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Guest coreana

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Guest yansi

the monkey guy who like Kang Hyung, if he knows better, he should treat CG good from now on since kang Hyung is CG best friend...BTW if Kang Hyung is CG best friend, how come CG never talk with her about she and Shin but only talk to Yul---it kindda weir for girl to share felling with guy unless she not thinking him as a guy but a as a girl-friend

probably because she sees more of yul...she only get to see kh in school. and plus, cg and yul needs to have scenes together, how is he suppose to fall in love with her & attempt to ruin her relationship with shin? LOL

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Ok, I've been talking to Apple about how Goong wardrobe has been really really bugging me. I'm annoyed at the fact that they haven't been featuring CG's hybrid fashion as much and the royal hanbok just irks me. I know a lot of you think they're really beautiful and everything, but I sure don't. The only good thing I can find about them is the use of color. Otherwise they suck. The hanbook are too big and makes everybody look frumpy. Yul's mom looks like she's gained 30lbs when she wears them and the way they do the big hair doesn't help either. It's like they want the hair to look chunky and oval-y. I like how in Dae Jang Geum the hair was more round-ish. Plus I don't like that ribbon wrapping they use in Goong. I know that's how it was drawn in the manhwa, but after watching Dae Jang Geum I expected more, especially since they're both produced by MBC. You'd think they'd just borrow from them. Anyways, since you guys don't know what I'm talking about, I've put up a lil comparison. It's image intesnsive and a bit messy, so if you're on dial-up I'm sorry.

Dae Jang Geum vs. Goong Wardrobe comparison: http://kaaj.spirited-wings.com/Goong/example.html

(btw that first pic was just me showing Apple what the little palace maidens in training wore in Dae Jang Geum).

First off I didn't like the wedding garb CG and Shin wore in goong. The blue doesn't work and the fabric doesn't flow, making them look frumpy. And Shin's head piece isn't as elaborate and way too big. The only thing I liked about Goong's wedding dresses was CG's hair. I've seen a lot of variations and I liked CG's best. Otherwise I really wished they took the costumes from DJG.

Second, the hanbok in Goong is too big and too flared out. In the case of the hanbok, I liked the angular look. And as you can see, in DJG the queen's hair is more roundish, and not all frumpy like they do in Goong. Plus I like how they use more gold lining on the skirts b/c it brings in more of a sense of regalness.

Third, the palace maiden and sanggoong attire. I like how in DJG they used hanbok that wasn't too big and the pink and blue and other color variations. Now I'm not saying that's what they wore historically, but the white I associate more with doctors b/c of that "clean feel" white gives off. Which is why I'm glad DJG used the white hanbok for female physicians. For those of you who haven't watched DJG, the pink version is their less formal wear while those longer, blue versions are formal wear. And isn't it nice to see that they don't look fat? =D? As for the Sangoongs, can you see how the ones worn by the sanggoongs in Goong is just way too big? And I don't like that little thin tie. DJG is much more appealing *nod nod* And the last couple of pics are examples of hair.

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Guest your_sheroe

CG.....was kissed by yul...AND shin...


NO WAY :excl:

by both... :tears: that so sweet... what ep. is this?


OMG i saw some caps, he forced her... bad shin... i think... :P

Oh man the pic with i believe (shin) with pig-tails? LOL thats a great one...

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Guest Pikachu

well.. what can I say about this episode? XDD I love it! haha for a couple of reasons but the main one is the Jang Kyung x Kang Hyun interaction since well that was so unexpected and never in my wildest dream did I think they'd actually slap my (secret) otp in there! XDDDDDD I WAS SHOCKED. XDDDDD At first I thought everyone in the forum just misinterpreted the scene then WHOA... moere confirmation then I actaully saw the epi with my own 2 eyes and YES I'M A HAPPY FANGIRL. XDD :w00t: Who cares if it's one sided? I appreciate the rumor and just how RANDOM it was XDDDDDDD;; like wtf. XDDD But I've been dreaming of it since ep 5. XDDD

Chae slapped him?! See, I wanted a slap but wow...was it a hard slap or a light one? hehe.

I don't know, I just feel bad for all of them.

lol, Jang Kyung's new thing for Kang Hyun, woah, I sooo did not see that coming! He's really cute too! Gosh, this drama has the hottest cast!

I think that whole scene of forced kiss was hot, especially when Shin punched the wall. Just so much passion in the whole fighting.. andt he slap.. I thought it was a medium one. Not too hard and not too light.

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Guest beautifulxmess

I must say, the more I think abt it, the more I like the idea of Kang Hyun with Jang Kyung much more than KH/Yul.

Yes, it was misleading at first...and i admit, for a while, i was keen on the idea of them getting together to assuage Yul's pain somewhat. But the more i think abt it, I found it wouldn't have worked out. Not especially if they crammed it all in this season. the relationship would be too rapid and quick, and esp since they have so much to resolve, i doubt they'd have time to show developments with the Yul/KH pairing.

At the moment, Yul's only attention is focused on CG. he's like profoundly in love with her..it just seems unnatural that he can put that aside and suddenly develop feelings for Kang Hyun. So far, he hasn't even properly bonded nor talked Kang hyun... except that little dialogue when CG went to talk to HR.

cliche as it is, I hope KH and JK's relationship develops...like i said, i didn't see it coming. But now that the Pds are teasing us like that, I hope they'd go forth with this little pairing.

okay...i really need to go off and watch ep 18 before uni starts. :)

*EDIT: EHHEEE....PIKACHU! I declare us, official Kang Hyun-Jang Kyung shippers!! Wee!!

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Guest shouyguang_21

Shoot the LQ subs for 7 and 8 are down ><" Um, can someone who had it, reup it? I would sincerely appreciate it ^____________^

Sorry, for yabbering about subs again ><"

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Guest x3_katie

cant wait to see the force kiss

you guys don't like it when a guy force kisses a girl?

i think its sweet and cute.. and HOT :D

ahhh cant wait for a MU or YSI =D


what???? HE GETS SLAPPED BY CG ???

NOOOOO!@#@@#% that ruins the scene. oh well. still excited to see it

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Guest mocha_kitty

I just finished watching epi 17.

why can't Shin just say to CG: "I like/love you"? <_<

he knows Yul likes CG, he should just say to Yul :"CG is my woman, don't touch her!" :blush:

and poor Yul, your mom is an evil witch!

It's already nearing the end and I get the feeling it's going nowwhere. If the next few episodes are going to be the same jealous-but-still-hard-to-say-i-love-you theme for shin and CG...i think I'll scream!

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Guest Pikachu

I must say, the more I think abt it, the more I like the idea of Kang Hyun with Jang Kyung much more than KH/Yul.

*EDIT: EHHEEE....PIKACHU! I declare us, official Kang Hyun-Jang Kyung shippers!! Wee!!

I agree with your point about Yul/Kang Hyun.. if I want to see them together.. I don't want it this episode.. since it would seem so wishy washy and rushed but unfortunately, if the PDs do follow up with JK/KH next season.. HAHAHAHA XDDD poor Yul... he realized his love too late again.

and yes! finally! not alone in this ship anymore! :w00t: *high 5s*

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Phew, I had to go through about a billion posts, but finally found someone who agrees with me! Yul's kiss was really sweet and not demanding at all, totally from his heart b/c he loves her. As opposed to Shin's which, while hot, was only motivated by anger and jealousy! C'mon, Chae just overheard him talking about going abroad to study with Hyorin, so she thinks he still plans to divorce her in a couple of years and stick with his first girlfriend. What else should she think?

And everyone who says she should avoid Yul, or be more "careful" around him, would you do that if you were in her shoes? As far as she knows, she has NO future with Shin in the Goong. Other than her unnies and the grandmother, Yul is the only person who has been kind and caring to her since she left home and "married" Shin. As far as the so-called marriage thing goes, IMO it's only a "paper marriage" until the couple actually express love for each other. So far, we as viewers have seen Shin *sort of* expressing his feelings, but not outright, frequently he makes expressions behind her back.

So, again, my opinion, but Yul isn't really hitting on a married woman. He's expressing his love to a woman who's trapped in an unhappy situation, but one that's not destined to last forever. Plus, lest we forget, she was TECHNICALLY promised to Yul, not to Shin. Which only makes Yul's heartbreak more sad!

You are right on the money and despite what fantasies dramas concoct now a days, forcing a kiss on a girl is a big NO NO in my book. I think that since we see the fact that SHin likes CK that we can excuse his behaviour and such but according to CK herself who is actually on the other side of the receiving end, she rarely gets that from him.

However, Yul is no angel either and him just hitting on a married woman, no matter how sham of a marriage it is, is wrong too.

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(Can't stand being silent anymore!!!!)

Hi evrybody, it's my first post here.

Actually, I prefer read all your comments than watch the series, you are so lovely, so funny, make me laugh all the time :lol: (not like the series, it draaaaaaaaaaaag too much)

About the Yul's kiss, I don't see anything wrong with it, when CG is not someone married for love, and Yul is th first one who saw her.

And... it's always easier to slap a "jerk" than a geltle man :phew: , also, it's always harder for messing up with the one you respect like a truly friend than with the one you love , non? :sweatingbullets:

It's so embarrasse, but I have been in CG's situation before,plus I weren't naive like her now, so I know, in that case, you can't be angry for a sweet kiss like that, just want to cry for being guilty :tears:

.......I'm so in love with all of you,with our ChaeShin too, and really , I can't hate Yul. :tears:

(sorry for my bad english!)

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Chae slapped him?! See, I wanted a slap but wow...was it a hard slap or a light one? hehe.

I don't know, I just feel bad for all of them.

Me too. I feel bad for all of them and all this misunderstandings are just.... *sigh* b.a.d.

It was certainly a major hard slap :o

Before, I wasn't sure that CG would do something like that, but when she finally did, I can see why and how and I really think Shin deserved that slap too. He forced her. Like pushing her against the wall in a very not-gentlemanly manner, and argh.

It was just rough, Jess. Not pretty at all. :( But I'm sure he already regretted it by hitting the wall so hard. Ouch.

And yes I totally understand why he did that. He must be feeling so frustrated and instead of saying he loves her a lot, he cares for her etc. (you know, using words), he'll use what he does best in expressing his love: by action.

He's that "touchy-touchy" guy after all *sigh*

My heart aches to see them both like that.

Hopefully they'll have some major reconciliation next week, or else I think I'm joining Amanda and start feeling a bit depressed lolz.

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Guest pastourelle

SHOPHENDO , thank u very much for the links .

I like this drama so much that I review its episodes every day .

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yes! the fact that she was yul's fiancee first makes it even more heartbreaking. you can tell that yul always has that in mind....when he told his mother that he liked cg...(shin snatched her away from me...) or when he told cg that she was his fiancee first. he must be constantly thinking what if his dad never died....cg and him would probably be very much in love and living a happy marriage.

i know it's useless to think about the 'what might have been' but sometimes, you can't help your mind and heart but to think of it :(

on the other hand, who is there to say that being married to Yul, she would not have been any less miserable or semi miserable if she was with him. i think that he said it best that at first, he liked her or wanted her because she belonged to him (POSSESSION) first and it was taken away by circumstances.

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