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Posts posted by Nymeria289

  1. This episode was perfect....Kang finally found out Chae Young's identity....he was there for 4 hours while Chae Young slept...I don't care even if you drool or snore....just marry each other...it was a satisfying episode......Poor, poor Jun...his mother is blackmailing him to keep quiet and its killing him....I have faith in him to make the right choice by the end though...he is a good man saddled with terrible parents...how do I wait a whole week now

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  2. I actually hope Jun and Kang can reconcile as brothers....neither are bad people but the toxic environment and competition to be heir to the hospital....they are both trapped...I am not saying their misery is comparable but if they both take a step back and try to be honest then their relationship can improve...The Grandmother is beyond awful ....his parents are same...Jun clearly hates how things go around the hospital and is in love with a dying woman who loves another man and who he probably would never be allowed to marry even if she did love him back...I hope Karma gets the grandmother...Kang is officially falling for Cha Young

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  3. 1 hour ago, nrllee said:

    Probably slow burn.  The first few minutes of Ep1 had him running to find her again in Greece?  So I am anticipating lots of angsty being apart until the penny finally drops. :wub:

    It looks out of order placement of scenes in the teasers, I think by the end of next episode they will start bonding slowly

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  4. Kang is already starting to forgive Cha Young...he has to let go of his desire to upstage Jun because he isn't happy doing it....Jun is not a bad guy...it was a tough call for him if he did indeed left the hematoma there in Kang's brain.....I know he cares about Kang's well being...he wants to prove himself but isn't willing to cheat...his dynamic with Cha Young is interesting...lets see where it goes....Cha Young's mom left her and ran away...what about her dad...he was nice...So many trauma...poor Cha Young and Kang can't catch a break....can they

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  5. 2 hours ago, mathildafc said:

    After watching the 2 episodes, I think MS-CY-LK triangle was in 2013. And then after summer 2018 onwards the triangle will be between LK-CY-LJ. 

    It might be that MS knows or suspected the reason on why CY left for Greece and that as his last act of love for his bff LK, he told LK that he wants CY’s dumpling stew knowing that LK will go to Greece to look for CY personally.

    He knows that LK will be all alone once he died so he sent him to CY because he’s aware or suspected that LK is the one that CY loves all along. 


    I also think MS knows about CY's feelings for Kang, he may have guessed and decided to get her back in his life now that he has little time left.

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  6. 7 hours ago, Latte_Anyday said:


    Really? I thought he sort of coerced Cha Young into believing they were in a relationship. But thank goodness he got over it 'cause it would've been messy. He's a great catch but yea I agree timing was just off for them both.. as luck would have it Min Seong reunites his best friend with Cha Young.


    Idk why but I got some DoTS vibes from the first ep. Maybe it's 'cause of the doctor placed in a war zone perhaps LoL. Greece is lovely, especially the blue sea. Love the sights of the lil quaint villages, very picturesque. This drama definitely delivers on visuals that's for sure.       

    I don't think so, Cha Young did hug him so he wasn't coercing, its just Cha Young took a baby step toward him and Kang showed up.....bad, bad timing......I think Min Sung still is in love with her. You could move on, let go and still be in a way love with somebody else, Min Sung looks to be in love with her still in that way........which is why I am curious about Jun......I see in 7 minute preview that Cha Young gives Jun a meal with his name written on it so they become friends at some point, I guess...I hope that is all they become.

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  7. Kang and Cha Young are not childhood friends....they had met when they were young and Kang's genorosity and his mother's meal had profound effect on 'the starved to look good for tv debut' little girl. Its trope but not quite. Jun does look younger for eldest grandson then again Paul Rudd is 50 so good genes, I guess. So Cha Young merely escaped one ill fated love triangle to be thrownn into another one with Jun. How, we shall see...and yes, Cha Young really can't escape Kang even when she runs all the way to another side of the earth....might as well just see where it leads.

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  8. Watched both episodes...........so far loving it.......not overly complicated plot or conflict.......enough to fuel the drama and make an interesting story......I love Ha Ji Won and Yoon Kye Sang.....its a good human emotional journey story....not too mention the food....I hope somebody complies the food making here.......they are just lovely

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  9. It feels very bittersweet.......my issue isn't the ending and writer having ultimate control.......its that the characters we get very attached to will cease to exist as them....they will just be thrown into new roles......like Deo Hwa and so many others were not even in the new Manhwa.......people who used to be Dan Oh's friend don't even recognize her.......its just beyond sad to think of that

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  10. Spoiler

    I think the point here is if the writers put Dan Oh and Haru in a world together, they will always find one another...and the worst part is they can't escape his intent in broader sense....I guess that is why Jin Michae prefers not being recycled...It makes their struggle that much more painful and in a way useless in crude terms....its a terrible fate....I would imagine as two nameless extras they live their days happily together and will never be recycled past this story....that is the kindest thing the writer could give gift them


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  11. 1 hour ago, Jillia said:


    I mean I get it most definitely. She had two options: go with the storyline and like Nam Joo OR live two lives so to speak (being with Nam Joo on stage and being with Do Hwa in the shadow). I think in the end it was just not well-written? They pushed Nam Joo in this pitiful role to make him look equal to Joo Da which is a terrible approach to make Joo Da "like" him.


    In the end I can see it was fair of her to tell Do Hwa the truth, so he can move on as well and find someone (or let the writer draw a girl) who is meant for him and makes him happy.


    Maybe I just hoped for more fight in Joo Da. Plus the transition from last episode to this episode felt a bit abrupt. But that's probably because of the filming schedule and editing. :)

    Funny thing is, they will all just go into a limbo once it all ends so I don't know why Juda chose it that way....thete's no 'They lived happily ever after' in this setup which is cruel to every single one of them.

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  12. I think they did as much as possible to wrap things up to be honest...Baek Kyung's story could have made more impact if they hadn't lumped it all in the episode...webtoon did it better...But I still liked it...Dan Oh and Baek Kyung have history as friends who grew up together and lost people close to them while growing up...does that excuse Kyung's off screen/shadow behavior...in my eyes, No.....but Do I get where Dan Oh is coming from...yes....even if those memories were writers storyboard in action...their characters lived those...so I get why she still has warmth left in her when it comes to him, and could forgive and thank him. Juda and Doe Hwa too....It was a good way to end...trumpet Creeper needed more scenes though. 

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  13. 1 hour ago, celebrianna said:

    I hope you don’t mean that the way Haru treats Danoh is otherworldly. I know men who treat their wives very well and it’s because of their “beliefs” about how a man should love his wife.


    Indeed Haru and Danoh get along well so they hardly have conflict but when they did, I really don’t see the way Haru dealt with it as unrealistic. 

    I have not once said anything about how he behaves around Dan Oh or treats her. Both Doe Hwa and Haru are good examples of well behaved, respectful, kind people. But, as for Haru, I mean his entire world revolves around Eun Dan Oh.......in real life, show me one guy who has the luxury to do that. The way the society works, with the all the pressure we have placed on ourselves, it is rare to find somebody who just exists for their better half and nothing else. If that is not very out worldly then what is! I have seen men, amazing men who treat their wives, girlfriends just the way Deo Hwa and Haru does, supportive, kind, understanding, respect their partners but even they have disagreements, go through conflicts that are bound to happen.  We are not machines, we have a personalities, preferences, expectations that are bound to give rise to some difference. Dan Oh and Haru has not had to deal with any real conflicts that relate to real world....it mostly is around her life being shortened against her will and her being around a guy she does not mean to be around. So commenting on how well they'd match on real world is unfair.  Even in that context, Dan Oh feels real, she has family, friends, expectations from them and goals. Deo Hwa is like that as well, so is Ju Da. Again not Haru's fault, he was written that way and beyond having grown a will to find Dan Oh, be with her, treasure every moment with her, he almost has no other purpose. He is almost angelic in that way. That is what I meant. Baek Kyung and Nam Ju, I am less sympathetic to Baek Kyung because he has awareness and still chooses to be a toxic Alpha male sort of character. Nam Ju, I have no clue what would he be like if he was aware. Because we have had not many significant moments to give us glimpse into his real self. Even Sae Mi and So Chul have had times where they show what they are in reality are very different compared to how they behave in Stage. So hard to comment on Nam Ju. 

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