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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2024: Dark Nuns /Upcoming Drama 2024:Show Business/Special Appearance Drama 2025: Everything Will Come True


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with all the negativity being spread brought about by greed of some people for money and tv show rating , lets just wish that SHK will be just fine and as fans we will just continue to give our support to her , for sure she is still surrounded by good and trusted people ! well as they say there's a rainbow after the rain , let's just pray that SHK and her agency must be able to handle this wisely !  yes RoseS please edit your post , dont spread what MBC exposed especially those with leaked  private IG photos of SHK!

im not sure about this video if this is recent , as i know KMS ( SHKs fave in DoTs) held his fanmeet in Taiwan and this might be one of the segment wherein the MC ask something about him like to choose one out of the 6 photos of the K Celebs that he has worked with and he chooses SHK , but unfortunately i dont know exactly what they are saying , hope SHKs chinese fans will be able to translate this!


not sure if this is for sale ? amazing portrait of SHK as wall decor 



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Praying to God that she is fine and doing ok i hope her agency do some action to her friend and to mbc for leaking the pictiures and for invading her privacy this is not ok til now i dont know what is the purpose of mbc doing like this Song Hye Kyo is a human also and she need her privacy this is too much for her side she is the one who meet all this bad comment non stop bashing but in the end of this i know she is a strong woman and she carry all this kind of problem and we are a human shield of her alaways protecting her we will never ever leave her behind and i am wishing to God that her soulmate will meet her soon the one who can stand her and fight for her soon we will see her with a big smile in her lips and i am crosiing my fingers.....

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Guest RoseS

'Section TV' accused of filming illegally in Bali

By jennywill    3 hours ago    song-joong-ki-,song-hye-kyo

It's been revealed that MBC's 'Section TV' has gone a bit too far.

The villa that 'Section TV' filmed in their attempt to find out more about Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo spoke up angrily and said, "This picture is illegal." They added, "That picture was taken without my permission.

The report had become problematic already as they used photos from Song Hye Kyo's private SNS account. TV Report further found out that the photos from the villa were taken illegally. The villa said, "They introduced us as Korean travel agents. That's why we showed them the pool villa." The villa revealed that the staff of 'Section TV' had pretended as if they were inspecting the villa for travel agency purposes and had taken photos without permission.

The villa added, "If they are broadcasters, they needed to get permission. They hid their occupation and intent and filmed without permission. The interview with the staff were also done secretly. No one knew they were being recorded."

MBC said, "The staff themselves did not go to Bali, and we asked a friend in Bali. We did not ask for hidden reporting. The photos were also not taken with broadcast equipment, but through their cell phone. We are currently discussing what to do about the second half of the report. We will make another statement after more discussions."



Song Hye Kyo company angry grant program infringes the artist private life privacy. (From OSEN)


Song Hye Kyo finally speaks up about dating rumor with Song Joong Ki in Bali

Recently, MBC's entertainment program 'Section TV' attempted to find out more about Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo dating rumor in Bali, Indonesia and due to the villa's dismay, the management said the picture is illegal and they should apologize. 

Song Hye Kyo said that the MBC program did not personally apologize to her for allegedly invading her personal life. 

MBC 'Section TV' said, "We did not send a team in Bali, we just asked people in charge to check if it's true, and the photograph was taken by a local person using a mobile phone. We did not shoot it or film it illegally".

They added, "We apologize for the inconvenience caused to reporters and viewers. We will keep the principles and the extent of our coverage in the future".

However, there was no direct  apology for the invasion of Song Hye Kyo's private life.


'Descendants of the Sun' actress Song Hye Kyo to publish photo book for 20th anniversary 


To celebrate Song Hye Kyo's 20th year anniversary in the industry, a photo book will be released. It has been reported that the photo book was planned since 2011. 

Song Hye Kyo made her debut in the entertainment industry back in 1996. she became popular when she received the grand prize at the smart uniform selection contest. Some of her notable projects are 'Full House', 'That Winter, The Wind Blows', 'Autumn in my Heart' and 'Descendants of the Sun'. 

Song Hye Kyo traveled all the way to Bali for preparing the photo book. 

Jun 19, 2017 Kayla Buenaventura 



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@msriz , OK:thumbsup:

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update from KMS fanmeet , this is what he said about SHK ! well SHK is always being loved and praised by her co-stars

credit:as labeled

hope SHK is doing fine despite all this unfortunate things that are happening as to her privacy , and guess what MBC will broadcast their apology , wondering what will be their statement like ????? will it be a sincere act or it will partly justify also with what they are doing , that even with the allegations of the villa owner how they come up with their proofs , they made statement justifying their wrongdoing without apology to the villa owner that they have fooled as they act as travel agents just to get info! i guess their wish of getting an exclusive scoop and higher rating thru their unprofessional way have backfired on them ! well then they must broadcast their apology with sincerity and admit their wrongdoing not with their audience but with SHK the most and its great if they could reveal who leaked them the private IG photos of SHK so that the traitor will face the consequence and ask for apology as well coz as of now the so called  "traitor " didnt admit anything yet ! lets just wait and see for sure fans wont just let it pass as to who is really behind with this expose and what's important right now is give all our support to SHK !

credit: as labeled


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Guest RoseS

-Seems MBC try to get the high rate of viewers from Bali while it has INSIDER's problem already




Legal complaints filed against MBC for intruding Song Hye Kyo's privacy


A complaint has been filed with the Korea Communications Commission (KCC) on the MBC entertainment information program 'Section TV', which was flooded with controversy about intruding Song Hye Kyo's privacy.

A source said on the June 28, "We received three complaints related to 'Section TV '. In the latest episode on June 25, they discussed about the travel plans of Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo in Bali, Indonesia. In this case, Song Hye Kyo's private photos posted on Instagram was illegally broadcasted."

Here's the MBC program's side: "We did not dispatch a reporting team directly to the Villa and asked for a fact check on the local people, and the photograph was taken by a local person on a mobile phone. It was filmed by an ordinary person who is not an MBC official reporter."

When a civil petition is received, it will be discussed after considering the facts. On July 2, the second part of the episode will be aired. 


Do not like it...., MBC:rage:


Of course, a source from the show has denied any wrongdoing, claiming that they never even sent reporters to Bali, and had only contacted locals to fact check and verify the photos that were sent to them. There was an apology, but without admitting wrongdoing, it really means nothing, especially considering a second part of the segment regarding the secret getaway is scheduled to air very soon. As we speak, there are rumors that reporters are already on their way back to Bali for some more investigative work!


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On Sunday, June 25, 2017 at 11:28 AM, sunbae0401 said:

The book she will release is a photo/travel book? 

Wish it will be the same with her Essay book, and hoping they will publish it with Eng. subtitle.:mellow:



credit to the rightful owner of this pic.

Hi Song Hye-kyo 

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I hope Kyo is okay. She keeps deleting pictures from both her private and public Instagram accounts... I wish she updated something instead, but I suppose she'll be criticized if she does it (given the current situation). I don't understand why, but there are always people ready to pick on her. I miss her. I feel like I haven't seen her in ages... I hope she releases her photobook soon.

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from netizzen buzz:  Even beautiful K Celebs chooses SHK to be the most beautiful and the latest , its coming from her AIMH co-star HCY who is also known as the "barbie doll" of Korea !

Han Chae Young chooses Song Hye Gyo as the most beautiful celebrity! 


Article: Han Chae Young, "The prettiest celebrity? Song Hye Gyo"

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+398, -29] Song Hye Gyo really must be the best. I remember even Go Hyun Jung chose Song Hye Gyo as the prettiest on 'Knee-Drop Guru'

2. [+346, -28] The best are Tae Hee, Hye Gyo, and Ji Hyun

3. [+316, -22] No wonder all of the men who shoot dramas with her always end up falling for her

4. [+49, -8] Kim Hee Sun said Song Hye Gyo is the prettiest too ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+46, -6] Song Hye Gyo seems to be the most mentioned by pretty celebrities... she really must be that pretty. I want to see her in real life ㅎ

6. [+41, -5] She's the celebrity of celebrities

7. [+26, -4] She must look amazing in real life if all these celebrities are picking her

8. [+19, -4] Kim Hee Sun, Hwang Jung Eum, Lee Da Hae, Han Chae Ah, Park Bo Young and more chose Song Hye Gyo as the most beautiful

9. [+13, -5] I saw her in real life and she exceeds goddess level. So pretty.

well part 2 of MBC Section TV about their "Bali" coverage already aired , and i guess its just right that  UAA released a statement that its not worth their attention and they are most likely focused on the accusations against the TV show !  i hope there is already update soon of the case filed by the resort owner for illegal filming and also the complaint  filed with the Korea Communications Commission (KCC) about intruding Song Hye Kyo's privacy as there is no APOLOGY yet deing made to SHK as they promised that they will broadcast their apology!


credit:as labeled

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just cant believe that MBC Section TV aired the part 2 of their "Bali" report yet no official apology made especially to SHK like what they promised that they will have their apology broadcast ! as for me , i really don't mind if they are interested to report about it however what's not acceptable is that ,  they did their coverage and investigation unprofessionally and acted desperately that is very obvious that they only want to have higher rating instead of having their news based on fairness and the most worst thing they did to SHK is the showing of her private IG photos and what i am expecting from Section TV is to broadcast their apology to SHK regarding this leakage and reveal who furnished them with the photos or how they are able to have access on that photos ! hope there will be update on the case and complaint filed against Section TV! 

from soompi news

Song Hye Kyo’s Side Responds To “Section TV” Report Regarding Bali Trip


MBC’s “Section TV” previously gave a report on Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki’s recent trip to Bali after interviewing a witness.

When asked about the broadcast, a representative from Song Hye Kyo’s side commented, “We don’t know exactly what kind of information ‘Section TV’ aired since we didn’t watch the broadcast, but we don’t even think it’s worth responding to it.”

The representative further reiterated that they had no reason to respond to the witness’ claims about Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki.


another news from Dispatch , they too noticed that MBC Section TV aired the part 2 yet no apology made especially to SHK and the MC just said that "we will make a report based on fairness from now on" what only this???? after you have stolen the private IG photos of SHK??? and funny that they even mentioned that they tried to contact SHK and SJK for an interview and they got no reply, well of course what else are they expecting , hello???  just accept their interview request after what they did , its very true that its not worth it for them to watch it and reply nor respond to this type of interview! the damage has been done , just hope SHK is still doing fine and really wish she can update her IG again soon despite all this unfortunate events lately !   

Section TV airs the Second Episode of ‘Song-Song Couple’ Without Any Official Apology



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Guest RoseS


[BREAKING] Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo to get married!

By mkim93    33 seconds ago    

Actor Song Joong Ki and the actress Song Hye Kyo are reportedly getting married on October 31, 2017!

The representatives from both of their respective companies confirmed the news and stated, "Because marriage is not so simple but rather involves both of the family, we were very careful with everything - it is a very sensitive and significant moment in everyone's life and that is why we're giving out this statement now. We hope everyone understands. We would like to ask for many blessings for the beautiful future of the two individuals, and the two actors will also share the news with their fans."

Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo met through their much popular drama 'Descendants of the Sun' and in a recent news, were together in Bali.

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Guest RoseS


It's not that bad. 'Mother Earth' as a couple reality (official position)

Enter the article 2017.07.05 at 6:35 am

[Exporters News News] The actress Song Ji-ki and Song Hye-kyo are married in October. 

Song Jung-ki's agency Blossom Entertainment and Song Hye-kyo's agency UAA said in an official press release that the two men were married on October 31st. 

The agency said that Song Jung-ki and Song Hye-kyo will be married on the last day of October, 2017, which will be the marriage of the couple. 

"Marriage is not just an individual, but a family and a family meeting, and it was a cautious situation, so I had to be careful until the fruit of my marriage, and now I can give my position." . 

"I would like to ask for your many blessings for the beautiful future of the two people, and I will thank the two actors for their fans. Thank you." 

Song Ji - ki and Song Hye - kyo made a relationship last year through KBS 2TV 'Dawn of the Sun'. A number of times have been overheated, but each time they have denied the marriage news. 

Below is the official entry specialist 

Hello. Blossom Entertainment & UAA. 

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to the Korean and foreign fans who have given much interest and love to actress Song Jung Ki and Song Hye Kyo. 

I would like to express my 

appreciation for the sudden announcement of the news . Song Ji-kee and Song Hye-kyo will hold a wedding ceremony on the last day of October, 2017, 

Marriage was not only an individual but also a family and a family meeting. 

I had to be careful until the fruit of marriage, and now I have to give my position. 

Thank you for your understanding. 

I would like to ask for your many blessings for the beautiful future of the two people, and I plan to share the news with the two actors. Thank you. 

Sohyunpark@xportsnews.com / Photos = Exports News DB 


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