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[drama 2008] Park Jung Geum, Heavenly Beauty (woman Of Matchless Beauty) 천하일&#4

Guest huangsy

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Guest StiLLThinking

Hi jojo *wave* *wave* ...

with a little explain here and there.... i able to get the gist of it .. tks!! :D

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Guest dramaok

From Ep. 12:


KS: would you like to have some tea somewhere?

JG: i have to get going i'm having dinner with Yong-Joon ssi.

KS: i have my engagement ceremony this friday.

JG: i won't go there. congrats.



YJ: are you thinking of that chiwawa now?

JG: so what if i am..?

YJ: i didn't think he was so great. what do you like about him?

JG: to be honest, what i like about him is.. his regard for me. the first time i met him he also pitied me, after i ran out from the fight w/ my dad, and i stood under the light crying.

YJ: --

JG: him regarding me... strangely it doesn't upset me, it feels warm.

YJ: i think of you with regard too you know.

JG: but why does it feel so icky that you pity me?

YJ: what?

JG: even though you're a doctor now, you're always that poser and outcast to me. how dare you pity me!

YJ: then are you gonna think of me as that forever? we were all like that when we were little. then are you always gonna be the princess upstairs?

YJ: of course. don't you know first impression last forever?

JG: gee! hahah.

YJ: hahaha.



JG: Yong-Joon ah.. i really liked him.. i was amazed myself that at my age i could still have that trembling feeling..

YJ: --

JG: even just sitting next to him my heart jumped so much it was really hard to deal with.

YJ: --

JG: isn't it funny?

YJ: it's funny. really funny!

JG: i know.

YJ: so it trembled being with that chiwawa?

JG: but it's over.. he's getting engaged this friday.

YJ: oh.. really?

JG: good things only last so short.. it seems.

YJ: (sighs) at our age.. love has to meet our lifestyle too.

JG: of course i know that. i have a son to raise.. and care after a mother who has no sons but me.. actually i have another son... though i lost him..

YJ: i heard it from my brother. i think your mother told him.

JG: gee my mom..

YJ: Jeong-Geum ah..

JG: yes. my name is Jeong-Geum. Park Jeong-Geum. Ji-Woon and Ji-Hoon's mother. Mz. Yoon Myeong-Ja's daughter... what room do i have to be dating.. a dream you wake up from on a summer night is still just a dream.

YJ: --

JG: when will spring come.. it's still chilly at night..

YJ: (takes jacket off and puts on her)

JG: (stares at YJ then smiles)



YR: will you go in a cab?

KS: yes.

YR: then come in for a drink.. since you're taking a cab anyway..

KS: no.

YR: then would you like some tea then?

KS: no..

YR: then i'll be going in..

KS: okay (walks away)

YR: hey there Han Kyeong-Soo! aren't you too much? shouldn't there be a limit to this! how many days has it been since all you utter is yes, no, it's okay, these 3 things.

KS: --

YR: have you no plans to come out from that snail shell.. ?

KS: there are times when a person doesn't want to say anything.. no thought.. no words..

YR: so i'm asking.. when will you stop? how can i live having to be on tip-toe.

KS: you needn't live so.

YR: but you're doing all this for me to see. is it such a great loss to you to part from Park Jeong-Geum? are you telling me if i can't stand it i should just get out of it? huh? are you asking me why i'm making a fuss if i can't leave?

KS: it's not that. but until not long ago.. the person i loved the most in the world. the person i worried about more than anything in the world.... she's gone that's all..

YR: put a limit to it. i can't stand this for long at my temper.



YR: go. go to Park Jeong-Geum instead.. what do you like so much about her anyway?

KS: ppl are looking.

YR: so? didn't you know i was like this all along? do i care about other ppl?

KS: is this the limit of your patience?

YR: so? have you kept your mouth shut to test my patience? how many days has it been already! how many days!

KS: let's go out.



YR: are you trying to run my blood dry? w/ that face of yours?

KS: are you gonna keep speaking so rudely? when you're in a good mood you talk politely but when you're not you switch to rude speech? you drag me here and there without a word of discussion.. am i your pet?

YR: pet? gee.. who says you're a pet i'm raising?

KS: just be a little more patient. a little more understanding. it takes me longer than it does you. i don't even know my own heart.. everyone is different, isn't it?

YR: it doesn't go your way? where the heck did you leave your heart that you can't get ahold of it? let's just talk about Park Jeong-Geum when we meet. talk about Park Jeong-Geum when we eat and when we drink water, til we're sick and tired of it.

KS: --

YR: do you know how it feels to look at a man whose got his head full of another woman? it's nerve-recking and embarrassing i can't do it anymore!

KS: then? what do you want to do now?

YR: is it my crime to love you? we're engaging tomorrow! but you're not laying even a hand on me because you want to keep yourself for Park Jeong-Geum, isn't it?

KS: --

YR: did Park Jeong-Geum tell you to do that? to leave your heart and your body with her? that even if you come to Sagong Yura you leave everything with her? did she cry and beg you to do that?!


KS: watch what you say infront of me.. i don't like this.. don't you know the more you're like this the more i get tired of you?

YR: tired of me? gee.. but what can i not do for you to be tired of me when you have someone else in your heart already?

KS: please.. close that mouth of yours! just listen.. if you wait a little more it'll be fine..

YR: what do you like about her so much? huh? that she's pitiful? gee but i guess a woman who gave birth to two children.. surely she has the skill to seduce a man.

KS: please.. shut that mouth of yours i said.. don't you know that when a man sets his mind to it he can endure everything, except someone making him tired?

YR: tiring? you got used. Park Jeong-Geum used Han Kyeong-Soo.

KS: what?

YR: she put up that innocent face to use you.

KS: what do you mean?

YR: the one who caused Park Jeong-Geum's divorce is me!

KS: (!)

YR: Park Jeong-Geum does not love Han Kyeong-Soo. she took you for a tease to revenge on me.. and you knew nothing and lingered on like glue. huh!

KS: (leaves)

YR: i have something to say too! she calls my mother a maid even when she's married to her father. i am always a shallow woman to her.. for me, it's worse than her cussing at me calling me a shallow woman.

KS: stop.

YR: why?

KS: stop already!

YR: that's why i seduced her husband.. but that man lingered after me like a fool even after i used him.. but is that my fault?


KS: so.. that's why you did such act infront of her for her to see? and now, do you expect me, a man, to hear all this and still live with you?

YR: tomorrow is our engagement!

KS: (shouting) i will not go tomorrow!




KS: let me just ask you one thing. Detective Park, did you really use me?

JG: use you?

KS: did you use me to avenge the woman who stole your husband?

JG: (!)

KS: is it? is it true?

JG: yes it is. Sagong Yura is the woman who stole my husband. So, i thought i play a joke on her too, but it wasn't as fun as i thought... since the father of my children doesn't mean much to me anymore. so forget all about a woman like me and go where you're supposed to go.

KS: where should i go? where is the place i should go?

JG: that's something you should figure out..

KS: i really loved the way you looked at me.. the way you knew so well where i'm aching even without me saying a word.. you knew me so well.. in this world there is no one who has a right to pity me... but soley you.. when you pitied me it felt warm..

JG: i am a person who has no time to pity someone. don't you know? i have to fight to live everyday at the split waging of a knife.. w/ my eyes open all the time in order not to die.

KS: (teary)

JG: a woman and not a man... day after day kicking and fighting.. how will i have any time left to pity anyone.. an impressive lawyer like you on top of that.. that's just funny..

KS: then all this was only felt by myself, is that it?

JG: since you got it you should leave. i'm a busy person.


preview for this week (tomorrow and day after):

JG gets involved in some hostage situation at the bank. JG tells KS she loves him, but even so she can't go away with him. KS asks her to trust him. but somehow he ends up in the engagement or wedding ceremony with Yura.

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Guest prita

dramaok....thanks so much for summary of epi.12 :)

It's getting interesting but the plot tends to becoming k-drama's standard at the same time.....hopefully it won't :(

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thanks Mic for the summary of Episode 12...PJG has feelings for KS somehow...but she knows where she stands though...but I think they're good together...though Yura would do anything to get KS back to her...and of course ending up in what will happen in this weekend's episodes

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dramaok, thank you so much. l read the sypnosis of epi 13 and 14.....the happenings in these 2 episode seem to following the ususal k-dramas bit but what's interesting is that at the end of epi 14....

Yura and KS are getting marry

.....wow, l am anxious to know what will progress next, what does the scriptwriter has up in his sleeve ? Actually, l can't wait for next weekend episodes ! This weekend episodes are just too "K-dramaish" for me.

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Guest mandalaywith

dramaok, thank you so much. l read the sypnosis of epi 13 and 14.....the happenings in these 2 episode seem to following the ususal k-dramas bit but what's interesting is that at the end of epi 14....

Yura and KS are getting marry

.....wow, l am anxious to know what will progress next, what does the scriptwriter has up in his sleeve ? Actually, l can't wait for next weekend episodes ! This weekend episodes are just too "K-dramaish" for me.

Poor our KS&PJK :tears::wacko:

Epi 14 in Yura and KS marry pics.




Thanks summary of Episode 12.

항상 감사합니다.

저 경수랑 정금 잘되길 바랍는데 14회에 유라와 결혼해다니 슬퍼요. :tears:

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Guest wls2948

what!!! what happened to GS that he wasted his life by getting married to Yura? Wah, so no hope for PJK and GS together? Looks like doc now stands a chance with PJK!! oh no.... :o:huh:

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Hi Wls2948, don't write off GS + PJK pairing yet, there is 26 episodes to go.....anything can happen.

l can see that GS is not about the happiest man on earth even though this is suppose to be the happiest day of his life and neither is Yura for l guess she knows that GS is not marrying her because he loves her but probably out of obligation to his parents and perhaps to her too

(she tried to kill herself in epi 14)


경수의 집과 사공유라의 집은 기어이 약혼식을 감행한다. 악혼식 날 경수만 빼고 양쪽 집안이 다 모여있으나 시간이 지나도 경수는 올줄 모르는데...결국 약혼식을 ‘펑크’낸 경수, 정금에 대한 생각에 교외로 정처없이 방황의 시간을 보낸다. 사여사는 정금의 모친인 윤씨를 만나 정금과 경수의 관계를 털어놓고 말려달라고 부탁한다. 윤씨는 일언지하에 거절하고 정금에게 경수가 미국으로 가자고 제안한 것에 대해 적극 찬성한다고 응원하는데...


GS and Yura’s engagement party take place. Everybody except GS has come. GS doesn’t show up after all. GS leaves Seoul and aimlessly wanderes.

Yura’s mother visits PJK’s mother Ms.Yoon and tells the relationship between PJK and GS. Yura’s mother asks Ms.Yoon to break them up but Ms. Yoon turns down flatly. Ms. Yoon agrees and encourages PJK to accept GS’s proposal of going to the U.S. together with PJK…


경수의 적극적인 사랑고백과 결혼요청에 정금은 어머니 윤씨와 세훈의 적극적 지원을 용기삼아 함께 미국행을 결정한다. 경수는 신이나 윤씨 집에 인사를 가고 정금과의 새로운 인생 출발에 부푼꿈을 갖는다. 정금도 처음 찾아온 행복에 만면 웃음이다. 이때 갑자기 유라가 약을 먹고 자살을 시도한다. 응급실에 실려간 유라는 가까스로 위기상황을 모면하지만 정금과 경수는 충격을 받는다. 이를 항의하러 봉필과 사여사는 윤씨집을 찾는데 윤씨는 오히려 더 강하게 정금을 옹호하다 고혈압으로 쓰러진다. 결국 경수는 혼자 미국길에 오르고 정금은 뒤따르지 못한다. 유라가 미국으로 뒤따라들어간뒤 1년후 경수와 유라는 결혼식을 올리는데...


GS proposes to PJK earnestly. PJK is encouraged by her mother and PJK’s son SaeHun, she decides to go to the U.S. with GS. GS visits Ms. Yoon, his heart swells with hope of starting new life with PJK. PJK also shows a broad smile with happiness that she finally has. At the same time, Yura tries to kill herself by taking medicine. Yura is taken to the hospital, she narrowly escapes death. PJK and GS are greatly shocked by the news. Mr. Park and Yura’s mother visits Ms. Yoon to make a protest but Ms. Yoon defends strongly. Due to the quarrel, Ms. Yoon faints from high blood pressure. After all, GS alone leaves Seoul for the U.S. Yura follows GS and goes to the U.S. One year later, GS and Yura hold their wedding ceremony…

Source : www.minjong.net

Mandalaywith, thanks for the pix....poor GS and PJK :tears::tears::tears:

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Guest mandalaywith

Hi Wls2948, don't write off GS + PJK pairing yet, there is 26 episodes to go.....anything can happen.

l can see that GS is not about the happiest man on earth even though this is suppose to be the happiest day of his life and neither is Yura for l guess she knows that GS is not marrying her because he loves her but probably out of obligation to his parents and perhaps to her too

(she tried to kill herself in epi 14)

Mandalaywith, thanks for the pix....poor GS and PJK :tears::tears::tears:

I agree to you comment.

thanks a lot translate to sypnosis of epi 13 and 14.

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Hi Mandalaywith, l think lots of fans will be waiting anxiously for your downloads tonite and tomorrow nite, l know l am one of them.....no office party l hope ! Mean jojo, making you miss your social life just to satisfy our needs :blush: Thank you again :)

Ah joy, thank you so much for the PJK+GS banner......sorry, been busy and didn't have time to put it till now. :wub:

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Guest mandalaywith

Hi Mandalaywith, l think lots of fans will be waiting anxiously for your downloads tonite and tomorrow nite, l know l am one of them.....no office party l hope ! Mean jojo, making you miss your social life just to satisfy our needs :blush: Thank you again :)

Ah joy, thank you so much for the PJK+GS banner......sorry, been busy and didn't have time to put it till now. :wub:


you welcome.^^

Every time i will try quiclkly share of all of Ep.interview,NG file.

yesterday MBC section Ent news in Park Jung Geum shooting news is come.

this night i will share in clubbox.

i hear one Big news.

2008 March 23 kbs TV 5:30Pm Happy Sunday "불후의 명곡" program in singer kim min jong will coming.

Talking about of his song best popular song& he will siging.

Happy Sunday "불후의 명곡" program is talking about of korean popular singer.

March 23 is Kim min jong birthtday .

you can post poll your best like his song



i will share to this vod.^^

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Guest mandalaywith

Park Jung Geum E13 preview Vod


내가 경수씨 사랑하는거 알죠? you know i love KS? PJK talking

경수의 집과 사공유라의 집은 기어이 약혼식을 감행한다. 악혼식 날 경수만 빼고 양쪽 집안이 다 모여있으나 시간이 지나도 경수는 올줄 모르는데...결국 약혼식을 ‘펑크’낸 경수, 정금에 대한 생각에 교외로 정처없이 방황의 시간을 보낸다. 사여사는 정금의 모친인 윤씨를 만나 정금과 경수의 관계를 털어놓고 말려달라고 부탁한다. 윤씨는 일언지하에 거절하고 정금에게 경수가 미국으로 가자고 제안한 것에 대해 적극 찬성한다고 응원하는데...

3월 15일 (토) 저녁 7시 55분

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Guest mandalaywith


I hears one new

Source- http://media.daum.net/entertain/broadcast/...3&cp=poctan

김민종, 시청률 20% 돌파 기념 삼계탕 '쐈다'

kim min jong provide korean food Sam gye tang(chicken) for drama PJK drama shooting staff.

first shooting in kim min jong "if our Drama rating 20%, i will provide food."

Now drama is rating 20%.

so provide korean food Sam gye tang(chicken).


i like Sam gye tang.tommorrow i will eat.he he

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Guest mandalaywith

Park Jung Geum Drama shooting Pics

This shooting pics is Tonight E13 in will come.


KS& Jk in hospital


Yura in hospital,house

















credit-MBC PJK homepage

Now i readly to watch PJK E13.

After i come back here.

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Guest mandalaywith

MBC Section Tv Entertainment New-Park Jung Geum Shooting Interview vod

Youtube watch link


Vod credit-mandalaywith

Park Jung Geum Shooting Interview Section Tv file upload finshed in My clubbox.

Park Jung Geum Shooting Interview file Download link

credit- http://clubbox.co.kr/mdy80

you join my clubbox,you can download file.

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Guest mandalaywith

Drama "Park Jung Geum" E13 Rating

TNS Nationwide-15.6%(Program 6th) Seoul-16.1%(Program 5th)

6. 주말연속극<천하일색박정금> MBC 15.6

5. 주말연속극<천하일색박정금> MBC 16.1

AGB Nationwide-14.4%(program 7th) Seoul-14.6%(program 7th)

7 MBC 주말연속극(천하일색박정금) 14.4

7 MBC 주말연속극(천하일색박정금) 14.6


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