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What divorce? Korean actress Song Hye-kyo’s latest ad has fans wild over her beauty (VIDEO)

Published 4 hours ago on 24 September 2019


Screenshot of Korean actress Song Hye-kyo in her latest advertisement which her fans are swooning over. — Image via Facebook Screenshot of Korean actress Song Hye-kyo in her latest advertisement which her fans are swooning over. — Image via Facebook

Sept 24 — Fans of Korean actress Song Hye-kyo are going wild with their idol's latest advertisement.

The less than 50 seconds advertisement for a concentrated ginseng renewal serum saw fans praising how beautiful Song is.

The skin care product advertisement starts with Song lying on the bed after waking up.

It later pans over to her standing in front of the mirror and introducing the product, of which Song is a spokesman.

Some fans professed their love for her while others praised Song for her beauty and said they could look at her the whole day.


It was previously reported that despite the divorce Hye-ko has yet to be affected significantly with companies continuing to support her, maintaining her position as the most sought after artist for endorsements in South Korea.

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12 hours ago, gigivillaceran said:

Before they report her its better to them to use their brain not their big dirty mouth  and i hope someone will report this people who doing this to her sorry to this people Song Hye Kyo will never stoop down to their level focus on your bias and leave her alone. And one more thing you cant enroll to any course in the US if you dont have any legal document my God Song Hye Kyo is a well known personality do they think the US Embassy will allowed her to stay there if she is illegal sometime this people dont have a brain what happen to the braincell of them my goodness  dont worry dear the karma is always follow to those people doing dirty thricks i dont want to say anything just let us  wait and the best thing we can do is to pray hard for her i know God is always guide her and i believe our time and her time will come just let us wait patiently for her and the most powerful weapon to the enemy is to ignored them chill dear nothing to worry 


People hate her, not because she is Guilty.  But because whenever she encounters a Deadlock, she never explain herself.  She never play the "Blame-Game". She prefers to solve it quietly & then just move forward with her Life.


For those who do not know her; for those who do not take the trouble to research her; to evaluate the situations properly, they prefer to believe in any Gossips they can find. Their Mentality is like: "Well, since we cannot extract an Explanation from you, we will just manufacture them".


Just like what Gigivillaceran has said, they never use their Brains. Too Lazy.  So they just join the Crowds

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1 hour ago, leedonghaek said:
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Those comments are beyond horrendous!!! No words to explain how disgusted I am reading them. :angry:



For most people, if you encounter a problem but you do not try to "Defend" yourself, then you must be Guilty.  What Kyo does, although admirable,  is not the Norm.  How can those people understand?


I'm sure some of us must have experienced one way or the other.  Whereby we have very good, BFF friends.  But something happens and this relationship falls apart.  Our BFF suddenly changes his/ her stance.  Instead of the usual compliments, we now receive all sorts of accusations, brickbats & negative remarks.


It is easy to be supportive when we are friends.  But what happens when this relationship fails. I believe that is the right time to measure the True Worth & Mark of a Person.  For me, Kyo passes this Test with Flying Colours

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16 hours ago, ahdrianaa said:

His fans actually left comments on the latest Korean article saying they’re going to call US immigration services to report her for illegally staying in the United States.


Maybe they should tweet at Trump and tell him about her being a threat.


They’re also claiming that Communist party workers are writing good comments for Kyo in articles, just imagine, in their delusional minds she is so powerful that there is an actual team of workers in China’s cyber team which sits and monitors her articles in Korea. 


Well you have all read the Negative Remarks (Re: Above).  I've just visited AllKpop.  There is a 100% Positive Remarks.  Here goes:


LuluM313 pts

 20 hours ago

I'm so proud of her, this is how you bounce back from a failed marriage. I hope she continues on her path to happiness

hark_Attack844 pts
 19 hours ago

Great example of a strong woman living a good life with or without a husband. What a graceful way to move on. Good for her!



pink-aca18 pts
 19 hours ago

Glad to hear that. I hope she finds genuine happiness in her life.

just-another-day429 pts
 18 hours ago

So nice to see her doing well! Divorce doesn’t always have to be some huge ordeal, two adults grew apart, plain and simple. I applaud her and hope that she enjoys every moment of doing what she feels is right for her. She’s a beautiful, talented woman, and I’m sure she will do well in whatever she chooses to pursue. Good for her!

ad19411 pts
 8 hours ago

I'd also say a big BRAVO to Song Hye Kyo's parents for giving her a good education

Mimien09379 pts
 19 hours ago

She deserved to be Happy. Wish her all the Best !!!

Noonaloveskdrama9 pts
 20 hours ago

She deserves everything. She needs to explore more and enjoy herself. Soon she'll find her best partner.


I love you Kyo. Enjoy and live the best life because you deserve it. Mwahhhhh.



MENsplaining910 pts
 10 hours ago

Good for her, truly a strong person who lives her best life for herself. This is how all people should be... don't care about other people's opinions because they do not matter. Personal happiness matters.

Jaynul12350 pts
 16 hours ago

I have loved this about her. She keeps her personal life to a high level of private and the ones around her knows and respect that and don't cross that line. I am happy knowing she is going about life and doing the things that makes her happy. Art seems to have always been a big deal to her as much as history. Love Hye Kyo



sik_k_is_a_whore966 pts
 16 hours ago

What a strong amazing woman. She is beautiful as ever. I wish her happiness and more than that real true love. She needs a man on her level, someone that treats her like the queen she is. An art school? I love her so much!



coco_puffs-163 pts
 6 hours ago

She has a strong feminine quality about her that is unusually irresistible.



ad19411 pts
 8 hours ago

Beautiful, successful, intelligent, good character, discrete and classy woman



MrsYoo_Shi_Jin108 pts
 9 hours ago

My queen <3



claral7 pts
 13 hours ago

Good for her



sequiagirl-1 pt
 14 hours ago

Good for her! Enjoy life and move on! In God’s time, He will provide or give you your lifetime partner who fits your personality and a perfect match for you.



k_enthusiast-668 pts
 4 hours ago

Always beautiful <3 Waiting to see her back on screen again.



AnonymousInsider76 pts
 15 hours ago

Good for her. Hopefully, she needs the guidance or degree (art degrees aren't worth much after, schooling is more so for people who need help staying on track. It's hard to explain but to make it easy, as an artist, no one ever asks for a degree). Keep up the good work!

Being a "strong woman" is irrelevant. Being a strong person is most important. Finding your happiness and fulfillment in YOURSELF is the healthiest way to live. You're able to make better decisions, you're able to be happy alone, you become an overall happier and better person. This is a big reason why mental health experts and professionals often recommend those who live hectic lives to wait until the career is finished or calms down SIGNIFICANTLY before even considering dating. (Keeps you from reaching for the crutch of NEEDING other people.

Good on her! HOpefully she'll post some of her work, I'd love to see as an artist myself.



Kkkpopvvv341 pts
 20 hours ago

I am glad she is doing great. Marriage holds you back anyway - you can't travel when you want, you can't do hobbies that you want, you can spend as you want and etc for long periods of time and have to report it to the other person and ask their permission or consent that they are okay with you doing these things. That is why most young marriages fail and there is nothing not normal or wrong with that. You just find more things you want to do in life and marriage gets in the way with it. Marriage is for when you really want to settle down. You feel like you have done everything you wanted there is no higher peaks you want to do and you just want to sit in one place with one person if your life permanently everyday fro the rest of your life. This is why maybe its better to get married at you late 30 or 40 hell even 50 as long as you feel content and happy  Song Hye Kyo is pretty young I wish her well

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Song Hye Gyo registers for art school in New York



Article: Song Hye Gyo registers for a New York art school "Always challenging myself" met with support

Source: Mydaily via Naver

2. [+4,147, -79] I'm jealous that she's rich enough where she can do what she wants with her time even if she's alone

3. [+3,219, -125] People who are rich are fine after divorce... since they have so many more opportunities... but divorce is so much harder for the rest of us. It's no one's fault, just different choices. No point in hating on her...

5. [+1,057, -137] Jealous

6. [+449, -39] Sometimes the only happiness in life isn't always just about getting married and having kids

12. [+352, -224] Life doesn't end just because you got divorced. I think she's amazing.

14. [+83, -8] At least she's rich enough to be able to live in New York and study what she wants. I'm more jealous of that life than the average way of getting married and having kids.




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i dont want to say this but this people are too much im praying to God that all this people who insulting her will gonna meet their big Karma in their lives soon.i think you dont have any conscience in your body my Goodness You are all hypocrite as if you are all clean my God all of us are sinners judgemental people. Maybe filling a case to all of you are not afraid of but you have to remember this the Law of the Lord is very powerful and im pretty sure you will meet your Karma soon. To my beloved Song Hye Kyo dont ever mind them just go on with your life and we are all here to pray for you and suppoŕting you enjoy your life as you will i know this is only one of your trials in life but after all of this you will see your future bright like a star and all your agony will be paid off and God has always a better plan for you just hold on my dear we are forever Stand By You no matterwhat we love you stay cool God Bless You and to all of us Kyonatics Hyebaragi and all the fans of Song Hye Kyo guys figjting God is always on our side God Bless You All.

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Woke up at the wrong side of the bed read the posts here. It normally wouldn’t tick me off but consider that I was half awake just scrolling through my phone and read the posts — I was furious LOL :sweatingbullets:


i can’t even... lol I am lost for words at the rate that they are going :lol:


To long time fans of kyo please, send me a DM here. It is important.

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Another Positive Comment:


Queen SHK   @YeppeudaSHK

FollowFollow @YeppeudaSHK

This comment from Naver Article: Song Hye-kyo is a beautiful and wonderful person Do what you want to do and have fun. ~ I support and love you. ^^ #SongHyeKyo

3:11 am - 23 Sep 2019
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1 hour ago, hush puppy said:

Another Positive Comment:


Queen SHK   @YeppeudaSHK

FollowFollow @YeppeudaSHK

This comment from Naver Article: Song Hye-kyo is a beautiful and wonderful person Do what you want to do and have fun. ~ I support and love you. ^^ #SongHyeKyo

3:11 am - 23 Sep 2019
0 replies .6 retweets37 likes

Reach the highest star  SHK. Forget what others think.Happiness comes from within owns self and it projects and beams it to others. WE STAND BY YOU SHK. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Song Hye Kyo Reportedly Registers For Art Course In New York + Agency Responds

Song Hye Kyo Reportedly Registers For Art Course In New York + Agency Responds

Sep 24, 2019
by U. Kim

Song Hye Kyo may begin taking an art course in New York, United States.

The actress flew to New York to attend New York Fashion Week on September 7 (local time).

On September 16, Apple Daily, a news outlet based in Hong Kong, reported that she stayed in New York and registered for a short-term course at an art school.

In response to the report, a source from Song Hye Kyo’s agency UAA relayed to MBN Star, “[The reports] are related to her private life, so we do not know anything about it.” The agency also gave a similar response to Apple Daily...source credit @https://www.soompi.com/article/1354464wpp/song-hye-kyo-reportedly-registers-for-art-course-in-new-york-agency-responds

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This is so Cute. Have to post it here:


Here for SHK @iam_loveee 23h23 hours ago


The bitter people against #SongHyeKyo studying in NYC are his fans who only wanted her as plain housewife and mother without a career of her own and the shippers who want her in Korea so they can have delulu  But here she is, not giving a f*** with you all. #송혜교 pic.twitter.com/uJVYF2YVZn

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