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[drama 2008] Spotlight 스포트라이트

Guest f0reveralways

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Guest kdramafanusa

Original Korean Article: Hankooki 2008/04/29 02:40:04

English Translation Credit: HanCinema

"Only for reality…" Imitation surgery and training

'Acting tutors' for actors who have professional roles

'Professional dramas' that show the world of professionals, such as reporters, entertainers, doctors, athletes, and music, are becoming a popular genre.

Last year's "Surgeon Bong Dal-hee" and "White Tower" and this year's "New Heart" and "On Air" are drawing popularity. "Spotlight" and "Beethoven Virus", which will show the daily life of a classical musician, is in production or awaiting broadcast.

Professional dramas easily attain high ratings even without great artistic elements, for it shows a world that viewers don't experience.

So it's picked as the best 'success chord'. But there is the pressure of training hat actors must go through to become like these professionals. How do actors acquire the skills to act like a true professional?

For "Spotlight", Ji Jin-hee had drinks with reporters all night and received 'tutoring' from them. To increase the reality of it, a producer who had been a reporter helped Ji Jin-hee and Son Ye-jin's acting.

Son Ye-jin said, "I'm not used to it, but I got to learn the way to ask a detective, 'Is there anything newsworthy?'" Son Ye-jin received tips to wear black clothes that woman reporters wear and to speak with a higher tone in her voice during broadcasts.

Kim Myeong-min, who appears as a classical music conductor in "Beethoven Virus", is receiving conducting lessons from a professional musician three times a week. He is almost memorizing the music and enjoying classical music.

Lee Beom-soo, who is playing a manager in "On Air", is famous for training hard to act like professional characters since the movie "Superstar Mr. Gam".

Lee Beom-soo had to play a left-handed pitcher, and months before filming, he held his chopsticks and wrote with his left hand. In "On Air", he bought a form-fitting suit worth 300 million won with his private money to look like a manager.

Kim Myeong-min, Jo Jae-hyeon, and Ji Seong, who acted as surgeons, all became experts at sewing after filming. Because Kim Myeong-min practiced sewing for many months, doctors said, "Your sewing skills are good enough for appendicitis". Jo Jae-hyeon and Ji Seong are famous for practicing surgery on pig's feet and pig's hearts.

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Guest yoh

I have a really good feeling about this drama for some reason, aside from the fact that it has JJH and SYJ. I'm not sure why :D. I'm also so glad that Jung Hye Young is coming to drama, even if just for a little while, because she's such a great actress. Man, so psyched!

And thank you everyone for the new information, clips, and pictures :)

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Guest kdramafanusa

None of the link works......

Can anyone upload the trailers?

The links work for me. Not sure if the problem is intermittent, you can check/try again later?

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Guest kdramafanusa

has any one watch it? has anyone watch it?????????It's Sat

Spotlight starts on May 14th (Wednesday). :)

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cherylnguyen thanks for posting them here...saw it as well on MBC DC but I haven't seen the trailer as well...they have released the paid preview but not yet the teaser free preview...May 14 is just 2 weeks away

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Guest White Star

I can't wait for this series.

In the beginning, i was on the edge. I know Son Ye Jin and JI JIn Hee will always deliver a great performance. But I was not sure if the plot was so interested based on my past experience with drama about broadcastng and journalism. But the preview looks great... I like that they took a different approach to the subject.


PS. I have the feeling that Son Ye JIn's role this time will be one of her best...it fits her well ( not too overly sexy, but not the goody goody type either)

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Guest chatteraddict

Son Ye Jin tries her acting skill in a new image as a reporter

Famous actress Son Ye Jin comes back to the small screen after 2 years disappearing by a new drama about special topic of MBC Spotlight. This is the first time Son Ye Jin acts as a reporter so that it paid much attention from audience.

In Spotlight, Son Ye Jin plays Suh Yoo Jin who is a simple mind and a pure character reporter but also enthusiasm in working. After accepting into department of social news of the television station, at first she acted very harsh that made many mistakes. However, because of her determination and eagerness to learn, finally she became an excellent news reporter.

This is a special topic drama that has many lived scenes which describe the life and work of reporters like the “hunting” scene without sleeping through days… In order to perform the true image, Son Ye Jin has changed her outfit and her daily language. She tends not to take a shower for days to experience the feeling of busy and untidy professional reporter.

Spotlight can be the first Korean drama that indicates the life and work of news reporters. The drama will start to broadcast from May 14 in the evening of Wednesday and Thursday weekly.

Source: http://krfilm.net/f/t-17576-1-1- ... en-trong-drama-moi-

ETrans: heoconphaphach@KST_CICHLID

The ‘Spotlight’ is on You — Are You Ready?

Ji Jin Hee and Son Ye Jin are making their comeback to TV screen through MBC drama ‘Spotlight’ which is set to premier on May 14th. It’ll be in ratings competition with ‘On Air’ for one week.


There was drama done before, with journalism as a theme. But if there is a drama that bring forward the behind the scenes of the actual realities of the on-goings of the world of news broadcasting, there isn’t none thus far

Drama (Spotlight) will be the first in its kind to give a detailed and in depth on the happenings of a television broadcasting News Department and its staff. A professional orientated drama.

Using the backdrop of the world of journalism as a theme, it is seen that the journalist professionalism is inevitable to carry out its mission and the many tribulations they faced in choices they have to make

Is Human rights important?

Or is the public right to know important?

There is a world that expressed one’s political stand point is taken as to be dreary and yet it retains a matter of interest?

Or it is when it is reported, it feels like it have been influence by your own contradiction or bearing the fact it is the expression of views and your own mission in itself

Because of this advance telecommunications to claim the fastest news reporting, is there a need to go to the scene of the incident to do an interview?

Or it is deem tiring but you want to be accurate in your reporting

Because of catching the attention and the ratings of the audience that you have to report a brief and quick sensational news?

Or it is deem difficult, but you want to the reporting to have a deeper meaning and social obligation.

Is there a need to go chasing on hot topics & sensational news?

Or there is no need to go chasing for these but some more meaningful reports?

With these dilemma facing.

Are the current news ratings really going to down today?

It is still in Korea, there is truth in reality in reporting?

This time and age, what do we want from journalism to signify?

What is the real journalism as an occupation & social responsibility to the public?

Journalist will continue to pursue & will have to let go of their own point of view & to seek for the materials at all cost

This is what the drama (Spotlight) is

It is about the in depth to the intrigues of that occupation and to see and you make your own conclusion on the matter.

Oh Tae Suk / CAP – Ji Jin Hee

He is a son of a well known journalist Oh Min Chul. His father didn’t take heed of the family dissuasion and went to Vietnam to cover the war and was accidentally killed. Oh always been aspired by his father, hence he is well suited for the profession of broadcasting

He has won the Country Top Journalism awards thrice. As a journalist he had very strong mindset in his mission as a journalist. Because of this, his personality is deem in conflict with the other staffs.

He is very capable. Don’t necessary need to confere with other people’s view points.

The TV station is afraid that he will be headhunter to another TV Station, will do their best to pacify him.

In the eyes of his chief, he seen to a person to reckon with

In the eyes of his subordinates, he is seen as a person to be fear

3 years ago, because of a political sensitive reporting (he was an editor that department) he was cold storaged, now currently transfer to Society Department, he sees it as his challenge. The trials and happenings of the Society News Department gives me a fresh start to return to journalism and a second chance in life

Seo Woo Jin – 3rd stage/badge Reporter – Sohn Yeh Jin / Son Ye JinBecause of wanting to be like famous broadcasting anchor woman Kim Eun Hye, traversed her in an intense competition to be able to enter as a journalist in a broadcasting station. After going through the hardship experience of a training from hell, become the Society News Department second line of anchor.

Finally, coming to be aware that life’s wants are not easy as it seems. Nowadays winding up often in the involvement of activities that is in and out of a police station.

In her heart she needs to think how she could able to achieve to becoming Society News Department’s main anchor. Not only does she want to able to work towards her goals, to stride to another level but also be able to find her comeback from a life of endless idle roaming, therefore brimming with full of hope

Nevertheless, consequently of not being in good terms with the Broadcasting Superiors, she was transfer to Oh Tae Suk’s department. It is said to have return to CAP, it sent a message that her simple dream of aspiration have been shattered.

On her return to the Society News Department second line anchor, to begins with, was not smooth sailing. When disaster strike after another, she then transfered to cover Education matters under Lee Chul Sun

No matter how much effort she made, she find herself not being able to do well. From Oh Tae Su’s points, it is a matter of merely a criticism. She was said to be very furious, until there was a time she feel despair.

But as for with Oh Tae Su, she was able to re-ignite her vocation for journalism and renew her aspiration that she had lost along the way.

Ji Jin Hee disputes (Spotlight) to realize that the truth behind the pen is mightier that the sword (the Chinese idiom is “the brush is mightier than the lance”)

To be able to play, Oh Tae Suk a Division head of the Society News Department in a Television Broadcast Station, will Ji Jin Hee’s warmth personality be a hindrance? Will he be able to overcome the obstacles to act and unravel a person who demands excellence from his subordinates who is very stern and shrewd towards them? However Ji Jin Hee doesn’t rigidly adhere to the form in the character description, but he has own positive way to capitalise to bring the character out into the screen. He is confidence on his own performance

In May 14th, MBC broadcast, Wednesday-Thursday drama (Spotlight), Ji Jin Hee plays a character a journalist, a Society News Department Division Head, Oh Tae Suk. He said “It will break a myth about Journalist reporting of the news and their trials and failures” It is also said that “the audience will get to experience and have an in depth understanding on the actual going on of the Journalist’ world” “This is because the script is very interesting. So there is no worry about ratings” As for his hugely popular “Gentleman” image, Ji Jin Hee is not the least worried

The “Gentleman” image was brought on through the drama and left a good impression on the audiences. The News Department Division Head may also bring about the same effect to the audience. In the drama, Oh Tae Suk’s personality is very stern and shrewd in bring up the standards of potential Juniors, in the eyes of the Juniors, he seen as a person whom they fear. “ In actual fact, after “Dae Jang Geum’s Min Jung Ho, I have taken many other challenging character roles that are different, the likes of the drama 100th Bride, the movie “Bewitching Attraction” & many more other types of characters. Although this is said, it have not change the audience’s perspective minds how they perceive me. But I would not be discouraged, and will continue to bring up more challenging characters roles for the audience to see the differences.

After making the decision to play in this drama, in order to take up this role of a journalist “interview” some reporters on it.

In order to understand the journalist world, while the time “interviewing” the reporters over drinks, as a result I came to know about the realities of their job. Journalism is seen as a job who is thought to be free and easy, but in reality it like a soldier going off to battle with the same standard of sequences. Journalist’s work starts from dawn, need to clock work at 6am, if you are not sincere and dedicated to this form of work that you many never be able to apprehend this job

The public may not understand the journalist’s point of view in matters. It is said, when he plays the journalist, begins to immerse into the journalist’s distinctive point of view

Before, not having known about it, News Journalist was seen to have no emotions, just there to broadcast news. News being reported & seen to be cruel & ruthless, they have to maintain the calm expression. The fact it is unbelievable. But now I can have the same sense realisation on what it feels like. In order to understand when journalist reports on the news, if it is mixed with emotions, it will influence the actual news authenticity. When the Journalist reports the content it may have to see to be not to be taking any personal considerations. Just to said this with one phase “A person can be kill with just one stroke of a pen.” (Chinese idiom Compare to the lance, the brush is able to kill a person better)

Oh Tae Suk has been awarded the Country Best Journalism Awards for 3 consecutives years. He is great in conducting interviews. He is very advocate in his mission as a journalist. In the drama the Society News Channel Team 2 Journalist, Seo Woo Jin’s spiritual mainstay.

Actually, Korean dramas have many perceptual characters. But Oh Tae Suk is really calm and thorough who doesn’t take sides. I felt that this person is a very authoritarian will never say word that isn’t polite and self-assuring. But he have the convictions in getting the news to be told in its truth

Although the truth, may not always bring the society any benefits, but it is to say that real news reporting is the mission of journalism

In (Spotlight) acting as the Television Station Society News Department Female Journalist Sohn Yeh Jin, a highly charge forward, against all odds, to become a outstanding Journalist Broadcaster

Sohn Yeh Jin with Ji Jin Hee rely in (Spotlight) to return comeback to the small screen. Each of them acting in its own, as the Society News Department female Journalist and Division Head. Sohn Yeh Jin because of an interview with prison breakers, charade as cafe waitress. Sohn Yeh Jin plays the character that just impetuous & rash. In order to portray this character more realistically, Sohn Yeh Jin had to be very plain in appearance

Sohn Yeh Jin had to juggle at one end to shoot (Spotlight), & the other shooting a movie. But she is still determine to play Seo Woo Jin. (Spotlight) to be able to shown 80% of the realistic portrayal of the journalist world

(Spotlight) a drama in a running success with a profession orientated after the success of a medical drama (White Towers) in which it is pen from Writer Lee Ki Won. (White Towers) success is mainly because of the profession orientated becomes as a background to the story, have kindle upsurge interest

In the drama, Seo Woo Jin successfully becomes the main broadcaster anchor journalist & Division Head Oh Tae Su who makes her work vigorously stern & hard is her love interest. Sohn Yeh Jin said “Journalist are an average normal people, with this emotions development, in this kind of environment, it is reasonable

This drama script is adapted from the actual factual stories. As for the acors to base it on the actual person, Ji Jin Hee said “Prior to the shooting this drama, when I will read the newspapers, I may doubt at the authenticity the reports. But now I come to realise the must in the truth in reporting, must be calm & have to be thorough, must be always facing forward in looking

But, this drama is not tuned to be a dark gloomy and heavy, but a cheerful black comedy with the happenings of the current news broadcasting industry and its personnel. The audiences will be earnest waiting contains a strong script and the list of great cast in the drama (Spotlight)



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