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[drama 2008] Park Jung Geum, Heavenly Beauty (woman Of Matchless Beauty) 천하일&#4

Guest huangsy

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Guest dramaok

Can you tell me excately what Yura's mother did to PJG's son (JiHoon)?

not long after he was lost, someone found him and called PJG's father's house and Yura's mother answered the phone, and she said the boy wasn't theirs, but she went to see where he was in secret, and after that, she kept an eye on the boy, seeing him going to the orphage, and going through foster home after home and finally working the streets, but she never said to anyone about his existence.

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not long after he was lost, someone found him and called PJG's father's house and Yura's mother answered the phone, and she said the boy wasn't theirs, but she went to see where he was in secret, and after that, she kept an eye on the boy, seeing him going to the orphage, and going through foster home after home and finally working the streets, but she never said to anyone about his existence.


Oh my word! That's beyond sin! :o

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Guest dramaok

this drama is heart-wrenching.. but with so much hope too...

from Ep. 8:


JG: what kind of a man is so weak. you really got nothing huh.

KS: but you lured me saying you were gonna take it easy on me but how can you hit me so hard nonstop!

JG: why would i take it easy on you it's about winning or losing.

KS: but you said you were going to.

JG: you believed that?

KS: what? gee you're a fraud.. a fraud..

JG: aiyee.. this is not called fraud.

KS: then what is this called? you lied.

JG: to be exact this isn't fraud, it's called ajooma's strength. [ajooma = 30+ (usually married) woman].

KS: --

JG: the loser buys beverage, so get up already. i wonder if they have expensive pulp juice or something.

KS: i'll buy you pulp juice, i'll buy! you're so mean you conned me.


JG: but do you think it's the same to get it free for nothing vs. committing fraud and stealing it to drink it proudly?

KS: (wipes sweaty hand over her face) i'm buying i'm buying, okay? gee

JG: yuck what is this.. (spits)



JG: weren't you gonna call me 'noona (older sister)' when we met again?

KS: how can i call such an adorable detective Park 'noona'. you should call me 'oppa (older brother).'

JG: you didn't get enough beating. wanna go at it again? for dinner?

KS: gee do you plan on earning all your food like this?

JG: hahaha. i guess i have to meet you to laugh like this.

KS: me too.

JG: and at first i thought you were so rigid.

KS: that's what i mean. i think it's strange too. i'm unable to be like this infront of others.

JG: then you think i'm negligible huh?

KS: that's what i'm saying!

JG: what did you say? (punches him on the shoulder)


KS: ouch.. you're beating me again. again! what kinda woman hits whenever she sees a man's face! a regular match couldn't even date you, detective Park!

JG: that's why i live alone! do you think it's easy with my beautiful appearance?

KS: hehe

JG: hehe.. but i wonder how's Yura.

KS: is there something going on with Yura ssi?

JG: oh she didn't tell you?

KS: i called and she said she was sick. and when i offered to go over she said no. what happened? i think i should know if it concerns Yura. she's not the type who would tell me first but i shouldn't sit still pretending like nothing's happened either.

JG: something has happened at Seong-Bok-dong.

KS: what is it?

JG: i think you should hear it from Yura in person. regardless she is suffering quite a lot right now so you should call her out and comfort her.




YR: i told you it's annoying why are you calling me out.

KS: even if you have no appetite you should eat a lot.

YR: did you enjoy fencing today too?

KS: yes.

YR: why are you learning fencing like life and death? as if you're going to compete.

KS: that's not it.

YR: --

KS: Yura ssi.. we agreed to tell each other things if something's happened, so we can help each other.

YR: how did you know something's happened to me?

KS: --

YR: (stare)

KS: well.. it's just that you look like you have some anguish lately...

YR: i guess you two are keeping in great touch. when did you see Mz. Park Jeong-Geum?

KS: actually i met her just a little while ago and heard from her that something happened at Seong-Bok home.

YR: where?

KS: i met her coincidently.

YR: coincidence? i guess even coincidence is helping the two of you.

KS: i brought it up to comfort you but let's forget it because i am just causing you more worries.

YR: --

KS: actually i didn't tell you because i didn't want you to be troubled over it for no reason, but the fencing studio i attend is also where detective Park goes to.

YR: ah. that's great. i was worried about you going there alone without someone you know.

KS: i know this is strange but don't worry about other things.

YR: other worries? what other worries do i worry about?

KS: nevermind. let's eat. we are about to marry but we're too uneasy with each other don't you think so?

YR: uneasy?

KS: nevermind.

YR: if you don't have an appetite don't eat. you'll get indigestion.

KS: i wonder how we can live together in the future when we can't even have a meal comfortably together.

YR: why do you ask me that?

KS: Yura ssi..

YR: what more do you want me to do? i already knew long ago that you go to the same fencing studio as Park Jeong-Geum.

KS: ---

YR: i bit down my teeth to withstand it pretending not to know. you told me to be patient! i knew very well that you lied to me and went to see her everyday but now you expect me to put on a good face so you can eat your meal at ease?

KS: i didn't mean to deceive you, but i'm sorry.

YR: (gets up and leaves)



[JG's mom's been pretending like Yongjoon is JG's husband and even brought the neighborhood women to YJ's clinic to get free shots.]

YJ: you're not seeing someone are you? of course..

JG: of course?

YJ: then you are?

JG: whehter i do or not how does it concern you, ajuhssi (older man)?

YJ: some ppl in the neighborhood think you and i are married. if my wife comes home late night after night they'd think you were a wayward woman who's out having affairs. so where do i put my face then? with regard to those who live with you, come home early!



YR: i haven't said anything to them.

mom: when are you gonna tell them.

YR: you tell them.

mom: are you saying you're gonna keep your mouth shut? are you?

YR: yes.

mom: fine. i'm going home so don't worry about me anymore.




YR: you are Ji-Hoon aren't you.. you grew up so much... i have been sorry Ji-Hoon.. i'm sorry..



[YR uses a public phone and calls the police station that JG works at]

YR: may i report about a boy who was lost 12 years ago in Heuk-Seok dong?

woman: yes

YR: his name is Oh Ji-Hoon and he currently works at the bar called 'Shampoo' in Yeong-Dong-Po under the nickname 'jjang goo'..

woman: thank you for calling. who is the person calling?

YR: (hangs up)



KS: let me drive you. you need to pull yourself together even more so at a time like this.




KS: at this rate something's gonna happen to you before you find your son.

JG: over the last decade i have been all over the 8 regions of our country... each time i go i wonder if this is the time..

KS: if you're thirsty please drink some water. there's a water bottle by you.

JG: before i die, i'd be satisfied to see his face once. i don't greed for more, i just want to see that he's alive...

KS: (holds her hand) your hand is so sweaty... my mother must have looked for me like this too..

[they wait for night hour when Ji-Hoon is supposed to come to work]


KS: have some

JG: thank you (shaking)

KS: i have the heater on but strangely it's still cold.

JG: --

KS: you won't recognize him even if you see him, right?

JG: what a world... a few days ago i was here undercover to catch someone.

KS: i see.

JG: i could've passed by him.. my puppy i've search so hard...

KS: you just need to wait a little longer..

JG: (nods w/ tears)

[JG is told Ji-Hoon won't be working there again after he got beat up badly last night. ]


waiter: but that kid is rather peculiar. as if he's an offender or something someone's always looking for him.

JG: ppl are looking for him?

waiter: yup. men and women both. so he won't be easily found.



KS: detective Park.

JG: even if it's not so let's not be disappointed.. if i don't get to see him let's not be disappointed.. that's what i prepared... (weeps)

KS: let's go..


JG: when my husband had the affair i lingered on with life and death, but my husband insisted on divorce, while i maintained anything but divorce... since i insisted on letting it go, the two of them showed their affair right infront of me for me to see..

KS: ---

JG: when i think about it now i should've just agreed to divorce easily.. what was so cherishable to endure to that extreme.. after seeing that my young heart back then could not see anything else... do you two really love each other that much? fine then go ahead and live... see if love is so great when the children are crying nonstop around you. during the divorce i told them to take the children, but in less than a week i thought this wasn't it and i went to them to get the kids back, but it was after my husband's mistress had already taken the child out and lost him.

KS: ---

JG: i am not even a mother.. how can there be a mother like me in this world? no matter what happened, where in the world did i send my kids?

KS: ---

JG: Kyeong-Soo ssi... i can die for him.. no i'm even too cheap to die... my heart ached so much and i was so ashamed that i couldn't even cry out loudly once.



KS: stop crying. until now you have already cried a lot... i told you i don't resent my mother who lost me..

JG: ---

KS: detective Park.. couldn't we love each other as we pity each other like this?


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The dialogue between KS and JG in the fence school is so funny......l really enjoy it....seeing it without understanding is fun enough but knowing what they are saying really double the fun.....thank you so so much, dramaok.....bless you ! * ^ ^ *

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The dialogue between KS and JG in the fence school is so funny......l really enjoy it....seeing it without understanding is fun enough but knowing what they are saying really double the fun.....thank you so so much, dramaok.....bless you ! * ^ ^ *

As I was reading the dialogue I kept saying... Oh this is so sweet; they're really cute together! :wub:

hi dramaok :lol:

Thanks a lot for Explain to Park Jung Geum E08 story line. :w00t:

Ditto! B)

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Guest mandalaywith

dramaok...thanks for providing the summary for Episode 8...it was such a touching episode...loved the aikido scene so much...this drama gets better and better


Me too.i love KS and JG aikido scene. :w00t:



Thanks share to ep 3 c-sub.

please support to all of Ep c-sub

i will wait you.good job.

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Guest mandalaywith

anyone knows the song at the end of the episode 8? love that song! sounds like KMJ's voice

KMJ's voice is No.Another korean New singer singing.

one Good News Have.

Today i found in Park Jung Geum drama second PD Message in DC.

Message in " Drama OSt in Kim Min jong will siging.may be 2,3 song.

OMG! cannot wait OST :w00t:

Post to Park Jung Geum drama second PD Saw june(서준) Message

예전부터 자주 들어왔었는데 박정금갤러리까지 생길줄 몰랐네여.

그게 명철이형이 추진하신거라뉘...ㅎㅎ 멋져요^^

항상 드라마본방이 끝나면 이곳과 엠비씨홈피에서 반응을 살피고 있습니다...

워낙에 뜨거운 관심을 가져주셔서 감사하다는 말씀 드리고 싶구요...

정경커플...정용커플...사경커플... 이 뜨거운 관심사 인듯 한데요^^;

저희 작가선생님과 감독님은 아마도 시놉에 충실하실꺼구요...

아직 결말은 오로지 작가선생님의 머릿속에만 있다는거...;;;

그리고 저희가 아는 것은 앞으로의 3~4회분량만 알고있습니다 ㅎ

어떤 전개가 이루어질지 관심 많이 가져주시구요...

ost는 저번주에 박세준 음악감독님의 말씀으로 아마 조만간 발매가 될 것 같구요...

김민종형님이 부르신다는 것은 거의 기정사실이지만... 무엇을 부를지 몇개를 부를지에 대해서는

Drama OSt in Kim Min jong will siging.

확답을 못드리겠네요^^ 이건 스포나 마찬가지자나요..ㅎ

본방끝나고 한참 들여다보다가 웃기도 많이 웃고 다들 너무 재밌으셔서 한글자 적습니다

앞으로 웃는 일만 가득하시길 빌겠습니다.

credit DC

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Guest pure_joy

Hi judybootie,

This is roughly what GS said to PJK at the last scene......

"Dont cry. Iti is no use crying over the past. Me too, l dont hate my parents for dumping me." (he meant to comfort PJK, that her son will not hate her for losing him)

Then GS said "Ms PJG. While we treat each other as unlucky ones, shall we love each other like that?"

Source from www.minjong.net

Hi Pure_joy,

Glad you enjoy the drama.....yeah, l love that scene at the akido in epi 7 too...this is the first time l saw him laughs and speaks in such a light-hearted manner, he is like a little boy in front of PJK. It is definitely a far cry from his ususal "serious" look. You will like the akido scene in epi 8 too but l think this one in epi 7 is much more touching and probably "sealed" the idea of GS-PJK pairing in many viewers' minds.

l too was a little surprise at the confession by GS at the end of epi 8. As a viewer wrote after the episode end that "their love story starts quicker than l thought"....ooops .......and there will 32 more episodes to go, l guess there are going to be lots of heartbreakings and sufferings in between. Also, we must not forget the doctor. His side of the story has not unfold yet, how did he gets into the "love relationship" with PJK........arh....this is going to be one good storylin.

By the way, we are told in an interview MJ sii has that the actors in the drama do not know the ending......meaning they don't know if GS ends up with PJK or Yura .....interesting isn't it? l think the studio is waiting to see if the viewers can accept the idea of a younger man falling in love with an older woman. l remember years back there is a drama (can't recall the title but l guess pure_joy should be able to help here) of Jang Dong Gun in which he falls in love with a much older woman, the viewers hate it and the studio has no choice but to change the storyline and pairs him with a younger woman. To me that is a real pity because the original storyline is so much more interesting. Time has change and viewers these days are more matured, they definitely are "rooting" for the GS-PJK pairing......lol they probably get real upset if the studio tries to do otherwise.

Hello jojo omma muahaha. =) OH YES. how can i not love the chinese saying goes *da qing ma qiao* in episode 7. WHAH. never enough ahaha. yes yes goo goo GS-PJK. whahaha.

:blink: the confession is made ahahah. and its a 50 episodes. NOOO. i bet its gonna leave the viewers hanging lah seriously. like what. the doctor comes in *cringe* and there's that yura. oh just kill me ahaha. but that's the precise entire fun of the leaving you hanging there and there. whahah. how contridicting am i but yes waiting to see how this entire story unfolds!

so no one knows who ends up with whom. whahaa. i think its normal lah nowadays. for a younger man falling in love with the older woman. ahaha i know WHAT show you are talking about ahaha. there's a big fat WHAT there cause basically back then when i watched it i seriously cannot take it ahaha. cannot understand how the fine young man pairing up with the older woman (maybe cause i'm biased towards her for that certain looks -_-') ahaha. its the drama called "Love" if i'm not wrong. somehow erh. but somehow i was debating "eh but He likes the older one" quite torn but i don't know the drama didn't really go for me ahaha. that drama isn't etched in my head very strongly.

but somehow i feel different this time round with PJK. i think its not hard to accept the pairing cause for 1. PJK is older but she's not that boring, typical lady you see. she's spunky, lively (very full of life) and she's different from the typical. whahaha. so i think it makes it easier for viewers to accept her. and 2. she isn't trying that hard to not be old. ahaha. :) please don't kill and stab me in the heart by pairing PJK with someone else. i will CRY. ahahaa. :) go go GS-PJK. they're seriously lovable. ahaha! and GS isn't that young, he has this mature side to him and also a young boy at heart. what a mix! with PJK who seems mature but also, with a little girl inside of her. SPUNKY-FUNKY man. goo goo!

oh oh! and thanks for the add up synopsis dialogue exchange. its the world of difference ahahahah *smears sweaty hands on PJK face* *yuck what's that* ahahah. i'll learn from PJK and earn free meals and drinks that way its soo funny. OMG. ahahah. :) (oh i wish the sweaty hands got me a drink) :rolleyes:

ahhhh. man. GS is soo sweet. i hope this ends up good with PJK.. :) so heart warming seriously.

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sypnosis for epi 9 + 10

9회 2008-03-01

아들 지훈을 찾는데 허탕을 친 박정금에게 경수는 함께 힘들어 하면서 그렇게 사랑

하자고 프러포즈를 한다. 경수는 이어 유라와의 약혼식을 앞두고 유라에게 박정금

을 좋아한다고 고백하면서 다시 유라와 갈등을 빚는데... 한편 불법 피라미드 조직 소

탕에 바쁜 정금은 경수의 프러포즈에 당황하면서 그냥 친구로 지내자고 말한다.

Trying to find JiHun but failed, JG and GS are tired out. GS proposes to JG.

As the engagement ceremony is ahead, GS tells YR that he has confessed

to JG that he liked her and the conflict between YR arises again...

While JG is buzy in mopping up the illegal pyramid organization, she did not

know what to do with GS's confession. Therefore she tells GS "Let's just be friend".

10회 2008-03-02

정금과 유라는 경수를 놓고 설전을 벌인다. 이번에는 유라가 정금을 공격하지만 과

거 용서할 수 없는 악연을 거론하는 정금은 맞받아친다. 사여사는 경수의 모친을 만

나 약혼식이 틀어질 수 있다는 문제에 대해 거론하고 민여사는 경수를 불러 호통을

친다. 사여사는 정금이 경수를 가로챈걸로 보고 봉필에게 고해 바친다. 유라와 정금

은 봉필의 호출을 받고 집으로 들어오는데...

JG and YR leave GS alone and start a wordy fight (舌戰) with each other. YR

attacks JG but JG fights back and points out the unforgiven fatal bond (惡緣) in

the past. YR's mother meets GS's mother and asks when the engagement

ceremony is to be scheduled. GS's mother calls GS to the hosue and scolds him.

YR's mother thinks that JG intercepts and snatches GS from YR, she tells

JG's father which made him weary. JG and YR receive a call from their father

and go back home...

Source : www.minjong.net

l am glad that JK didn't responded immediately to GS's love, it will be a bit unbelieveable if JK also falls in love with GS so fast. What she really needed that nite is comfort from someone......l certainly look forward to each weekend.

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Guest wls2948

GS proposes to PJK? wow! that's fast. that means he is really really sure of his feelings for her........but it is not easy for JK to accept him, there's the undeniable fact that he is her stepsister's fiancee! and also i suppose the different age ...but i want to see them end up together in the end :D

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