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Your Ideal Guy

Guest ZeroFungus

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Guest angelic_betrayal

Nice smile [nice teeth]

Bright eyes -- dont have to be big XD The guy I currently think is cute has small eyes. LOL, think Lee Junki<333

Taller than me [i'm 5'5'']

Not skinnier than me but slim

Not Too buff... it scares me

Nice normal length hair -- no buzz cuts >.< Fob hair is ... ok... just not too crazy. Black hair please!!~

Preppy fashion -- A&F, HCO, AE and the rest. Northface Jacket :) LOL, I just like them. Haha.

Yea, that's just in terms of looks. But I would look at personality a lot too :)

I like guys that look casual and cute :) Not intimidating and "manly"... not that they should be feminine or anything :/

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Guest emensity

ideal guy;

- an athletic slim build..not extremely skinny..nicer with a bit of muscles..but not buff

- hair ; can range from dark brown to black but nothing like blond..needs to look natural...length can be short or long, slightly messy bedhair..but not crazy fob length..

- dress sense ; casual..i'm happy with jeans and a t-shirt..not too much effort ..but nice shoes..has to know his shoes~

- face; defined jaw line ..nice eyes and SMILE ..NOT too feminine..

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Guest crystallizedtear

my ideal asian guy look is tall, awesome smile and jawline lol, nice hair in his natural colour, not dyed, and casual yet cool fashion style. i don't like it when guys fuss over clothing more than girls do...lol... and nice skin. also the eyes...i don't care what shape or size, but they have to have a certain sparkle to them...like gong yoo does...=p lol. i mean, doesn't he?? haha the same kind of goes for guys of other races.

i don't really care how his body is. as long as he's not overly overweight or crazy thin. a normal body is fine with me. lol. i don't really get turned on by muscles, especially if they're overly muscular, i actually get turned off.

(it's just an ideal though...it's not my list of requirements for a guy haha. i mean hello, i probably don't fit into even half of any guy's ideals lmao, so how can i expect a guy to be so perfect anyways)

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Guest hankyungsaranghaex3

Chinese: Mike He, Joe Cheng, Han geng

Korean: SHIM CHANGMIN!, Kim Jaejoong, Park Yoochun, Jung Yunho, Kim Junsu, Lee Donghae, Kyuhyun, Kim Jeong Hoon

Japanese: Ryo Nikishido

It's kind of obvious I'm into boy bands. A LOT.

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Guest hyunie_star

tall :)

nice hair ... sorta long like jaejoongs :)

but if you pull off the buzz cut then yay! (top's haircut)

metroooo like actually care about what they wear

not some random tshirt and shorts unless ur playing bball =]

good at sports! does that count as one?

i like ballers (basketball players haha)

um maybe if u can sing<333

play piano, guitar, drums? ^^


nice body~~

nice jaw line(:

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Guest nicolexr


Changmin, Junsu, Jaejoong, Yunho & Yoochun. ♥

they're definitely the ideal of many girls, as you can see in this thread. lol

but there are many normal asian guys that are cute, too.

-nice, stylish hair (not spiked)

-good style but not super fobby

-lean body (but it's never good when they're too thin and they look like they're about to break)

-distinct personality (like i don't know why but i like it when they're personalities are distinct, like the funny one, the silent, mysterious one, the laid back one, etc. i know i don't even know if im making sense, lol!)

-sometimes, small eyes can be very appealing to me

-tall! 5'8-6'0

-has a good sense of humor

-flawless skin

-nice, slender fingers (i have a thing with nice hands & fingers)

-cute smile (not an arrogant smile)

err..this is just about looks, correct?

also typical korean fob style..hoodies, vests, emo glasses, hats (all kinds). i LOVEE hats on guys:]

fob style:


tall and slender guys. MUST be taller than me

hair shouldn't be too long- short/medium length.

yeah, like that guy, he's kinda cute. (:

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Guest simply korean

ew no spiked hair ppllllease

i go for the hair that's in right now the slightly long but not too long

don't feel like explaining i really like choi seung hyun from bb and jaejoong from dbsk lol

does that tell u my type lol.

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Guest OrangeJennyFish

6 feet tall

clear pale skin

plays the piano or violin

plays basketball and runs track

doesn't need to use product in hair

black hair, no dyes

wears AE, HCO, A&F


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Guest viffaye

longish hair, side fringe and all lol

tshirt + jeans

big shoes - nike and all

yeah agreeing with the others no spikes

i dont mind it like a bit of product in the hair

as long as its not like SPIKY

like, thats weird T_T "

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Guest technique

well...theres a lot of asian cliques.. i might be using steriotypes..so dont go all thats that on me

-the twinkies (yellow outside, but white inside)=preppy look

which is just like hollister, a&f, and AE.. the oridnary spiked up hair, or flicked hair

-the posers (no offence)

guys that got baggyass jeans with the AF1s , new era, and the ecko/rocawear tees that are double their size (usually spiked up hair)

-the emo/punk rockers/skaterss

they wear tight teans, rocking the long hair, skate shoes, everything tight.


the cool tees, pair of dunks, jeans, hat maybe.

all in all..an ordinary asian guys are either twinkie, poser, or emo...

not too much streetwear..

and thats your ordinary asian guy's style in america

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Guest jrho x3


Changmin, Junsu, Jaejoong, Yunho & Yoochun. ♥

they're definitely the ideal of many girls, as you can see in this thread. lol

but there are many normal asian guys that are cute, too.

-nice, stylish hair (not spiked)

-good style but not super fobby

-lean body (but it's never good when they're too thin and they look like they're about to break)

-distinct personality (like i don't know why but i like it when they're personalities are distinct, like the funny one, the silent, mysterious one, the laid back one, etc. i know i don't even know if im making sense, lol!)

-sometimes, small eyes can be very appealing to me

-tall! 5'8-6'0

-has a good sense of humor

-flawless skin

-nice, slender fingers (i have a thing with nice hands & fingers)

-cute smile (not an arrogant smile)

yeah, like that guy, he's kinda cute. (:

sounds like my ex bf HAHHAHAA. you can have him :ph34r:

holy ^ long lista o_o

heh..i was on fire...haha...the list was more towards my dream guy...which...is gonna be really really hard to find.

my ideal list consists less lol.

i guess i'll redue it. haha.

....crossed out a few things to make it more "ideal"..im keeping the pictures up tho!!

someone that looks like either like: TOP from bigbang, Choi Jong Hoon from FT Island, or Lee SeungGi...

yeah, they all may be different types...but what do they all have in common? they're all TALL & CUTEEE(hot in TOP's case)

am i asking for too much?


-asian (korean preferably)

-tall (180+cm) 5'9+ is fine

-athletic (plays a sport)

-plays a "cool" instrument

-intelligent/can carry on a conversation

-dresses fob, but isnt fob (cultural difference doesnt work <_< ...but i dig the style.)


-has charisma that doesnt need to be included on the list

-has a nice voice

-has good manners


-likes taking pictures

-good skin

-nice smile

-i like them either toned or teddy bear like

-not prettier then me

-nice bridged nose

-eyes dont really matter

-smells good

-has a job and drive hahaha :sweatingbullets:

-the list...actually goes one :ph34r:

example of clothes!


...havent met a guy like my list yet.. :(

see...my list didnt demand that much in the first place..it just looks big cus of the pictures hahaha :sweatingbullets:

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Guest ketchup?

my ideal asian guy:

- cares about school

- wears black and gray stripes

(i dont know why i find that so cute on guys!)

- cute korean hairstyle

- nice shoes

- sincere and genuine

- not a perv..

the list goes on foreverrr

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Guest stellabella

My ideal Asian guy is:

a. half Korean and half Caucasian (ex: Daniel Henney, Dennis Oh)

b. half Korean and half Black (ex: Will Demps)

c. full Korean-American (ex: Aaron Yoo...except manlier lol)

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Guest kanako28

i would have given some Korean idols' names.. but xD

ideal asian guy look

- pretty tall (i'm 158cm lol)

- not too buff, not too skinny

- Korean/HK casual fashion but also dresses smart

- nice haircut. black or dyed, as long as the color looks good on him.

- some guys look VERY cute with black framed glasses "emo glasses" :wub:

- nice smile & teeth


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Guest xiao jia

Two Words: Xiah Junsu. He is freaking gorgeous atleast in my opinion I would also second Kim Jaejoong.

HAHA! PRETTY MUCH!!! XD I'll third Yunho. ^_^

That kid in F.T. Island, the singer, looks nice too. And the dude with the funny hair and glasses. (They're so young... TT_TT)

A bit more:

~not too tan

~not too tall, about my own height would be great, but i doubt there's a guy that short...

~wide shoulders

~please not too muscular. that's just freaky.

Honestly, this is all just looks. Heck if my s.o. doesn't fit into any of these but we still love each other, sry Junsu, sry Jaejoong, Yunho, and f.t. island peeps... Wait scratch that. Sry Jaejoong and f.t. island peeps... XD Junsu IS my s.o.

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