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[drama 2005] Peculiar Woman, Peculiar Man. 별난여자, 별난&#45224

Guest jinhee

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Guest kawaiiyuki

The perviews from KBS looks great... can't wait to see what happens. I look forward to friday so we can see perviews for the following week. As we all know there should be some shots of KW and HI's wedding. I can't wait!! :D:lol::lol::):P

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Guest snam124

Not to sound anxious, but how long til hearts show up? I'm wondering if maybe I entered the wrong member information? :unsure:

I think it takes 1 or 2 days. I don't recall waiting long. If you still don't see the hearts after a few days I would pm Soomp! she'll help you :)

(did you let soompi know your user id?)

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Guest kawaiiyuki

(sorry about reposting i thought it didn't show up) :P The perviews from KBS looks great... can't wait to see what happens. I look forward to friday so we can see perviews for the following week. As we all know there should be some shots of KW and HI's wedding. I can't wait!! :D:lol::lol::):P

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Guest n5y17cgirl

Not to sound anxious, but how long til hearts show up? I'm wondering if maybe I entered the wrong member information? :unsure:

hmm... I think it took maybe a few hours for me? don't worry, as long as you get a confirmation email, you should be fine.

FYI: snam124 will be back later tonight (or early tomorrow) with screen caps & spot translations from ep. 132 - thnx for being patient!

(haha... sorry, snam124 for speaking on your behalf ;) )

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Guest snam124

^yep. will try to get to them as soon as i get home from class. i know, i'm being a bad student logging onto soompi from class :blush:

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Guest Heavensent_Asian

*laughs* I'm SO sorry you guys...for being dumb, but LOL can someone upload episode 96 for me? I know it sucks to ask but I'll love you!!!

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Guest professor97

By the way if you're looking for more cheesy things to say to the one you love--I have an arensal of them. Today I told my students about what Sukhyun said to Jongnam (Yes, it's true--this English professor makes her writing students endure discussions of K-drama) and their response to what he said--Eh! that's so cheesey! One of male students said, No real man would ever say that! Just thought you'd enjoy what they said :D Ah the power of being the professor --a captive audience who has to listen to me!!!! :w00t:

Now if I could get the actor that plays Sukhyun to enroll in my class.

And you know he's not the first Korean male who did the heart--the lead guy in One Million Roses did it to Hyrean all the time while they were setting up for parades!!

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Guest ChiSoju

Oh, boy! I am SO eager for translations of ep 133! A LOT of intense stuff going on!

And a scene between Ki-woong and Granny that is absolutely high-larious!

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Guest whiteflora

Hope this is not going to be another heartbreaking one....Hope hope it's a happy ending for both SH and JN and KW and HI... ;)

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Guest kawaiiyuki

By the way if you're looking for more cheesy things to say to the one you love--I have an arensal of them. Today I told my students about what Sukhyun said to Jongnam (Yes, it's true--this English professor makes her writing students endure discussions of K-drama) and their response to what he said--Eh! that's so cheesey! One of male students said, No real man would ever say that! Just thought you'd enjoy what they said :D Ah the power of being the professor --a captive audience who has to listen to me!!!! :w00t:

Now if I could get the actor that plays Sukhyun to enroll in my class.

And you know he's not the first Korean male who did the heart--the lead guy in One Million Roses did it to Hyrean all the time while they were setting up for parades!!

i would totally love to be in your english class! would have totally paid attention today. haha... i'd be telling my friends "today my eng prof. was talking about k drama." :P:blink: my mom also agrees with tht kid in your english class. she says no guy would really say that.. but we can still dream right? LOL!! :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:

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hart7qf.jpghart7qf.jpghart7qf.jpghart7qf.jpghart7qf.jpgO.K? B)

lol..lol...lol....lol....lol... :lol::lol::lol:

all I have to say to you dandan....if you keep cracking me up like this you and I will both be wearing blue squares instead of hearts....which I still do not have mine showing up, OH NOW DAN DAN no need to send me some....lol...lol..


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Guest n5y17cgirl

thnx, dramaok, for reviewing this drama for us and giving it a good rating... and for all of the work that you & the rest of the staff/moderators do. and thnx for sharing those pics! :)

(the drama site btw is under construction and i already rated this drama as a really good drama. the reviews will be up for the public to view soon. soomp! herself (if you ever see her around) has gold hearts. she is the boss afterall. ^^

pic of kiwoong in upcoming episode. he looks so wholesome. what a great guy. hae in will be so happy married to him.


some shooting pictures of kim ah joong (jong nam) and her mom. it's still very cold in korea this time of the year.....

kim ah joong and lee kyeong jin


kim ah joong


picture source: yahoo korea.

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Guest dramaok

lol lots of jokers in here.

episode 132 in asf on ysi from creidesca box:


and about seok-hyeon's gesturing the whole 'i love you' with his arms over his head.

that's actually a cheesy trend that's been popular among koreans for a couple of years now.

you see it in a lotta dramas. like 'love story in harvard' and 'be strong geum-soon' and usually the more comical dramas. can't remember who/how it got started but it's actually something real couples do so seok hyeon isn't really crazy. iono i feel like i have to defend him?! :phew:

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Guest professor97

You go Dramaok--defend our boy. :D

I think I have to turn myself into a twelve step program for K-Drama addicts. :blush: I taught all day--rushed home to meet a writing deadline--worked till 1:30 in the morning on that, and THEN what did I do????? :crazy: Well of course, stayed up and watched episodes 132 and 133--now it's three in the morning and am I in bed sleeping happily? No, I'm typing on a soompi discussion board. That probably means I officially have an addiction. Oh well I got to see Sukhyun kiss Jongnam on the forehead and hold her hand--so what's sleep compared to that. If someone will just tell me what the wicked witch said at the restaurant and what Sukhyun said to her when he got home, I 'll go happily to my recovery program:

But until then, with great apologies to John Milton from whom I paraphrase now to show my real addiction to Kdrama:

How can I live without my K-drama?

How forego my Bizarre Bunch?

To wander forlon and alone through all those channels again.

Without my K-drama and romance. :tears:

See you when I get out of the program. :D Or until I wake up in the morning and start my addiction all over again.

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Guest kawaiiyuki

You go Dramaok--defend our boy. :D

I think I have to turn myself into a twelve step program for K-Drama addicts. :blush: I taught all day--rushed home to meet a writing deadline--worked till 1:30 in the morning on that, and THEN what did I do????? :crazy: Well of course, stayed up and watched episodes 132 and 133--now it's three in the morning and am I in bed sleeping happily? No, I'm typing on a soompi discussion board. That probably means I officially have an addiction. Oh well I got to see Sukhyun kiss Jongnam on the forehead and hold her hand--so what's sleep compared to that. If someone will just tell me what the wicked witch said at the restaurant and what Sukhyun said to her when he got home, I 'll go happily to my recovery program:

But until then, with great apologies to John Milton from whom I paraphrase now to show my real addiction to Kdrama:

How can I live without my K-drama?

How forego my Bizarre Bunch?

To wander forlon and alone through all those channels again.

Without my K-drama and romance. :tears:

See you when I get out of the program. :D Or until I wake up in the morning and start my addiction all over again.

i am totally with you on that. right now i should be having breakfast but i woke up extra early like by 15 minutes to eat breakfast and then go on line to this disscusion board. can't wait for the translation and screen caps.

ps. still miss seeing people's sn on the button of this page.

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Guest exeses

Can anybody help for episode 133 ??

Any translation for 131 & 132 as well.. sorry for the trouble.

Thanks a lot for the screen caps, conversation's translation.. can't wait for next week preview though

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Guest emceema


Professor972: I think you're the most romantic k-drama addict on this board. I'm second to you. No matter if everyone says this drama's dialogue is cheesy, I love it.

If I were in NY, I would enroll in your class. I'll be one attentive student.

I was also up early in the morning at 6am. I got my first cup of coffee and log on to my computer. Then, while reading the morning papers, I listen to k-drama OST (Spring Days). At 7am, I was logged on soompi and it's now 9:14 and I'm still here. Why would a grandma like me do this? If there are any grandma out there, please stand up and say HI, I'M A GRANDMA AND I'M A K-DRAMAHOLIC. :rolleyes: :tongue2: :w00t:

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