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Guest coreana

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I can feel the series slowly beginning to drag.. And with 6 more episodes still in the bag, what more could they possibly show besides more bickering, more makeup/breakup?

It's so annoying.. 20 episodes would have been enough. And to think that Hyorin won't be there for the last 4 episodes.. Gah. I'm dreading it. -_-

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Arrggghh!!! 3 Episodes of perfect streaming but it has to lag today! Hardly get to watch this episode since every scene is lagging....except....except...

WHY must the scene on the King and Mo-toot streamed so well??!! I CRINGED at seeing the two behaving so lovey dovey. YUCK! :crazy:

Oh, but I do like the idea that Shin's friend taking interest in Kang Hyun. She is pretty :)

Too bad didn't get to see the last scene....but there's two more episodes left? Ok. I see that there's 6 more episodes left....but still.... How can their relationship improve further in just two six episodes esp if the last scene is.... It took like what? 10 episodes for Shin to start warming up to CG?

Somehow, I just feel that the two may opt for a 'separation'....so that there's something to DRAG in the sequal. I hope not... :(

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Guest _yinsyung*--

they will probably be some sort of idea of what the PDs have in mind over the weekend...

BUT omg - i really can't stand this...


need to wake up early tomorrow to rewatch this fjdklsajfl;sajlf

i think this is the start to wehre CG and shin's role reverses...

with hyorin basically out of the picture - it will be shin's turn to openly fight for CG's affection. what with yul being so blatantly obvious about his...

shin will probably take the slap the wrong way, either that - or CG will just think that shin is only now attracted to her because he risks losing her...

either way - we'll have to see how the PDs will drag out this one.

they WILL drag it out; the question is how...



sometimes i think Cg is freaking ridiculous?

i mean she slapped SHIN..

i cant believe this

some one slap mep

i would slap shin :x

we know the kind of conversations and confessions he makes to hyorin; but CG doesn't.

from her point of view - practically the only times shin cares to show affection is when yul is around.

and that to her would seem like normal male testerone elvels rising and nothing that solidfies his affection for her considering how he's hot in even eps and cold in odd eps (though the PDs seem to have started putting it all over the place)

and then he randomly kisses you after just seen another guy kiss you?




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Guest insideMYheart

uuhhhmm...wait, what do you mean by there will be no hyorin after 20? she's not playing??? because of the contract? or because of the storyline??? *Oh how life should be much more easier without her around*

She has to start shooting a movie so because she only has a contract up to 20 episodes, she will not be in episodes 21-24.

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Guest lavenderorchid

Stupid PD.No preview for next ep.What a cliffhanger.Have to wait 6 more days to watch.I hope we are able to see more intimate scene of CG and Shin and no more king and mo toot scene.

Tat stupid king must be very sick.Thinking of mo toot after so many years.He should appreciate the queen.The Queen is even more nicer and beautiful than Mo Toot.

I'm surprise that Yul have the nerve to kiss CG.He must have do this long time ago.

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Guest andie

It's so annoying.. 20 episodes would have been enough. And to think that Hyorin won't be there for the last 4 episodes.. Gah. I'm dreading it. -_-

What will happen to Hyorin? Why wouldn't she be there after the 20th episode?

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darn rebby!! heard that too.

shin said : Why i am ur husband..

then cg went SLAP

omG~~~~ and shin hit the wall.. omg..

counting down 6 days..

it's long..

i was hoping that CG would return the kiss :tears: but its great to see shin so pissed with what mess he set up now that cg is mad, really mad at him!! he'll be finding ways to make amendments next!!

I'm sorry, but Yul's kiss was so not tender. What's with his hand being sprawled over CG's face like that? lol.

i was still fuming mad over the MBC cheat viewers with 50minute episode but can't help laughing with your description here :lol:

yul kissed her hair instead of forehead i think..

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actualli i am kinda of disappointed with today epsd. the naked shin was only Cg's imagination, and the kissing part, SHin only kissed her cheek rite?? Correct me if i am wrong. actualli i was hoping today epsd will make both of them closer but in the end, CG slapped him.

I felt like PD is going to drag the story, why dont he just end it quickly?? i hate to see such a draggy scene which hurt both CG and Shin. Actualli total epsd will be 20 or 24?

If there will be season 2, i feel like CG will not be together by the end of season 1. omg if this is true, i am going to hate this drama, please MBC dun make me hate UUUU...

any one can do sopt translation before Shin forcefully kissed CG? what did CG said???

it's 24 epi.... :w00t:

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Guest linatan


I donno whats play in Shin mind ..

He just toooooo sturborn to admit and say to CG that he loves her ..

When CG hands burn by candle fire .. he feel shocked .. I can see in his face .. and he worried ..

When CG fell and hurt at her elbow .. he also feel schocked ... he about to stand up and go to CG and take her and put medicine on it .. but his pride .. or he's silent keep he sit .. and watch it from far ...

SHIN!!! Wake up!!!!!! Tell ur heart ... !!!!!

why Shin so Baboooooooo??????????? is it true that guy alwys have pride not to say LOVE to the person they realli love?????

i think PD purposely make epsd on Thursdy become very disappointed. I think may be some of you also did notice abot tat. I am realli angry now. why must SHin forcefully kiss her shldnt he say I love you????


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Guest tsuyoshi8joy

I think SHIN is crazily jealous and in love with CG thats y he do that, but he doesnt know he really loves her that much..and CG of course doesnt know..

Maybe that is why this is call drama! Argh!! Can't stand the denseness these characters get! When it is so obvious from little actions that they love one another! :crazy:

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Guest SillyYun

i'll wait for our hero subbers to sub for us heeeee..

ya i thought CG will struggle and softens and kiss SHIN back..but nah sadly i thought thats how most dramas go!

ya the imagination is like so sad its not real haha..could i see the NON CUT OFF SCENE? meaning naked shin? haha

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Guest taiping

I really wish that CG and Shin will finally get together... I mean finally say their feelings for each other next week. It would be too dragging if they would still be fighting. And then when they're finally happy together, they can focus on the problem regarding Shin being the King... right???

I wasnt able to watch the first half of the ep... I'll be waiting for the link of LQ ep18... thanks in advance to those who are going to upload it! thanks!!!

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i was hoping that CG would return the kiss :tears: but its great to see shin so pissed with what mess he set up now that cg is mad, really mad at him!! he'll be finding ways to make amendments next!!

i was still fuming mad over the MBC cheat viewers with 50minute episode but can't help laughing with your description here :lol:

yul kissed her hair instead of forehead i think..

OMGGGG i was laughin when i saw that mesage..

yeah~why did KJH place his hand over her face like that.


BUT crap!!

there is NO previews..

and personally.. i love the show but what the heck are the PDs thinking with that 4 epi extension?

what are they gonna put in there?

i wanna personally slap them

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Guest discreed

i would love to see more sweet scenes between Shin n CG, but i tink the series' kind of dragging on too much.. hate it when dey extend the drama for the sake of extending it.. haha itz getting on my nerves seriously.. all the emotional rollercoasters.. dey are seriously overdoing it :angry: haha i sure wun mind if dey devote 6 epis worth of sweet scenes to shin n CG :P

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Guest SillyYun

but i'll feel upset if Yul didnt get CG too..wish theres two CG and fair and square! maybe Yul will be with HR?

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Guest linatan

I really wish that CG and Shin will finally get together... I mean finally say their feelings for each other next week. It would be too dragging if they would still be fighting. And then when they're finally happy together, they can focus on the problem regarding Shin being the King... right???

i totally having the same hope as you. but after today epsd, seems like it is super hard to make them together. how CG going to forgive him? unless there is big things happen in the next epsd because today epsd seems like drive more distance b/w shin and CG.

i am very annoyed now.. need to come down myself otherwise I can take something to throw to my monitor.

i guess i must go back and watch epsd 15 and 16, those 2 epsd were the sweetest one. actualli today epsd, i only like the ponytail that CG made for Shin. :rolleyes::P

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Guest SillyYun

now after watching goong makes me want to study harder on my korean...i need to brush up my korean class so that i can join the subbing!

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actually if you think of it, they can't possibly fill all of the remaining 6 episodes with sweetness between shin & cg, so like any other old drama similarity, the couple would quarrel, make up, quarrel...

if we are lucky, we get 10 mins of uninterrupted sweetness between the two at the last episode - babo PDs won't give us the sugar so readily :angry:

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