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Dsp's New Boy Group: A'st1 Updates

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Azuma Tomoki is really, really cute!!

i like him best. i like his dancing in the video too.

cant wait to hear and see more from this group.

I hope Kara and this group does a collab one day :)

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i think its like the first time

a japanese looked like a japanese

and a chinese looked like a chinese



i officially like them after watching the clip XDD

loool the pictures does them no justice


he looks like tego.. ><

very cute and boyish.. *sigh*

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Guest Senorita_

I was like 0___0 when i thought DSP was debuting another boyband...

but strange, i wonder why they changed names...i can't even pronouce the name or how i should

say the name 0.o Thought they were debuting last week...but i guess their not yet.

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Guest Raw Sugar
o.o these guys all look like their in their 30's

I was just about to ask how old they were too.

So how old are they?

At least they seem talented. How are we supposed to pronounce their name? A-star-one?

But they seem to be having some competition if they debut this year seeing all those girlbands and boybands. Plus all those comebacks that are scheduled this year. o_o

I wish them luck though. (:

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Lee Han Byul, Sung In Gyu, and Park Jung Jin - they all sound like they have really good English. All the members in Revolution seem really talented, especially Lee Han Byul; sounds like a great singer. I'll be looking forward to their debut. I think it's cool that DSP's taking a different approach to the music world, putting three different nationalities together. ^^ Thanks for the pics and links!!

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Guest subdwfreaky

oh wow....O_O;;

i only realized it's all in the same clip when i click for the 2nd one...hehe

i missed that announcement over there..



btw, i actually watched them....and i guess i'm going to support them....(maybe Sunha too)...cuz i have the thing about rooting for underdogs.......(dsp is one i guess..Good is another..)..of course that is, if they sound good enough..

so far i thought Lim Hyan Byul, Byon Jang Moon, and Park Jung Jin sounds pretty good.....Jang Moon actually sounds pretty cute....n Jungjin gives the vibe of a pro....i dunno....maybe it's just me.....haha...but i must say, i like Hyan Byul's n Jungjin's confidence, and i like Jangmoon's n Jungjin's feel.....haa

it'd be cool to hear how Ding Hai Ming n Azuma Tomiki sing....cuz i hardly get to see it here.. :sweatingbullets:

and Sung In Gyu...i don't really know how to decide a good beatbox stuff.....so yeah..no comment.....his looks does remind me of someone familiar in that clip tho...

who cares bout the looks(okay, i don't...but i know many others do :rolleyes: )......talents n good songs matter more than anything(to me lol)....

so i'll have to wait for their song n live perf to decide whether i can become a fan^^

i'll try to keep an eye on their progress though.

Thanks for sharing stuffs~

V what? does name matters that much anyway? :sweatingbullets: ..wow...

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Guest I<3SunSunYeMi

sorry,i think they changed to a bad name :(

they cant give netizens a good impression at first,and their name's too strange,how to pronounce?

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its so funny how every chinese singer always sings that song lol

they look kinda old...wonder what happened to ss501

they're making a comeback in korea next month

after promoting in japan for a few months (more like half a year>.<)

as for revolution

i reckon that they're vocals will be amazing

i hope that they suceed ^^

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