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Do You Have An Accent?

Guest x0_tiKKi

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Guest ChunnieBunnieLover

i think i have a weird accent..lol

my Malay sounded like English

my English sound like..emm i think i don't have accent..

but due to watching too much American shows..i sort of develop a slight accent..lol

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Guest jones10021

I don't have an accent but I wish I did. I think girls with accents are more attractive especially girls from Eastern Europe.

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Guest sourx3candi

i don't have an accent, but go fob sometimes, lol

my friends (brother and sister) are chinese, but were born in belize, so they told me that when they came to america they can a cajun accent.

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Guest Sakura_Bear

yeah xD

when I speak english one of my friends told me I have a spanish accent o.o;;;

and then I started speaking in spanish and he was like you have an alien accent!!!!! O.O


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Guest fio209js2

I don't think anyone has said I have a accent before. xD

Altho my Korean is probably a little poop at times. xD

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Guest SnookiePink

Sometimes I do. O_o

I'm half Austrian, half Australian. haha , I've been told I look European/and sound European sometimes. >_>

It's kind of weird...

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Guest chubzzy

i am born in singapore so i definitely have my accent.

and it seems like i can't erase it even up til now i am staying in australia.

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Guest xqtpi

I was born in the Philippines, but raised in CA most of my life.

I still have a light accent. As in, I still say "Da" instead of "The" and small stuff like that :P

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Guest night.star

Yes. I have an accent when I think before I talk.

Like if I think of way to say something.

Nope, I am not born in USA.

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Guest binjoo

Born and raised in the US (Mass).

When I talk really fast I usually end up with a little bit of a Boston accent... Haha

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Guest bitter SOOweet

i was born and raised in the US,

yet, people have told me that my english has a slight accent...

honestly, i don't hear it lol, but ierno

and it sucks 'cause my korean isn't clean either

basically, i can't speak a language perfectly. -________-

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Guest Yangie12

Well, I hope not xD I'm born a raised in The Netherlands, and nobody has ever commented about my Dutch yet. Though somebody I know said she was told that she has an Chinese accent O.O Ehm, my English is a mixture of English & American accent xD Because at school they teach you a English accent (teachers usually have a English accent) but due American movies and such..so yeah. ^^

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Guest ...MoMcMaster<3...

i was born and raised in the same place in america.

and i have an accent. i pronounce my vowels+r's weird.

i have a pittsburgh accent people tell me.

like jeet jet? means did you eat yet? yinz. stuff like that

people in school ask me to say stuff cause they think it's funny. hehe.

sometimes since my dad is from buffalo i pronounce stuff w/ a buffalo accent.

like instead of God is Gawd. a lot of aw's instead of o's.

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Guest ken5iii

ahaha eversince coming back from my vacation from the philippines

i got this huge filipino accent

so sometimes when i talk people dont understand my words coz of the accent

which is really weird because before the trip i was really efficient in speaking in english and french XD..

i stayed there for about 2 months so thats probably why

but it sucks that i still have the accent until now lol

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Guest missychick

i don't have one now but i think i did when i was younger since i had to go to those special classes to learn english..>___>

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