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Guest coreana

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Guest gglover

do you guys remember what the grandma told cg? She told cg that before Shin left for Thailand, Shin told her that there was something about cg's tears that moved him and he doesn't want to see her cry.

I think around that time Shin has already started to take notice on cg

i'm about to go insane from waiting for yycaf to finish uploading the chinese ep 19. Does it really take more than 4 hrs to upload 244 mb??

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Well, here are just my two cents on the situation with the leads right now, after watching Episode 19 from YYCaf with the Chinese subs.

CG is basically really really insecure-- she loves Shin and she knows it, plus she's revealed that to him already. But he hasn't said it back to her yet, and that makes her nervous, which I get from the scene when CG is talking to her friend when they're at school. I think it's a situation where she likes Shin so much, that it scares her because prior to that, she was pretty much just this happy-go-lucky person, who had crushes and stuff but was never IN LOVE. And so she feels really insecure because she realizes that she has such strong feelings for Shin, and it's basically dictating her every emotion and she's probably really scared by how much control he has over her. Furthermore, Shin still seems to be an existence that is really far from what CG considers herself-- just a normal, average teenage girl-- thus multiplying her insecurities and her blindness to how much Shin's attitude towards her has changed. Since CG is so unsure of herself and how to handle herself around Shin, it all turns into bitchiness since she's afraid of getting hurt.

Shin is caught in a Catch 22-- on one hand, he's been taught ever since he became the Crown Prince that he must not reveal his emotions, to be very guarded and to act cautiously. On the other hand, he's got CG around him who literally holds nothing back, and he probably doesn't know how to deal with that kind of openness, although I do have to say he really was trying in Ep. 19. Moreover, he's got Mo-Toot and Yul to watch out for, and he's kind of got his own little mystery to solve now, since he found that picture of KingDaddy and Mo-Toot complete with love letter and everything. If anything I'd say Shin is the most responsible teen on that show, because although he's impulsive at times, his intentions are never really selfish-- he's always trying to protect someone, whether it's Hyo-Rin in the earlier episodes, or CG. Also, he represents a young person who wants to go out and explore the possibilities in the world, and yet he feels that he must fulfill the duties of his birthright. Even though he acts impetuous, I really think that it pains Shin to see his parents angry and his QueenGrandmother worried whenever he creates another scandal. On the other hand though, he's got such a walled exterior, that even if he FEELS all these emotions, he also guards them all inside, because he's been educated to never let others see his weaknesses, since he is the Crown Prince, and for someone that's simple-minded and straightforward like CG, it's probably too hard for her to see through all the layers. (Shin is like SHREK... he's an onion. they have lots of layers :D

Regarding Hyo-Rin, I actually don't agree with the theory that she would have made a good Crown Princess in the conventional sense (i.e. like Shin's mom). Because Hyo-Rin, compared to CG, is actually even MORE of a "go-getter" type. That's why she works so hard at ballet, and even refuses Shin's initial proposal. If she had become Crown Princess, she probably would have become depressed that she had to give up her dream, and then one day just disappear/runaway from the palace altogether. The reason I say this is because, although back in Episode 2 or 3, where Hyo-Rin turns down that ballet scholarship because she got upset upon watching the royal wedding on TV, she still told her ballet teacher that she just needed to take a break from dance, but that she'd be back. So I think that although she went through that whole "teenage drama Queen" phase complete with attempted suicide, she never planned to give up ballet-- she just didn't want Shin to disappear from her life and thus all those desperate attempts to get him back.

Yul... I think a lot of what Yul is doing now, stems from his desire to hold onto his father. Yul has said before that he will take back what Shin took from him, but he wanted to do it on his terms-- and I think that's like this manifestation of Yul's feelings of lost from not having his father, and not being able to grow up in the Palace. I think I recollect some scenes where Yul says that his father's memory is fading from him, which is understandable since his father died when he was so young. Thus, I think all the sudden aggressiveness towards reclaiming the Crown Prince title from Shin is stemming from a fear that he's slowly un-becoming his father's son. Putting it in another way, it's as if Yul thinks that if he can become the Crown Prince again, and get CG as his wife like how his life originally was supposed to play out, somehow, it will compensate for the death of his father. I also get this from the fact that Yul keeps talking about how he would like to strengthen the monarchy, because that was one of the ideas that his father had when his father was alive and etc.

Do you guys think Shin loves Chae Gyung because hes always with her and has grown feelings for her, or do you think he just loves her because he thats what his heart is telling him.

I think Shin fell in love with CG because she showed him what it's like to be a feeling human being-- one that laughs, cries, hurts, forgives, hates, and loves. Before that, Shin was just really enclosed in his "Crown Prince" shell. Although him and Hyo-Rin were secretly dating, I think that was less of "love" and more of "feeling comfortable with each other," (um... and plus they are both good looking so I'm guessing that physical attraction is always a plus.) CG on the other hand, comes along, and with all her openness and naivete, somehow elicits emotions from Shin, and that makes him fall in love with her.

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Guest donilpark

do you guys remember what the grandma told cg? She told cg that before Shin left for Thailand, Shin told her that there was something about cg's tears that moved him and he doesn't want to see her cry.

I think around that time Shin has already started to take notice on cg

i'm about to go insane from waiting for yycaf to finish uploading the chinese ep 19. Does it really take more than 4 hrs to upload 244 mb??

Well, if you go further back, I might even say it's when he brought candies to Chaegyeong when she was studying for the wedding.

At that time he just said Yul sent the candies, but I think he already felt something for her since then.

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Guest spencer08

did anyone notice in the beginning of episode 19, shin's screensaver?

about 40 seconds into the drama..


ok. now go back and look. sigh.

shin loves her so much.

frggn stopid cg, letting yul brainwash her..

Oh is that what it says??? sorry not korean but thanks for telling us... aish i'm getting frustrated...

I thought Hyorin is going away soon??? cant wait! ( nyahaha bad girl :ph34r: )

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Guest quennieypf68

hello! sorry to interrupt.. but i was just wondering how come the chinese subs come out fast? and i was looking for it at the first page and when i opened the links, it directed me to the chinese forums but i cannot understand that much, so i'm wondering if anyone could help me on where i could download the chinese subs for ep 17,18,19. please help... thanks in advance =)

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Guest Pikachu

Do you guys think Shin loves Chae Gyung because hes always with her and has grown feelings for her, or do you think he just loves her because he thats what his heart is telling him. Lets say, Shin wasnt a prince. Do you think Shin and Chae Gyung would have gotten together if they had met like at school or on the street? I dont kno what Shins love is. I just kno he changed a lot after getting married to her. They dont seem like the classic drama couple, that meet and immediatley gets along and know that they are soul mates. Well I guess no one is like that in reality, but you guys know what I mean. We saw the way Shin treated Chae Gyug before he knew she was the girl he was arranged to marry. Like when Chae Gyung spilled dirty water on his shoes. He was pretty mean and aarogant about it. And ya, just something to think about.

Good question, I don't quite know how to respond to it since I think a lot of circumstances brought about their meeting. I think if Shin was just a normal rich brat w/ no arranged marriage with Chae Gyeong, I don't think they would have gotten together under normal circumstances. Like I don't think they'd even be friends even if they bump into each other accidentally.. especially assuming that both of them are from different social circles. Maybe if they bump into each other constantly and happen to hate each other they could have gotten together, but if no one pushed them together, they won't be.

I believe that Shin's love for Chae Gyeong grew after spending so much time with her, and got to know her. Love can sometimes grow if you spend too much time with a person, sometimes it can go the other way (dislike/hate), but it just went the "love" path for Shin. I don't think he just like.. fell in love at first sight for her or naything like that.. XDDD tho maybe he was amused/annoyed the first time they met. :3

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Guest spencer08

Well, here are just my two cents on the situation with the leads right now, after watching Episode 19 from YYCaf with the Chinese subs.

CG is basically really really insecure-- she loves Shin and she knows it, plus she's revealed that to him already. But he hasn't said it back to her yet, and that makes her nervous, which I get from the scene when CG is talking to her friend when they're at school. I think it's a situation where she likes Shin so much, that it scares her because prior to that, she was pretty much just this happy-go-lucky person, who had crushes and stuff but was never IN LOVE. And so she feels really insecure because she realizes that she has such strong feelings for Shin, and it's basically dictating her every emotion and she's probably really scared by how much control he has over her. Furthermore, Shin still seems to be an existence that is really far from what CG considers herself-- just a normal, average teenage girl-- thus multiplying her insecurities and her blindness to how much Shin's attitude towards her has changed. Since CG is so unsure of herself and how to handle herself around Shin, it all turns into bitchiness since she's afraid of getting hurt.

Shin is caught in a Catch 22-- on one hand, he's been taught ever since he became the Crown Prince that he must not reveal his emotions, to be very guarded and to act cautiously. On the other hand, he's got CG around him who literally holds nothing back, and he probably doesn't know how to deal with that kind of openness, although I do have to say he really was trying in Ep. 19. Moreover, he's got Mo-Toot and Yul to watch out for, and he's kind of got his own little mystery to solve now, since he found that picture of KingDaddy and Mo-Toot complete with love letter and everything. If anything I'd say Shin is the most responsible teen on that show, because although he's impulsive at times, his intentions are never really selfish-- he's always trying to protect someone, whether it's Hyo-Rin in the earlier episodes, or CG. Also, he represents a young person who wants to go out and explore the possibilities in the world, and yet he feels that he must fulfill the duties of his birthright. Even though he acts impetuous, I really think that it pains Shin to see his parents angry and his QueenGrandmother worried whenever he creates another scandal. On the other hand though, he's got such a walled exterior, that even if he FEELS all these emotions, he also guards them all inside, because he's been educated to never let others see his weaknesses, since he is the Crown Prince, and for someone that's simple-minded and straightforward like CG, it's probably too hard for her to see through all the layers. (Shin is like SHREK... he's an onion. they have lots of layers :D

Regarding Hyo-Rin, I actually don't agree with the theory that she would have made a good Crown Princess in the conventional sense (i.e. like Shin's mom). Because Hyo-Rin, compared to CG, is actually even MORE of a "go-getter" type. That's why she works so hard at ballet, and even refuses Shin's initial proposal. If she had become Crown Princess, she probably would have become depressed that she had to give up her dream, and then one day just disappear/runaway from the palace altogether. The reason I say this is because, although back in Episode 2 or 3, where Hyo-Rin turns down that ballet scholarship because she got upset upon watching the royal wedding on TV, she still told her ballet teacher that she just needed to take a break from dance, but that she'd be back. So I think that although she went through that whole "teenage drama Queen" phase complete with attempted suicide, she never planned to give up ballet-- she just didn't want Shin to disappear from her life and thus all those desperate attempts to get him back.

Yul... I think a lot of what Yul is doing now, stems from his desire to hold onto his father. Yul has said before that he will take back what Shin took from him, but he wanted to do it on his terms-- and I think that's like this manifestation of Yul's feelings of lost from not having his father, and not being able to grow up in the Palace. I think I recollect some scenes where Yul says that his father's memory is fading from him, which is understandable since his father died when he was so young. Thus, I think all the sudden aggressiveness towards reclaiming the Crown Prince title from Shin is stemming from a fear that he's slowly un-becoming his father's son. Putting it in another way, it's as if Yul thinks that if he can become the Crown Prince again, and get CG as his wife like how his life originally was supposed to play out, somehow, it will compensate for the death of his father. I also get this from the fact that Yul keeps talking about how he would like to strengthen the monarchy, because that was one of the ideas that his father had when his father was alive and etc.

I think Shin fell in love with CG because she showed him what it's like to be a feeling human being-- one that laughs, cries, hurts, forgives, hates, and loves. Before that, Shin was just really enclosed in his "Crown Prince" shell. Although him and Hyo-Rin were secretly dating, I think that was less of "love" and more of "feeling comfortable with each other," (um... and plus they are both good looking so I'm guessing that physical attraction is always a plus.) CG on the other hand, comes along, and with all her openness and naivete, somehow elicits emotions from Shin, and that makes him fall in love with her.

Couldn't agree more.... gosh my heart still hurts! did you see how CG cried??? oh her tears invited mine!!!

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Guest gglover

hello! sorry to interrupt.. but i was just wondering how come the chinese subs come out fast? and i was looking for it at the first page and when i opened the links, it directed me to the chinese forums but i cannot understand that much, so i'm wondering if anyone could help me on where i could download the chinese subs for ep 17,18,19. please help... thanks in advance =)

you usually can DL them from yycaf's clubbox but for some reason, it's taking forever to upload today... i've been waiting since 7 pm and it's almost 12 already...

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Guest crazy_me

OMG! I love the Carrot Song! It's the song that Lee da hae sang in MY Girl right? So cute!! Thanks! nice MV's! :D

yep carrot song was from my girl :P

watching MVs of the past episodes just makes me forget of the way things are right now, so sad :tears:

i'm trying to upload episode 19 in sendspace, i'm still waiting for it to end though, might take a while :sweatingbullets: i'll post it when it's done :P

i hope this is not considered spamming? :unsure: if it is, i'm sorry :tears: i just want to reply to bebot about the song :unsure:

if anybody still want to dl the pay per view of episode 20, i reuploaded it to YSI: :)


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Guest tiffany

I've only FF ep 19, many thanks to all those who uploaded.

Yes, it's getting a little draggy but I believe this is due to the extension of the extra 4 eps. You can't have all 6 eps of heaven right? Then it will be boring. To appreciate heaven, you have to know what hell is? Right?

If it has gotten everyone talking, then the PD and the casts have done a good job in getting the audience to feel and root for them.

I don't like what Yul is doing, but I can understand him. He truely believes that Shin will not bring CG happiness. Don't forget he told Shin that he always makes CG cries but he, Yul, wants to make her laugh. So, I guess he feels that the best solution is for them to divorce. Besides, for the first time in his life, he really, really has a desire.... to have CG. Hence all the pursuing.

As for Shin and CG, well, they've both never been really honest with each other, each believing that the other party doesn't like him/ her. Yeah, you really want to just lock them up in a room (hapang again would be good) and ask them to just talk.

Not sure how it will all go with 4 more eps. I do think the extension is too long. I think another 2 extra eps will do.

No matter what, I still firmly believe that it will be a good ending.

Or I'll burn down MBC!

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Guest hikaru105

wow! i really like how mikanpuriname put it all together like that... very analytical and i've to say that it all makes sense. yep, i couldn't agree more on your thoughts about each of the goong characters...

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i think that shin liked cg because he was always with her... if they didn't have an arrange marriage in the first place, shin will not like cg... and the same thing goes with cg... cg will not like shin... they just ended up liking each other since they were always together, of course they couldn't avoid each other even if they want to since they live in the same place...


ep 19 ysi links

Mirror 10: http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=3KTAXKB88C3G604ZHNN37IG6TW

Mirror 11: http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=01BQ8ESJNPJUY2MQSEXHOJINQF

Mirror 12: http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2J3U5AMF3S1JK269V01MBDNMCK

Mirror 16: http://s4.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1TJ60VHG0OMFV0V17VV7TQSIOY

Mirror 17: http://s6.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1JCNSVPHNB5711DYIQCQ6W1I44

credits to sophendo :)

i hope i'm not spamming or anything with posting this links... i make sure that i have something to say other than the links when i post

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I was watching the first episode ( I have both my mom and cousin hooked on Goong) and I noticed something. CG says there isn't anyone living in the Palace since the relationship between the family broke...so hopefully the story we are watching is not a dream but her re-telling the story. I think this has been something many people here have alluded to but it really struck me.

As for now...Yul is gettingon my nerves. The car scene in ep 19 and just the previews...he's more obsessive than loving. And really preying on CG's insecurity. I feel really bad for Shin, sure he needs to say the words but he's trying and everytime Yul gets in the way or CG just forgets the nice stuff...:(

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I'm starting to feel like a few other people here; I don't think I'm going to watch the next few episodes, just wait for the last one (or two). It's really dragging and frustrating. Of course, I still really like reading everyone's comments, especially some of the longer posts by a few "lurkers"! Glad you decided to come out of hiding!

Anyway, I think some of my frustration is that I can't say with certainty that I believe ANY of the lead characters love each other (except maybe Hyorin, maybe she really loved Shin).

Shin + CG: sure, you can fall in love due to proximity and I can see where the whole opposites attract thing comes into play. However, Shin so frequently looks down on CG, I'm sorry, but he really seems condescending a lot. Maybe this is the actor's limitation since he's new, but I'm not seeing it. I just finished "My Girl" and in that, like a few other of my favorite dramas, when the characters look at each other, even before they've admitted their love, I can just see the emotion coming off the screen. With CG and Shin, I just don't see that. Maybe mild affection, but not love.

Yul + CG: at the beginning I definitely could see love in his expression. Now, I just think he's become desperate and also caught up in the game. It's hard to say how much his head has been messed up by growing up with a mom like his! It doesn't sound like he had a fun life in England. Several anti-Yul posters have downplayed his "suffering". C'mon, as a couple other people pointed out, his father died, he got kicked out of the only home he'd ever known, torn away from his loving grandparents (or at least his grandmother) and his cousin, and not only that, he was more or less exiled, sent to live in a foreign country! How much more pain could he have been caused?

As for how CG treats Yul, I love Yul and I agree that she's being extremely foolish as well as unbelievably selfish. What girl goes running to a guy whose love she's rejected to complain about another guy? That's just cruel! Maybe she deserves to be fed lies by him!

Anyway, that's my rant for the night! :D

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I'm starting to feel like a few other people here; I don't think I'm going to watch the next few episodes, just wait for the last one (or two). It's really dragging and frustrating. Of course, I still really like reading everyone's comments, especially some of the longer posts by a few "lurkers"! Glad you decided to come out of hiding!

Anyway, I think some of my frustration is that I can't say with certainty that I believe ANY of the lead characters love each other (except maybe Hyorin, maybe she really loved Shin).

Shin + CG: sure, you can fall in love due to proximity and I can see where the whole opposites attract thing comes into play. However, Shin so frequently looks down on CG, I'm sorry, but he really seems condescending a lot. Maybe this is the actor's limitation since he's new, but I'm not seeing it. I just finished "My Girl" and in that, like a few other of my favorite dramas, when the characters look at each other, even before they've admitted their love, I can just see the emotion coming off the screen. With CG and Shin, I just don't see that. Maybe mild affection, but not love.

Yul + CG: at the beginning I definitely could see love in his expression. Now, I just think he's become desperate and also caught up in the game. It's hard to say how much his head has been messed up by growing up with a mom like his! It doesn't sound like he had a fun life in England. Several anti-Yul posters have downplayed his "suffering". C'mon, as a couple other people pointed out, his father died, he got kicked out of the only home he'd ever known, torn away from his loving grandparents (or at least his grandmother) and his cousin, and not only that, he was more or less exiled, sent to live in a foreign country! How much more pain could he have been caused?

As for how CG treats Yul, I love Yul ang I agree that she's being extremely foolish as well as unbelievably selfish. What girl goes running to a guy whose love she's rejected to complain about another guy? That's just cruel!

Anyway, that's my rant for the night! :D

i also feel the same way.. i just want to watch the last two episodes... thinking that it would not be any more depressing since it is the last episode... but the thing is, i might miss something in the process if i don't watch the succeeding episodes... like ep 20,21,22... coz you know there might be certain scenes that are important to the last episode... so i'll just continue watching it although i'm not as interested as before...




credits to sophendo :)

to those who want to download other episodes, just pm me, and i'll upload the episodes that you want... i can only upload in sendspace though and it will take me 2 to 3 hours to upload an episode.. if you're willing to wait, feel free to pm me :)

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Guest linny

Sorry for this long post, everyone. I've been lurking in this thread for ages, and I guess with my recent frustration with ep. 19, I blew up... in the form of a long post. ><

just something that came to my mind -

in ep 17, in the bar, when shin was talking to kang in, he said this line after kang in asked him why he did not include hyorin in his future plans: " i would not start something that i cannot finish"

*ponder* he asked cg to grow old with him in ep 16 right? so he would, in a sense, has started in planning for his future with her right ? that will also mean he will make sure that plan of his will succeed since he would not start on something that he cannot finish.

*ponder further* Another way of looking at it is the reason why shin goon had not confessed his feelings towards cg is he's not sure whether their relationship can last. hence, he does not want to start something with her.

*i am very confused now* what do you all think?

I was backlogging and noticed this... About that, I agree with the first ponder. It makes sense. I don't think Shin would have asked Chae Gyung to grow old with him if he didn't want to start a future with her, and it's in line with Shin's character to not want to really show his feelings for CG seriously until after he knew in his own heart that his feelings for Hyorin were nothing more than friendship. However, I don't think Shin's calculating to the point where he sees his future with CG as a "plan" he has to succeed and see through. That type of thinking is more in line with Yul's mom...

As for the reason why Shin hasn't confessed his feelings, I don't think it's because he's unsure of his feelings for CG or how long they can last, but rather, he has never had an opportunity to express his feelings to someone until now. I think, on some level, he's really insecure and unsure about how to express himself and what will happen after he does. Even though CG HAS already confessed, that doesn't take away Shin's own awkwardness or years of supression. Throw in the fact that Yul's everywhere, it's understandable that he hesitates (though not excusable!).


A few pages back, people have been speculating about when exactly Shin started having feelings or considering CG, and most people point to ep. 6 with the shoes for the beginning. Personally, I think it started in ep. 5 when Shin saw CG crying after he called her a gold digger. I remember when Halmuni-mama was talking to CG after CG crashed the car, she said that Shin told her he was "moved by CG's tears." Rewatching ep. 5, you can see how he clenches his jaw, seeing CG crying, and how he starts to ...consider. I don't know - I think him liking her probably did begin in ep. 6, but the real beginning was in ep. 5. XD


I'm still waiting for my ep. 19 to finish, but from reading all the comments and the summaries so far, I'm not sure what to think about these episodes or the characters. It's a love-hate relationship at this point for all of them...

CG, as annoying as her denseness is, is forgiveable because she has been like that from the beginning. We all know and love her because she's a simple girl who wears her heart on her sleeve. It makes sense for her character to not understand that Shin really does love her now.

Shin and his hestitation is understandable as well. A friend and I were talking about what could possibly push Shin to confess he loves CG, and to be honest, I really don't know. Shin is actually much more passive and considerate than Yul. Shin does things in a round about manner and pretty much takes things as they come. Being taught that spontanaeity leads to disaster (sprecifically, the Thailand running off and how poor Nessie lost years of his life as a result), Shin doesn't go after the things he wants. Of course he can't, he's been told from a young age that what he wants doesn't matter - fulfilling his duty as a jeonha does. So, what do you guys think could push Shin to confess his love to CG?

And Yul, aaaah Yul. I was never a Yul camper, but I liked him a lot in the beginning. The fact that he was always there for CG, that he was always so gentle and refined was appealing. I think that's what makes seeing him now so frustrating, annoying, and heart breaking. Yul was the perfect prince in every way in the beginning - he exuded that noble character that made him practically perfect. I remember watching once that he told his mom he wouldn't have cared about being in England all alone if she didn't obsess about what she lost so much... That was the Yul that I accepted.

To see him spiral down into this manipulative, desperate man blows. I understand WHY he changes, but it still sucks to see that he's finally, truly human. I think the thing that bothers me is the fact that I'm not sure why he's doing what he's doing any more... Most of the time, it seems like he tries so hard to get CG, but at the same time, I'm not so sure. The way he talked to Hyorin about how he wanted to take his position back makes me wonder if it's truly love for CG, the hunger for the position and status he lost, or a combination of both.

I don't know! I've been really depressed because of all that's slated to happen in Ep.19&20, but I'm trying to stay on the positive by looking at Joo Ji Hoon pictures and anticipating next week when everything blows up (hopefully) and then things start getting settled. I really hope that the fire doesn't come into play... Somehow, that seems like it'd be starting something the PDs won't be able to clean up by the end of Ep. 24 to our satisfaction. :/

Anyway, keep up the great conversation everyone! I love reading about everyone's thoughts and insights. This thread is so great for discussion. <3

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Guest Max_4_lyfe

Could some one Re-up episode 16, 17, and 18 in HQ? I'm kinda behind after doing everything for school!


none of the links work anymore!

Thank you!

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