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Guest coreana

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Here's a question I've got for all the people who follow this drama:

It seems to be the consensus that if Yul's father never died, and Yul ascended to Crown Prince and the throne, and got to marry CG rather than Shin, Yul & CG would make a nice, happy, un-angsty couple because he's got a more affectionate personality. But what I wonder is, would that really be true? Or would CG have clashed with the her prince husband no matter if it was Yul or Shin?

Because I remember from the comic that Shin had a flashback memory back to when he and Yul were children, before the death of Yul's father, and BabyYul slapped BabyShin because Shin didn't call Yul "Crown Prince." That doesn't seem to be the "sweet Yul" that we know.

I guess what I'm speculating is that if Yul had remained the crown prince, isn't it just as possible that he would have developed Shin's closed-off personality and be stand-offish to CG initially as well? And if Shin had grown up outside of the Palace, relatively care-free without the pressures of succession, wouldn't he be more open of a person rather than Mr. "I'm uptight about everything."?

Just one more point:

I don't think Yul would make a good King, because his emotions are so easily swayed by CG! I mean yes, it's sweet that he cares so much about her, but you cannot be a fitting King of a country (even if the King has no substantial political power) if you're willing to bend to every whim and will of one teenage girl. I know a lot of people were angry at Shin for saying that "I've lived 19 years w/o you so I can probably survive even if you're gone although I'll miss you." and not just like, "No, don't leave I'd die if you did." But I think that as Crown Prince, Shin has to be emotionally stoic like that. A lot of the things that people dub as Shin being cold and uncaring, I really see it more as he's being responsible and mature. Yes, he's falling in love with CG, but he also knows that life is a lot more than just chasing after girls and being a Casanova.

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Guest V A L XD

YAY CG said they might divorce

NOW shin shows his feelings-.-; what a babo

YUL cheer up i'm on your side ^___^V

divorce divorce divorce hahahahahahaaha am i the only evil person who wants her to divorce muahahahahaha *evil laugh*

rawrr! no divorce. i want to see CG pregrante..

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Guest chibifry


anyone have ep 18?

thank you.. ^^; I can't find the link.. Ive been searching backwards for about 100 pgs but still, to no avail.. T_T

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according to manga:

"there is alot of unexplainable things in this world and the changes that happened in my life was once of them.

I am thankful i made the decision that time and also, i want to thank Bigung, whose decision making must have been tougher than mine. I think the process is important, but also the ending is as important as well.

Tibits loving, carefree girl, a normal high sch girl, entering the palace, embracing the loneliness, missing her family at the same time. She came into the palace where everything needs to be done with precision to become my wife. This girl here, is not strong, not evil, always hidin her tears. But i am in love with this girl.

And people ask urselves, even though she is not perfect, not mature but she willingly accepts her life as tries her best to give her all to be the best crown princess. wouldnt u all fall in love with her?

and lastly pls forgive us."

:tears: I just have to quote you, amanda-pandabear,

Thank you for posting this up *hugz* This is such a revelation/good news :tears::)

I got goosebumps all over after reading them....

That is THE most wisest, sweetest & not to mention, humble words that (would or will) ever come out (if MBC decides to follow the manhwa, but I think they will, coz this is such an important scene) from our Prince Lee Shin! And it shows how different Shin is now, with all the problems this Prince has to handle, I'm not surprised if one day he'll just breakdown and ask his gullible-babo wife to stick by him one more time. :tears:

Goodness, it has been about 2 hours since I read amanda's posting, but every time I read it over, I'm still overwhelmed by it, this is not even funny but I really would like to see this in the drama.

Here's my 2cents after doing my silent reading these past 2 days:

Yesterday, with all the heated tension and comments from eppie 19, I hold myself back to post further comments about Goong. And I'm glad I did that *phew*

Today, even though I haven't fully watched ep 20 yet (just a bit peeking from kind soul who uploaded from youtube *thank u btw*), when Shin said the 'S' word on the MBC National TV-show, I was literally screaming "YES! YES!...." at my monitor screen.

My silent prediction was indeed confirmed.

No wonder the PD (Hwang In-Roi) and the drama scriptwriter (In Eun-Ah) held back Shin's confession scene and seems like they're dragging the eppies, but, come to think about it again, wouldn't it be worth it to see something as heartwarming as this in the future? and if Ms. In Eun-Ah also wrote her script based on the manhwa, then that'll be like such a nice surprise relief for all the stress and nightmares we had to face up to now.

Also, I agree with thegraduate. After seeing these 'hella' episodes, to me, they (the crew, especially the Producer, Director & Scriptwriter) deserve some praise to be able to play with the audience's mind and emotion like this.

They dare to give us these 'heart-breaking' episodes in such a way that I can't help but to think they're also gambling with the viewers' responses. They have gambled whether or not they'd get good feedbacks from all of this, since that'd be really important, especially with Season 2 in mind.

Even though we haven't seen that much increase in ratings, but I think it's stable enough to say that the viewers are still 'glued' to their screens every Wed-Thurs nights :D

{edited: Ratings for Ep 20 -- 27.1% seoul, 26.9% nationwide}

So bottom-line, their so-called "gambling method" didn't go to waste at all, up to now at least.

After all, dunno about you guys,... but I admit that my emotions are still stirred (up and down) from these last few aired episodes.

Imagine how it'd be if everything went so smoothy without any rocks and storms in our Royal couple's relationship? Wouldn't it be boring? Would we still anticipating to watch the next eppie after ep 20?

I think it'd be hella boring :D especially after we witnessed all coldness CG has to put up with (in the beginning). Deep down, I know I'd be all :wacko: and would perhaps think, "why is it so easy for Shin to get his beloved wife?" It'll be more realistic to "what goes around, comes around"

A man has to fight for what he believes in. A man like Shin especially needs to realize that he loves his wife so much and that he will treasure her for all the days of his life.

So I'm really holding myself and trying to put my mind in perspective... to see the bigger picture instead.

Lastly, *waves to all my lovelies (you know who u r)... miss you all! ^^ *


In this 2 eppies, our Bingung Mama is just darn confused :excl:

I miss the old strong & cheerful Chaegyung.

But I won't say anything else about it since yes, the process does 'hurt' some of us Shin-Chae shippers, but what's important is the outcome :) so, hang-in there, Goongers!

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Guest Pikachu

wait, wait wait, if it says "dah eum ee shee gahn ae.." that means it's gonna be on next week at the same time?!?!

ep. 21 next week??? did they make a mistake and forget to take that out? eeh i wouldnt think sooo.. it would have said "we'll come back in 2007, so please be patient!" or something. no?

hrrmmmmmmmmm.. does nayone knoww??

Yes. Ep 21 next week. This season will end with 24 episodes. Not 20. Season 2 will begin January 2007, so the additional 4 episodes are coming right after ep 20. So yes. More Goong. :3

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anyone have ep 18?

thank you.. ^^; I can't find the link.. Ive been searching backwards for about 100 pgs but still, to no avail.. T_T

here's the link

episode 18 ysi links


credits to sophendo :)


episode 19 ysi links


credits to sophendo :)

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Guest sophendo

Goong Ep 20 - 159 mb - 60+ YSI Links

I almost owned page 1481!!! ;) MANY THANKS TO SOUTSADA7 for the first ysi link!! From one comes MAAAANNNYYY...

I also really appreciate those who post a link to this post (or page number) in their subsequent posts in this thread (remember to write something of substance and relevance to Goong!). I think it helps those who are too lazy to check a hundred pages back (lol) and do not know that sophendo exists. XD!

The link to this post is: http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?s=&...dpost&p=1999643


If you still need this episode, find me on IRC. If you know how to use mIRC, you can get the lq versions of Episode 1-20 if you connect to the ircHIGHWAY server and join the #ambrosia channel. heh. I'm usually "sophendo|bot" or "afk|sophe." Just send me a message on irc :D Or ask on the channel. I'm sure 'tenchimal' won't bite you. XD



Hey guys!! I was able to get the 159 mb version from SOUTSADA7, who got it from creidesca (SO GIVE SOUTSADA7 and CREIDESCA LOTS OF LOVE, TOO!!!) So... here are many MANY MAAAAANNNNYYY yousendit links to Episode 20!! Enjoy <3

Thanks for the comments! *sophendo gobbles them up and gains 20 pounds* @_@

See you NEXT WEEK with Ep 21-22 YSI links! Go, go Goong fever!!!

v Check my signature for archive links (they may have expired...^^;;) and please PLEASE PM me if a mirror becomes blocked so I can scratch it out! Plus, it will tell me that I need to upload more! If you know how to use mIRC, you can get the lq versions of Episode 1-20 if you connect to the ircHIGHWAY server and join the #ambrosia channel. heh. I'm usually "sophendo|bot" or "afk|sophe." Just send me a message on irc :D Or ask on the channel. I'm sure 'tenchimal' won't bite you. XD

GIVE ME LOVE AND I WILL LOVE YOU BACK! It takes me several hours to get these up. ...but please write something of substance in your post, so it won't be considered 'spam.' XD


<3 Why? 'Cuz I love you lots!

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Guest bonniehjin

Word to the nth power. Its all so infuriating. Everyone in this show is so darn selfish, its to the point of ridiculousness. :crazy:

And about Yul, his dad died and according to rules he can't be the crown prince anymore. That is no reason to be doing the things he is doing, no one robbed him of anything, fate just dealt him a blow. Deal.

Even more than Yul, CG is getting on my nerves. You're involved in a scandal that's tarnishing the palace's good name, shouldn't you now realise this relationship with Yul is inappropriate! Stop going to him all the damn time with your problems and listening to his rubbish. When you first got introduced in the show, you had 3 very good gfs, talk to one of them. You used to before. :fury:

ETA: Oh and I am bothered by the actions of Hyorin and CG. Both know that Yul is attempting to take the crown prince position away from Shin, and both claim to love Shin, but none of them tells him the truth. In the case of Hyorin, she knows that Yul is willing to do unscrupulous and underhanded things to get his way, but she says nothing. She knows that Mo-Toot is no good as well, she says nothing. I understand at first she was all for it, but now that she has accepted things and is moving on, I think she should have given him a heads up on what's going on behind his back.

CG knows too, not the means, but she knows the intention. Give the so called guy you love a heads up. I really cannot understand her thinking most of the time.

you're so right!! like lately, CG has been saying that Shin is so rude and selfish...umm talk about herself!! She's the one being brat! ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS! Shin doesn't say it, but he definitely shows it, and i feel that it's more genuine. as for YUL, he sweet talks, but u know wat the say...sweet talking boys talk sweetalking lies!! and i CLEARLY remember in the earlier episodes, CG gets angry @ Yul because she says that Shin is different from YUl b/c he'll never be envious for the things that he doesn't have! HELLO!! YUL is just wanting her b/c he's been lonely and she's something he's never had before and also the fact that his rival, shin, already has her might be a motivating factor as well. Therefore, my point is, she's being annoying!!! the divorce was totally unnecessary, and he even confessed on the show that HE LOVED HER! how much more genuine can you get?!?! and even she was shocked for like 3 seconds b/c tat's not somethin SHin would just say out of nowhere! he truly meant it, and i understand. it is partly shin's fault for not being able to express his emotions very openly, but all his life, he's been taught NOT to show his emotions. Therefore, CG needs to understand from his pt of view that it's not easy to be very open like her. I feel bad for SHIN. He's in the worst position as of right now. YUL needs to just back off like hyorin. go back to where he came from. and CG needs to just be a lil bit more understanding...she's being a lil too ignorant now and stubborn, which makes things so much more frustrating! ARGHHHHHHHHH episode 19 and 20 were disappointing!! i <3 shin though! hahaha poor him...CG is making him so sad... :wacko:

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Guest susammie

YUP YUP so true..........CG stop going to that YUL when u needed help........she could go to the unnie too! She ask her in ep. 16 when they were having tea together.....when CG was asking the unnie for her "friend" probem...the unnie is really a good helper and she's pretty too :) HOPE CG will come back to her sense after the queen yell at her....cuz...she's being so stupi!!!! if i was the queen i would... punish her somehow....cuz.....she's just being STUPID~ :fury: *GOSH*...GRRR i think i'm starting ot like Hyroin....cuz she noes when to stop in ep. 20 she knows dat Shin doesn't like her anymore and she have to get away. She noes dat whatever she do she could not win Shin back again....She doesn't want to hurt herself anymore. WELL CG U BETTER WAKE UP OR ELSE!!!!*SIGH*..i think Shin should do sumthing about Yul cuz he is ruining their relationship!....

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Guest piano4112000

I think I'll ask the people who has read the book. Who starts the fire? Does Yul know anything about it? How long is Shin banished for( I mean when he is sent somewhere else)? When does CG start to believe Shin that he didn't do it? These questions are running through my mind and I need answers to them so I can put my brain to rest for the day( even though I'm still at work :) ).

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Guest lovedrama


Hi Goong lovers!!

I'm backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

...and I have Episode 20 (159mb version). Give me 15 minutes to put them into words. I have 20+ yousendit links right now, and I am uploading the other 40 currently. :D

Welcome back Sephendo. :P

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Here's a question I've got for all the people who follow this drama:

It seems to be the consensus that if Yul's father never died, and Yul ascended to Crown Prince and the throne, and got to marry CG rather than Shin, Yul & CG would make a nice, happy, un-angsty couple because he's got a more affectionate personality. But what I wonder is, would that really be true? Or would CG have clashed with the her prince husband no matter if it was Yul or Shin?

Because I remember from the comic that Shin had a flashback memory back to when he and Yul were children, before the death of Yul's father, and BabyYul slapped BabyShin because Shin didn't call Yul "Crown Prince." That doesn't seem to be the "sweet Yul" that we know.

I guess what I'm speculating is that if Yul had remained the crown prince, isn't it just as possible that he would have developed Shin's closed-off personality and be stand-offish to CG initially as well? And if Shin had grown up outside of the Palace, relatively care-free without the pressures of succession, wouldn't he be more open of a person rather than Mr. "I'm uptight about everything."?

Just one more point:

I don't think Yul would make a good King, because his emotions are so easily swayed by CG! I mean yes, it's sweet that he cares so much about her, but you cannot be a fitting King of a country (even if the King has no substantial political power) if you're willing to bend to every whim and will of one teenage girl. I know a lot of people were angry at Shin for saying that "I've lived 19 years w/o you so I can probably survive even if you're gone although I'll miss you." and not just like, "No, don't leave I'd die if you did." But I think that as Crown Prince, Shin has to be emotionally stoic like that. A lot of the things that people dub as Shin being cold and uncaring, I really see it more as he's being responsible and mature. Yes, he's falling in love with CG, but he also knows that life is a lot more than just chasing after girls and being a Casanova.

I do agree with you... I think it was mentioned by Chea's mom that while Yul's mom was still the crown princess( i think this epi 19, can't remember exactly)... she seemed arrogant back then... well, from what i saw on the past few epis... she's still cocky as she can be ( when she called the Queen and shout at her that my son was born the crown prince blah blah...)... If Yul's the crown prince, Yul's mom the Queen...

I think CG would have a more hard time than she is having now... I think Yul's mom would make here palace life more miserable since she mentioned that she was thankful that Yul's not the one who married the stupid /silly girl blah blah( from previous epi)...

As for Yul... stop playing with CG's brain... like the saying goes... If you really love someone set her/him free... if they comes back to you... :sweatingbullets: I forgot the rest of the saying.... :lol: but still set CG free if you love her that much.... :lol:

FIGHTING Goongers!!!!

I'm praying for a good ending for season one!!!

me off the work :sweatingbullets:

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You all should backlog, it's so fun!

Haven't seen eppie 19 or 20 yet, but been keeping up with everyone here.

From the looks of it...they all are babos! Every single one of them!

Shin for not telling Chae he loves her (she just needs to hear it).

Chae for everything she's doing, but mainly for always running to Yul when she needs a friend and for listening to him whine.

Yul for trying to take what is not his, the throne and his cousin's wife. It may have been his then, but fate had other plans and he should just move on.

KingDaddy, for being so blinded by what's really going on and being manipulated AGAIN by the evil Toot-of-a-square and even doubting his own son and wife.

HwangHumama for scolding Chae always, I know she worries for her son's future and is only trying to protect him, sometimes I feel she just goes too far.

TaeHwangTaeHumama for not realizing what a coniving weasel-of-a-sangoong she has working for her...aish!

Yul's mom for being the evil behind it everything...that says it all.

Aish, the list goes on, but I won't get to them as my blood is already starting boil.

Very much enjoyed reading the posts but as I was reading I noticed that this thread isn't the same loving thread anymore, there is now so much tension between the newbies and the regulars. I know that the newbies are in need of info and links and whatnot, but that is why we have a first post, if you all would just kindly check it out, it'd save so much room on the thread and it'd also help keep the blood pressures of the regulars down. We've already gone on a thread diet, gotten two warnings and we don't want a third.

Before I leave, I just would like to say to the newbies...welcome. Don't be afraid to post what's on your mind about the series but please make sure your posts count, one liners will definitely put one of our regulars on your back, and mod on all of ours. Please follow rules so that we can go back to being the fun loving thread that we once were.


mikanpuriname, to answer your question about Shin and Yul, I think Yul would probably be just as cold as Shin was/is if he were to still have his position as the Crown Prince. Life in England gave him a freedom that Shin didn't have.

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I was like you today, i refrained myself from saying anything because i wanted to see how th drama would unfold. I agree with alot of people here that CG is one ungrateful little girl and quite frankly, her lack of maturity is grating on my last nerves.

Although i cant say that the royal family even welcomed her with open arms as well. All of them are guilty of ignoring her/ridicuing her/criticising her because of her background in the beginning and quite frankly, NONE of them wanted the marriage. Only when their utter survival as a royal household was threatened did they do anything about it which was by forcing this marriage.

I see this episode as "payback time" because at first, noone was interested in CG or her well being and now that the media is on their backs, everyone is trying to find fault with her or try to pin the blame on her.

yes she can be easily swayed but can you blame her. She is like the rest of us who had dreams and desires and wanting to be free. When she entered that marriage, she knew the risks but tried to help her family so that is why she went into it in the first place. However, the price that she paid was with her FREEDOM. That is worth so much more than money.

Quite frankly, i would like to see a divorce among the couple (ducking stones here) :lol: but only to see them get together again after both of them have acheived or done the things that they have always wanted to do. To both give them time to breathe and just live life. I dont think i would mind an open ending as long as i see what i want happen.

I cant imagine how stifiling the life of royalty can be so can you blame her at all?

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I got goosebumps all over after reading them....

That is THE most wisest, sweetest & not to mention, humble words that (would or will) ever come out (if MBC decides to follow the manhwa, but I think they will, coz this is such an important scene) from our Prince Lee Shin! And it shows how different Shin is now, with all the problems this Prince has to handle, I'm not surprised if one day he'll just breakdown and ask his gullible-babo wife to stick by him one more time. :tears:

But then the thing is... after this TV confession from Shin, their relationship pretty much hits rock bottom as he feels that she's betrayed him and he refuses to trust her for like a whole volume of the comic. She on the other hand has herself convinced that the speech was a rehearsed cover-up because Shin somehow foresaw that she was going to announce a divorce.

Seeing as how we're at episode 20 of the drama, and there are only 4 episodes left, I'm afraid that this means next week's 2 episodes will be sad stuff as well. I'm just crossing my fingers that the last two episodes will be somewhat happy episodes with Shin and CG making amends with each other.

I really want season 2 to start off on a upbeat happy foot with Shin and CG together as a couple rather than like Shin and CG at odds with each other, with Shin off traveling somewhere (meets Hyo-Rin on the way), and CG is like, selling insurance with her mom or something because they got a divorce so she got kicked out of the Palace, but Yul will come and visit them with extravagant gifts and big promises. The thing is, if I was CG's mom/dad, and CG and Shin got a divorce, I wouldn't let Yul be CG's boyfriend either. It's like.. obviously the girl is maladjusted to Palace life, as a mother, CG's mom should just be like, no more cinderella fantasies, let's just sell insurance.:sweatingbullets:

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Guest lenakeem

from what ive read CG is being selfish and becoming bi.chy;; and yul is evil;; hmm kinda weird cus in the beginning of the story we were saying how we dont like shin && hyorin// but now its liek the total oppisite :P

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Guest jennxxness

hmm wait. Can someone clear me out of this confusion?

By the looks of the preview of ep 21; Shin is going along with the div... so that's why he asked the public for forgiveness?

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