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[Drama 2008] East Of Eden 에덴의 동쪽

Guest kdramafanusa

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Guest winwetty

i'm so devastated to see the most stupid ending ever... :crazy:

why...why...must DC have to die..the only one person who sacrificed so much for others... :tears:

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I cannot believe it!!!! stupid writer, i'm still in the state of shocked. Whether i wanted to download the final two episode or not.

Anyways thanks to cute girl for sharing the torrent and CB link with us.

I hope to see in the next drama as well, although i'm not sure what drama am i going to watch after eoe has ended.

What a terrible ending for me. The writer screw up big time. I'm sure the website going to floaded with lots of complain!!!

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Guest jennyoo21

That's exactly what I'm thinking now.

I really don't know what's in her brains to create such ridiculous ending like that><????????

>< dammit. It's all about crazy ack ack

Anyway to me, the perfect ending lies in eps 55

So I try to think, everything is just a dream.. everything is gonna be OK

But, anyway, what kind of film is it?????????????????

agreed! omg i'm so mad.

this drama was screwed from the moment that they changed screenwriters.

she knew what the viewers wanted.

screwed with the whole plot so that dongwook would be portrayed as a villain...the one thing we asked for was that dongchul would not die and couldnt even give us that!

the press and netizens are going to have a field day!

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I told myself that my watching the rest of this show will be determined by the ending that was given. Based on the posts here, I have to say, I'm not watching the rest of this show, depression is definitely not needed. The downloaded episodes up to 52 on my PC can now be deleted. After all the struggles and challenges the main character had to go through , why did they kill the character. Its a punishment and not a reward. They just gave him a little bit of happiness, like thats going to satisfy us fans out there. This majorly sucks and what about DW dying as a form of sacrifice to/for the family? He has never really had to sacrifice anything for them, everyone sacrificed something for him and that truly hurts. When you look at it he got to be a royal spoiled brat for the whole 56 episodes. What a major bummer.

Well I am finished for now.

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Guest amura

even though LDC died but i'm gonna download the 2 episodes and then i 'll start to watch it again then i 'll watch BBF 'cuz i stopped at ep 7

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I don't know what to say...although I didn't like the fact that DC took the bullet for DW but it's not a surprise.

When I watched that scene, I was thinking...DC got shot so many times already...maybe he'll be okay like last time.

Anyway, I thought the last part was very touching.

Pictures from episode 56...



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Guest savingwork

Thanks cute girl for torrent.

Thanks Luv for caps.

Thanks WITHS2 for all your work.

You all have been great :D

I don't know what to say...although I didn't like the fact that DC took the bullet for DW but it's not a surprise.

When I watched that scene, I was thinking...DC got shot so many times already...maybe he'll be okay like last time.

Anyway, I thought the last part was very touching.

QUOTE (Joongbo4evr @ Mar 10 2009, 11:40 PM) *

Didn't they say it was a happy ending?! How is this happy? Youngran is a widow AGAIN. He'd finally reached a point in his life and them BOOM, gone. Well, at least he left a daughter behind. But still! He got hit by bullets before, in Macao, in Youngran #2 kidnapping scene, he didn't die then! Why now? Was he finally satisfied with life so decided to let go?

P.S: In the midst of all this thwart, I'd really like to thank cute-gurl for the links! Thank you!

I felt the same way too. It seems that the PD has finally realized that DC is not superman!!not anymore, or at least he couldn't be in the last episode. :lol:<_<

Death by gun shot to the heart or by being beat up by over 20 gangster with pipes? hmmm tough choice.

seriously, while a gun can kill instantaneously, you just cannot deny that physical beating can cause death if not serious injuries and disabilities... what am I saying it's only a drama so expect the unbelievable :lol:

And I agree with many of you jail would have been better/more honorable and Why even jail.. DC is not guilty of the drug charges. Also he was cleared of many other charges before,by Guk's help I guess. Now it was supposed to be DW's turn to dig deeper and find "evidence" to clear DC!! or DC could've just served his term. then come out clean of all his ties to gangster life, to live safely with his new born and wife. but, if DC was sentenced with the death penalty, well... in this case the death would've been more touching and reasonable, don't you agree?

Ooops.. is this going to end up being a fanfiction thread of eoe ending :sweatingbullets:

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Guest panguyfm

All kdrama ending always sucks

What a pity

I love this one but as always

the ending sucks sucks sucks

What a waste

Who will buy DVD box set if this is always like that


MBC please Make sure to revised the ending part

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Guest fjkuan

Was it also a rumor that the ending will be a happy one?

After reading this forum from a day ago....So it was a rumor that the ending would be a happy one. DC and YR's wedding with only the priest was disappointing. Dying for his brother was not the way I thought the drama would end after much emphasis on YR and DC's history and with her father. DW treated DC so badly after all DC had done for him, and DC died for him. At least if DC died for YR, that would be a love sacrafice. This is a sacrafice for the love of his brother who, as it turned out, doesn't matter if he's blood related of not.

This is a crapy ending for a drama that started out so good. The writer should change the ending. The writer was bad in connecting the last 16 episodes of the first writer's work and now to have it end in a big fight and blood bath with DC dying is too much. What's his/her name? I'm not going to buy the dvds thats for sure. I'll remember not to look at this sriter's future works. I hope the audience of Korea criticize harsely on how this drama ended. I am SO disappointed with this drama.

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Guest bless_u

aw man.. why did DC have to die... I rather have DW die instead...

I love YR and DC parts...

and now there's Baby Gukja!

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Guest Sashimi

I asked myself. Can you forgive all of other charactors for DC after the end of the story?

Have I hurt someone who helped me and been acting like DW in my past?

Now I don't want to be like DW in the future!!

I was very angry so many time while watching EoE, but I have reached feeling forgiveness.

Thank you very much for all of you sharing your thought. I really had a good time here.

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