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Guest coreana

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Guest soutsada7

Could some one Re-up episode 16, 17, and 18 in HQ? I'm kinda behind after doing everything for school!


none of the links work anymore!

Thank you!

well lena uploaded the epis and here are some:

Here it is, eppy 19 HQ. Be happy, merry, and maybe even re-upload? ;):D

Goong Ep. 19 [HQ] 700mb SendSpace

Here's a new link for 18 and an active one for 16.

Goong Ep. 16 [HQ] 700mb SendSpace

Goong Ep. 18 [HQ] 700mb SendSpace

Episode 19 HQ 700mb is also available in my clubbox.


don't know about epi 17, sorry...hope this isn't considered spamming, since I'm answering someone's question :sweatingbullets:

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So, what do you guys think could push Shin to confess his love to CG?

I really hope that the fire doesn't come into play... Somehow, that seems like it'd be starting something the PDs won't be able to clean up by the end of Ep. 24 to our satisfaction. :/

Anyway, keep up the great conversation everyone! I love reading about everyone's thoughts and insights. This thread is so great for discussion. <3

good question. i wonder what will push our shin goon to confess to his wife?

Scenario 1

Hearing yul's brain washing his wife. Yul likes to say that Shin only has eyes for hyorin, his feelings for hyorin won't change, he won't ever like CG etc..

Likelihood of shin confessing - 10%

Shin goon will most probably just brood and ponder about it. and anyway, scripwriter loves to use the i-always-miss-out-the-important-part-of-the-conversation trick. so he'll most probably just misunderstand their conversation.

Scenario 2

CG telling him she wants to divorce him (very likely to happen in today's episode)

Likelihood of shin confessing - 20%

He's already thinking about it at the beginning of their marriage so i can't imagine him being affected by this. but at the end, if she's really going to leave the palace, there is this small chance that he may confess. don't think it's likely though

Scenario 3

Typical drama scene where CG gets hurt somehow and is in hospital. To make it even better, she should be in some kind of coma. Ah, maybe after saving Shin!

Likelihood of shin confessing - 90%

Likelihood of CG not knowing he confessed - 100%

Sigh, if the scripwriter uses this scene, i can so bang my head.

Okay, I give up, I can't think of an event that will push shin goon to confess to his wife. :tears:

Regarding the fire, was it ever mentioned in the text preview? I think it is supposed to be in tonight's episode? Maybe I am wrong. There was a fake text preview right? :sweatingbullets:

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Guest DallasE

Eppy 19 is one big heartbreaker.

Even though I was mentally prepared for it, but it still got to me.

As it is, Shin & ChaeGyung are too steeped in their own misery to see clearly into each other’s heart and the lack of communications & trust between the pair isn’t exactly helping things either.

Both are wary, insecure and vulnerable creatures to begin with.

ChaeGyung is an unworldly nineteen-year-old with the simple wish to live life the way she wants to, be free to go wherever she feels and eat whatever she likes. Entering into the royal household and a loveless marriage knowing that you are wanting is a hard pill to swallow. Her husband’s initial neglect and disinterest feeds her insecurity and deals a blow to her self-worth.

Also, she’s back to second-guessing Shin’s feelings towards her when her love declaration didn’t receive a response of sort from him soon after the “let’s grow old together” request.

Yul’s part in messing with her mind and sounding like a great authority on Shin’s feelings erodes her secret and burgeoning hope that Shin is also falling for her.

Believing that Shin has planned a future without her steeled her resolve to start distancing her heart from him to better preserve her own sanity.

Having lived most of his life in the sterile, straitlaced palace environ with no real showing of affections even between mother + son decided Shin's reserved nature.

With Shin, it’s kind of like old habit dies hard! He’s proud, aloof, brash and above all, unexpressive. Sweet- talking his wife is definitely not his forte. Most often than not, he puts his big foot in his mouth when it comes to communicating with his little wife. But he’s really coming out of his shell since his marriage to ChaeGyung and changed for the better. With his growing love for CG, the constant comparisons that ChaeGyung always made between him and Yul whenever they fight and the idea of not measuring up is eating him alive and resulting in him hitting out in blind anger and saying things that he soon come to regret. I’m hoping that when push comes to shove, he’ll shout it to the world that he loves her. Hope it’s soon before my poor heart completely gives out.

Also, baboo Shin should probably take a leaf out of his faithless daddy’s book, that guy sure is nauseatingly eloquent in his love letter, it makes me want to puke! :tongue2: :vicx:

Finally, after Eppy 19 I can start disliking Yul without feeling guilty. I’m sure no one would discount the fact that Yul has had a difficult childhood, growing up an emotional hostage to his manipulative bit*h of a mum. Still, his fixation with ChaeGyung is getting eerie and frustrating to say the least. He’s presumptuous in his love for CG and sees no wrong in his immoral and unacceptable behaviour towards his cousin’s wife.

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Guest ellerdnic

I saw the preview for episodes 19 and 20 and *sob* its so sad...although I really understand chaegyungs feelings. I think that she sometimes thinks that Shin likes her but, given the fact that Shin hasn't given any confirmation yet, she didn't want to assume (plus the fact that Yul is feeding her lies). For someone who is already hurt, you don't really want to have false expectations and just hurt yourself even more at the end. The only thing that is pissing me off is that the guy loves her! Shin! Listen to me! Stop being a prince for once and be a MAN!

Also, the answer to the question whether Shin loves CG or not is quite obvious. I have seen him tranform from a cold, cocky, i-dont-smile-ever kind of person to a warmer and friendlier version of himself...I think that's what love did to him. And if he was not the crown prince or he was just an ordinary guy, I think they would have met anyways. Like was previous mentioned, he was not the crown prince at first but some things happened that bought them together. If that is not fate, then I don't know what is...

Lastly, I don't know if this is allowed or not. I am not asking for links or anything but can someone upload it in youtube? Because that is where I watch Goong and I haven't seen anyone upload episode 19 yet...Thanks a lot...

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Guest thienly

Sorry but I cant help to bug in here, why every1 is questioning about Shin&CG love? how many time do we watch a Korean drama that the 2 lead are thrown together, co-habitat then falling in love? hmm let's see

1. sweet 18, 2. recent one my girl, 3. Delightful girl CH, 4. Snow white,...jsut to have a few. So the love develops between Shin and CG are very natural and human....there is no need to question about this love.

I have a question about Yul lvoe for CG. I dont think he loves her, I think he just looking at her as something that could have been his and he lost it.....now he wants it back to win over Shin...just a prize....but then again...how can you lost something you have never have? What hurt him more is that he treats her well I mean well here (in fact he doesnt do much for her anyway) and she never looks at him (only as a confiditante not as the way she looks at Shin) that makes him obsessive over her. ....I dont think he fits to be a king anyway ..He cant let go ....look at the talk about the stronger monarchy ...hm they are Constitutional monarchy not absolute monarchy ....they live off the tax payers ...to make the monarchy stronger you need to be able to support you own people. And I dont think he is as responsible as Shin to be a prince. Shin never talk to CG about Yul behind Yul's back just to win CG, even though looks like Shin is fighting a losing battle, he never doesnt anything that is called evil to win CG, where as Yul is different. ...to win CG he doest it with lying to her, talking to her about Shin behind 'Shin's back....feeding lies into CG's head and manipulating CG and keep asking CG to annouce the divorce....when Yul knows perfectly well that CG loves and only loves Shin. ....He knows how hard is it to tell some1 you love that you want to divorce them and yet he co-ercing her in doing it....just to get something that was never been or wont he his anyway.

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Guest kitkat16

woah...i just finish watching episode 19 and its so depressing..cg and shin always argue...

Shin just say u love cg now not hyorin so this whole situation will come to an end ...

i still like to see more of shin and cg moments like on episode 18 at the beach that was so sweet

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Guest beautifulxmess

good question. i wonder what will push our shin goon to confess to his wife?

Scenario 1

Hearing yul's brain washing his wife. Yul likes to say that Shin only has eyes for hyorin, his feelings for hyorin won't change, he won't ever like CG etc..

Likelihood of shin confessing - 10%

Shin goon will most probably just brood and ponder about it. and anyway, scripwriter loves to use the i-always-miss-out-the-important-part-of-the-conversation trick. so he'll most probably just misunderstand their conversation.

Scenario 2

CG telling him she wants to divorce him (very likely to happen in today's episode)

Likelihood of shin confessing - 20%

He's already thinking about it at the beginning of their marriage so i can't imagine him being affected by this. but at the end, if she's really going to leave the palace, there is this small chance that he may confess. don't think it's likely though

Scenario 3

Typical drama scene where CG gets hurt somehow and is in hospital. To make it even better, she should be in some kind of coma. Ah, maybe after saving Shin!

Likelihood of shin confessing - 90%

Likelihood of CG not knowing he confessed - 100%

Sigh, if the scripwriter uses this scene, i can so bang my head.

Okay, I give up, I can't think of an event that will push shin goon to confess to his wife. :tears:

Regarding the fire, was it ever mentioned in the text preview? I think it is supposed to be in tonight's episode? Maybe I am wrong. There was a fake text preview right? :sweatingbullets:

I think another question we have to ask at this point is: What will bring Shin and CG back together again.

N I think this is where the big 'fire' incident may help play a part...at least i hope so. Perhaps after during the whole fire fiasco, Cg will realise how much she cares for him..and return back in his arms! soppy but hey, its a happy ending! :D

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So, what do you guys think could push Shin to confess his love to CG?

for me, shin would finally confess his love to cg if cg is no longer with him... because then he will realize that cg doesn't really know his true feelings for her... he already knows that cg likes her... and so all he has to do is admit in return that he likes her as well.... i think what will really force him is when cg announces that she wants a divorce...




there are still a lot of links available 168mb version

credits to sophendo :)

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i thot shin will confess (according to the manhwa) before CG will bring up the divorce issue? i hvn't got to reading the manhwa vol 11 so pls correct me if i'm wrong.

at the end of vol 10, shin confessed that he loves CG... i hope its the same for the drama, even if CG goes on to bring up divorce right after that... at least CG would know that shin is indeed in love with her!

gawd, these 2 person gotta go for speech therapy!!

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Guest vignette

at the end of vol 10, shin confessed that he loves CG... i hope its the same for the drama, even if CG goes on to bring up divorce right after that... at least CG would know that shin is indeed in love with her!

gawd, these 2 person gotta go for speech therapy!!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the PD will follow the manhwa and though they may separate temporarily, CG can ponder on this and both can realize they can't live without the other and get back together again.

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in epi 15 (where shin hugged & kissed CG's hair), he said he would be able to go on living his life if CG divorces him, just as in the past 19 years w/o CG in his life, he thinks that he'll get along fine..

i hope he eat up those words and go into depression mode until it hurts CG so much to see him liddat and she'll run back to him in no time :tears:

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3 hours to go for ep 20

yesterday ep. is so depressing & ep 20 prev put more dose to depression... haih what to do.. give me sweet moment dose... please!! help!! help!!

btw.. i love reading all the speculation & scenario you'll put here..

SHIN! learn how to talk... CG! wake-up! wake-up!.. YUL!! stop talking nonsense!!

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Guest Akagi

just finished watching epi 19...

the production peeps really love to take us on emotion rollercoasters~sigh~

really hope that the ending would be fine..

funny how yul turns from good to evil and hyorin from evil to good.

if only hyorin befriends cg and tells her that shin's actually very in love with her..*wishful thinking*

another care for a collab with me? intending to make another goong theme or something..would need some graphics and stuff:


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i think what's happening in ep.19 is, kind of, simultaneously happened in recent ch. of the manhwa (personally i think manhwa version things went even worse between them)

whatsoever, thanks for uploading.

(i'm in the process of reuploading ep.19 (via sendspace))

here is the link:

goong ep.19


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Guest cassiopeia

hohoho ....... so much mixed emotions here ^^

Hopefully what I wrote can add some more fuel to the fire ...... err .. joking!

1st - Chae Gyung and Shin are both 19 years old (am I rite?). So "teens" in that age tend to mixed things up, having doubts, and so on. Didn't we all? Maybe it's not like you, but each person's life is different. Take it as the age of being rebel of CG and Shin. The age when they have to found out what their heart desires.

2nd - we all see what's going on. Why it hurts Yul, CG, Shin and Hyo Rin. But CG didn't see the Shin-Hyorin scene. Nor did Shin listen to CG. Like this life, it's all a "coincidence". It was just simply as "Shin listened to CG last word, and interpreted (?) differently" and "CG happens to see Shin's sad face, connects that with the fact that Shin had proposed to Hyo Rin, and feel so bad about that".

Sorry, but if I'm in CG's shoes, I might take my leave sooner. Being noted as "someone who steals her beloved's happiness" is the last thing we want, isn't it? You all want him to be happy. And her mind is thinking HOW to restored his happiness, and didn't read exactly that all Shin did is to erased HR completely from his life.

CG did say that she doesn't mind the pain caused of Shin who "rejected" her. All she knew is to be right beside him, not to gave him more loneliness and pain.

In the other hand, Shin only express his feelings by actions. If he only knew that CG loves him so much, if he is smarter, by being able to "detect" CG's feelings toward him earlier, the beach scene won't be on epi 16 but earlier. He could "cut" his & HR relationship sooner, and all this won't happened. But, like in our lives, sometimes the realization is a bit too late.

We all have people who "murmured" things in our ears, making all hard to see which way to follow.

The overall of the drama is good, but I just disagree with the melee of Yul's mom & Shin's dad story. It should be all about CG and Shin, not too much around that evil b***h.

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What will bring Shin & CG back together again?

Gosh! in my mind there are some critical events that must happen before the reconciliation can take place....

1. Shin who is now completely overwhelmed must find some relief/release 1st

- he has to secure his future so he has to fight off his possible dethroning

- he has to figure out the past liaison of the King & Mo-Toot which threatens the Queen and he has to protect his mum

- he has yet to convey his love to his beloved CG and it's killing him!!!!

[now i understand where Park So Hee is headed with vol11 of the manhwa - Shin may have to sucuumb to some serious illness for CG to wake up from her stupor]

Shin must be tossing & turning many what-if scenarios in his mind

what is Mo-Toot up to? is Yul in on it? what is the King planning to do?

for each possible plot Mo-Toot may have, Shin must plan out all ways of how he must retaliate or salvage.

with all this strategizing how can he not fall ill?

so while Shin is dying to have CG love him, he still has to tackle the overall big picture events!!! *poor guy*

2. CG must come to the realization that Shin loves her

possible scenarios...

I) HR sends CG a note from overseas telling her Shin's true love is none other than CG herself!

II) Queen reveals to CG that Shin is having to pre-empt a possible dethroning and tells CG how Mo-Toot is the instigator all along. Queen will ask CG to stand by her man and to help him fight!

III) Yul somehow relents his recent actions, admits to CG he has done wrong and tells CG that Shin loves her

IV) Shin somehow miraculously reveals to her with his own vocal chords in no uncertain terms about his love for her and to ask her to grow old with him!!!

Aigoo!!! well, at least thinking about this question has taken off some of the sorrow Ep19 brought!

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Guest narutaru


I think that for season 1, CG should end up with Yul. Season two end she ends up with Shin. Yul finally lets go of her and is HAPPPY!

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