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Posts posted by marinated_lemon

  1. I guess it's because I draw, the image he posted on his ig strucked me more than the caption. Learning that the caption was a lyrics,  I then searched for the song.  But when I listened to it,  it doesnt sound like sth he would be singing.  So I wondered if any of his fans asked for that particular song.

    The one thing that doesnt change,  however, is the image of a rectangular window showing a man holding a rose. How sweet is that? I have been searching the internet if such image has meaning I do not aware of (for instance,  if it's a cover of a cd or sth),  and for analysis in general,  but nada. I am actually happy that it's not a cd cover or sth. It only means that... * squeee * seriously.  I hope we can hear good news (certain announcement,  perhaps?) soon! 

    • Like 6
  2. 4 minutes ago, tucituci said:

    Im........not gonna comment on his IG post for now, until i know why or to whom he posted that (spare my timid heart and guts lol)


    It just occured to me that the song might be one of the songs he's studying (In his previous ig post,  he did say that he said he will sing during fan meeting). This is just a guess though, apart from the usual guess that he's actually lovesick. :P

    • Like 6
  3. 4 minutes ago, lovely_skham said:


    Translated "The flower blooms only when you love, To bloom a million roses, The Love's rose that blooms only when you love honestly ......" 

    Lyrics to the song "A Million Roses"

    Cr: IG ActorJongsuk

    Im not gonna say it has anything to do with HHJ but it does melt my heart he listens to romantic songs at 4am and he just had to post it :wub:

    Listening to love song at these hour, write it down on IG does say something about his feelings. :wub: We all know that people who do that are usually have trouble sleeping thinking of someone... Hahaha

    • Like 12
  4. From the way mbc behaves,  I guess mbc just wants to campaign and protect its show. Ljs and hhj's lovey dovey behavior towards one another might be accepted with open arms (like we do here),  but some other fans might also accept it with cold heart and make the drama suffer.

    This is just my guess though. Please kindly correct me if im wrong. 

    Lovey dovey including all intriguing stares,  l guess. Ljs is widely reported as a warm person,  so i guess they didnt take away vids with him touching hhj's hair or grabbing her hand,  but they take away the glances since it's more....suspicious. Hahaha. I dunno.  It sounds crazy for me. mbc is just being randomly protective,  i think. 

    • Like 10
  5. Just so you know,  @starfield you are awesome! How did you find such tidbits!??  I am in awe.

    I wonder how HHJ think about LJS though.  Is he somewhere near her ideal type?? I thought HHJ was a tomboy and prefer manly man. LJS look more manly in W,  compared to his other projects. This was what worries me. But they seem to click like 2 pieces of puzzle.  This is what puzzled me though.  Sorry for rambling. 

    • Like 7
  6. I agree with you,  @little bunny

    I read it somewhere,  HHJ doesn't  do aegyo. But here on W bts,  she does that when she's with LJS.  They look like kids,  really. So much fun to watch. So I thought,  they must have been so comfortable with each other to be able to do that, they must have been close. 

    I ship them,  yes I do. But in my opinion, to know what's really going on between them, it might take few more months. When W is over, perhaps. But for now,  I will just enjoy the ride.  Their cute,  warm n fuzzy bts wont hurt. Super adorable,  these two! 

    • Like 16
  7. I am glad that this forum has level headed members who keep reminding us that it is still the idol's free will to date or not to date and that we as cheerleaders should remember our place as audience. 

    We may prefer them to date certain people,  but ultimately it's their choice to find happiness and we as loving paren...I mean,  fans,  should support them nevertheless. We become fans because of their good work,  right... not because of who they are dating or not dating. W is wonderful show.  I laugh,  I cry,  I cringe,  I swoon,  I become afraid of my own drawing tablet because of this movie.  So.... That's that. If I start to demand them to date certain someone,  or forbid them,   that's the point where I become officially crazy and I hope I will not reach that point for my own good. Besides,  happiness starts with acceptance,  right?

    I truly wish HHJ and LJS to be happy,  so that thy can keep on the good work. 

    But of course,  seeing the BTS make me swoon as well. ;) I'm looking forward for it every single week. The way they behave towards one another is so joyful to watch. It makes me happy seeing them happy. 

    • Like 8
  8. Key takeaway is that HHJ sees LJS as equal. From the interview, it seems that she admires him for being mature/manly/rational/or shall I say...balanced?

    I like this point so much, since she also seem to be making effort to be younger for W, since her co star is younger. (change hairstyle, be lighter, and i heard she doesnt do aegyo, but she does aegyo with LJS, effortlessly. They both do. She even danced when she's tensed!).

    ........ my head hurts. It seems to me that they both be adults and toddlers on the same time. But it's good to know that they have fun AND it is good to know that she sees her as a man (and not a boy. From the interview, it seems like it surprises her as well that there is such a thing as someone so young but also as manly, that she feels like that age difference is gone -just like in the drama, age difference is gone just like how that glass that separate real world and manhworld breaks, perhaps?).

    • Like 8
  9. Oh @wildaffairs how I looove your explanation! He may be touchy to other people too,  but the way they look at each other says a lot about how close they are for real.

    More often,  I saw that HHJ tries to keep business as business during business hour (she tries to look at other direction when LJS stare at her that way and seem to be dazed.  For example,  during night time poster photoshoot),  but LJS,  perhaps being a warm person as he's always been, cant help but letting himself be, and staring her her,  touching her,  caring for her,  etc. (oot,  but I can imagine that his mom must have loved him so very much,  for a man to be this gentle and caring!). 

    I saw his bts with Soo Hee character on the swing.  He's also touchy,  all smiling and playful,  but something is different when you try to recall how he is when he's with HHJ. I dont know how to explain it myself. With HHJ,  it feels deeper,  if that makes sense. 

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  10. I didnt realize that he touched her head that many times. They must be very close to be able to do that casually, with a really warm smile (you know, a smile that says "how cuuuuteeee" or even "i really care for you") in front of that many people. One possibility is that he really sees her as a noona. The other possibility is that they really like each other a lot, and that they turn into two toddlers everytime they're together. It's comforting, really, knowing your noona is placing herself as your equal (even as dongsaeng), thus making way for the dongsaeng to feel more at ease, and ultimately be more manly. This is just my thought, though.

    During W presscon, when the casts were answering questions from netizen, they asked them who are the most romantic couple on the set, and they all agree it was HHJ and LJS, in which LJS responded in cool manner. You can check this out in youtube, I think. Pls correct me if I'm wrong. https://youtu.be/dYKDCGVG4ns

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