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Guest coreana

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Guest thegraduate

I do agree with you... I think it was mentioned by Chea's mom that while Yul's mom was still the crown princess( i think this epi 19, can't remember exactly)... she seemed arrogant back then... well, from what i saw on the past few epis... she's still cocky as she can be ( when she called the Queen and shout at her that my son was born the crown prince blah blah...)... If Yul's the crown prince, Yul's mom the Queen...

I think CG would have a more hard time than she is having now... I think Yul's mom would make here palace life more miserable since she mentioned that she was thankful that Yul's not the one who married the stupid /silly girl blah blah( from previous epi)...

As for Yul... stop playing with CG's brain... like the saying goes... If you really love someone set her/him free... if they comes back to you... :sweatingbullets: I forgot the rest of the saying.... :lol: but still set CG free if you love her that much.... :lol:

FIGHTING Goongers!!!!

I'm praying for a good ending for season one!!!

me off the work :sweatingbullets:

We can't really say how it would have turned out if Yul was to remain the Crown Prince. Perhaps, he's the nice, charming Yul that he is now because he was taken out of the Palace environment. Perhaps being in England changed him for the better because he didn't have to deal with the stress that came along with being a good crown prince. Regardless of who the prince is, CG would still have had a hard time. It was a loveless marriage. They didn't even have a dating relationship or a courtship.

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Guest Crystallight

I just hope that in episode 21 it will go on for the better. After their mini honeymoon at the beach, everything went downhill. I am so sad that it has become that. It was such a cheerful story in the beginning. I just hope that the PD would make the story finish with a good ending so that everyone could look forward to season 2.

I agree with many post that CG is one messed up girl. However, I feel that Shin doesn't help her much with all those conflicted messages. :(

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Guest sophendo

NOTE TO MODS: I apologize for whatever I did to get the post on Episode 18 links deleted. Please PM me if you want me to post my links elsewhere.

Um... For those who couldn't get episode 18, yet... NOTE: THIS IS A REPOSTING... The one on page 1409 (I actually recorded it down as 1416...weird) was DELETED for some reason. :D

Goong Ep 18 - 140 mb - YSI Links

Um... lol.

Nevermind. My post still exists but it shifted...oh, I dunno know, like... 60 pages!!! It's on page 1350 the last time I checked. It was originally on page 1416. XDDDDDD

So, instead of reposting, I will copy and paste my signature here (those who use the lo-fi version of soompi can't see the signature). I checked just recently and the links below all work. THUS... If you still need episode 17 and 18, use these links. :D Again, please PM me if the links are blocked or have expired. :D


60+ YSI links to Goong Ep 20--159mb version ...SERIOUSLY. Give me love <3 ^______________^

60+ YSI links to Goong Ep 19--168mb version ...SERIOUSLY. Give me love <3 ^______________^

Old; ironically, some are still working-->60+ YSI links to Goong Ep 18-144mb &&& 30+ YSI links to Goong Ep 18-50mb &&& 60+ YSI links to Goong Ep 17-111mb

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Guest jennxxness

By the looks at how this is going, Goong will havea hard time cracking 30%. well maybe in the last episode..

I don't know if this has been posted yet,

but ep 20 ratings:

27.1 (national)

26.9 (seoul)

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Guest piano4112000

For me I don't blame Shin at all, I did then but not now. If CG is so confused about his feelings for her all she has to do is ask him. Do you love me? If the answer she gets is not the answer she wants then she can just walk away. We always blame Shin because he is a guy to express his love and tell her but truthfully speaking they live in an age where both men and women have equal rights and equal say.

I believe that if CG was to just ask him that question she will get an answer. She never tells him truthfully what's in her heart but she is okay with running and telling Yul that. I don't blame Shin for being angry with her because from his point of view she seems to like Yul a lot more than him.

If after the interview he tells her that what he said was a lie I don't blame him because right after he said he loved her she went right on a head and said she wanted to divorce him, how should he react. I think when she opened her mouth to say she wanted to divorce him, he felt dead inside and I felt dead inside just like him. He probably never imagine that CG would betray him like that and most importantly someone who he has come to love and cherish.

Oh how I wish her maid and his helper would just knock some sense into her and see what she has done to the royal family with her stupidity.

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Guest chibifry

Oh, what a disappointment.

Just when I thought YEH's acting was clearly improving, it just went down the drain again. Ep 18 - the whole sad-depressed-numb scene was just horrible. Seriously.

Ep 18..

Hurts me to see CG sad that she saw Hyorin & Shin together. And Hyorin told Shin to care for her more.. sadness. Total misunderstanding :(

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Here's a question I've got for all the people who follow this drama:

It seems to be the consensus that if Yul's father never died, and Yul ascended to Crown Prince and the throne, and got to marry CG rather than Shin, Yul & CG would make a nice, happy, un-angsty couple because he's got a more affectionate personality. But what I wonder is, would that really be true? Or would CG have clashed with the her prince husband no matter if it was Yul or Shin?

Because I remember from the comic that Shin had a flashback memory back to when he and Yul were children, before the death of Yul's father, and BabyYul slapped BabyShin because Shin didn't call Yul "Crown Prince." That doesn't seem to be the "sweet Yul" that we know.

I guess what I'm speculating is that if Yul had remained the crown prince, isn't it just as possible that he would have developed Shin's closed-off personality and be stand-offish to CG initially as well? And if Shin had grown up outside of the Palace, relatively care-free without the pressures of succession, wouldn't he be more open of a person rather than Mr. "I'm uptight about everything."?

Just one more point:

I don't think Yul would make a good King, because his emotions are so easily swayed by CG! I mean yes, it's sweet that he cares so much about her, but you cannot be a fitting King of a country (even if the King has no substantial political power) if you're willing to bend to every whim and will of one teenage girl. I know a lot of people were angry at Shin for saying that "I've lived 19 years w/o you so I can probably survive even if you're gone although I'll miss you." and not just like, "No, don't leave I'd die if you did." But I think that as Crown Prince, Shin has to be emotionally stoic like that. A lot of the things that people dub as Shin being cold and uncaring, I really see it more as he's being responsible and mature. Yes, he's falling in love with CG, but he also knows that life is a lot more than just chasing after girls and being a Casanova.

I agree with you 100 percent, mikanpuriname. I don't think it is fair that Shin be called cold, heartless, etc because I honestly don't believe he was always like that. Goong life most probably made him that way. I doubht that his personality was always a bit standoffish, even when he was a child. Shin's parents never showed him any real love, they were too busy fulfilling their duties as the Royal Family. I felt especially bad for Shin when he called his mother 어머니 and his mom didn't even accept it. Shin grew up in that kind of environment, it is natural for him to not be able to portray his feelings as easily as it is for Yul, who is, for the most part, nothing but a whiny, needy, selfish, irresponsible, immature crybaby.

What I don't understand is why SHIN'S father is so harsh toward his own son. Is it because his "love" is Yul's mother? Does he feel sorry that her husband died and she was kicked out of the palace that he is allowing himself to be manipulated by her conniving ways? I just don't understand. Then again, I couldn't stand to watch the parts where Shin's father and Yul's mother met so I just fast forwarded. Is there maybe an alliance between the three?

All I know is that Yul's mother is the epitome of evil. She's like Korea's Iago. She's so power-hungry that she doesn't take time to think RATIONALLY. All she wants is for her to be Queen and her son to be 태자. Call me crazy, but I would NEVER want those two people ruling the country I live in. It is absolutely ridiculous how she gets all these people to follow her. She's basically tricking people into believing that she deserves the Crown. Yul's mother needs to accept the law and learn to roll with the punches. Fate dealt her a bad hand, she ought not to try to reverse it.

That was my rant for today, I'm not even sure if it makes sense. I just started typing and everything that was running through my brain about Goong started pouring out. xT

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Guest jennxxness

Maybe it might be better if Shin goes to Hyo rin. atleast they can understand each other and Hyo rin still loves Shin. and it's not like Shin is incapable of loving Hyorin. lool. It would probably make life more simpler.. well my life more simpler that is. I can't believe we have to wait another week for this.

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Guest thegraduate

BTW--Thanks for the links everyone.

I haven't seen anything after ep16 (waiting for the subs) but everyone's comments are making me very impatient. I can't wait to watch everything with my own eyes.

My beef with CG is that she was fully aware of Shin's relationship with Hyorin. However, Shin never ran to Hyorin when he was lonely, in trouble or needed someone to talk to. It was always Hyorin who called him and requested him for the meetings. Yet, with CG and Yul, CG goes to Yul voluntarily, knowing how Yul feels for her and knowing that she's married. I thought that after the first 2 vanishing acts with Yul, she'd learned her lesson. It's disappointing to see that as much as CG loves Shins, she continues to hurt him by going to Yul while, Shin has made efforts to limit is contact with Hyorin. At least Shin knows that as the crown prince, he can't being have these "other" relationships. It's about time someone scolded CG for her carelessness.

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I do agree with you... I think it was mentioned by Chea's mom that while Yul's mom was still the crown princess( i think this epi 19, can't remember exactly)... she seemed arrogant back then... well, from what i saw on the past few epis... she's still cocky as she can be ( when she called the Queen and shout at her that my son was born the crown prince blah blah...)... If Yul's the crown prince, Yul's mom the Queen...

I think CG would have a more hard time than she is having now... I think Yul's mom would make here palace life more miserable since she mentioned that she was thankful that Yul's not the one who married the stupid /silly girl blah blah( from previous epi)...

As for Yul... stop playing with CG's brain... like the saying goes... If you really love someone set her/him free... if they comes back to you... :sweatingbullets: I forgot the rest of the saying.... :lol: but still set CG free if you love her that much.... :lol:

FIGHTING Goongers!!!!

I'm praying for a good ending for season one!!!

me off the work :sweatingbullets:

If Yul and MoToot had become crown prince and Queen, they probably would have locked CG into a dungeon and then throw the key away. :tongue2:

MoToot, I think is someone who was always really ambitious for power, not just after her husband died. But in the comic

MoToot had met KingDaddy first (this was when they were young), but she opted to marry Yul's father instead because Yul's father was the older brother, thus Crown Prince, and she wanted to be the Crown Princess so she married the one who was first in succession to the throne, despite being in love with the younger brother. And that's why they had the affair and everything because originally MoToot loved KingDaddy-- this is also what the Queen was talking about when she spoke to Yul after the Royal Family Dinner Party about the "tragedy of the mismatched couple" So I guess if anyone is just PURE evil and all about personal agenda, it's MoToot, because she opted for power rather than love, and now is trying to manipulate KingDaddy back into cahoots with her.

What I don't understand is why SHIN'S father is so harsh toward his own son. Is it because his "love" is Yul's mother? Does he feel sorry that her husband died and she was kicked out of the palace that he is allowing himself to be manipulated by her conniving ways? I just don't understand. Then again, I couldn't stand to watch the parts where Shin's father and Yul's mother met so I just fast forwarded. Is there maybe an alliance between the three?

Maybe Shin's father is able to be so lenient towards Yul and not towards Shin precisely because Shin is his own son? I'm thinking of the very typical Asian parent mentality where you are most critical towards your own children whilst putting everyone else's children on a pedestal. Not because KingDaddy is like conspiring against his own son, but just that he's got high expectations for Shin to be PERFECT thus it makes him forget that Shin too, is still in the searching process of trying to find a good balance between his own personality and the conduct that a Crown Prince should have. Furthermore, when Shin causes a scandal, it is immediately traced back to the King and Queen for not "educating him properly." So I guess it's like whenever Shin messes up, KingDaddy feels like it's exposing his inadequacies as a father, thus KingDaddy ends up being extra harsh on Shin. On the other hand, for Yul, if he ever does anything that's out of line, it's easier for people to excuse it because he's had to grow up w/o a father, and he was "exiled" from the palace until now, etc etc. I think KingDaddy is just being a very typical Asian parent.:sweatingbullets:

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gosh all you guys are hating on cg i understand her why she the way she is.

shin is really blind to see what he does to her.

i still dont like hyorin URGH she pisses me off.

YUL! i love him he's understanding shin is a fweak who needs to understand his wife better.

and I LOVE SHIN but come on..this is gettin crazi

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Guest piano4112000

Yul is understanding? How is he understanding? He manipulates CG to do what he wants and lies to her and you call that undrstanding, I'm sorry but as much as you love Yul you can't possibly think what he is doing is right do you because I know if someone was doing that to my friend I would kick him in the nuts.

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All I know is that Yul's mother is the epitome of evil. She's like Korea's Iago. She's so power-hungry that she doesn't take time to think RATIONALLY. All she wants is for her to be Queen and her son to be 태자. Call me crazy, but I would NEVER want those two people ruling the country I live in. It is absolutely ridiculous how she gets all these people to follow her. She's basically tricking people into believing that she deserves the Crown. Yul's mother needs to accept the law and learn to roll with the punches. Fate dealt her a bad hand, she ought not to try to reverse it.

That is her RATIONAL thoughts :lol::lol:

thegraduate -- agree with you too... we can't really say what would happen... ;)

me so late for work :sweatingbullets:


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Guest echoRy

aahhhh! EunHye was picked for the part, deal with it! if u don't like it...don't watch!

anyways <_< , the slap JJH received from the witch looked like it

was even harder than the one EunHye gave him...poor JJH!

and i'm not gonna lose faith. ChaeShin will work things out and end up

happy. Yul, his mother and hopefully KingIdiot will get what's coming to them.

The End! lol, quite rose colored i know, but that's what i'm hoping for.

NEWBIES: post, don'be scared to B)

HI BEBOT! <333

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Quite frankly, i would like to see a divorce among the couple (ducking stones here) :lol: but only to see them get together again after both of them have acheived or done the things that they have always wanted to do. To both give them time to breathe and just live life. I dont think i would mind an open ending as long as i see what i want happen.

Bella, I'm with you here.

I think some time apart will do both some good. They both can go on to achieve their dreams of Photography/Directing and Design, then once they've lived their lives to the fullest as singletons they can get together as a couple again, if they both still love each other, which I'm sure they do.

I got on the Goongwagon and I'm not getting off till the ride is over :tongue2: . Good or bad, smooth or bumpy my seat belt is fasten and I'm not moving. Got my tissue boxes and my puke bags ready :P .

LoL, speaking of rides, this series is sure one hell of a rollercoaster. Starts out smooth and slow, then it ascends to it's highest point, then drops, then slows down again, drops, and back up to its highest and finally comes to an end where everyone has a smile on their face from an amazing ride :lol: .

v Gee, dearie, seeing how everyone is so down and out about what's been going on, I just wanted to add a bit of sunshine to the gloomy thread...hehe.

Everyone! Hang in there! We're all in this together.

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Guest echoRy

*sigh* JBear u are such a great breath of fresh air!

thank u for the positive tude. got my seatbelt on too, and if needed

extra puke bags for everybody and lot's of tissues!

we have to put faith in the PDs/writers, they know what we want and i'm

sure they'll deliver. i hope Pretty delivers in the manhwa too!

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Guest boo_its_lisa

anyone feel like translating the ep. 21 preview? (even just a brief summery will do!) i'm really curious, and just want to know what is going on with the talk show parts after watching it. i can't stand not knowing what they are saying. will she or won't she say it... ah! *pulls hair*

basically CG says "truthfully we were going to divorce..." gets cut off by shin (remeber in korean it sounds a little different just doign the best i can to traslate) shin says "so it becomes revelaed.. She is just a normal girl suddenly put into a situation like this, she is a very free girl who feels like a strager to the palace... etc.." then CG says to herself "this is not what i meant.. " and whines..

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