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Girls With Guy's Hairstyles.

Guest iya.donghae

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Guest GoobsIzSick

I also agree wit a lot of people wen they say that it's kinda hard to pull off. Unless you already have a really feminine face it might confuse some ppl.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest leexander12

i have this style for about 4 years and i'm growing tired of it..haha~

but i kinda like it..

and it doesn't need a lot of maintenance..



yeah, i look horrible right? hehe

oh, but i'm girly (not that i wear laces and stuffs)

but my appearance is quite boyish..haha~

i'm weird.

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Guest itsmememe1125

I think loads of girls can pull of guys hairstyles depending on the face shape though, some girls still look really girly with short hair or a guys hairstyle, I think its quite stylish although I can't pull it off, it'll just make me look manly X)

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Guest carine_snowsparkles

Gosh...this thread makes me wanna cut my hair short.:X just afraid I'll get kick out of the house,lol!

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I dyed my hair back to brown cause I was getting sick of black hair haha.

It was actually supposed to be a golden light brown, but it turned out alot darker than the image on the advertisement image on my hair dye box (its korean brand)

Trimmed a bit as well. Ignore the text on the first image -_-

Straight angle shots.

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Guest Octopus__

^ Give me your collar bones and no one gets hurt. ;D Kidding. You're looking sexy-fine as usual haha. Kind of miss that black you had.. o.o Other than that, still pretty. ;D

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Guest __AdreNaLine__

Wow I went through the whole thread almost lol, I am that bored :D but anyways you girls pull off the guy haircuts EXTREMELY well, and yumix wow amazing hair and your always looking like a model in your pictures so 40 extra cool points for you haha but anyways everyone in this thread pretty much owns my hair and I'm a guy lol :(

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Guest jansen_on

I've had a male's hairstyle for almost 3 years now....I don't think I look completely terrible...

The only thing about my short hair is that entering the women's bathroom grows considerably awkward.

Iv'e been in a few situations were some people glared at me when I entered the restroom....

haha I am considering growing my hair out now though...

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^ Give me your collar bones and no one gets hurt. ;D Kidding. You're looking sexy-fine as usual haha. Kind of miss that black you had.. o.o Other than that, still pretty. ;D

LOL what about my collarbones? :o Thank you.

The black was really dark on me though XD

Wow I went through the whole thread almost lol, I am that bored :D but anyways you girls pull off the guy haircuts EXTREMELY well, and yumix wow amazing hair and your always looking like a model in your pictures so 40 extra cool points for you haha but anyways everyone in this thread pretty much owns my hair and I'm a guy lol :(

haha thanks for the compliment :) flattered.

I've seen you in the guys hairstyle thread before haha.

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looking great as always yumix, wondering...do you go through the day with the hair over your right eye, or is that just posing for pics lol.

kita, haven't talked in AGES, but still hot haha.

melbourne represent :P

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looking great as always yumix, wondering...do you go through the day with the hair over your right eye, or is that just posing for pics lol.

kita, haven't talked in AGES, but still hot haha.

melbourne represent :P

LOL its actually pretty annoying as hell. It keeps poking my eyeballs so I tend to always sway them from the side when im done taking photos. I've walked around with it before several times though... but its really really hard to see o_O and then it gets greasy at the end of the day HAHA.

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Guest echung629


Got my hair cut from below my shoulder blades to here. Got my first short hair cut a couple months ago, and now I can't stand long hair. Short hair FTW, seriously.

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Guest __AdreNaLine__

haha thanks for the compliment :) flattered.

I've seen you in the guys hairstyle thread before haha.

Lol np, yea I've seen you their too :D but I am mostly ignored on their T_T so maybe i'll just post my updates here from now on LOL.

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Guest k3you

Lol np, yea I've seen you their too :D but I am mostly ignored on their T_T so maybe i'll just post my updates here from now on LOL.

I don't ignore you. ._.

@ Yumix, nice hair as usual, really liking the brown on your hair. ;D

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Guest yi_jae_soo

I hope this is the right question to ask on this thread, but what short haircuts can look good with an oval/round face (my face shape is somewhere between round and oval, but not sure, since I still have babyfat X__X) ?

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Guest akovinagi



I dyed my hair back to brown cause I was getting sick of black hair haha.

It was actually supposed to be a golden light brown, but it turned out alot darker than the image on the advertisement image on my hair dye box (its korean brand)

Trimmed a bit as well. Ignore the text on the first image -_-

Straight angle shots.

man... I always love your style but so jealous. lol :P

have you ever or think of dye your hair to silver blond or some other light color?

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I dyed my hair back to brown cause I was getting sick of black hair haha.

It was actually supposed to be a golden light brown, but it turned out alot darker than the image on the advertisement image on my hair dye box (its korean brand)

Trimmed a bit as well. Ignore the text on the first image -_-

Straight angle shots.

Hotness. I love that style on you.

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