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Guest JASON;

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Guest ztech24

"CROSS GAME" PV Preview is OUT!


Some uber hotness. *sizzles*

OMG!! I SIMPLY CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS!! *squee* It's gonna be so awesome. *bounces off of the walls*

Unlike last time, I really like the preview. The video looks COOL~! and the song sounds really awesome. It's just a little bit heavier than their recent stuff... Now I'm really interested to hear what's on VANDALIZE.

Did anyone notice Shou and his sword at the very beginning! Haha~ It made me think of "Kill Bill" so I started to laugh randomly. XD

There's so many views of Shou from behind... Hehe~ Did I mention I love his legs? ROTFL~

It's so hard to see what they've got on this time (the setting is so dark), but I hope we don't have to see anymore animal prints. It looks like Shou's got on tiger stripes, unfortunately (wouldn't those be more appropriate for TORA)... XD


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Guest successnerd

GAH, album covers for "Cross Game" are out too! Check it out:


There's also a freaking HQ preview of the PV in the info box! Or view it here:


"VANDALIZE" has been added to the list too. Click here to view to the "special" page:


Lastly, I'd just like to share that I'm currently drooling all over my keyboard right now. And I'm so desperate (or simply obsessed) that I've already put the 30 second preview of the PV on my iPod... :w00t:



Full PV is out!


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^ Hahaha on a news spree aren't we ;D

Thanks again :]

Saga totally looks out of place with his floral shirt while the rest of the guys are like formal kinda, or at least more casual :]

I think I see Tora wearing white contacts ;D

I think the covers for corss game are reminiscent of old school VK, for a second on the CD + DVD version I thought Hiroto looked like Mana xD

I like the alternative cover heaps :]

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Guest ztech24






EDIT> The new song is so cool you guys! I keep listening to it over and over and over and over again! HAHA~ I didn't want to listen to it so many times and then be board once the real single comes out, but I can't help it [at least I haven't watched the video yet]!! It's got this really great energy to it! *babbles* LISTEN TO IT~! LISTEN NOW~!

I'm curious who composed this one. I'm thinking it's Tora, what about you?

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i'm guessing its either tora or hiroto

maybe its hiroto again since most alice nine's hits

are composed by him

and no its not cuz he's my favorite

he wrote velvet, cosmic world, mirrorball and butterfly orchid

theres alot more of an old rock feel to this one but the hardcore side

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I think tora made this, I'm not sure if Tora made Tsubasa, but it sort of sounds like Tsubasa, and there's my reasoning xD

Ohhh, it also looks like they're emphasizing on tora in this PV, so more reasoning xD nice nice <3

I love it the start and the middle espesh <3

It's a bit soon to be releasing the full PV I reckon, I thought they'd release it like.. a couple weeks from now :]



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Guest ztech24


Yeah, TSUBASA was a Tora song! (^_^) I would know since it was the first song of theirs I loved.

I finally watched the PV. I couldn't contain myself any longer...

Tora was so oddly sexy with his purple hair and contacts. Haha~

Saga just seemed out of place to me in that flowery shirt.

Shou had too much camera time. ROTFL~ But, it's not like I was genuinely bothered...

Nao and Hiroto didn't have enough camera time. XD

I still liked it though.. My stupid video converter wouldn't work so I can't put it on MY iPod. (T_T)

I thought it was interesting that Tora and Hiroto played the guitar parts together. It's usually one or the other that does a solo (in RAINBOWS they both did solos, but separately), so I was kinda pleasantly shocked.

Plus Hiroto was using a Fender... (<_<) Is the world going to fall off it's axis next? XD JK

I got the audio rip though! Haha~ and I'm wearing that out~~~ I 'm not going to WANT to hear the song once it officially comes out. I'm ruining myself. Haha~


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Let's hope that there will be another Butterfly Orchid type song on the single <3

Yeah Shou got wayyyyy to much screen time.. actually I like it ;D

He's a freaken SAMURAI!

they both have solos, in cosmic world also, they each have one part, then a double part :]


actually hiroto doesn't have any part in the solo here, he does the backup guitar much like he did in tsubasa, just playing while tora does the full solo hahah xD, so really.. hiroto didn't do much except at the start with the.. I think tapping? xD

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ahhh thanx alice nine. for that big version of the group image~!

I love the CROSS GAME PV ^^,

It's slightly heavier than their previous songs..?

Plus the sepia-sorta-tone is nice

When I saw Saga with that flowery shirt I just laughed.

I particularly like this shot of Tora best :)


And...the cd covers are very nice too =]

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OMG!!! I just watched the Cross Game PV wahhh I can't beleive I just watched it today!!! It's sooo awesome uwahhh!!!! The PV is simple but gah its one of the most awesome pvs I have ever watched . . . sooo many views of Shou from behind *snickers* and he looks more gorgeous than ever *fangirl mode*

And gah I'm loving Tora's contacts. . . weee I have a pair of those contacts as well, Iw ore it during the halloween party we had hahahaha . . .

But dude what's up with the flowery shirt Saga??? hahahaha oh well he still look good in it sooo yeah. . . .

All in all another awesome PV and another awesome song from Alice Nine.!!!!

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