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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2024: Dark Nuns /Upcoming Drama 2024:Show Business/Special Appearance Drama 2025: Everything Will Come True


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Aaahh....being away in this thread for just a day is like an addiction that you got to get your hands on it to feel cured and yet you want more... ;)) Finally, those much awaited BTS....Few scenes that focus on Kyo's BTS but I'll take anything...I can't be choosy anymore as I've been waiting for this... ;))
Hmmmmm... :-? I can see a lot has at least 2-3 ships for Kyo...I feel envious..I want to be in one too.. ;)) :D It's been so long of having the pleasure of shipping unni with others..keke..My heart probably went numb :D I've got 1 or used to be..I don't know..I might be barely hanging or on the edge of that ship...Just to keep my heart safe, I'll just freely skip through every ship there is since I will most definitely support unni no matter what ship she prefers... :D


said: ^ Thanks


for the link


. Her skin is just perfect....but the last twtwb scene with the one's voice make me miss twtwb


( . Although i don't want to admit it ..... as being not a shipper, but i can't bring myself to watch the drama now so i can understand the feelings of shippers and it hurts me seeing how the mood of the drama thread turns out.... i can imagine the effects of it and i don't want we make it worse, esp thinking of jis


( . Damn it!

I agree with some chingus here...i can only see the "friend zone" between them ....actually i saw it from the very beginning . It shows how good they really are as actors..kudos to them  =D>

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Guest hyefren

by Staff Writer   Apr 28, 2013 05:17 PM EDT

class="cb b15"What Does Song Hye Kyo Have That Kim Tae Hee Doesn't?

What Does Song Hye Kyo Have That Kim Tae Hee Doesn’t?
(Photo : SBS) What Does Song Hye Kyo Have That Kim Tae Hee Doesn’t?

Compare and contrast "Jang Ok Jung Lives for Love" Kim Tae Hee and "That Winter The Wind Blows" Song Hye Kyo.

It appears as the lack of attention "Jang Ok Jung Lives for Love" is receiving is all blamed on Kim Tae Hee. Of course, Kim Tae Hee is not without problems but she is not the cause for the lack of popularity.

In the drama "Jang Ok Jung Lives for Love", the actors needed to bring everything to the table if they wanted to succeed since the story line and the setting, as well as certain events like dinner parties and balls received a lot of criticism since too much modern was mixed in with history.

If the story and the production lacks in some aspects, the actors need to bring more to the table. In this perspective, Kim Tae Hee does play a significant factor in the lack of success of the drama "Jang Ok Jung Lives for Love".

For example, when Kim Tae Hee falls into the water, the drama does not reveal how she ended up on a rock afterwards. Leaving out this process caused a lot of questions to pop up inside of the viewers' minds. Of course, the water is still cold and it is also very cold up in the mountains right now but there is someone that comes to mind; Song Hye Kyo.

During the SBS drama "That Winter The Wind Blows", Song Hye Kyo walks into the water. The time the scene was filmed was still the middle of winter. Even though the setting and the story is different, the two actors showed very different attitude in their scenes involving water.

Song Hye Kyo walked into the freezing water very slowly until the water was all the way up to her neck. She was not just a pretty face in a drama. Song Hye Kyo gave everything she had in order to actually become her character, which was the reason behind how she was able to capture the hearts of the viewers.

To be honest, it is very pointless to compare the acting of Song Hye Kyo and Kim Tae Hee since they have been very different from the start. However, Kim Tae Hee must step up her game as an actress in order to make the viewers be able to focus on the story. 

So what is it that Kim Tae Hee lacks that Song Hye Kyo has? Is it dedication? Is it professionalism? You be the judge.


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Thanks sis putriN and jjeennyy19, you guys are so sweet and always have awsome and funny posts, I'm only a person loving Hye Kyo like you   :\"> :x

We have many articles under  titles same as " Kim Hae Suk, I'm 50 year-old Song Hye Kyo" on naver today. She said that in "Healing Camp" broadcast. Kim Hae Suk is the actress playing SHK's biological mother in the drama " Autumn in my heart".
As far as I know, she loves SHK as her daughter in reality life.I watched some old videos being about Hye Kyo, KHS was also in those. It appeared she praised SHK a lot. And when SHK and her attended in KBS award 2004 ( SHK for Full house ), KHS was very happy when seeing our Hye Kyo be in table interview and receive awards :x

Edit: I have just found this video. KHS mentions Song Hye Kyo from 0:05s

cre to SBSNOW1

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Korean artists created golden times in China entertainment industry. Song Hye Kyo, Park Yoo Chun and Jang Geun Suk’s social status values exposed.
April 26, 2013

[This is an excerpt from an article in Xinhuanet.com, a large news website run by the Xinhua News Agency -- a state news agency of China and the largest news and information gathering and release center in the country.]

The cost effectiveness of Korean artistes is the biggest reason why China directors use them. Director Gao Xi Xi (高希希) said that China has now become the key market for Asian film and TV. Korean actors are mostly taking their own initiative to come for filming; they give good quality work and their price is reasonable. An insider source who is involved in the management of Korean celebrities told the reporter that when Korean artistes go to China, their price will be 30% to 40% higher than in Korea. Which means that, in general, a 2nd-tier artiste who gets 300,000 RMB per episode in Korea, can get about about 400,000 RMB when they go to China. And 1st-tier artistes doing TV dramas get about 500,000 RMB (T/N: approx 81,000 USD) per episode. Currently, those who can command this price are artistes like Song Hye Kyo, Park Yoo Chun and Jang Geun Suk. Once these artistes come to China for filming, they will definitely get a higher price compared to their value in Korea.


Edit: Also from China, [13.04.27] Youku overseas artists questionnaire
Our girl is the best with 26%. Song Hye Kyo ( 宋慧乔 )
I'm not sure what it's about. Hope khxy will come back soon and help us :)
Although not mentioning, I'm always looking forward to you, @khxy :x
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aw...kim hae suk is  :x ......reminds me how the halmoni in full house also praises her ......our girl may have very vocal antis (with their illogical reasonings) but her co star esp the seniors do adores and respects her. and to me, that matters more......

about that article re kth and shk ..... i love that our girl comes out good but.......hayzzz 8-| .....  i wish these writers/media would stop comparing them or any other stars. its just unfair to both sides. they have their own merits and demerits...... but of course to me shk is almost perfect hehehe ........
thanks shkers for sharing... you are all  <3 <3

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Kim Hae Suk really seems to adore Kyo... :\"> It's been 13 years and yet she seems very proud of Kyo..thanks freshspring...Thanks to her also, I get to see Kyo and WB on her movie premier...I'm rooting for her next movie to have Kyo and WB reunited in the public eyes.... \:D/
As much as I appreciate this article praising Kyo, I don't want them comparing her with another artist..I don't want the other artist fan to be offended as I will be if they do that to Kyo..Oh well!!Its showbizness..Can't avoid that... :-??

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freshspring said: Edit: Also from China, [13.04.27] Youku overseas artists questionnaire
Our girl is the best with 26%. Song Hye Kyo ( 宋慧乔 )
I'm not sure what it's about. Hope khxy will come back soon and help us :)
Although not mentioning, I'm always looking forward to you, @khxy :x

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^awwww kim..... she regards them as her son and daughter.

you reminded me on her VIP premiere movie per @gitakawai siggy :D


*delusional mode on*

i always think she's trying to matchmake them by arranging the meeting via her vip premiere.... apparently, her cupid arrow made a mistake.... it went to the other Bin instead =))

*delusional mode off*


anyway, he is untouchable..... netizens are so over protective, over obsessive, over blah blah..... towards him....  don't know why  :-??

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i miss youngie so much :((


really hope to see her next thur at the baeksang award.... is it too much to ask :(






edit : hihello khxy..... we miss you dearie..... enjoy your hols..... oh no, it will dream comes true if you managed to see Kyo.... well, maybe in the next few days there you might bumped her... good luck !  :D

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Hi @freshspring,sorry to reply so late.im currently having my holiday in korea,yes hye kyo and me are breathing the same fresh air and i missed her laneige beauty class event eventhough my hotel is just a stone throw away from her event location.oh well,btw the poll is about the most favourite korean actress.hope it helps:)

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Btw below is an excerpt from The vault,Under the title the fellowship of the snark..well im not going to post the full review here,as it talks about TWTWB drama on the whole,(not so favourable if i might add:-( ),so im just posting the excerpt where they talk about our Song hye kyo's performance :D im glad shes receiving never ending praise for her performance as Oh young :x

[The Fellowship of the Snark] 그겨울 바람이 분다 (That Winter the Wind Blows)

*omitted irrelevant parts*

@Temujin4Prez: And yet, despite all the warts, I’m still glad this drama exists for one simple reason: Song Hye-Gyo’s epiphany.

Now of course apologists will argue that this already happened back in the Worlds Within days — and the more enthusiastic type will go as far as suggesting that she’s always been the greatest thing since sliced bread, rah rah rah. But that would be intellectually dubious backtracking with the intent of legitimizing one’s idolatry. Song’s career can be more or less divided into four phases: her pre-stardom days from her debut in the 1995 youth drama 신세대 보고서 어른들은 몰라요 (New Generation Report) to supporting roles in several high profile late 1990s dramas; her ticket to stardom as one of the flagbearers of the proto-Hallyu movement in 2000′s 가을동화 (Autumn Fairy Tale), phase full of melodramas punctuated by the frivolous shenanigans of 풀하우스 (Full House); her transformation into CF queen who doesn’t even need to actually act to make 10 figures a year (in won!), punctuated by a single, tragicomically misguided movie appearance; and finally her current state, which arguably began with whatever she experienced during her two year hiatus spent studying in the States — and which eventually moved her to star in Son Su-Beom’s Make Yourself at Home (her first truly eclectic role) and then Noh Hee-Kyung’s Worlds Within. Her choice of projects has improved tenfold ever since: she’s only been working with Noh on TV, has been sticking to acclaimed directors on the big screen (Lee Jung-Hyang, Jang Joon-Hwan, Wong Kar-Wai), and generally been trying to choose diversity over profitable typecasting. And yes, the process began in 2008. But she’s never actually been this good before.

I’d be surprised if Noh never did this before, but her track record speaks for itself: first it was Han Go-Eun and Kim Heung-Soo in More Beautiful Than a Flower, then Kim Min-Hee in Goodbye Solo (and Kim’s improvement is downright shocking, if you compare her post 2006 performances with what she was doing before), and now Song. But this is a bit of a different situation, as Song had already changed her approach to this profession before this role. What do you guys think, is Noh the key to her improvement, or is it because Song finally woke up and began to see acting in a more mature way?

@langdon813:I’d say both, actually. I’ve only seen Song Hye-Gyo in Full House and Worlds Within, and the difference between those two is pretty staggering. I’d also say the difference between her work in Worlds Within and That Winter is remarkable. I think it’s a combination of a sincere effort to improve and to hone her skill, and having what amounted to the perfect vehicle to let those efforts shine, though the drama itself was far from perfect. Even when her actions didn’t make sense (which they didn’t, much of the time, and is of course the fault of the writing), her emotions did. I thought she was phenomenal.

@serendipity552: I’d agree. She was amazing. I may not have fully understood her Young, but I never doubted her as a character.

@daheefanel: I wonder if there was something about Young that really resonated with her? I mean, she’s worked with Noh before, and she had her epiphany before Worlds Within, I’d argue, and her performance there certainly wasn’t what I’d call “brilliant”…so why this show, which was really a disaster on almost every level? I’d say it’s because there was something personal involved.

@Temujin4Prez: In a way, it also validates our predilection for cruel and shameless snark. ㅋㅋ The idea is… we richard simmons because we care. The ultimate goal is having more Kim Min-Hees, more Park Si-Yeons. And now more Song Hye-Gyos. I never imagined I would end up saying this about her, but it’s the truth. And I tend to believe it’s a lot more rewarding than blind idolatry, both for us and for the actor as well.

source: http://vaultofdoom.wordpress.com/2013/04/25/the-fellowship-of-the-snark-그겨울-바람이-분다-that-winter-the-wind-blows-2/



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aww Kim Hae Suk does adore our dear SHG  :) I love her!and because of her I was able to see the closeness between SHG and WonBin during her movie premiere in 2008.
I wish the cast of AIMH would have a reunion! it would be so awesome.

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ria: thanks for posting the vault's review..Tears of joy runs through my cheeks..Admiring Kyo for this 13 years seems like she has finally landed and is about to take everyone by storm... \:D/ Now, I am wishing she takes a Historical drama next (I am not really keen on watching historical dramas and I watch Hwang Jini movie for the sake of SHK but Koreans seems to think highly of anyone who can take on this role. It's either a hit like Jang Geum or a miss but I completely trust unni and she did prove her capabilities by far in TWTWB.) to further solidify her character or a blockbuster movie perhaps..I believe she can now hold her own in the movie industry with just the right piece just like what TWTWB does to her...I really wanted her to be in a rom-com badly but the ones I mention will earn her further high regard so I can just endure and keep on re-watching Full house if I want to see her in rom-com...As much as I want to see her in a rom-com, I wish all the best for her career and I just hope she doesn't take another 5 years..keke

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^^ jjeennyy: You are welcome:) i too agree,I would really love to see Kyo in a historical project too...As a fan,im kinda really contended with her Drama projects,coz all her dramas atleast majority of them have been highly successful and well recieved..and also we SHKers have never doubted her acting ability,but im glad now The world has finally opened its eyes to her talent,thanks to TWTWB...so its like a great fullfillment for all of us for our bias to be recognized as one of the great actress...but i do have a tinyyy wistful feeling as far as her movies are concerned...i don much bother about boxoffice results,but il be veryy veryyy happy if our kyo does a movie which becomes a great commercial success..i know SHK never really works just for commercial success,she gives more importance to substance,but i just feel after all the hardwork and energy she has put ib,a blockbuster success would be like an other feather to her crown...our Girl deserves it..so yeah,lets hope for the best...this year has been tremondous for Kyo,i hope the Good vibe continues throughout...Fighting!!!! :-bd

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