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Jon & Kate Plus 8...


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who's seen this crazy show?
This show just started airing on TLC and is on Discovery Health, young couple have 6 year old TWINS and 3 year old SEXTUPLETS.

The dad is half korean with green eyes and the mom is brown-eyed blonde. She's basically always riding the dad telling him what to do and the all kids (TWO girls, THREE boys and THREE more girls) are running around creating chaos.

if you haven't seen 'em here's couple of links to video: Gosselins on Today, "Family Photos"

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According to their personal website she has Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome so she doesn't ovulate properly. The multiples are a condition of fertility treatments, normally she couldn't get pregnant. Sextuplets are actually very rare (there's like 10 sets of them or something) because usually doctors abort all but 1 or 2 of the fertilized eggs due to the danger to the mother and chances for birth defects. But due to religious beliefs they decided to try to birth all the kids.

One died (originally there were 7) but amazingly all the kids were born healthy and are sooooo cute. They're only 1/4 korean but they look pretty much full thai or flip (or from any of those western-colonized countries where there's a lot of mixed blood)

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oh my gawd, i'm in loooove with this show (this and Little People, Big World)

it's already in its second season :)

their twins are beautiful. and Maddy is such a drama queen :lol:

the sextuplets are the cutest!

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Guest mochaluv*


i was watching this last week sometime

my mom loves kids, but she was like if those were my kids, i'd go crazy..

yeah, its in like a later season- i thought it was the 3rd~

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  • 2 months later...
Guest funkkeh

Haha, omg. I thought I only watched this show. :P

LOL, I love all the kids, they're all so cute and has something special lol. :)

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Haha, omg. I thought I only watched this show. :P

LOL, I love all the kids, they're all so cute and has something special lol. :)

Me too! I thought I was the only one watching this...I was about to start a new forum but I'm glad someone already did.

Once you watch it, you'll get hook because of the sextuplets. They are so adorable.

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Guest pinkcafelatte

omg!! i love that show!!

they're so cute and funny.

my favorite is Leah & Alexis & Aaden.

Leah was so cute when she said,"daddy i pooped in my pants." *big eyed expression*

Alexis is just so crazy and cute. ^^

and Aaden likes to be called animal names.

i think that's so cute!

Mady is a drama queen. lol.

she gets irritating at times. :sweatingbullets:

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i've seen it even b4 they make it in2 series n its so adorable...

i'm impress how their mother take care all of them...

what a patient parents...i think all parents should follow how Jon & Kate raise their childs...

i love Cara coz she always so sweet n helpful...

but now i can't watch it anymore coz its under a different package...stupid ASTRO

darn i hate it when 'they' know this show can make lots of money...

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I've watched this show from the beginning (thank you TLC for doing a marathon..lol).

The twins are ok but to me, the sextuplets steal the show 'coz there's so many of them! :lol:

I admire Jon & Kate as well...they bicker a lot but they continue to rely on each other :)

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Guest strawberrynkiwi

omg this is like my dream. that is so adorable in every aspect.

stressful and the warmth of a big family is so great.

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Guest dumpyfledgling

I love this show except I don't get to watch it regularly because I don't have cable. I go to people's houses and watch reruns.

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