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Posts posted by allnaturalcrunchtime_stv


    Hi there!  I believe they are a couple, that is why I am spending time shipping them, :-)  I am trying to balance my time so I won't spend too much time, :-)  I am just saying that 1/28 probably won't give us a lot more evidence than we already have.. but we will get sweet and cute moments, I am sure... I watched Zhou Xuan's video again the other day, m,  it screams love and sweetness! 

    Liu Wen just shared her London WenLi video on her weibo, it is cute... she also put out a teaser for the Seoul episode!

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    As I said, no "WE ARE OFFICIALLY BF & GF!" stamped on their foreheads on 1/28, but we'll get vids like the Kaos', and that they're a couple will be unequivocally accepted by everyone except the hardcore morons. This is classy and really the best way to do it since they want to be direct but indirect about it at the same time (especially Siwon). An official statement from his agency like what Mr. Song did is absolutely out of the question. Unlike you, I disagree that the timing isn't ideal; Siwon won't be around to field any questions and as for Liu Wen being skinned alive? Please. It'll be the height of the fashion season then, and she'll be so busy that she won't be hounded by reporters, and she wouldn't give a shite about what the losers say online.

    And yes, it's kind of moot to be still debating whether they're really a couple at this point. That latest ELLE interview with Liu Wen basically confirms the relationship.

    Meanwhile, there are more goodies from Liu Wen - the first is an in-depth Q&A conducted for H&M on their official American website:


    Like any typical Aquarian girl, she values her freedom above all else, so Siwon, if you're expecting Liu Wen to be a good little Christian girl, a real Eastern type who's subservient to her in-laws, think again! And her model icon is Carmen Dell'Orefice - what excellent taste!

    Lastly, here's Liu Wen helping to make hunger stop for Michael Kors:

    I'd have appreciated it if they'd booted off Lily Aldridge for a black model (diversity, baby!), but I can't help liking Lily after watching this video. ;) And stereotypical blonde bombshells aren't normally my cup of tea, but ugh, Candice is just sickeningly gorgeous. Liu's still the biggest sweetheart, though. :wub:


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  2. @allnaturalcrunchtime_stv - you have a lot of great points, but I am not sure Jan 28 will be a day of reveal, I think we did talk about that we may have different definition of reveal.. we fully anticipate some sweet, cute moments from them on Jan. 28, but does that indicate a reveal? especially with SW out of the picture...if the evidence is unequivocal, , I think some of SW's fans will skin LW alive... However, with SW's single comments, people will believe what they want to believe, we shippers will see love, sweetness, etc. and believe their couplehood, LW's fans will support her and call SW work partners, the same holds true for SW's fans.. LW will get some hate but it will pass... that is why I am not sure 1/28 will be a big reveal day.. but who knows...I thought they would remain mum the whole time, then "single" happened. 

    Basically, if the "single" comment is truth, if they really are telling us they aren't together with that remark, why say it when hours later they'd be getting all lovey-dovey for H&M? I suppose they could be telling us that, hey, don't get the wrong idea with this campaign; we're actually single and are just playing a couple for work. Their H&M posts on IG, in which they make their relationship sound totally professional, would also then make sense.

    But that premise is hard to buy when you watch the teaser vid in which they are so obviously together. If that's all acting, why work so hard to promote an image of yourselves as a couple when hours earlier you'd told everyone that, hey, we actually aren't a couple? It just doesn't make sense. Accept any one of the three explanations in my previous post, however, and it all falls into place. :P

    And I think we're forgetting why they're doing this for H&M. Most of us here don't believe their primary motivation is money or exposure because they have enough of those things, right? So, ask yourselves, why would they do this campaign? This is why I think that even if 1/28 won't be the date of an OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT, the launch will make it clear that they are a couple, or why else would they front this campaign when they're fully aware of the implications of doing so?

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  3. The "single" comment has made a lot of 16 fans on weibo to question if these two are together... I went back and looked at what I have posted here in the last few days :-) - I am sticking to my belief that they are together... however, hearing one's boyfriend say he is single can't be easy for anyone, although it might have been a joint decision, may be even driven by oneself...

    Remember when his comment first hit? What a letdown for shippers! Then a while later LW's Seoul snap was posted, and we shockingly discovered she was in Korea. It later emerged that she had been with SW on the day he did that Q&A. Suddenly, the timing of his comment meant it had everything to do with LW. Now, did they want to state the unequivocal truth since they knew speculation would arise with LW being in Korea? Maybe, but then the H&M teaser vid wouldn't make sense at all with them behaving like lovebirds in it. Let's also not forget that SW was about to announce their status in the vid, and he even said "I am Liu Wen's". All acting for commercial purposes? Perhaps, but then why state a truth which shatters the very image you'd be creating later? See how it all doesn't make sense if we accept that they aren't a real couple? However, if we believe that they are real, then there are multiple explanations for the "single" comment:

    1. A private joke between SW & LW (even likelier if LW was with SW when he did that Q&A).
    2. SW being cheeky and testing the fans' response.
    3. A joint decision to keep things under wraps so that they'll be left alone until the 28th of Jan. next year when the truth will hit while SW is safely out of the way.

    In a way, I love that they're keeping us guessing because it allows us to analyze the evidence commonsensically and beat them at their own game! :lol:


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  4. So it seems more plausible than before that she wants to keep the relationship under wraps, while Siwon might want to have it in the open, that could have been a source of conflict between the two... total speculation but possible. 

    @allnaturalcrunchtime_stv - there are also some insightful details on how she views her job.. I think you out of all posters here will really enjoy it.

    Thanks for the heads-up, Kculturefun...I'll be looking forward to a translation...no pressure, liddi! ;)

    And I don't think it's any secret that Siwon wants to have it in the open; he said so explicitly in the COTC. That's a big reason why he did the show, isn't it? I wonder if he's still keen to make it public with all the widespread opposition, though. It must be tiresome to constantly be evasive in interviews; I notice Liu Wen has been the same way in the recent translations. Hmm...one would think she'd want to have it in the open, too. Maybe she's just waiting for the perfect opportunity to do it...which is why...mark the 28th of Jan., 2016 on your calendars, shippers! :P

    Oh, and thanks for the Paris pics, liddi. From NYC to London to Seoul to NYC to Paris with only a few days in between stops...insane. I'm surprised she still manages to look lovely in that brown ensemble. Well, if it's an event for Instagram, Liu Wen is almost obligated to be there, and I hope she hobnobbed with all the big shots and made connections. I'm still eagerly anticipating that blue-chip collaboration with Louis Vuitton/Nicolas Ghesquière which Liu hinted at recently on IG.


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  5. LW always speaks of her sky diving experience in Guam as her life changing experience. Do you think it was the experience itself or the companion that made it so significant? 

    Well, the experience itself is pretty incredible, so that alone would've helped to make her a braver person. I do wonder whose idea it was in the first place to go skydiving, though; if it was Siwon's, he's ingenious, because how better to bring her feelings for him to the fore? She'd feel inseparable from him after such an experience, and that was no performance from Liu Wen when she screamed like a banshee after Siwon jumped. Didn't she say if they could survive that together, they could survive anything? So, I think both the act of skydiving and her companion were of significance; the former aided in conquering her fears, and if the experience crystallized her feelings for Siwon, well, love has a tremendously emboldening effect, too.

    I think we may not realize just how canny Siwon was throughout the show, as he devised ideas which either helped him to test her or which brought them closer. The marriage proposal, the outing at the cherry blossom park, the meal at the hotpot restaurant, the tango class, and maybe even Guam & the decision to go skydiving.



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  6. We will wait for Liddi to translate the latest interview (which people think was done right after the July concert)... a number of relationship questions were asked... her answers definitely sound like she is talking from experience and by someone who has a boyfriend... it is nearly impossible for someone with no prior dating experience to answer the questions as she did... so at least I feel very confident she was dating in mid July (and now). 

    Well, I don't think there's any question that they were "dating" while they were filming the show. Dating doesn't necessarily imply any kind of serious commitment, and they could just as easily have dated had they met in a bar or at the post office. The show merely served as the facilitator to bring them together; the million dollar question is whether the relationship developed beyond the show's end.  

    And going back to Liu Wen's latest vid, I don't know how anyone can watch that last part and leave hate-filled messages on her IG like the sickos are still doing. This is a woman who works hard, is so good-natured, and whose only crime is to have perhaps fallen for their idol. If they'd have fallen for him had they been in her place, how can they begrudge her for doing so? They're just sick, that's what they are, and they need professional help. If they're really in a relationship, I can only imagine how Siwon's heart must've been aching seeing her lay there so vulnerably; I mean, even we, as virtual strangers to Liu Wen, felt for her. Judging from what he wrote in that scrapbook, he must feel bummed out not being there with her, and maybe that's contributed to his silence on SNS.

    If she's being filmed during all her recent transnational stops (first NYC then London and soon Paris), it will be very interesting to see if her sojourn to Seoul was filmed, and if it was, how much that episode will reveal of Siwon and the status of their relationship. Perhaps it's even a conscious decision from both parties to film her time in Seoul as part of the big reveal? 


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  7. personally I think she is the one who makes the call in their relationship and from the outlook it looks like she's still keen to be in despite all the difficulties they are facing. 

    This is quite obvious to me, and not just in the latest promo. I saw it in the photo studio episode, some of the BTS, the extended ELLE promo...you know, where the woman is lively, charming and a tad bossy while the man just stares at her dumbly like a puppy dog. :lol: I see this kind of dynamic in real-life relationships all the time which is why I think Siwon is besotted with her. I figure he's just not used to being around girls like this, and it cracks me up imagining them married as you just know Liu Wen will be the one calling the shots. :P

    And another thing about the H&M campaign which I'm not sure has been mentioned - LW & SW must've seen the Kaos' campaign before shooting theirs. Real couples doing Chinese New Year projects seems to be a recent thing for H&M, and with LW being one of their girls, it's just highly unlikely that our couple were unaware of the Kaos' work and they'd know why H&M would want to recruit them. So, at the very least, SW & LW knew the implications of shooting such a campaign, and if they're fine with it, what does that tell us?

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  8. I'll admit when the piano came in and they showed her lying there, I got a tiny bit teary inside. She looked so vulnerable, so tired...all these years working hard and being a good girl, but it must still be awfully lonely if she's got a husband and wife team with her all the time who function essentially as co-parents. She needs to be taken care of, isn't that what her friends said in that episode? So, Siwon, if you're not the good man for the job, kindly make way for someone worthier, please!

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  9. Hey everyone. How are you all doing? Good news coming....Liu Wen is post a new WenLi video on her weibo. Please check it out. Especially the last part. Please leave me a comment below about what you're feeling about this video or anything that you want to say. Have a nice day! Love you all! BIg hugs and kisses....! 

    Looking absolutely stunning in her latest vid...full-length gowns, short skirts, her favourite tomboy style...liddi's right, her versatility is always on point. Now we know the source of her recent shoots...she must've been engaged in a flurry of activity in NYC just before she left for London Fashion Week.

    And yes, that last part...the slow fade-in to our girl all tuckered out from being Ms. Fashionista the whole day...did anyone else notice that she's got divinely long fingers and nails? So adorable...I wanted to give her a hug just as much as I'm sure some boy in Korea did. ;) I have this weird feeling that Siwon has input into her logs...the selfie stick obsession, the effort to dress more femininely by showcasing those lengthy gams with miniskirts...we know the boy did like her in that school outfit...the little heart icon (what's that supposed to signify, exactly?)...and of course, the walk with a Bugsy impersonator. Hmm...

    I'm wondering if these are previews of full-length episodes to come or are these abbreviated video logs the new format her show has adopted this season?

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  10. According to someone from Weibo, Siwon has gone 4 days without any sleep, shooting the drama. Certainly hope the grueling schedule eases up and he gets time to rest.

    I feel sorry for him, but I'm kind of glad he's busy and didn't have a day off for the holiday. If he had, the fact that Liu Wen left the day before when she didn't need to attend the remaining Fashion Weeks would've raised some eyebrows. I mean, she could've stayed just an extra day to celebrate this festival with the Chois if Siwon were free and she didn't have any pressing engagements, but I guess if Siwon is working like a dog, there'd be no point.

    I really think Mun+Won is doing the right thing... I believe Jiwon stopped "liking"  LW IG updates because her likes are screen captured and shared on weibo.. Jiwon is being caution which I like... After the "single" episode, it is clear out couple wish for privacy and space... so fans who care about them should adjust their behaviors accordingly. 

    Didn't she like Liu Wen's latest moon pic, though? Shippers need to consistently keep track of whether or not Jiwon continues liking Liu Wen's updates, because I think her doing so is indicative of the aliveness of the romance. Some shippers are so stupid...the more they reveal their obsessiveness everywhere on social media, the more SW & LW and everyone associated with them will continue to obfuscate matters. Keep it contained to this forum like we've been doing and they'd be much more likely to share glimpses into the relationship.

    And as for Siwon liking that Photoshopped pic of the moon goddess with her 'rabbit' companion ;)...hahah...busted! Now c'mon, would Siwon really have liked that image if he's been faking it all along with Liu Wen? 

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  11. So I hope some of the 16 fans can tone down their dissatisfaction with the "single" comment and support both of them in a low key, positive way.  Some of the fans, I think younger ones, still hold grudges against SW's single comment, and they are already contemplating to send SW "Happy Single's Day" message on 11/11 to (it is said to be a day for single people... I have no idea what this is,just an impression I got from reading weibo), it is poor form IMO.

    Yes, I notice there are many users on IG who are urging her to move on, convinced that WonWen was fake all along. They obviously aren't clued in to the significance of the H&M campaign, so they may be in for a shock next year. :lol: Don't they realize the unlikeliness of H&M asking WonWen to front this campaign if they aren't for real? Would SW & LW have agreed to do it if they didn't want to make it clear that they are for real? Discount that reason, and they'd only do it for the money, exposure, or the chance to work together again. I know I asked this question before, and upon further consideration, those factors can't be that important to them. They may have played a part in their final decision, but only as auxiliary factors to the main reason, and we know what that is. I realize I have enough faith in SW & LW as scrupulous human beings to believe that they wouldn't promote the image of themselves as a couple if they aren't one. 

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  12. I think the skinship for the CNY H&M ads will be explosive. Maybe to the point that... hehe, ironically it won't be suited for family viewing? :D

    It's going to be so romantic that our teeth will be chattering from the diabetic shock. :D 

    Now even the "single" comment makes sense...he's being cheeky with us knowing what's in store next year! If Liu Wen really was with him earlier in the day and maybe even in the room with him when he did that Q&A, I can picture her out of view quietly laughing and gesturing at him on how to answer that question when it came up. :P The timeline according to our media industry experts also works: the idea was birthed 5 months ago and was merely bandied about at that stage, the relationship got stronger to the point that, 1 or 2 months ago, SW and LW agreed that, yes, this makes perfect sense and signed on the dotted lines.

    I may have to move to Asia next year if I want to see the beaming, wholesome faces of our couple on billboards instead of the trash I'm currently subjected to. :lol:

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  13. @allnaturalcrunchtime_stv - I admire your conviction and I am more than happy for you to be right!  I don't need much convincing :-) rs.

    If I hadn't seen Siwon's reaction in the promo and Mr. and Mrs. Kao's vids, I wouldn't be convinced at all.

    And of course a lot depends on what you consider sufficient enough to constitute the "big reveal" - watch the Kao's main campaign vid and imagine you didn't know they're a real couple and that Mr. Kao's "my new wife" line was edited out, would you have concluded that they must be a real-life pairing after watching it? If you would, Siwon and Liu Wen's effort will probably be more than enough to convince you of their authenticity.

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  14. Don't want to be a debbie downer here, but I anticipate we will see a lot of sweet moments and beautiful shots in the CNY H&M campaign from LW/SW,  as much as I want this to be their big reveal, I somewhat doubt it, they might stop short of formal confirmation.. I hope I am wrong...  SW did say " I am LW's $10" after al. :-)

    My, Zhou Xun and her husband's H&M campaign is so sweet, I would think both LW/SW have watched this as they prepare for their own campaign... it must be really difficult for them knowing that when the campaign is out, SW will be in his army service.. 

    You'll be wrong. :P I doubt we'll have it spelt out in multi-colored capital letters "YES, WE ARE OFFICIALLY A COUPLE!", but the vid will make it patently obvious that they're in a relationship, and the only ones who will deny it...well, we know who they are, don't we? They're the same ones who will bury their heads in the sand even if S.M. Entertainment were to issue an official statement that Siwon and Liu Wen are dating.

    It's safe to say that H&M wouldn't have asked them to do this campaign if they aren't real, and Siwon and Liu Wen wouldn't have agreed to do it if they aren't real either.

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  15. Our couple is going global - H&M just posted on its official IG the same picture LW posted on her IG... Although LW is frequently featured on international magazines and campaigns... SW is relatively new to this broader exposure understanding that he is quite popular amongst Asian countries and where ELFS are :-)

    Considering that H&M's IG has nearly 10 million followers, this is huge, and I love this comment from wh24601: "Cannot waitttttttt! Dear HM please make Halloween version, thanksgiving, Christmas new year Valentine's version too please please please".

    I'll fourth that please! :lol: :wub:

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  16. Don't worry, ladies, they all (participants, media outlets) have to be very coy and indirect about it until the actual campaign is launched next year. Once that hits, oh boy, it will be the big one and all will be revealed. We're talking about the mother lode which will finally shut the doubters up (including me) once and for all, and won't that be a wonderful thing? :lol:

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  17. @allnaturalcrunchtime_stv Zhou Xun and Archie Kao also had barriers to overcome in their romance... he speaks very little Chinese, while she barely knew any English. Not to mention one is based in the US, while the other is in China. Yet, they made their romance work, learnt to communicate with each other... and had a surprise wedding ceremony held with fans during a charity concert. You can read more about them and their wedding here.

    It would be awesome if WonWen announced through their H&M campaign on 28 Jan 2016, but I won't be too upset if they didn't either, since they know best the right time to make such an announcement. Regardless, I am truly anticipating the complete CF when it is finally released... and finally be able to see more of their interactions! Is it January 28th yet?

    Thanks for the link, liddi - they seem like a lovely couple, and it's encouraging to know their circumstances were somewhat similar to our couple's and yet they overcame them. I've never once felt that language is a barrier between Siwon and Liu Wen, though; the main obstacles for them are their careers and the fact that they aren't based in the same country. I recognize Zhou Xun; she was on the Vogue 'Icons' cover with Liu Wen, and who knows, maybe they had a talk about this H&M gig during the shoot? ;)

    Everything sort of falls into place if one believes that this H&M campaign will function as the big reveal. Siwon and Liu Wen must have been deliberating long and hard about how best to make an announcement and at what time, and this is such a wonderfully classy way to do it. This year marks the first time that H&M has hired a real celebrity couple to front a Chinese New Year campaign, so a pretend couple would not be roped in for next year's effort. Really, it all makes perfect sense now, and let me divulge what Siwon was about to say in that promo: "I'm a little bit nervous because this is our official announcement"! :D

    I actually think the vid may start off with something like "I'm Siwon and this is my girlfriend Liu Wen" but even if it doesn't, just imagine how we'll be squeeing if we see Siwon and Liu Wen do half the things Archie and Xun did in their video. Amazing how suddenly the tides can change when a new discovery is made, isn't it? :P

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  18. Hmm...after watching the H&M campaign featuring another Asian celebrity couple, Archie Kao (cute!) and Zhou Xun, I'm feeling much more hopeful about our lovebirds. Now I'm almost positive there will be a big reveal next year when Siwon and Liu Wen's campaign is launched. When exactly does the Chinese New Year begin? Shippers will need to mark their calendars.

    I can't help noticing that SW and LW's campaign may follow the same pattern as Archie and Xun's - beginning with a mostly benign, introductory promo:

    And observe the finished product:

    I think SW and LW's main campaign vid which will be released next year will serve as the official announcement that they're together. In the vid, they may not be screaming in our faces, "Hey, we are officially boyfriend and girlfriend!", but it will be clear to anyone who isn't willfully blind that they are in a relationship.

    Siwon was about to reveal something before Liu Wen cut him off in their promo, and now it makes perfect sense why. The fact that they've been playing it coy with their recent SNS posts is also totally understandable. The timing will be ideal as Siwon would have enlisted by then, and that will kind of blunt the impact of the news. Sure, Liu Wen may attract some hate on social media, but does anyone honestly think she'll care?




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  19. Hello all my shippers friends!!!

    Just 1 day not checking this thread because so busy with my real life too much to catch up with everyone!! Thanks everyone for all the hard work that always keeping update all the good news!

    But sorry can I ask 1 thing I read someone say on LW IG that she had a bf already and lived in NY too! Is that possible? Cause I can't believed in what I read that lady seem like very sure from the source she had & also say that the relationship starting in August (LW stay in China most of the month right?). I mean like after all the happens we seen on the show and their interact on SNS and also all the things SW did for LW and she can't accept his love instead dating a Singapore guy, I don't know what to say anymore....

    Can anyone private message that lady on LW ig and ask her about the status because I don't have IG. Thank you!!

    That little fire starter's quite convincing, ain't she? But I doubt it...I think if Liu Wen were in love and she's allowed to be open about it, she'd make it clear. It REALLY isn't likely that she's in love with some other guy and is keeping it secret just so that she can fool everyone into thinking she's with Siwon for money, fame, etc. I understand that troublemaker's reasoning, though; she's probably a Liu Wen fan and former shipper who's now become utterly disillusioned and is desperate to get the focus off of Siwon on Liu Wen's IG.

    And diorucci, what excellent points! Those are precisely some of the reasons why one can't discount the realness completely. Don't they realize what deep shite they're getting themselves into by continuing to play the couple when they aren't one? The backlash would be enormous if the truth eventually came to light. Of course, it could be that they were for real at one time and have now since split, but they're too deeply into the charade to back out now. If they never were real, it would've been wise to make that clear as soon as the show ended.

    As for the H&M campaign, they wouldn't do it to please fans. If they're just friends, they'd do it because an agreement was reached months earlier, and this is a chance to reunite, have fun, and make some pocket change. I suppose if they are for real, the same reasons would apply.

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  20. 4)  @allnaturalcrunchtime_stv - someone on weibo shared some insight on the H&M deal... although the project has been on-going for 5 mos, however, finalizing the spoken people is 1-2 mos max ago. Usually they have to go through market research, candidates identification, organizing availability, negotiating fees, etc... usually it is not until 1-2 mos prior to shooting before they finalize the deal... The Chinese fans provided a lot of really good alternative real life couples - Fan Bingbing (one of the highest profile Chinese actresses out there right now, very pretty per Chinese standard) and her boyfriend, Angelababy and her husband (newly weds)...  either of these two couples will have great draw, but they chose 16 couple... it may have something to do with the year 2016 or other marketability of these two they discovered through market research... anyway, for these two to agree to this deal to project a couple image given the craziness within the fans... they must have felt it is worth it... I am no talking about financially...   although they say they are just working... they know how fans feel... they buy the association with the image... I would think both of them will care about their reputation and long term image more than making a few quick bucks... and why do they do the shooting in the height of FW.. why can't they wait until it is over.. I know there are  multiple people;s schedules to coordinate... but still, does it have anything to do with the moon festival.. although she is not even te here for it... an early one...  perhaps since SW had to work through the holiday.

    Liu Wen is a logical choice for any H&M campaign in China because she has had a long association with the brand and was even named one of their "New Icons" in 2013. She fronts H&M campaigns all over the world (I can personally attest to that), so why not in her home country where she enjoys the greatest recognition? Couple her with Siwon and you have an explosively popular combination thanks to the frenzy generated from the show. I doubt Angela What's-her-face was even considered, to be honest. Liu Wen may even have come up with the idea herself. And I think people are reading way too much into the 2016 tie-in.

    As for the "fooling" remark in my previous post, someone's idiotically making it sound almost like I'm suggesting that Siwon and Liu Wen are cackling evilly behind the scenes as they plot to stump love-starved females into believing they're for real. Of course they'd never do anything so calculated; it might not even have occurred to them that they're fooling anybody although they're just friends. They'd do it simply for the reasons I detailed previously. However, that they'd do it if they're not for real does suggest at the very least their lack of awareness in considering the feelings of shippers which may be completely unintentional.  

    Look, that they're really together still can't be utterly discounted because how could that promo vid have been all acting? To me, it's clear that Siwon was going to say, with the hand gestures, something like, "I'm a bit nervous because we're announcing that we're a couple" before he was thankfully (?) saved by Liu Wen's interruption. He still got through what he wanted to convey earlier with the "I am Liu Wen's 10 dollars" remark, though, so yes, the message of that video seems quite clear. Why their SNS statements run contrary to what is presented in that promo (isn't that defeating its purpose?), I don't know, and overall there is more hard evidence to imply that they may be just friends than otherwise.

  21. @allnaturalcrunchtime_stv Don't read too much into it. I know it's frustrating to ship a couple that seems to flip flop back and forth, but have some faith in our couple. They can't and shouldn't be too messy and get caught, if they are in fact a couple. People are already up in arms about the lil minute details, can u imagine the s**tstorm that would ensue if they revealed they were a couple or if they got caught? I don't want that kind of attention for either of them, so if they wanna continue to act like nothing more than work colleagues, it's cool with me. Even if they did prepare this campaign 5 months ago, they didn't have to sign it and if they weren't still cool with each other, I think that would be really obvious in the promo video and photos. They're super happy to be reunited...is that not enough, as a shipper, to be excited about? lol You're a fan of LW, right? You should know her character. She can make money anywhere endorsing anything, but she chose to do this campaign and seems very happy to do it. Does that not tell u anything? Siwon isn't getting as many offers as she is, but trust me when I say, "he does not need the money". Yes, it's a huge opportunity for anyone, but no one's putting a gun to their heads to do it and they are both rich, so to imply that they're doing it for the money is ludicrous. I trust in their character and know that they wouldn't do anything against their will, so I'm happy they chose to do this together. I'm actually not sure what u expect from them, my friend. Their sns posts seemed okay to me, but can u kindly provide some alternatives? What would u have them say or how how would you prefer for them to caption their photos? 

    Well, of course they don't NEED the money but if this was agreed to months in advance and, hey, we're friends who like working together so why not grab the chance to reunite and make some pocket change in the process? Having our mugs plastered all over Asia would be pretty cool as well. That's what I fear the real situation is like. Now, would they be willing to do this at the expense of fooling people into believing that they're for real? I like Liu Wen and have followed her for some time, and even I don't know the answer to that question.

    And going off of their latest SNS statements..."Because of H&M, I get to meet her again"..."Thanks to H&M for allowing us to meet again"..."happy to work with him and the team"...there's nothing wrong with these remarks in and of themselves, but common sense dictates that they're nothing more than professional partners from such comments. Hello, if you guys are a real couple, you don't need H&M to meet up at least once or twice for purely personal reasons!

    So, are they being misleading on purpose as some have suggested? To protect Liu Wen, to provide a 'cover' for what's really going on, yadda, yadda, yadda...to me, there's as good a chance that they aren't being misleading as the likelihood that they are. I'd include Siwon's "single" remark in this category as well, all of which doesn't add up to a terribly rosy picture.

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  22. I know I said I wouldn't go back on believing these two are together from now on, but things have become so frustratingly muddied that I don't know what to believe anymore. That promo vid raised my hopes tremendously, but their subsequent statements on SNS are terribly depressing. They really do sound like nothing more than colleagues from their words, who can only get together when work permits. And the sad thing is, the facts seem to bear out what they say - I find it very hard to believe that they couldn't have met up at least once or twice, just the two of them and in a purely personal capacity, since the show ended. The first alarm bell was rung when Siwon missed a golden opportunity to meet with Liu Wen and her family when he was done with his press tour in China. I know there would've been consequences had they been found out, but you'd think the benefits would outweigh the concerns when they are so pressed for time with Siwon's impending enlistment.

    So, if we just go by their recent remarks (both on SNS and Siwon's "single" statement) and what we know of that has actually transpired, it's unlikely that they're together. If it's true that all of the remarks and everything else have been carefully constructed to deflect from the fact that they really are together, then that would be wonderful but it's also a little hard to believe, to be honest. On the other hand, when you watch that promo in which they act so much like a couple and when one notices how happy Liu Wen always looks, one starts to wonder which is why it's just so frustrating with these two! And as I mentioned before, another crucial factor is whether or not Siwon and Liu Wen are unscrupulous. Would they continue leading people to believe that they're a real couple for money and/or exposure when they're merely just friends? I actually don't think it bodes well that this H&M gig was agreed to months in advance because then of course it would be hard to get out of it and they'd have to proceed. However, if they agreed to it just recently then that lends more credence to their current status as a couple which is why they'd have no qualms in fronting a campaign as one.

  23. Kculturefun, juzagurl...you've summed up precisely how I feel about Liu Wen's attitude towards the relationship. I can't even explain why exactly...but everything I've seen and read lately is making me feel like Liu Wen has cooled off. Now, why is that? That she's making Siwon jump through hoops to assess him is a plausible explanation. On the other hand, Siwon seems bummed out by her attitude, fed up to the point that he declares himself single. And yet he seemed so into her in that promo...I just hope Liu Wen knows how hard to push because Siwon may eventually decide that he's had enough.

    As for carefully worded statements online to protect her, all that I can accept...but the fact that only professional obligations are impetus enough for them to meet in person, that I find hard to swallow. Of course, if it's true that Liu Wen is apportioning immediate contact with Siwon for whatever reasons, then that would explain why they'd only meet under such circumstances.

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  24. He just claims he is single... he can't really indicate they have met on other occasions... (we know they met for the SJ concert...),  I think it is just saying we are meeting for that reason... providing context for the picture 

    Chinese fans have been tracking his on-line activities... they seem to syn up with the timezones she is at... 

    From LW's weibo post, I definitely feel they are a couple and she wants to cherish the present moment... 

    I start to think that SW has a lot of burden - his claim that he is single is probably a combination of protecting her, she is not as advanced as he is in the relationship and pressure from his companies to remain "single"... 

    They have only met twice since the show ended - once at the concert and that was so fleeting I'd almost discount it, and this present instance in Seoul for H&M. Are you implying that they've met other times without us knowing about it? That's possible, but I doubt it as they've just said in the promo that it's been a long time since they've met.

    It's clear from their latest postings that only working opportunities can bring them together. Why on earth is that? I don't believe they're so preoccupied that they can't find at least a few times to meet up in a personal capacity minus their business associates. Worried about the fallout if they're caught together? Well, I'd think the need to be together before he vanishes for two years would outweigh such concerns.

    And yet, they look every inch the couple in that H&M promo. I guess that begs the question: Are Siwon and Liu Wen really just damn good actors?

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