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Posts posted by zenya22

  1. 1 hour ago, Arajo81 said:

    May I add another perspective? No one is pinning the entire burden of the suicide on JP's shoulders but I don't think it was his finest moment. He asked a number of (fair) questions that Yongsan's brother was struggling to answer. While the CEO was obviously squirming, JP then insinuated he was a "fraud" by not doing his research properly and continued a line of blunt questioning after he already proved his point. 


    It's one thing to question a business model but humiliating someone and making personal attacks when someone is visibly crumbling was not necessary. The drama is pretty balanced because the sandbox director makes it clear that JP wasn't to blame. At the same time, it shows the unintended consequences of JP's harsh truths. JP is in a position of power over these entrepreneurs who have sacrificed a great deal to get there. Showing some human sensitivity, not making the questions personal and backing off when you've proven your point would have made a massive difference here.

    May I add another perspective? I understand that people will have different responses to criticism and yes, humiliating someone already struggling is unkind. JP may have learned that there are "unintended" consequences to his actions when he learned that YS brother committed suicide and maybe re-evaluating himself. But even if it was not JP who questioned YS brother and someone kinder, would it have made a difference as to YS brother's actions or response? Everyone gets humiliated or rejected and some in worse ways, in love, investments, relationships, work etc. but do not commit suicide. People deal with losses and failures in many different ways, in different time frames and one day pick up and move on. YS brother was unprepared to accept and deal with consequences that does not go his way. The reasons maybe the fear of losing, fear of failure, shame. In one of the brother's conversations, the brother told YS that he put everything he had and his money on the line for the success of his start up business. He put himself in a now or never situation with no contingencies. He was unable to cope with what if he did not succeed or win. The consequences of that suicide continues to reverberate through his brother YS, who is struggling to understand and still grieving, unable to cope. He now needs help. Would it have made a difference if someone else other than JP asked the questions? 



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  2. 40 minutes ago, Nymeria289 said:

    Do San has been problematic in terms of his impulse control for some time now. This fight with Ji Pyeong, his mentor and his colleague in a way was beyond unprofessional. I was horrified looking at my screen when he hit him first. He could go to jail, forget his dreams, Silicon valley he could go to jail. It would forever be on his record. Ji Pyeong could easily get out citing self defense. Remember when he went to meet In Jae's step father, he again had done something similar. I am not gonna excuse shitty behavior. Once is a mistake, twice or more is a pattern. He is doing business, Dal Mi doesn't need to be protected in professional space. He needs to be reliable and do things reaponsibly, without creating added problems. If you add how his father tried to subotage In Jae, yes not because of Do San but he butted in In Jae's professional demo session anyway...the optics for Do San isn't looking good. I held back on commenting on him but this is what I've felt for a while. Do San is excessively emotional and at times is volatile. Nobody wants an emotionally volatile employee in their team. Same goes for Yong San. He is even more messed up. 

    That is for real, you assault a mentor or another employee in a workplace for no good reason, you are done, fired and yes arrested if the one assaulted presses charges. What was that for anyhow? 

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  3. 4 hours ago, cmoirae2 said:

    Another thing I'd like to bring up is in one of DS's convo with Alex regarding their offer, he mentioned DS will be getting the equivalent of approx $300k per year which i think is quite high compensation for an entry level programmer (And perhaps this is the Silicon Valley rate but i highly doubt this is the case.

    Hmmmmm. Alex is a good businessman. I don't remember the conversation but may not have meant it as a starting salary, it could be that he meant that DS could move up to 300K after he had proven himself. They really need to read the fine print. They don't speak the language, it will take time for them to acclimate to the culture and the workplace. 

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  4. 10 hours ago, Nymeria289 said:

    wanted to beat RickRoll'D Young San and push him down that railing today....I really did. That boy needs to get off that moral high horse. I can't stand him at all. Ji Pyeong was right, hash words are needed at times. He is the biggest looser and whiny idiot that doesn't deserve what he got in my opinion. Do San, my god he is beyond immature. What was the point of that fight, to me it shows how he really is not who Dal Mi needs. Dal Mi needs solid emotional support, strong career advice. Ji Pyeong can still guide her but Do San has so much growing up to do before Dal Mi can rely on him. My God! As for, In Jae...in her short cameo appearance she once again showed her excellent skills as a business woman...not getting distracted, calmly handling the situation, coming clean to her mentor ...she did things right in 5 minutes she got today. Dal Mi could be helpful to her but we'll see next episode if she does get hired though. I am also glad Ji Pyeong honestly told Yong San the truth, that idiot needs to stop blaming Ji Pyeong for the death. I am glad he held his ground. I would sue for libel too but I will take it. 

    Just wanted to say, I totally agree with all of what you said. Cheering for the reconciliation of the sisters. Yong San says that he joined the team because he wanted to prove JP wrong when JP said that the record for success in the companies he did not invest in were 0. In other words JP did not invest in start ups or in companies that did not show growth or value. And that is what most successful investors do. Imagine Warren Buffet making an investment in a losing company? Granted that Yong San has not gotten over the grief of losing his brother but lashing out and blaming others does not make it better. If he were to interview for a job, and told the interviewer what he said to Dosan, that his interest in interviewing for the job is to show off to JP who rejected them initially that JP is wrong about them or more specifically him. He will not be getting a call back from the company. He just told the interviewer that he has an ax to grind and has no interest in the company. He just proved himself as not a team player he only is thinking about himself and what is good for him (his ego). He is not batting for the team, he is batting for himself. He just showed that when he prevented JP from calling DS to tell them not to sign the contract until he reads it. Then when he is found out, he starts a rant about his brother blaming it on JP. That is someone DS or Alex do not need on the team. Clearly, YS needs counseling. He is still in the throes of grief and blame at the suicide of his brother. He will do what he thinks is good for his plan to "show him". Contrary to what he thinks, he is replaceable because his attitude will not get him anywhere of "showing him". He must learn to accept that his brother was troubled emotionally and had nothing to do with JP because even if it was other than JP who rejected the brother and less harshly, the brother would have still killed himself. That is something that YS should be thinking about the real reason why his brother committed suicide then get counseling for himself. 


  5. 2 hours ago, D27Gjk68 said:

    I'm pretty sure they only wrote letters for 1 year until JP left Grandma's.  Why do you think they wrote the letters for 13 years?

    Did they not just meet at the place where they posted letters lately as in the 10th episode? Even if it was 1 year of letter writing, something connected there especially for DM to not forget the letter writer and after all is said and done, it is DM's call.

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  6. 20 hours ago, philosophie said:

    I have seen comment here or on the episodes discussion area, they best described it that JP is DMs soul mate. When reading the letters, DS didn’t understand them like JP did,

    I agree. Being a letter writer and a recipient of letters as well as poetry myself, I know what you mean. There is something psychologically advantageous and beneficial to picking up a pen and writing personal messages. It connects the brain and heart to distinctly express what the letter writer feels. And 13 years of writing letters is a long time of intimate and personal connection. Whatever they wrote in those letters made them feel banded. That is something that you can't just discard. Even if JP lied, DM or anyone in place of DM will be wanting to talk to JP and ask for clarification especially when he is such a brilliant and nice guy. For DM as I wrote in an earlier post, DS would seem like the guy outside of the window who looked in. Like you said, when reading the letters, DS did not understand them like JP did. 


    14 hours ago, peachfuzz said:

    Episode 11 was absurdly frustrating! I felt absolutely terrible for HJP. When Dal Mi called him and he was on the verge of crying the whole conversation, I felt my heart breaking into a thousand pieces.... I understand Yong San’s anger, I do. If I were the recipient of HJP’s scathing words of advice, I’d feel pretty hurt, too. It definitely wouldn’t hurt for HJP to change his tone/delivery, but if you look beyond his ruthless tone, his advice is solid. He knows what he’s doing! He always catches weaknesses and mistakes and does his absolute best to push each CEO/company to success. Again, I do wish for him to be a little more gentle (firm but a little kinder?), but I hope he doesn’t blame himself too much for everything he’s done so far. Like Dal Mi said, Samsan Tech would not have been able to get so far without HJP’s mentorship and expertise

    HJP was doing what he is supposed to do and there are people who express their opinions on interviews harsher than he did. Rejection is a part of life from the moment we were born and how we handle rejection says a lot about ourselves. Sometimes it is rejection that propels us to be stronger and move on to better decisions and lives. Yong San blaming HJP for killing his brother is wrong. His brother made the decision to kill himself. No one else did because he can't take rejection and his perception of the results of that rejection. We do not have any control of what others think, say or do only of ourselves. YS brother did not know that but HJP did as he has been self sufficient all his life. Maybe HJP will reconsider how he tells people of his recommendations or admonitions but sometimes one has to say things in straight forward way for them to get it. While HJP was harshly questioning, some people would be taking notes about what he was saying and even would want him to mentor. It is all in the mind.


    In Jae is lucky to not have partnered with Alex and Alex knows that she is a seasoned business woman who will read the fine print unlike DS and his team. That is maybe why he did not pick her. And HJP is right who would lay 3 billion for start up company? Sometimes start up would try to go public to raise money and they die there when they are unable to prove that they can make more money for those who are sponsoring them with money. First they have to prove that they can make money in order to get money. So, when someone just comes in and lays 3 bill for unproven product that may not raise money for the investor is death knell for that startup. So what is Alex trying to do is the question. I think he is buying the company and put it under his name. Once the company is bought, he can fire everyone else except DS and use DS talents to make money off his ideas. In other words, Alex will use DS as his cash cow.

    10 hours ago, Nymeria289 said:

    Also, writers in kdramas need to stop casually throwing suicide into dramas as some banal plot device...they are almost always crass in addressing mental health issues and utterly out of their death and can never deliver the message that is essential

    Agree. Putting suicide as a plot devise to blame a death on someone else is crass and senseless. It does not give any credence to the story. 

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  7. On 11/16/2020 at 11:51 PM, marshemell0ws said:

    I hate that I agree with this! I was so shocked with the character development. JP's sudden semi-obsessiveness and outrage over why he can't be the one threw me for a loop. It was a bit dramatic and unnecessary in my opinion. I was so confused as to why he suddenly felt so angry. As for DS, gosh, I feel like there has been little to no development over the past episodes. He's still the shy, awkward, low-self esteem boy. I mean, sure, he semi-stood up for DM in some instances, but when he broke the name plate/glass for DM's step dad, I thought it was such a dumb move. Goes back to why I still don't ship him with DM. I felt that it was so irresponsible of him to do that - JP on the other hand, has been helping DM grow as an entrepreneur.


    I still don't understand why DS is the main lead when JP is not. Everything JP does screams main lead for me - caring for the FL, helping her grow, etc. I mean, it's the little things that get me too! He's always there for her in her most vulnerable state - by helping her revise her script for the presentation, stirring the noodles for her, getting water for her, MAN, it screams main lead to me on so many levels

    I agree. Why are all the characters suddenly made so unlikable? And why are the friends of Dosan who benefited from JP's help are now behaving like hoodlums and are treating JP as if he is the monster because JP also likes the girl their friend is dating? If not for JP they will still be in that grungy hut they call their office scratching their gullible heads and victims of "idea" thieves. They can root for Dosan but they don't have the right to physically block JP from discussing business with DM and DS especially when they too are beneficiaries. They can raise their objections with Dalmi regarding JP's business proposals but to physically bar him are actions of bullies. DM and DS for that matter can make up their own minds.


    DM has to be curious about the writer of the letters. She anticipated receiving and reading those letters that deeply influenced her views and gave meaning to her life otherwise she would not have kept those letters. Do not underestimate the power of the pen especially when it is hand written and not typed. It is a chance for both writers to express themselves caringly in sharing, and thanksgiving. She started to like Do San because she thought he was the one who wrote those letters. I don't blame her for being angry and confused because those letters were profoundly special to her as well as to JP. JP is very private but he wrote those letters incognito hiding under an assumed name and was free to express himself thinking that he would not be unmasked and what he wrote reveals a lot about himself. He never thought that he would someday meet DM and be attracted to her. That has shaken his defenses and the armor of privacy he built around himself. It seems at the end of the last episode that JP will turn into a shady unlovable guy? Why? So Dalmi would select the "nice guy" and reject the bad guy and DS claim the girl as the lead? What fun is there in that? Why not let Dalmi speak for herself and let the men have a fair competition without making one the bad guy?


    DS breaks his connection with JP and will get support from the guy from San Francisco, Alex. That decision was also influenced by DS father who is hiding from the union members he led in protests, because the father thought that would ruin his son's future. I think DS accepting the proposal from the Alex maybe a wiser decision after weighing all that matters. It is a step in his professional and personal growth. He was asked by JP for help and he went to that first meeting with DM not knowing how that decision and action will roll. Now, all of them will face the consequences of that lie and how they face it will reveal what stock they are made of.


    It is a bit late for JP to reveal his feelings after the "lie" was discovered because DM was already dating the man she thought wrote those letters. But in order to get clarity and resolution for all, everything needs to be revealed. I just hope all the characters will have a good resolution even if they don't get what they want. JP is a mature and a good man. I think he is strong enough to accept the consequence of the lie even if it is giving up his feelings for DS and move on as he always did facing challenges along the way. He will still be member of Grandma's family. DM needs time to deal with her feelings too. She must have revealed much of herself in those letters and the man she was falling in love with whom she thought wrote those letters is not the letter writer but pretended to be. She must feel as if DS was the outsider that looked in and moved in without permission. But after the emotional recriminations has passed, she is the one who gets to decide the end game. 


    The older sister IJ, in the meantime remains the sorest loser of all. If she had gracefully conceded that she is not the origin of the "swing" idea but praised the the idea as creative and smart, she would come out as a winner but falsely claiming an intellectual idea as hers makes her a thief and a fake. I was hoping her character would  change and become more caring older sister and as well as a talented and empathic professional. Ahhh well.


    The one character who stayed level headed, smart, pretty and funny is Jung Ha. She does her job well and dishes some pretty good advise. 

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  8. 12 hours ago, Amat Oji said:

    won in jae needs more screentime and backstory. people already misunderstanding about him. the main lead not just 3 of them. writer just so lazy to develop her character and wasting kang hanna's acting skill. i am richardsimmons really don't care about ship war stuff.

    HI, first time posting in this drama although I have followed the drama and the posts. I do agree that Injae needs more of a story. I find her story has more drama in it. When she chose to live with her mom during the divorce, she had dreams of a better life. She did not realize then what it would cost her. Both her parents, her mom and her stepfather use her and see her and her talents not as a blessing but as someone who owes them. They act like they (mom and stepfather) are her debtors. After she earned her degrees and what she thought would be a cushy job at the company, it is time for payback. Mom uses her as the means to keep her credit card, and stepfather uses her as the talented employee to advance his projects in his company but does not and will never acknowledge her achievements. Instead the father gives the credit to his biological son and blames Injae for wrong decisions or outcomes even if the son was the one who made the erroneous judgements and choices that cost the company losses in money and reputation. Injae is a "girl" after all and not blood related. So, I see Injae at the losing end despite all the privelege of a university education and work experience because she lost in having a loving family relationship. Injae looks confident and self assured on the outside but is very lonely, defensive and sad inside. I think that in her heart, she truly wishes to have someone love her unconditionally for who she is, the way grandma loves. Right now, she has no emotional support and arms herself with defenses which she has probably been doing since she and mom moved to the stepfather's house. I would love for Injae to realize that a loving relationship is a drive away from grandma's kiosk. I would like to see a reunion with grandma where Injae breaks down all her defenses, prejudices, pride and lets grandma, heal her wounds and welcomes her back to the fold. Both Dal Mi and Injae can work together or establish their own companies and they can compete too. After all competition is the juice of business it can spur the making of better products and efficiency in the work process. I would not mind if Jip Yeong and Injae will start noticing each other and develop a friendship that could lead to partnership in business and life. They have a lot in common. They are both defensive about their personal lives and loners, both talented business executives, Injae is thorny and emotionally defensive, but Jip Yeong's defenses are easier to melt. He learned a lot about love and family from grandma. Behind the cold exterior I see Injae as a passionate woman who can give the best of herself if given the chance and support and JP is the perfect person to do just that. At the same time Jip Yeong will be able to realize that writing those letters long ago were an act of compassion for another in need, and move on with the help of In Jae. 

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  9. I just binged watched this drama and finished it overnight. I loved it. I love how they portrayed the strength of women working cooperatively as a team. The team they built were supportive of each other. For the first time in a drama, I watched two women who were romantically interested in the same man who did not pull each others hair or try to gouge each others eyes. Instead they acted intelligently and while they acknowledged that they were interested in the same man, they were still supportive of the other and worked together as a team. This drama was so much fun to watch. For me, it was like LL, I love that drama too. LL though was about redressing the past to make things right in the present peppered with lots of action/martial arts and of course romance. Hyena is about addressing and correcting the present wrongs in the system. Each character had a past that influenced how they lived and progressed in their present lives and their interactions with others. Therein lies the bad versus good drama. Team Hyena!!!!:thumbsup:




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  10. On 6/24/2020 at 2:48 PM, starwater0 said:

    This thread needs more love!!! Seo Yeji is killing it in her new drama!! She's garnering more and more fans by the day :blush:

    She deserves it!!! Girl is eating up the character  Ko MoonYoung. Her acting is amazingggg


    I agree. Seo Ye Ji is the perfect choice for the drama. Her facial expressions and her voice are so on point. And the drama is mesmerizing with many nerve wracking intrigues. Seo Ye Ji is killing it. The writer of the drama is really good and so is the directing. I love the pairing with KSH. They look good together. Good for you SYJ. You are worth the wait!!!

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  11. I have been waiting for Seo Ye Ji's next project since Lawless Lawyer and I am so happy to find her in Netflix It Is "Okay Not To Be Okay". It only featured 4 episodes but the drama thread is already filling fast with drama posts. I am so happy. She looks so glamorous in the drama and her acting is top notch. She portrays the character so realistically with all the character's complexity. She is so good and she looks good with the male lead. Atta girl .... the wait is worth the while 

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  12. 1 hour ago, fauna said:

    The eating ramen double entendre is certainly overused. I’m glad they didn’t use that  trope. Instead, RG tried to please her and her parents by eating the kimbap well, and made her smile by choking on the super spicy one that happens to be her favorite. I also liked the scene when she dropped the kimbap on him, leading to him teasing her about how many times she has ruined his clothes, and bickering over their chopstick skills (American vs. Korean). It all feels so natural, organic, and so cute. They feel so much like a real couple, doing real couple things, not two actors going through the motions.

    Also when they went into her house where they made dumpling soup together and there was lot of smooching and playing around with flour before sitting down to share the fruits of their labor, then Ryan offered to make the seaweed soup on her birthday and once in his apartment he asked her what she wanted to eat and she answered "pasta made by you". I could also say that they bonded over a latte drink spiked with coffee because before that they at loggerheads with each other. It was after Ryan ended in the hospital that they agreed to work together. hahah

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  13. Image result for images of her private life drama cast


    Ahhhhh, a very cute BTS, two beautiful people, Gun Woo is too cute 


    Image result for images of her private life drama cast

    supposed to be a pretend date, but they already looked like they belonged together but did not know it yet and sharing the cotton candy was just the start 


    Image result for images of her private life drama cast

    goading the Lion for picture taking with the lions... she has always been genuinely bubbly 




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  14. On 6/30/2019 at 4:49 PM, niharika111 said:

    Second leads move on with their lives

    I think this is one of the best reasons why HPL is not the typical rom/com drama. The drama included social issues, acceptance of others' life choices and life preferences in a very classy way through Ryan, Deok Mi and the mothers. Ryan including the writer's collection of the writer"s best friend's photographs in the art exhibition and giving chances to artists from all cultures to participate. The  2nd leads causing misunderstandings because of jealousies was used as a plot device to give growth to the 2nd leads and enhance their relationships with their love interests. Da In and Eun GI accepting the choices of their best friends/love interests and become better friends as they move on with their lives, Cindy/Yoo Jin giving up on competing with SNG and using that fangirling energy creatively in her given assignment at work, Director EOM accepting and understanding her daughter's life choices and acknowledging her talents. The single mothers coped with the choices they made even as they emotionally struggled with their choices . These were all social issues that the story telling presented which the characters dealt with maturely through their hardships because they talked about it. In short as @faunastated 

    On 6/30/2019 at 1:35 PM, fauna said:

    Zero Noble Idioc


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  15. 1 hour ago, Ma. Corazon Garcia said:

    Hi Guys, I would like to ask, who's the leading lady you would like to be paired with our sexy KJW if ever, and what drama genre? (He's the lead of course!)


    I would like to see him with Jung So Min and Suzy Bea

    I would like to see him with Seo Ye Ji in a heist/action drama. I loved her in Lawless Lawyer  action filled drama as the butt kicking female lead and since they had starred in Another Way would like to see them paired together in a drama too. He did a bit of action as police officer in the first episode of Who Are You and he was good even if it was only in the first episode. 

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  16. On 6/27/2019 at 7:20 AM, mushforbrains said:

    I'm not sure where to post this anymore... but rewatching the series...I like how they portray the women as an active participant in the relationship... a n perhaps even the stronger of the two...

    And to show that women have desire...

    Thought it was funny that DM's mom. was trying to lock dm n RG in a room...lol...

    No false modesty here

    This is discussion about the drama itself, so you can post on this thread. About the actors themselves can be posted on their threads. Please keep writing any new observations or what you like about the series on your rewatch. I come here now and then to read the thread. Only 6 pages to 300. 

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  17. Episode 6 rewatch: After coming back from their countryside jaunt both Ryan and DM can't sleep. They were both at their computers, Ryan looking at SNG's blog and comparing DM's posts with her entry and drawings in her diary and her penmanship and confirmed for himself that DM is SNG. On the other hand, DM loaded the pictures she took of Ryan at her computer and keeps remembering their conversations while looking at the images of Ryan and unable to sleep. Funny how the following day, Ryan invited SA to the gallery and was amused at the fangirling of the staff including DM. Love how they both made up stories of how they met and fell in love that was based on their real meetings which was contradictory to their stories. DM's taking home a drunk Ryan who held onto her hands and DM singing for him to disclose the secret key to his apartment and him tumbling them down to his bed. The following day was the other time that Ryan lost his temper and his cool with DM when she went to his apartment without giving him notice because of a leak and was found by Ryan at the studio room where Ryan also stored his secrets. Ryan lost his cool and said some very hurtful things to DM. Ryan realized that his lashing out was hurtful and may lose the one friend he had ever been close to in the short time he was in SK. He went to look for her and to apologize ending with the thumb kiss. 


    Episode 7 rewatch: Ryan ending at DM's parents house being pushed together at her bedroom which is now EG's room and getting to know more of each other by talking about art and more apologies from Ryan. The best of the episode though was the fangirling at Si An's fanmeeting event. DM attended geared in her fangirl attire including her mask and cap and Ryan attending the event which surprised and delighted DM who started taking the sexiest pictures of Ryan that she forgot to take pictures of SA. Ryan also saved Sinagil from being discovered by Cindy. At this time both were already aware of their growing feelings for the other. Again the episode ended with a very provocative and seductive kiss but only in DM's imagination. Little did she know how affected Ryan was too of her accidentally falling on him. 


    What was funny though about those cliffhanger no kiss kisses were the pages of discussions, debates and scrutiny of the kisses. The thumb kiss in 6 ending and beginning of ep 7 where the CSI in the drama were able to see that it was a thumb kiss because Ryan saw Cindy stalking and taking pictures of them. How the thread posters who saw the thumb cheered when their predictions were confirmed the following episode where the BTS was scanned unceasingly to confirm whether it was a thumb or not and the kiss in the ending of episode 7 and beginning of ep 8 where the faithful of HPL voiced frustrations that it was the imagination of DM and many BTS viewing and discussion whether the kiss was yet another foil or not and scrutiny of the kiss itself including a discussion of a tongue, even using a magnifier to see the non existent tongue. That was what was also enjoyable about the thread were the enthusiasm of the soompiers to be silly, funny and serious and artful. 


    Image result for pictures of her private life kisses

    Thumb kiss


    Image result for pictures of her private life kisses

    Imaginary kiss 

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  18. Image result for secret love affair drama photos


    Here for a visit after a rewatch in Netflix. I love this drama 

    When they ran away to the country and at bedtime, HW told SJ about her life in NYC. It is the same thing as her life in SK, she was a student had a job as a teaching assistant and also an assistant to Young Woo. She talked about waiting for YW at a cafe near the Grand Station and listening to Piano Man. I cried for them. Before they went to the country, SJ had tried to convince HW to give up everything, and start over but HW just did not even listen and left him. The next day she cried her heart out while talking to her friend in her car. She then went to the little eatery by SJ's house where SJ found her and then they took a bus to the country. When they came back from the country, it was SJ's turn to cry. I did not cry when I first watched, but this time I cried especially when they were listening to the song of the Piano Man. 


    Image result for secret love affair drama photos

    Another fave when they were watching the recording of SJ's performance. Holding hands. laughing and smiling can feel the love. I agree that the imprisonment of HW was not the end, that the son in law will not get what he wants because of the evidence the prosecutor obtained from HW. I imagine my ending as HW given merciful release or early parole and leave prison in a few months. SJ will be performing somewhere in the world and she will meet him and the end.... 


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