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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2024: Dark Nuns /Upcoming Drama 2024:Show Business/Special Appearance Drama 2025: Everything Will Come True


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Yes.. i love gong yoo since coffee prince.. not as handsome as jis.. but he can make me hunting all of his movie and drama bts and ng acenes too after coffee prince :\"> and surprised when finally got information that he's one of in sung bff :x

He looks mature and seems a loving and caring person.. he has oppa's aura..

How i imagine hye kyo will soon find her real oh soo in real life.. jis is out of my list for hye kyo now..

I think this one of many reasons why ship my lovely actors is not wrong for my point of view.. cause when we love someone bro, sister, children, parents or even our fave actor. we must be wish or want the best for them according to our opinion.. even though we dont know them in person.. but its not about we cant separate real or reel matters.. or mature or immature.. cause theres no one from us will always be mature in every aspect of life. Sometimes we will do childish thing just to make this lousy life feel more fun.

As long as we express it with manner and didnt force our actor to do everything we think good for us.. i think its ok.. and im in that level of shipper.

Sometimes i think that give too much reactions about different opinion is wasting time for me.

Its not hard to accept others opinion if only we could realize that we came from different culture and country and blablablaa and each of us uniquely design by our Creator.

Sorry for my loong post :\">

I never feel confident with my english.. but keep typing :-/

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Guest ksyj2009

freshspring said: Tomorrow, at 12:15 KST they will show whole story and NG, making of TWTWB :-O, It will be a 40-minute broadcast. I think we need more confirm  

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pearlysweetyangela said: Yes.. i love gong yoo since coffee prince.. not as handsome as jis.. but he can make me hunting all of his movie and drama bts and ng acenes too after coffee prince :\"> and surprised when finally got information that he's one of in sung bff :x

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WOW! they're giving us a 40min BTW/NG ??? LOL they're really doing damage control aren't they?Aigoo...
anyways this is the list of guys I want to see SHG with 
1.WON BIN - technically they were never the main couple so they need to reunite ASAP (it has been 13 years now) and still hasn't happened. :/2. Jung Woo Sung - I would love to see SHG do another melo with him3.Gong yoo - I agree with everyone :) this would be a good match up, after watching BIG I came to like him a lot, he's not the "Handsome" type but he is very masculine and sexy :)4. Kang Dong Won - just because "Love for Sale" wasn't enough and even KDW himself wants to work with SHG again5.So Ji Sub - another awesome actor imo, so SHG-SJS match up should be another awesome pairing
SHG look so gorgeous in that event :) I really want to buy her book and know more about her, I know that she has matured alot after her previous relationship and it's nice to know a little but more about your favorite actress :) 

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Right now the only one i want is Chang Chen for kyo's movie  :-??  

Interview of writer Noh, i think she said she is proud of Kyo

Interview of writernim..hopefully we can have a translation for this


wonder where is our beautiful khxy?

edit: thanks freshspring...her hair is a bit messy keke

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Guest lionel1430292475

wow she's so beautiful, and the clothes so match with her make up very colourfull.

I just read interview with her in October 2011 (10asia) and some point she shared about her personality

Q: I felt that your character Da-hye in “A Reason to Live” had always been sort of closed off and never really showed her emotions, regardless of the terrible experience she went through of losing her fiance a year ago.
Song Hye-gyo: Her personality gradually became what it is starting from when she was young because there was a line where she said, “My mom and dad parents fought so much when I was young that I always stayed quiet because it felt like everything would break if I shouted too.” And that’s why she was able to be so forgiving as well.
But I was never frustrated by her. She’s actually someone that’s similar to me in many ways.

SongHyeGyo_2.pngQ: That’s quite surprising given the more cheerful image you’ve been loved for by the public shown through your past TV roles and commercials.
Song: I’m sure that my actual personality rubbed off in all of the projects I’ve been in. But I think that on the inside,
Da-hye from “A Reason to Live” is the closest to who I really am. Of course I’m on the cheerful side and talk a lot when I’m with people I’m close to but that’s not actually who I am on the inside. I used to not express what I like and dislike and I’m still not that good at it. It’s to the point that the moment I feel that the person I’m talking to is uncomfortable because of what I said, I forget about everything we say from that point on. Did I not need to say this? Did this ruin her feelings? Should I say something else to cover it up? These are the sort of things I start worrying about and it gets agonizing so I tell myself that I should just sit quiet and not say anything. But in the end, it’s still stressful in the same way and it accumulates. So I go home and agonize over it and then let go of it by myself.

Q: Once you get to know someone, your relationship with that person lasts a long time, right?
Song: As long as that person and I haven’t hurt each other badly or that person hasn’t stabbed me in the back, [laughs] I don’t think I’ve ever let go of someone first. They’re the ones that probably left for something better. And of course it hurts and I feel lonely and empty the moment someone that I cared for a lot leaves me. But I then tell myself that that’s probably as far as our relationship was meant to go. I may have a hard time because of it but what can I do when they’ve made the decisions for their own lives? But there are also people who I keep thinking about even after I’ve let go of them. And in that case, I contact them first. But if not, it’s really goodbye

After read this article make me realize she has a fragile heart, she smile when she happy and she keep smile when she sad,i cant imagine when she's breakdown and cry.According to this article no wonder she keep silence against rumours around her. But anyway i have been curious with her statement "But there are also people who I keep thinking about even after I’ve let go of them" who is he?? :-?

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