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[Drama 2008] East Of Eden 에덴의 동쪽

Guest kdramafanusa

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I just new it that this was gonno happen :crazy: ,i dont understand why they had to go and mess things up ,its as if goodness dont survive and :angry: only evil does,DW was so nasty till the end DC was like begging the guy in eps 55 .i know its only a drama and us folks are like pulling our hair out ,but still DC should have survived and there should have been peace and happiness in the end. :tears:

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Guest dreamloverShiWon

I can't help but think DC was extremely stupid in asking Priest Han to marry him and YR. It was just unnecessary..if they wanted to get married they could get married without him. If it were not for the priest, YR would not have been kidnapped. I don't know, it doesn't seem like a wise decision on DC's part, knowing that they are in great danger, and yet asking the priest to come to them.

The plot is really ill thought. We all know DC thinks of others before himself.

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I think rather than saying DC stupid, it is just the scriptwriter lack of imagination. Keep resorting to kidnapping :lol:

I can't help but think DC was extremely stupid in asking Priest Han to marry him and YR. It was just unnecessary..if they wanted to get married they could get married without him. If it were not for the priest, YR would not have been kidnapped. I don't know, it doesn't seem like a wise decision on DC's part, knowing that they are in great danger, and yet asking the priest to come to them.

The plot is really ill thought. We all know DC thinks of others before himself.

BTW a new BTS posted


Click on the screen link shown in the second post and you will be able to watch. Enjoy!

If you have problems with the Baidu link, hopefully someone will also post a YouTube link later.

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Guest hsbc211

argh...i just finished watching the drama...

i just read the previous pages and found out MBC changed writers?


did the writer quit? EoE was really good in the beginning

in fact, i was hooked onto this drama at first...

but the last 10 episodes just dragged on and on...

the ending was kinda weird?

and why are they saying hi to DC who's DEAd?

it would be much more logical if they put a picture of him up (RIP)

unless it's just all DC's imagination AGAIN...

and after all the fuss, STH JUST died like that...

could have added more drama to that~~

P.S. i still love the OST~~ that's one thing i must give credit for...

the dramatic songs just drive the tears out of me...hehe

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Guest savingwork

Still no English sub for ep 56…I just read recap for episode 56 online.


The scene between DW and Rebecca:

Rebecca let DW hear the tape where “STH plot to turn DW against DC”. And Rebcca & Secretary guy told DW that it was STH who cut the brakes almost killing DC ad YCH. After hearing all this, DW finally believe that he was wrong in “Trusting STH” instead of the Lees???????

I laughed out loud reading this. :lol: :lol:

How could DW who hated STH all these years suddenly Trust/believe STH over DC. :blink::wacko:<_<

This plot is really really ridiculous and funny at the same time. I can understand how DW was angry and sad that DC was siding with MH, but that is not enough for him to blindly switch sides. :huh: Unless someone has another explaination...

Remember how DW keeps whining: “I cannot trust anyone, not DC nor STHH”, “DC and STH are the same”.!!! Yet, DW character has been trusting STH blindly while he was “cautious” in trusting DC?? :huh: :huh: :rolleyes:

And what is really funny is that in ep 56, DW was like in total “SHOCK Mode” after realizing that “dear dad STH” is really evil/criminal and “dear brother DC” was the good/innocent?

HELLOOOOOO, didn’t he know that already for over 30 years?? :wacko:

Either the writer was sleeping when she wrote DW transformation or she think that eoe viewers are foolish to accept any plot no matter how outrages it seems.

I never realized how unreasonable DW transformation was until this last episode. I guess I had some confidence in the writer’s “intellect” but wow was I wrong! :crazy:

But if you think about it, this plot is hilarious more than it is outrages. :lol: :lol: :lol:

argh...i just finished watching the drama...

i just read the previous pages and found out MBC changed writers?


did the writer quit? EoE was really good in the beginning

in fact, i was hooked onto this drama at first...

but the last 10 episodes just dragged on and on...

the ending was kinda weird?

and why are they saying hi to DC who's DEAd?

it would be much more logical if they put a picture of him up (RIP)

unless it's just all DC's imagination AGAIN...

and after all the fuss, STH JUST died like that...

could have added more drama to that~~

P.S. i still love the OST~~ that's one thing i must give credit for...

the dramatic songs just drive the tears out of me...hehe

I loved the OST as well :D ; my only regret is that sometimes it reminds me of eoe…not good memories anymore because I cannot make any meaning out of it. Oh well.. :phew:

The quotes below might help you understand the “weird ending”. This is what other have to say about it. I think it is interesting reading others’ views. However:

Warning: Although I found the opinions below as hilariously reasonable and I Laughed Out loud, some of you might get DEPRESSED and even more DISSAPONTED. So, please DON”T READ on if you want to preserve your own happy image of the final scene.


Weird, how they see and greeted the dead. If that was me, I'd say there's no Guk kid. That was also some "dream." Now if they didn't welcome him home but instead looked at his picture hanging right next to LKC's, I would think Guk kid was real. But since they did that, either the guk kid's birthday was just a dream/imagination OR all the adults in that room were high on dope or something and started hallucinating.


But from what I can remember, when someone feels its their time.. some may end up hallucinating. So to me, that baby? It's not for certain she was conceived. You can assume, but officially it ended with him dying. The birthday party was just part of his dream prior to crossing to the other side. If it indeed happened, first of all, there would be a caption on how many years have passed.. the lighting was different, kinda dream-like... the very last shot emphasized he died. So how can the living see him? Unless the whole family had died too? If that birthday party wasn't just DC's dream, DW, MH, YR wouldn't be welcoming him home when he is shown he's about to go towards the light. Either they all were high on drugs and started hallucinating.. OR most logical explanation would be, it was all in DC's head. No baby, all a dream.

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Guest Sushii-P

I know that it's just a drama but when I saw DC died, my heart hurt so much!!

At first I don't know why but I knew that DC will die... It's always as that in dramas like EOE.

Yeah I agree with you, I can't understand the writer to make DC die! It's really not necessary.

So I was so happy when DC and Grace get married!!! I was so happy and when thei kissed ... OMG it's so real, not like others kisses.

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Guest jimmylee78

this drama was good cant believe the writer kill DC char

i also like the kissing scene off them too sushii-p well at least i get too see YR-DC get married even if it only for a while :D

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Guest kazenai

I think most of us wanted DW to die instead of DC , since it would make more sense but I'd like to add that MBC cannot overwrite the script which is written by the actual writer , I feel sad that LYH's debut had to be in one of those bad ending drama >.< SSH proved improvement as his comeback but again He will be teased for his role in this "soap opera-ish drama"

If MBC atleast made a stupid statement that "OHHH DC didn't die , he was saying bye to all the viewers ! " lmaoooo I swear I'd be even more happy if MOST of them died and were re-united in the garden of eden ! atleast it would give meaning to the title =)

and yes the writer completely messed up this which I though would be a masterpiece

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I came across a few discussion about the ending and there are a couple of theories I came across:

1) DC dies at the end. The family gathering at the end is real and DC looking down from heaven like a guardian angel.

2) DC dies at the end but the family gathering is his dream/wish before his cross over to the other side. This kinds of make sense because I don't think DW won't feel guilty about this and can smile so happily, YR just no way be able to find happiness after the love of her life is gone. As to what really happens to DW, YR, YCH and rest of family is not told.

3) Not certain whether DC dies at the end or not. Left up to viewer's imagination. The last scene may be the one he wish he could live to see and we see DW, MH, YR, YCH all calling him and he is trying not to cross over to the other side. Whether he will survive or not is up to viewers to interpret as they see fit.

For me, I rather this is #2 because I know YR will follow DC if he leaves this world. She just cannot live if he is not there. If this must be a tragic ending, I rather be like MISIA where both can be together (although I know people should not give up their life) but I find this is just too painful for YR to live on without DC. I think her whole life since she was 19 is to live for DC. I think that's why the ending really sucks.

The quotes below might help you understand the “weird ending”. This is what other have to say about it. I think it is interesting reading others’ views. However:

Warning: Although I found the opinions below as hilariously reasonable and I Laughed Out loud, some of you might get DEPRESSED and even more DISSAPONTED. So, please DON”T READ on if you want to preserve your own happy image of the final scene.

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Guest effie

i was done of it yesterday. its not a happy ending because DC died. this is fact made me so sad and depressed.that's why i cried for the last ep.i need to say that all of actor are excellent at this drama. nobody can be replaced . their acting are perfect and deep touched my heart. the story are good for me . although i still hope DC can get together with his big family. its a pity. thanks all of everyone support this drama.i really like it and enjoy it.

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I had a feeling it will end like this since episode 52..i haven't seen ep 56 could not find it with eng subs anywhere...now i'm going to save myself the trouble of finding it. after reading the forum here... i think the ending SUCKS period. How come they make you watch 50 over episodes to have it end this way. The writer makes DW character really dumb. I don't know for the life of me understand how DW chose to believe STH who he knows killed DC's father instead believing in DC whom he lived with for over 30 years. Why must everybody be dying at the end...STH should go to jail and suffer for what he did rather than dying easily in a suicide and Rebbecca should have died long ago...she it the cause of all this misery.

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Guest freetshirtsorg

you guys are so shallow you're making me waste time when is hould be done building three bridges. ::sigh::

everythign was so PERFECT zomg.

The only thing i don't like about 나연숙's script is the fact that a lot of the episodes were sincerely filler. You didn't need it. I understand rating whatever, but like i seriously skipped like close to six eps at one point and didn't miss a thing. So yeah cut out that stuff.

I would like to give props to 송승헌 for his wonderful portrayal of the father, though he himself would've probably said that he couldn't bring much depth to it, but it think those are just minor details. I commend him for all those friggin action scenes. Must've been so exhausting.

I would like to commend newbie 이연희 for her fantastical acting. Though she got like crap and criticism in the beginning she matured a lot and grew into her role. I really don't think anyone can be replaced.

I love this drama so much. It's number one in my head now. I've watched pretty much most of the dramas. The lowest being 물병자리 and that drama with the character being raised by his eldest brother where 김동완 plays the younger brother. ZOMG. This drama was so good. It captured the essence of Korean mentality (which is pretty hard to do). I would recommend this to anyone.

Good job everyone!

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I watched the last episode from EOE and I dind't understand the smile face that LDW did in the end ??? Is he happy that his innocent brother was killed ... :angry:

I can't understand why all those Culprit personnes (HWANG GYU TAEK and Shin Tae Hwan's secratary) are still free ... :o

I think that in the last 6 episode the Representative of the law was ridiculised by the writer ...

In my opinion this serie should end at the 50 episode ... ;)

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Guest lucky_moon

where the link for episode 55?

Is it torrent Link, Direct link or CB Link?

Just check the previous pages for the Torrent & CB Links while for the Direct link; check Aja-Aja.com :)

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