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Thanks rubie and Hye Yeon for the clear BTS pics! Hahah looks like they're having fun! KSY looks so fierce and sexy especially in the one where she's holding the gun... GIRL POWER!!! yay :P

Argh There were not much recap on the latest episode in the IRIS thread :( but someone posted ep 12 preview.. I'm happy that KSHwa is still around HJ.. looks like all is forgiven *fingers crossed* But it also seems that CSH-HJ reunion.. I feel bad for KSHwa... Anyways tomorrow's episode looks intense, I cant wait to see how KSHwa reacts seeing HJ-CSH reunite :o

Also, Im so curious about the title "IRIS charamistic couple crowned" That title sounds really good for our couple :) I wonder what the article is about?

Hopefully we get more directions/recaps of what happened in ep 11 esp in regards to our KSHwa so that we can disscusssss....... :)

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Pretty slow day at IRIS today.. I haven't seen episode 11, no idea whatsoever but will spend all day tomorrow downloading.. sigh.. my connection is just sooooo slow that I can only sigh aloud. But seeing the episode 12 preview.. as much as there's hope seeing KSH still with HJ.. frankly, my heart just fell sensing the impending CSH-HJ reunion. As aimalleb had stated perfectly.. we are hopeful for KSH & HJ but we also have to be realistic.. unfortunately. IRIS is and has always been a HJ-CSH lovestory..whatever the storyline goes and whatever ending it chooses. I have no idea about the novel version but as it had been brought up for discussion.. whether it's the 100% case scenario or otherwise.. I've read media articles (guessing from the online translator) that there'll be a happy ending for IRIS. like, maybe?? Personally.. I just don't feel like it.. just a hunch but we will see. Don't get me wrong.. I'm all for HJ. If anyone deserves a good ending, it should be him.. getting all the answers, revenge and his life back, as well as the one reason that kept him going. the love of his life. But seeing IRIS and just how deep everyone is going to be conflicted.. is there a possible happy ending for any of them? I'm just playing out the cards but I felt that maybe those who'll (probably) die.. will be KSH, SW and HJ himself as he's in too deep to be saved.. gosh.. pretty gloomy thoughts huh..

Anyway.. hope we'll get to read something about the 'Charismatic Couple' article. I can only guess the title as translated online but it's definitely indicating that the audience had been drawn to the HJ-KSH team-up since the recent few episodes. But all that before the reunion of course. which could sway the public back to the reality of IRIS. Yet..even if CSH finally finds out about HJ.. it probably wouldn't be an open-arm welcome reunion as much as they wanted to.. being on the opposite sides. And yeah.. how will KSH feel now.. she must be feeling like us, too huh.. :(

Whether KSH's scenes are now numbered.. KSY had done a great job portraying an IRIS persona that will be talked fondly in relate to the drama. Thinking and discussing about the actress lately.. I came to think that while her best breakthrough performance had been in All About Eve almost 10 years ago, seems that the success not only didn't materialize into well worth opportunities for KSY but became her disadvantage as well. Why? Because she was so good in the bad girl role that audience still associate her as who she was in the drama. I'm not sure how popular she was with CFs and endorsements but most, if not all her later roles.. although acted well.. were more the less the same "safe & boring" characters that people forget easily.. as if to move away from her AAE stamp. I've read how actors playing bad roles so good that they're sometimes spat on by the public. I wonder if the same happened to her that companies decline to have her endorse their products or productions worry about casting her in a leading role?

But whatever that was lacking before for KSY to move forward in her acting career, we can certainly feel sure that IRIS will change all that. She's been offered the role of KSH (one that we don't see often in Kdramas, even very rare in Kmovies too) and KSY literally jumped for it.. that itself is already a very good sign. The supporting role as KSH is really not too bad but KSY made her even better than anyone could ever expected.

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Hahah I've been silently lurking in the IRIS thread for some spoilers for eps 11... but there are just links/torrents to dl lol It seems that i'd have to head off to bed before I get any insights of ep 11... ah looks like tonight's connection was pretty bad

Yeah the title made me think that the audience were captivated by HJ-SHwa moments :) Unfortunately the reunion is in the next episode and yes, Im sure it'd be dramatic and intense... Yeah you reminded me that CSH-HJ is the main focus/couple of IRIS heheh All Im seeing is KSY KSY KSY and LBH :P

I just hope that KSHwa gets a good ending but like you, Im feeling that there's a slight chance for her happy ending... I dont know but I feel that HJ would get his happy ending with his love of his life (unfortunately not SHwa! :( ), given that all he's gone through...

Yeah I think KSY's career did not hit off after AAE due to her bad choices in her projects... Like what you said, her projects after AAE were characters that were dull and easily forgettable... it didnt capture the viewer's attention.. Im glad that KSY got the role of KSHwa... She definitely made KSHwa more captivating and of course her interactions with LBH are just so intense and :wub: hehehe

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November 19, 2009

Episode 11 screencaps from the media pages.. ahhh.. the torture of having a sick snail connection :wacko: .. it'll be a whole day dl-ing to watch and the captures are really sooooo tempting. Seems like this episode had some answers (or more questions) raised. Just looking at the caps and the cast's expression, you know it's an awesome episode.

Poor Hyun Jun.. so heartbreaking to see him with such a painful longing.. *cries" and KSH's expression was even more unbearable to see. :(

It's so hard pining for the one you love.. poor girl.. the scene that she had to threaten him with a gun so that he won't return and get caught instead, the scene she had to pull a reluctant HJ away from NSS.. it must be more heartache for KSH. She knew what and how CSH meant for HJ, but she had to be the bad person in his eyes.. in order to save him. And of course, he did know how she truly feels.




Both LBH and KSY have expressive eyes.. the way He looks at her.. and She looks at him.

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Thanks rubie for the screencaps.. Ah KSY's sad expression is killing me.. I can feel her heart wrenching >.<

Eagerly waiting for joynara's recap!!

Ah will reply more after I come back home.. Gotta go somewhere...

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Guest gracefulmoonie

Thanks Rubie for the caps ...love the stares btw them...I am so glad that HJ understands her intentions for doing that.

When I first read your post, I was afraid that this was going to be one of those "misunderstanding" situations, and HJ would hate SH for lying to him and seperating him from CSH. But by the looks of things, he truly understands her..will go immediately and watch today's episode without subs. So sorry Rubie, that you connection is slow. Sometimes that happens to me when I am getting to the cliffhanger parts, and my laptop battery dies (okay, that has nothing to do with your situation, but i just wanted you to know that technology does not spare anyone ;)

Yeah, the article about SH and HJ being the charismatic couple...that seems good..hopefully someone will translate.

Speaking of charismatic couples, SH and HJ reminds me of Ryu Jin and Han Go Eun's roles in Capital Scandal.

Both couples have that sense of quiet attraction, and they are both cool spy couples.

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Just read joynara's fabulous recap for episode 11 at IRIS. Gosh.. KSH is like the (unknown) strength that kept HJ on his feet and in focus after his encounter with CSH. Obviously.. we can understand his total bewilderment and shock seeing her alive that he just couldn't think straight at all. If there was no KSH.. everything would just crumbled before it began.

It's KSH who had endlessly kept HJ out of (more) trouble with the terrorists' group leader.. her relentless commitment to help him is unmistakably clear but to what extend?

I still have another 15% to dl.. which could take a few more minutes or few more hours.. :wacko:

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Yeah I read joynara's recaps and thankfully the confrontation btw HJ-SHwa was not as bad as we intended.... Im glad that SHwa kept HJ in his place, making you focus and not cause any unnecessary trouble... Im glad that HJ understands her intentions and that he told her not to worry... :)

I wonder what will happen after the CSH-HJ reunion? There may be a chance that CSH may be secretly aligning with HJ after she knows what he's been through??? Ah I'd be so pained to see KSHwa's expressions when she sees the two reunite :(

Cant wait for tonight's episode...

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Yup.. a possibility that CSH will align secretly with HJ.. and where does that leave KSH? It'll be so awkward for her, too.. being close to him. But for now.. it's probably harder for CSH to grasp the fact that HJ is a terrorist attacking the NSS unless that doubt have been completely erased by the writers to make the reunion easier. Anyway.. PCY still wants HJ to be accompanied by KSH while they're working together.. but for how long?

It's sad that HJ only thinks that KSH simply worry for him.. or is he only thinking that way so that they won't get carried away? Sooner or later.. there will be confrontation (again) between CSH and KSH.. we know on who's side HJ will be. Sigh.

I didn't know that KSH had actually dragged HJ to save him for the NSS team.. wonder how it feels for KSY to drag LBH around.. no wonder there're those BTS pics of them resting on the floor. :lol:

Gosh.. I still have 3% more to go.. been dl-ing since morning. *faints!* It's all for HJ and KSH. :P

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Hehhe 3 percent left? Thats good to hear... I hate it when something happens at the 99 percent mark and you're frustated that all the effort has gone into waste... hehe hope it finishes downloading smoothly :)

yeah i watched the part when she drags him.. omg she must have been so exhausted dragging a man almost twice as heavy as her... I totally understand why they're smiling in the BTS picture heheh I totally adore KSY, she can portray the physical strength in KSHwa!

Im just glad that HJ thought that SHwa was worried about him.. at least he knows she cares for him.. heck, Im glad that he's talking to her lol I'd have thought that he would ignore her like for days before talking to her.. okay, that sounded childlish of HJ heheh Never mind my nonsense

Yeah Im suprised that PCY wants SHwa close to HJ?? ;) The more you send SHwa close to HJ, the more she'll distance herself from you, dude! eheheh Well at least things would get a whole lot interesting when PCY orders SHwa to come back but of course she'll decline ;)

Hahha Im still holding hope for HJ-KSHwa... I remember reading the couple poster which says "The couple that was never meant to be" hmm not sure whether Im thinking too much but it may represent a bad ending for the couple?? But on the other hand, I think its just a marketing tactic to get people invested in the main couple lol I feel the main couple will get their happy ending.. As for our beloved SHwa, I really do hope she gets a good ending.. anything but death I'd be happy with... It would be a miracle if she somehow ends up with HJ.. of course, thats a 1/100 million chance but Ill take it anyways

Forgot to mention I love those eyes of KSY.. she expresses so well with her eyes!!! She does not need any dialogue to express the sadness in her eyes everytime she's looking at HJ.. Also cannot wait to read the article about the charamistic couple crowned!!!

OMG!!! I saw the ep 13 preview.... I totally didnt expect HJ to be torturing CSH?? But im guessing its to protect her from the other terrorists torturing her or something... AND MY!!! did KSH get shot??????? Im hoping the one with the blood spilling out IS NOT her.... ah who shot her??? It looked like SW to me!!! No, I watched the trailer again.. it wasnt SW!!! Eek!!! I do not want anything to happen to KSHwa!!!

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Arrgghh!! Don't want to talk about episode 12 and 13 preview especially.. too much.. too much to digest! :o

But in episode 11... the scene that HJ sneak out from the group to go to CSH's house. I think KSH was asked by the gang leader where was HJ.. she couldn't explain anything.. but as she went outside.. her expression and body language is so spot on. She knew that HJ would be going to see / find CSH.

And before that.. the first thing that came to HJ's mind when he regain consciousness.. is CSH. Watch KSH's subtle but clear reaction. If only he knew.. the extend she goes through to protect him instead.

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I've been through the last pages of IRIS thread.. still no recaps of ep 12... just looking at the artwork and screencaps of ep 12 ^_^ I cannot wait to read what happens in ep 12 and the lead up to the next preview.. Yikes....

I know I may sound harsh but when I saw HJ torturing CSH, I knew that he was doing that to protect her... I dont know how she'll feel but definitely this was better than the terrorists laying hands on her... Yikes Im more scared for KSY.. Do you think that there is a possibility that she may exit early from this drama???? Im hoping not! I'm hoping she's got more episodes to come, actually all the way to the finale would be great! Im having such a delight to watch KSY on screen...

I've read from IRIS thread that you said part 2 is very unlikely since many actors have signed up to other prjects in 2010... heheh any chance you know what future projects awaits for KSY and LBH???

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OMG!!! I saw the ep 13 preview.... I totally didnt expect HJ to be torturing CSH?? But im guessing its to protect her from the other terrorists torturing her or something... AND MY!!! did KSH get shot??????? Im hoping the one with the blood spilling out IS NOT her.... ah who shot her??? It looked like SW to me!!! No, I watched the trailer again.. it wasnt SW!!! Eek!!! I do not want anything to happen to KSHwa!!!

Uhh.. I think I've calmed down enough.. just that my downloading is soooooooo slow and everyone is moving so fast with IRIS! :wacko: But back to HJ-KSH.. as we like them..

I don't think it's KSH who's been shot.. it's just so unclear to see who and how exactly. And IF it was her.. I would like to think that it'll be emphasized more prominently considering she is one of the main cast of IRIS (not to mention she's HJ's sidekick).. and not just something that happened in a random shoot-out.

But now with the latest HJ-CSH shocking development.. I have a sinking feeling that HJ might be "using" KSH later to push CSH from getting to close to him / them terrorists. You know.. in order to save her.. the next best way is to break her emotionally/romatically. Which means more conflict for KSH or would she just go along with anything? I just hope that we have not seen the best from KSH yet. No doubt that KSY have been really good in portraying her character (physically & emotionally) but there is still that one moment to truly capture and captivate us even stronger, that we have not expected from KSH.

Or another case that HJ suffering (too much in silence) of what he did to CSH and the consequences to their relationship or what's left of it.. may make him turn to KSH but.. not really out of love. Which in the end will only hurt all of them even more. Sigh.. is there any good alternatives at all? :huh:

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Want to share my fave HJ-KSH moment in episode 11.. :wub:

The one at NSS.. when she dragged him out.. I know it's a critical situation and all but I never expected to see KSH actually dragging HJ. I mean.. they could have just skipped the part and showed him already out in the corridor.. it's quite heartwarming to see what she'll do for him. They had no other to turn for help.. it would only create more tension amongst the rest who were already feeling uneasy with HJ joining them. But KSH is adamant to help HJ through thick and thin.. it shows so perfectly.. simple scene in a desperate moment but warmly conveyed.

Also.. when she finally let HJ rest on the floor, KSH's right hand or palm never left the back of his head so that it didn't touch the floor.. meaning that she's really taking great care of HJ. Well.. it could be already been scripted in the scene or something improvised by the actors themselves but direct or indirectly shows something "more intimate" in terms of KSH's feeling for HJ. Little things that mean a lot. And look when she's aiming at HJ.. it's not even straight.. she would actually miss him instead. ;)

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Ahahah thanks for sharing SHwa-HJ moments in ep 11 :) I didnt notice that she placed her hand underneath HJ's head, taking great care of him... awww... that just shows how much she cares and feels for him...

hahha you're very observant, rubie :)

Reading your thoughts, I do realise that if SHwa was to die, it would be not be a random shootout.. it has to be more substantial and emotional right? I mean she risked her life for HJ so I am expecting a good send-off if KSHwa dies... Of course I am hoping this may never happen... If it does, I would want HJ by her side :(

Hmm im not sure whether HJ would want to cut off CSH romantically as well.. I'd believe that the torturing her himself would be enough to severe their relationship.. Now, if that happens (HJ turning to KSHwa to cut off ties with CSH) then I;d hate HJ... first because he's again giving SHwa false hope and then letting her feel disappointment every-time he's thinking about CSH... I cannot bear to see SHwa pained expressions

Hhehee Im already thrilled with what KSY is presenting to the viewers... If there's another her big moment of her to come in the upcoming eps, I'll be overwhelmed and over the moon... :)

Oh also I;ve watched parts of ep 11.. another scene I really like although it is just a small moment was when she was on the computer and HJ approached her, making eye contact with her then walked away... She immediately understood him that he wanted to talk outside.. This just shows how much she understands him without him even speaking :D

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Guest So Hye Yeon

"IRIS" starring Kim So Yeon, one of: the first for this show's emotional


Kim So Yeon debut 15 years later, through the "IRIS" sneaked into South Korea, North Korea, who plays a spy successfully restructured. She laughed and said: "The script took the figures for the description of Kim Sun-il is only five lines. 'Identity is sneak into South Korea, North Korea spy mission is to kill the South Jinxian Jun agents, however, but later fell in love with Jin Xianjun.' Looked after feeling physically startled, said one could not help himself, "this role would have my acting."

30-year-old actress Kim So-yeon, her eyes bright and piercing. Perhaps we have misunderstood her a long time, perhaps because of her mature face make it difficult to guess her age. From simply decisive doctor ( "wind Obstetrics and Gynecology") and bent out ahead of the anchor ( "Eve's temptation"), to the elegant Korean restaurant manager ( "patrons"), since 1994, after his debut, played by Kim Su-yeon has been for apathy but a very good woman, so acting is often controversial.

Kim So-yeon the second grade in junior debut. Nothing to the TV to play, the spot has been the TV drama "Mr. Dinosaur" crew is selected. At first, although when the artist and happy, but the personal experience of performing live was full of hardships. "I did grow significantly older, (laughs) So I played a total adults. Filming TV series" urban men and women ", when, and even than I 9-year-old Kim Nam Joo played a pair of good friends. The whole crew, I was the youngest, with no day is easy, always frightened. "

Kim So-yeon finished in 2005, "Autumn rain", the silence of 3 years. On "whether to continue acting?" If you want a lot. People who know say, "want to be artists," she had stopped to say "Do not." Kim So Yeon, said: "At the time I thought, like me, nothing to it, while not self-packing people in this career which is really hard." At the time she was confused, the TV drama "patrons" to find the door. The drama for the first time she learned that acting is an enjoyable thing. Kim So Yeon, said: "For me it was a far-reaching television, because it re-taught me what a show." Thereafter, she received the script is the "IRIS". Script deeply attracted to her, made her sleepless. That appeared in the news has been finalized, she went into raptures. What is in the end she was so excited then?

" 'Good flowers' will make this woman a Xiangqilaijiu felt a warm my heart. She, like most of my sister. Rainy day both of us stays an umbrella, she always take care of me and would rather his shoulders get wet. this woman looks looks cold, but her heart had to bear a lot of ... ... "

This is absolutely a golden opportunity, he secretly determined to make it all right. First, his hair cropped under the ruthless. However, in her view, the long hair fluttering is a woman of a charm, so she never cut too short hair, long hair has always been elegant Retention. She began to practice every day muscle movement, in order to closer to the agent as she deliberately fattening. It can be said, in order to create this character, and she considered giving up everything for the pursuit of beauty.

Every time the script came out, she had marked with horizontal strokes in the focus after the repeated reading. Kim So Yeon, said: "Even a very short lens, I also want to interpret it come to color a few." Kim So-yeon fashioned "good flowers," a corner Xifen an increase in Chichi, and now is "IRIS" the most important One of the roles. At the same time, large numbers of viewers have become "good flowers" fans.

"While this talk is very ashamed, but the surging feeling so excited to show, really is the first time." Kim So-yeon shallow with a smile.

18th "IRIS" aired the first 11 sets. Play the "good flower" suddenly at gunpoint a "Jin Xianjun." Know "Sheng Xi" (Kim Tae-hee) has not died, my sense of shock, "Jin Xianjun" unwilling to leave the building with bomb. "Good flower" with a gun on the "Jinxian Jun", said: "out of here, and now must go immediately."

Kim So-yeon, said: "In the show, my heart cried. A thought of 'good flowers' feelings during that time, my heart also hurt endless." Kim So-yeon, said recently became aware of the complexity of performance, there can be endless expressions , allowing himself surprised. "Before, my performances are lower than the (perfect) one-tenth. Or, one day I can do half as well? Really hope that there will be a day." Having said that, immersed in the vision of Kim So Yeon happy smile a.

Kim So Yeon wearing play clothes in an interview. Giving her a short hair and was wearing a leather jacket, looked capable firm. Kim So Yeon, said: "My screen seems too lean delicate, so it is fattening." / Korean Daily News reporter She Ying


credit : haoying/KSY Baidu Bar / original Chinese text

English translation : Google Translate

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That is a really good sharing, So Hye Yeon. Although it's google-translated, we can still catch the important gist to read. Seems like a very recent interview with KSY as it touches the scenes in IRIS episode 11.

I love how IRIS is also giving KSY the opportunity to be even better in her acting, indeed there's more improvement in her performance that we have not seen before. KSH isn't all tough or just a strong assassin.. she is also a woman with feelings that are real. She may not know how to tackle being in love in HJ.. but she doesn't appear too weak or pushy as most would. She is in fact the silent strength for HJ when he sometimes loses his way. I just love everything about this pair-up.. it's very fascinating yet at the same time so encouraging to see an actress who can really act alongside LBH without obvious romantic scenes but still deliver such an intense attraction of chemistry between the two of them. Really can't get enough seeing the two onscreen. You all know I can go on and on about this .. but I know everyone here understands my point. :lol:

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heheh no wonder I didnt quite understand the gist of the article since its translated by Google duh! Thanks for the article anyways Hye Yeon. Good to know that KSY is having some spotlight for her role in IRIS.. The only thing I get from the article is that she praises LBH's acting and said that her dream or wish is to be able to act like him in the future hihi She's so modest heheh Her acting in IRIS is simply outstanding and is not overshadowed by LBH's acting prowess :)

Hhehe rubie even if you go on and on, its good and fun reading your thoughts and feelings on our favourite and charamistic pair ;)

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