well she should! Unless the PD's make Yul the crown prince... that'd be so wack though -_-

insideMYheart I agree... It really saddens me how sad those two have become... and to think some eppies earlier they were so loving :(

lilcuteeguh. 6 months? I hate to burst your bubble... I wish it was 6 too... but Goong 2 will air January 2007... 10 monthes from now... April May June July August September October November December January... 10 monthes... 10 MONTHES?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :crazy: WAHHHHH :tears:

mayetlovesjisung I agree! For this season and all seasons to come, CG should be with Shin... FOEVAAAAA!!!!!! End of story.

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Guest insideMYheart

have they starts to film the second season yet?

I think someone mentioned they will start filming season 2 this summer. If Hyorin is going to be in the 2nd season, I think they have to wait until she is finished filming for the movie she is in.

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Guest mayetlovesjisung

I think someone mentioned they will start filming season 2 this summer. If Hyorin is going to be in the 2nd season, I think they have to wait until she is finished filming for the movie she is in.

So there's going to be more?! OMG! I'd be so late in watching this series! :(

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Guest insideMYheart

^ Check first post of the thread.

insideMYheart I agree... It really saddens me how sad those two have become... and to think some eppies earlier they were so loving :(

Yeah, it's so depressing to see how they can be so happy one minute and with one incident or misunderstanding, it's the total opposite :tears: Where's the trust? But I guess that's how relationships can be... now I can only hope for some more loving between the 2 to make up for all the sadness before the season is over.

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Guest mayetlovesjisung

^ Check first post of the thread.

Yeah, it's so depressing to see how they can be so happy one minute and with one incident or misunderstanding, it's the total opposite :tears: Where's the trust? But I guess that's how relationships can be... now I can only hope for some more loving between the 2 to make up for all the sadness before the season is over.

'insideMYheart' Hey you guys, keep this thread always updated with the latest buzz about Goong. I can't wait to start watching it!

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Yeah... I am -_- School = stress, it's that simple. PM meh about the irc thing... compie crashed so I need to redownload it :P

But yeah! How can the stupid king daddy not understand his own son!!!!!!!! Like what the frig??????? Yahhhh!!!!! Ugh... that no good two timing... ok better stop there <_<

Manda Panda I think that's exactally what they are going to do... the last 2 seconds... Plus they're going to make us wait an agonizing 10 months!!!!! ARG...

YEH said that? Well she should! Unless the PD's make Yul the crown prince... that'd be so wack though -_-

insideMYheart I agree... It really saddens me how sad those two have become... and to think some eppies earlier they were so loving :(

lilcuteeguh. 6 months? I hate to burst your bubble... I wish it was 6 too... but Goong 2 will air January 2007... 10 monthes from now... April May June July August September October November December January... 10 monthes... 10 MONTHES?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :crazy: WAHHHHH :tears:

mayetlovesjisung I agree! For this season and all seasons to come, CG should be with Shin... FOEVAAAAA!!!!!! End of story.

I hope they dun do that pls.. i mean at least give us 30mins of happy freedom time. DUN tell me shin will find her in the last 3 mins and then they say sarang hae to each other and that is the end. i will slap all of the PDS and make vooddo dolls and curse them all.

i think after this incident, cg will realize how much shin means to her.. and i think she will stay by his side..

and yul pls wake up. she doesnt love u. move on. stop crying. and pls stop ur evil mum from burning ur hse down.

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Guest jaccie

oh mi goodness! i need translation for episode 21!! i dun understand!! :( :( esp the part during the interview and the part where chae gyung cries beri terribly after shin says something, which looks beri mean to her..

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Guest mayetlovesjisung

I hope they dun do that pls.. i mean at least give us 30mins of happy freedom time. DUN tell me shin will find her in the last 3 mins and then they say sarang hae to each other and that is the end. i will slap all of the PDS and make vooddo dolls and curse them all.

i think after this incident, cg will realize how much shin means to her.. and i think she will stay by his side..

and yul pls wake up. she doesnt love u. move on. stop crying. and pls stop ur evil mum from burning ur hse down.

Hahaha! You're funny! I'll help you with the voodoo dolls stuff. :D

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oh mi goodness! i need translation for episode 21!! i dun understand!! :( :( esp the part during the interview and the part where chae gyung cries beri terribly after shin says something, which looks beri mean to her..

there are already translated. i think 25 pages back. check and backlog before requesting.

Cg didnt know if she will continue to like her and if what he says in the interview is real. so she just blurted the word divorce

but what shin said is that He meant everything he said in the interview

i gave u my heart and the one who betrayed it isnt me but u.

he said something like he cannot forgive her..

and then cg cries because after waitin for long for a confession she got one, but she ruined it herself by saying she wants a divorce

and in epi 22..

when shin and cg were talking..

cg said she wants to leave the palace.

shin says the exiling isnt confirmed yet.

cg said she just want to live as shin chaegyong.

but she is very glad that she met shin in the palace and falls in love with him bcause she knows that outside the palace, shin wouldnt have looked at her once.

she walks away.. shin cries again

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