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Guest coreana

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Regarding CG's public announcement on TV that she wants a divorce--

am I the only one who thinks it's awfully irresponsible and ungrateful for her to do so?

Yes, it's true that her marriage with Shin began as a farce, but he's done quite a lot for her-- taking her out of the castle on the vacation in Ep 16; letting her go home in Ep 19; taking care of her when she fainted at school in Ep 11 (or was it 12?) Albeit, he's never told her that he loves her, and he doesn't baby her like Yul does, but it's not as if he threw her in a dungeon in the Palace and never fed her. (Yes, I'm exaggerating)

Furthermore, I think CG forgets that the royal family paid for her own family's debts! If she's going to be mean to Shin, I can accept that, he too is hurtful to her at times. But she's being really disrespectful towards the Queen, QueenGrandma and KingDaddy, GongJu, who have really tried to be kind to her -- but all she ever does is try to run away from them. (Even though the Queen is quick to reprimand CG, I see it as like, she just got stuck playing the Bad Cop while QueenGrandma always gets to play the Good Cop, because I feel like, if no one reprimanded CG in the palace for always disappearing and running home, the Palace & CG would get more criticisms from the media and other sources.)

I think as guardians, they probably feel really discouraged because they really tried to incorporate her into the family, but time and again she embarasses them by running away and disappearing. It's almost as if she's saying, "no, sorry, I don't want you guys to be my family." And that really makes me angry because everyone in the Palace has tried to make her comfortable under the given circumstances, but she won't budge at all in her ways-- of course, she's going to be homesick, but it's not as if they're cutting off all communication lines between her and her family! She still gets to call them, they can come visit her in the Palace, but she acts like they went and fed her family to the dragons or something. But it's because Shin married her, that her family is able to live a good life and her mom can be in the "millionaire's club." or whatever. Has CG ever thought that if she divorces Shin, then she ought to pay the royal family back? Like when I read this interview/divorce fiasco in the comic, I was really annoyed by how inconsiderate CG was being towards Shin's family and the Palace. Like I can accept all the miscommunications and angst between the couples, but I can't stand it that CG is such a inconsiderate person towards the royal family.:fury:

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chaekyung needs a slap back into reality

She deserves EVERY BIT OF SCOLDING she received in episode 20. I don't kno what she is thinking about. She's been like brainwashed by Yul or something because she's not using her head at all.

Did she not get scolded enough to realize that hanging out with yul is getting HER into a LOT of trouble. Not just her, but everyone in the palace?

is she REALLY willing to sacrifice everyone for her happiness?

and COME ON. does she REALLY think Yul is going to help her get out of the palace? he wants to marry her AFTER HE BECOMES KING, meaning shes gonna stay inside the palace either way!

shes acting like a FREAKING BABy. SERIOUSLY be grateful for what the royal family has done!

shes like PMSING

BAH! i hate the way chaekyung is acting...

GO SHIN for putting down BOTH his father and yul's mom.

That's the way to go! Take everything back and put it in order.

As for chaekyung, stop her from being stupid again


season one BETTER end in a good note, or im gonna be SO angry

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Guest glaze

wait, wait wait, if it says "dah eum ee shee gahn ae.." that means it's gonna be on next week at the same time?!?!

ep. 21 next week??? did they make a mistake and forget to take that out? eeh i wouldnt think sooo.. it would have said "we'll come back in 2007, so please be patient!" or something. no?

hrrmmmmmmmmm.. does nayone knoww??

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Guest thu011

Lolz. We all want a good ending for season one right, but I wouldn't hope too much for it. Don't kill me just yet....

Think about it, since Goong is sooo popular right now in asian countries, even worldwide, the PDs aren't going to let it stop right here, in a "happily" place, otherwise, people won't look forward to season 2.

If Season 1 ended in a cliffhangers, we, the fans would die in miserable, but the PDs will have one advantage, the dying fans will be forever more willing to watch season 2. That's what I think. Yupp, PD taking advantage of Goong's popularity right now and playing with us dying fans. And dam it, it's working so far.

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Regarding CG's public announcement on TV that she wants a divorce--

am I the only one who thinks it's awfully irresponsible and ungrateful for her to do so?

Word to the nth power. Its all so infuriating. Everyone in this show is so darn selfish, its to the point of ridiculousness. :crazy:

And about Yul, his dad died and according to rules he can't be the crown prince anymore. That is no reason to be doing the things he is doing, no one robbed him of anything, fate just dealt him a blow. Deal.

Even more than Yul, CG is getting on my nerves. You're involved in a scandal that's tarnishing the palace's good name, shouldn't you now realise this relationship with Yul is inappropriate! Stop going to him all the damn time with your problems and listening to his rubbish. When you first got introduced in the show, you had 3 very good gfs, talk to one of them. You used to before. :fury:

ETA: Oh and I am bothered by the actions of Hyorin and CG. Both know that Yul is attempting to take the crown prince position away from Shin, and both claim to love Shin, but none of them tells him the truth. In the case of Hyorin, she knows that Yul is willing to do unscrupulous and underhanded things to get his way, but she says nothing. She knows that Mo-Toot is no good as well, she says nothing. I understand at first she was all for it, but now that she has accepted things and is moving on, I think she should have given him a heads up on what's going on behind his back.

CG knows too, not the means, but she knows the intention. Give the so called guy you love a heads up. I really cannot understand her thinking most of the time.

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Guest piano4112000

Regarding CG's public announcement on TV that she wants a divorce--

am I the only one who thinks it's awfully irresponsible and ungrateful for her to do so?

Yes, it's true that her marriage with Shin began as a farce, but he's done quite a lot for her-- taking her out of the castle on the vacation in Ep 16; letting her go home in Ep 19; taking care of her when she fainted at school in Ep 11 (or was it 12?) Albeit, he's never told her that he loves her, and he doesn't baby her like Yul does, but it's not as if he threw her in a dungeon in the Palace and never fed her. (Yes, I'm exaggerating)

Furthermore, I think CG forgets that the royal family paid for her own family's debts! If she's going to be mean to Shin, I can accept that, he too is hurtful to her at times. But she's being really disrespectful towards the Queen, QueenGrandma and KingDaddy, GongJu, who have really tried to be kind to her -- but all she ever does is try to run away from them. (Even though the Queen is quick to reprimand CG, I see it as like, she just got stuck playing the Bad Cop while QueenGrandma always gets to play the Good Cop, because I feel like, if no one reprimanded CG in the palace for always disappearing and running home, the Palace & CG would get more criticisms from the media and other sources.)

I think as guardians, they probably feel really discouraged because they really tried to incorporate her into the family, but time and again she embarasses them by running away and disappearing. It's almost as if she's saying, "no, sorry, I don't want you guys to be my family." And that really makes me angry because everyone in the Palace has tried to make her comfortable under the given circumstances, but she won't budge at all in her ways-- of course, she's going to be homesick, but it's not as if they're cutting off all communication lines between her and her family! She still gets to call them, they can come visit her in the Palace, but she acts like they went and fed her family to the dragons or something. But it's because Shin married her, that her family is able to live a good life and her mom can be in the "millionaire's club." or whatever. Has CG ever thought that if she divorces Shin, then she ought to pay the royal family back? Like when I read this interview/divorce fiasco in the comic, I was really annoyed by how inconsiderate CG was being towards Shin's family and the Palace. Like I can accept all the miscommunications and angst between the couples, but I can't stand it that CG is such a inconsiderate person towards the royal family.:fury:


I thought I was the only on that thought she was being really ungrateful to the royal family. She is not only hurting Shin but also his family by doing that. I feel worst for Shin and his mother because their lives are being destroyed by Yul' mom and Yul and now CG.

I'm sorry but the crown prince tite does not belong to Yul. Fate caused Yul to not be the crown prince and it wasn't Shin's fault that that happened.

People tend to forget that no matter what was in place before Yul was never meant to be the crown prince and that fact that he thinks it was taken away from him is ridiculous(sp?). I want the show to just end already.

I don't know how much more I can take of this and to just think of what is to come makes me even more angry because if they do follow the book then we should get about 3 more episode of HELL and we aren't even sure if the last episode would be heaven due to the fact that the last volume is not out yet.

I'm at work and yet I can't seem to get the frustration of goongness out of my mind. Why is this drama driving me crazy! I need a DRINK. :D

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Guest mrshyunbin

YAY CG said they might divorce

NOW shin shows his feelings-.-; what a babo

YUL cheer up i'm on your side ^___^V

divorce divorce divorce hahahahahahaaha am i the only evil person who wants her to divorce muahahahahaha *evil laugh*

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Guest azn_aggie

Word to the nth power. Its all so infuriating. Everyone in this show is so darn selfish, its to the point of ridiculousness. :crazy:

And about Yul, his dad died and according to rules he can't be the crown prince anymore. That is no reason to be doing the things he is doing, no one robbed him of anything, fate just dealt him a blow. Deal.

Even more than Yul, CG is getting on my nerves. You're involved in a scandal that's tarnishing the palace's good name, shouldn't you now realise this relationship with Yul is inappropriate! Stop going to him all the damn time with your problems and listening to his rubbish. When you first got introduced in the show, you had 3 very good gfs, talk to one of them. You used to before. :fury:

i agree with you about CG. she needs to stop listening to Yul and believing everything he says. i think she kind of pity him but then at another point she might think she have a crush on him bc he was always there for her. i dont really know for sure but i just want to slap her and tell her to open her eyes. episodes 19 and 20 are both disappointing episodes for me. whoever wrote it needs to be kick for it. i just hope ep. 21 will be better. anyone have the preview for 21?

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Guest jemima

CG WAKE UP !!!!!!!!

Doesn't re recall all the sweet moments with Shin ???

Doesn't she remember when Shin told her that he wants to grow old together ????????

pabbo CG !!!!!!

(thanks for all the links eps.20)

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Guest *sOo.RiM.eE*

Now that you mentioned it, Pikachu, I remember reading that too.. Ooookay, I guess we still haven't received any official news from MBC? but the plan for season 2 is for sure :)

Time for another reminder :) I think it's working quite well. Thanks for reading the reminder everyone!

:) SUPER FRIENDLY REMINDER: People, we are NO LONGER ALLOWED to request for links (episode/preview/BTS/etc) in this thread. If the rule continues to be broken, this thread will be shut down. Please WAIT for others to re-upload the links or PM if you need extra help. IF YOU D/L, BE NICE AND PLEASE ALSO RE-UPLOAD for others. GO GOONGERS!!

saved you from the trouble!!! it must be hard to keep up with this thread!!!! :) i think people should take turns to show this sign... :) b/c you cant stay on here 24/7!!!!! we should make a chart to volunteer to up this statement for an hour... i do wish that people would just go to the first post but that's okay. people make mistakes... :) i do too... i remember the first time i went into a drama thread... i was a newbie and people got really irritated with me... >.< i wont mention which one it was but i was kinda hurt. :( but its okay!!!! i hope ALL goongers feel welcome k????? i will write my thought on epi 20 later! :)

btw... wat the heck was with the teddy bears???? the girl teddy is pregnant!! who is the girl and who is the boy???? AHHHHH!

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Guest echoRy

please...it's baboo Shin. if he would have just opened his mouth sooner,

Chae wouldn't be so insecure and foolish!

Yul is horrible and Chae needs to stop letting him influence her!!!

Shin is too stubborn for his own good!

Chae is an insecure, foolish, & easily swayed little girl and

Yul is just a nuisance!

the three of them are idiots...idiots i happen to love to bits...but idiots none-the-less!!!

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Guest starrysmile

i agree with you about CG. she needs to stop listening to Yul and believing everything he says. i think she kind of pity him but then at another point she might think she have a crush on him bc he was always there for her. i dont really know for sure but i just want to slap her and tell her to open her eyes. episodes 19 and 20 are both disappointing episodes for me. whoever wrote it needs to be kick for it. i just hope ep. 21 will be better. anyone have the preview for 21?

^the preview for ep 21 won't come out till next week. i agree with you. she should stop relying on yul and lean more towards shin.

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Guest helenou

Regarding CG's public announcement on TV that she wants a divorce--

am I the only one who thinks it's awfully irresponsible and ungrateful for her to do so?

it's so so TRUE !!! thx for putting it in words i wouldn't have enough force to do it ^^;; hhhaha

but yeah i think that way too coz even if she's sad and wasbraiwashed by Yul she shouldn't do something like that or even think about doing that !!!!!

i agree peopel in this drama are all selfish, i mean even if she wants the divorce i think she can set it out of the public attention, i mean what the hell is that????

on a live talkshow !!!!!!!!! :crazy:

she's complaining about all the bad news released on newspapers but is she really says out that she wants the divorce, it will definitelly be published in newspaper !!!!!!!

there will have shame on the royal familly, people wont trust them anymore coz they lie and people will think that they made fun on them and so on ..... the royal familly will be destroy, etc .....

and what about herself? it wont be better, her familly will be poor again, at school people will think about her as a b***ch :crazy: and they will look down on her !

ok i know that she thinks that it's the only way, the most efficient, according to her and esp to Yul, to break the link that exists between her and Shin !

aaa the more o think about that the more im getting upset :wacko:

moreover of the PD have planned to follow the manga .. arf i dont even want to imagine what's gonna happen next .....

why would Shin say that all is fake??? to give her back her freedom???!!!!

c'mon Shin, you like her so fight !!!!!!!!! :tears:

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Guest starryeyedwonder

just watched episode 20.


i get more and more pissed at CG and Yul every episode lately. ESPECIALLY Yul. No offense to Yul campers.. but seriously. .. what an a*shole. Okay.. thats like.. the nicest thing i can conjure up for him right now. I seriously hate this guy. He's A LIAR... makes up stupid excuses that he knows is NOT true.

"i'm doing all this for CG".. blahblahlblah

YEAH RIGHT. i seriously wanna slap him. He's doing it for himself!! He just wants to have her so he brainwashes her.. not because he wants her to be happy. what a freak. i seriously hate him.. and hope he has a sucky ending at the end of this because i want to seriously strangle him at this point, lol.

and CG. Gosh.. how selfish can she be?!?!? not only is she selfish.. but shes stupid and vulnerable. She believes everything Yul says. How is it that to her.. everything he says is true?!? Yul says that shin doesnt love her.. and of course, she believes it. ughhh.... how does yul know what shin is thinking?! gosh -_- sorry if im sounding harsh, but im SO SICK and tired of watching these last few episodes. CG and Yul richard simmons me off so much =(

also...CG deserved all that yelling from the palace people.. she DESERVES every single part of it in my opinion.. she called shin such a bad person for what he did with Hyorin... and oh, look.. shes almost doing the EXACT SAME THING.

poor shin. . . CG better get her act back together next week.. or i dont even know what im going to do.

I feel like this dramas starting to drag and its really frustrating me to the max. All i want is some of the comedy and cheerful and loveable CG that i fell in love with this drama...

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Guest Bebot

Regarding CG's public announcement on TV that she wants a divorce--

am I the only one who thinks it's awfully irresponsible and ungrateful for her to do so?

Yes, it's true that her marriage with Shin began as a farce, but he's done quite a lot for her-- taking her out of the castle on the vacation in Ep 16; letting her go home in Ep 19; taking care of her when she fainted at school in Ep 11 (or was it 12?) Albeit, he's never told her that he loves her, and he doesn't baby her like Yul does, but it's not as if he threw her in a dungeon in the Palace and never fed her. (Yes, I'm exaggerating)

Furthermore, I think CG forgets that the royal family paid for her own family's debts! If she's going to be mean to Shin, I can accept that, he too is hurtful to her at times. But she's being really disrespectful towards the Queen, QueenGrandma and KingDaddy, GongJu, who have really tried to be kind to her -- but all she ever does is try to run away from them. (Even though the Queen is quick to reprimand CG, I see it as like, she just got stuck playing the Bad Cop while QueenGrandma always gets to play the Good Cop, because I feel like, if no one reprimanded CG in the palace for always disappearing and running home, the Palace & CG would get more criticisms from the media and other sources.)

I think as guardians, they probably feel really discouraged because they really tried to incorporate her into the family, but time and again she embarasses them by running away and disappearing. It's almost as if she's saying, "no, sorry, I don't want you guys to be my family." And that really makes me angry because everyone in the Palace has tried to make her comfortable under the given circumstances, but she won't budge at all in her ways-- of course, she's going to be homesick, but it's not as if they're cutting off all communication lines between her and her family! She still gets to call them, they can come visit her in the Palace, but she acts like they went and fed her family to the dragons or something. But it's because Shin married her, that her family is able to live a good life and her mom can be in the "millionaire's club." or whatever. Has CG ever thought that if she divorces Shin, then she ought to pay the royal family back? Like when I read this interview/divorce fiasco in the comic, I was really annoyed by how inconsiderate CG was being towards Shin's family and the Palace. Like I can accept all the miscommunications and angst between the couples, but I can't stand it that CG is such a inconsiderate person towards the royal family.:fury:

I totally agree with you! As much as I love Cg... she's really getting on my last nerve. Before, I felt sorry for her 'cause , at the beginning, Shin wasn't lovey dovey with her... but that understandable since Shin hasn't fallen for her yet... too early... but now.. I feel that she's just being selfish and only thinking about herself. She need to get over her insecurities! I can't believe she would actually announce in the national TV that she's divorcing Shin, right after he said that he loves his wife.

Also, she knows how important public image in Royal family. How could she even think about humiliating Shin in LIVE TV and this is just right after her picture w/yul kissing her just came out in news papers! :crazy: Not just Shin, what about the entire Royal family! It's all about her! She's hurt, Shin did this, she saw Shin w/Hyorin, so what! She needs to stop being insecure and start acting like a real Princess... Like Prince Shin, it comes with a great responsibility... not just going to social function and getting dress up and looking cute! . :angry:

I think it's about time for someone to slap some senses to Cg... I think it's now her turn! *slap *slap :D Stop hanging around Yul! (She's taking advantage of Yul too! She tells him that she doesn't love him.. but she keeps going back to him! This is the reason that Yul can't move on.. he keeps getting mixed signals! :fury: She keeps giving him FALSE HOPE!

*waves to Gee!! :D

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Guest junior

saved you from the trouble!!! it must be hard to keep up with this thread!!!! :) i think people should take turns to show this sign... :) b/c you cant stay on here 24/7!!!!! we should make a chart to volunteer to up this statement for an hour...

if anyone like this idea, i will volunteer during the afternoon.

btw, thanks cilik.

ep 20 80mb LQ


edit: seriously, shin and cg need to walk away from each other. i dont think shin need this right now since there are so many things going on with himself and the palace. just divorce her and maybe cg will realize or wake up from her selfish behavior.

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