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Guest dr jung

Oh my God.. Episode 20 was so sad.. especially the preview of 21. It just made me LITERALLY cry with tears.. mann. I feel so bad for Shin.. =(

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but boy the talk show was interesting. >.< i mean i know shin actually said he loved her but really if i was in chae's shoes i would not believe ONE single word of it. i mean at that moment the only thing that could salvage their face was those words you know??? i know he meant it but still. OH i dont know. i have a feeling that the next two are going to get worse and worse till 24 might be an kinda decent one. *sigh*

I have to agree with you there. I'm sure Shin meant it sincerely, but I could see how CG would just think he said to save their public image. Afterall, he said it to the camera and not to her...It would've been sweeter if he looked her in the eyes and said it. Then maybe she could tell from his expression that he was really being sincere.

CG looked so much more mature with that hairstyle. I wanna style my hair like that too! I loved the scene where Shin listened to what Yul was saying on the cel phone and then took it away from her! He's really keeping an eye on her now!

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I just read an article that said Joo Ji hoon decided not to receive pay for the last four episodes for goong.

The article was titled "Joo Ji Hoon acts like a crown prince"

He didnt want to receive pay because he was thankful for the producer for giving him an oppurtunity to act.

Also, there was another one, where it talked about shin's mom and chaekyung's mom.

apparently, they're not only in goong together, but they're also in rival dramas as well.

"spring waltz" <shin's mom>

"Which star are you from?" <chaekyung's mom>

thot that was neat

Oh yeah

and after the last episode of season one, all four main chracters of Goong will appear on a Goong special

YEH was asked about which type of guy she liked, JJH, KJH, or Kim Jong Gook

and she said, "Can I live with all of them?"

She also said that she and JJH didn't really talk during the 7 months of filming

they only started talking recently when they had to film the one bedroom scene.

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Guest xx-outsider-xx

looking at comic picture, it makes me realize again how much better looking shin in the manga than shin in the drama. haha. don't throw rocks at me guys, just felt that way. the comic shin's smiling face is way heart-melting also. lol . and CG in comic and manga is the same, pretty and fashionable but so simple minded. hmm...

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Guest evelyn168

Is it just me or there's something wrong with the script writers? I feel that I'm going crazy right now... Watching ep. 19 and 20 makes me so angry... I'm losing interest in Goong cause I find it too lagging... But I can't wait till next week because of the interview... It's good, but then I know what happens cause of the manhwa... I just wonder where they'll cut off in ep. 24...

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Guest *sOo.RiM.eE*

thought this was interesting.... the 28 looks of CG!!! :)


link to article

credit to daum.net


doing this for mangoicy... :) my second reminder post!! YAY!!!! :lol:

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I don't understand why people are saying that Yul is understanding. I don't suppose manipulating someone into believing certain things is understanding? Basically, Yul is telling CG that Shin will never love her. I believe that Yul knows deep down that Shin loves CG and cares about her a lot. However, he can't step past his own selfishness and allow CG to be happy. He's making CG think that she will be happier out of the palace, without Shin in her life when, really, he's just trying to slip into Shin's spot! He thinks that because he loves her, CG will be happy with him? What about who CG loves?! He doesn't care, he thinks he can change her heart! If Yul were so understanding, he'd see how much CG hurts because of HIM, for deliberately pushing her and Shin away from each other. If he were so understanding, he'd step out of the way and let Shin and CG express their love for each other. Yul is in no way understanding because, ultimately, all that matters to him is what HE wants, not what CG wants. He doesn't even know what CG wants. And CG's mind is so scattered that she is easily manipulated by him. Doesn't she see that Shin cares for her deeply and its not just 정? Urgh, this drama is making me angry. I wish it were happy like it was in the beginning.

About Hyo-Rin changing, I think she just grew up. She realized that she can't keep trying to hold Shin back when she knows that he's already left her and placed CG in his heart. If only Yul would either grow up or go back to England.

I agree with you about Hyo-Rin. I'm really glad they let her character go abroad to study ballet instead of like, having her character stay in Korea and wait for Shin while studying ballet on the side. It shows that she has the ability tomove on and that she's a stronger person now, who can stand on her own two feet. It really shows growth which is more than can be said for CG. Regardless of whether it's because she got rejected or if she's really seeing the wrong in her ways, that she's willing to admit that she's lost this round is commendable in my mind. I wouldn't blame her if she came back when she heard that Shin and CG's relationship was on the rocks-- she did say that she'd take Shin back if ever he was to go back to her-- it's partly CG's fault for not being more understanding towards Shin and pushing him away when he obviously tried to make an effort in Episode 19 to reconcile with her.

As for Yul, I don't know if he really is understanding but I think the thing about Yul is, when they were just friends, he would always tell CG what she wants to hear... he never scolded her even when she's in the wrong-- so of course, CG wants to think what Yul says is right, because he's the only one who's always 100% on her side. Thus when Yul recommends divorce to CG, she bought everything hook line and sinker.

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Guest Bebot

okay so im confused.

so i finished watching eps.20

this was the original that it was supposed to end on...

well is season two starting with eps. 21.22.23. and 24

or is it eps.

and is season two starting next year or next week???


Oh! I see you dilema :( .. hope i can help you out! Season 1 was extended from 20 episode to 24. The Season 2 that they're talking about will air on Jan 2007? (I think? not sure about the exact date but it will definitely be air next year..) this means we still have 4 more episodes to go.. I'm hoping for a Great ending for Season 1. :D

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absolutelyyy dislike yul.

hes brainwashing cg like crazy into the ways he wants things to happen.

i mean even if cg did say divorce shin; shes not even gna go for yul.

ahhhhhh the intervieww >< when shin said "sarangha go it seup ni da" that made me happy :]

haha. havent seen happy scenes in a long time . well except the preview where cg speaks up ><

gahhhh. shes whining too much to begin with. i mean come on....she made the decision to marry shin

in the beginging. althought it might be really hard; she should at least know it'll get alot better.

shes acting like shes in hell with people bossing her around.

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Guest the one

This is going too far.

She is whining too much.

He's being nice to her.

She thinks he doesn't love her.

She's being ignorant.

Her boobs are really saggy. It comes out her stomache.

She's mean to him.

He's nice to her.

That is not love.

She wants to get out too much.

율 (Yoor) gets on my nerves.

Drama is dragging the audiences around.

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Guest sharonstar

dude... guys. i just watched 20, and have the same question... whats up with that bear lol errr

AND!!! according to manga, nextweek, yul is going to peek CG in bath oooo perv~~~~ jk jk jk

i dont thin kthey'll include that one..

poooor shin... hes going to be barfing like crazy T__T

AND CG is going to become guishin [gost] cuz she'll be wearing all WHITE tahahha...



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Spoilers Alert for Ep 20

This is going to be a long post. I am not going to do full spot translation but parts of it. So if you don't want to know what happen in ep 20, don't proceed further. :D

The part where the newspaper report was out, Shin came to confront CG. But when she received a call to meet the Tai Hou, Shin asked her to stay in her room and he will go and explain to Tai Hou.

My observation: Part of the reason why he did is because he does not want CG to mess up further, but I think a huge part is because he wants to protect CG. You know how I come to this conclusion? Later on when the Queen was scolding CG (after she found out that CG was indeed with Yul), Shin came out of his room and said that he has something to say to the Queen with regards to this. Unfortunately, the Queen said, not even the crown prince can solve this problem. Sigh

Yul told mo-toot that if he has to choose between the two (king position or CG), he will give up the king position. The king position that his dad lost, he wanted to take it back but something more important has appeared (he stole Shin's line!) Even if he has to be a commoner, as long as CG is with him, he is fine with it. Mo-toot fainted when she heard this.

My observation: Yul ah Yul, you love CG so much. But can't you see that you are making her even more miserable. CG said in the later part that now that she's having cold war with Shin, life in palace is becoming even more unbearable. Now that Shin is away from her and Yul is with her, she is having such a miserable time. Can't Yul see that she needs Shin, not him? I guess love is really blind.

This is when CG was talking with Shin in the courtyard after she talked to Yul.

CG: I obtained so much from Yul

CG: but I could not give anything back

CG: Even my own heart, I cannot give

CG: Even so, I still wish to do something for him

Shin: So you are still holding on to it like a precious (xx)

Shin: Yah..the way I see it, what both of you did are something earth shaking

CG: Don't tell me Shin goon can give away your heart so easily?

CG: I am sorry, but I can't do that

CG: Having given my heart to someone, I can't give it to any other person anymore

CG: Because there Shin Chae Gyoung only has one heart.

Shin: Don't talk nonsense about heart and love

Shin: Listen to my words carefully, Yul is off limits

Shin: Don't do anything dirty in the palace

CG: Dirty?

CG: Is that how you see me and Yul?

Shin: I didn't mean it that way

CG: Just because things are not going the way you want it to be so now you are angry

CG: This part I can understand

CG: But what I cannot believe is

CG: Something even more cruel than this..

He then went on about not doing anything dirty in the palace and CG ends up getting pissed again.

My obs: Sigh. Shin goon is not listening to CG's words carefully. She said she has given her heart to someone, and so she cannot give it to anyone else. Babo shin, she already confessed earlier, don't tell me you don't know that she has given her heart to you? She also said she cannot give her heart to Yul, that means she does not like Yul. Argh. Babo shin

After the quarell with CG and CG storm into her room (after she visited her parents in the palace), he said these two lines:

Don't leave

Don't leave me alone

Shin looked to vulnerable, so lonely at this part. I was almost crying. If only CG can see him now.

Before going to airport, Shin actually asked CG if she wants to send Hyorin off with him. CG said no and ask him to go alone. He then said, if you don't like it, I will not go also. CG then went on to say don't be like this. I have a reason for not wanting to go. Both of you have times (memories) that I do not know off. If I am around, then I will be a hindrance to both of you when you are cleaning up those memories. So I am fine. Just go alone.

My obs: Shin has indeed changed. Previously, I can't even imagine him asking CG to go along with him, let alone saying: If you don't like it, I will not go. This should be a very clear sign that Hyorin is just a friend. He cares a lot about what CG feels when it comes to Hyorin as I think he knows Hyorin is a sensitive topic. To be able to bring along your wife t meet your ex-gf, it takes a proper closure before one can do that. If only CG realises that.

Overall feeling about this episode:

I see a much stronger and determined Shin goon. When he faced Mo-toot, when he talked to CG, when he confronted Yul, when he talked to his pea-brain daddy. I think this is one episode where Shin has a lot Best-Shin moment. Although he still need some help in being tactful with his wife, I really enjoyed his scenes in this episode. He's no longer the guy who doesn't give a damn about his position in the palace. Thumbs up to Shin goon.

CG, I am very disappointed in her. She seems so weak now. She listened too much to Yul. Really need to stay away from him. :fury:

Shin is very determined that he will not give up CG no matter what (he told this to CG's parents). But the divorce that CG is going to say in the live interview may change his determination. At least that's what happen in the manhwa. Very depressing book 11. If the scripwriter is following the manhwa, expect the rollercoaster ride to go even lower in the next episode.

Still, I am keeping my faith that it will all turn out well so shall continue watching until end of Season 1. If it ends badly, I am saying goodbye to K-drama. :tears:

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