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Posts posted by xxPeepsxx

  1. Did I ever put this here? Episode 129 recap here: https://varietyrecaps.wordpress.com/

    I know there's lots of discussion regarding Yoon SiYoon joining 1 Night 2 Days versus keeping it with 5 members as it is and I just wanted to put my own opinion out there.

    I LIKE SiYoon joining 1 Night and I'm not a fangirl of his. He was such a breath of fresh air with his optimism and laughter and general go-get-it attitude. I know that some prefer the laid-back, casual, easy vibe of the original team, but I think it was a good idea to insert an extra pop of unpredictable vitality into that mixture of lazy bums that we love, haha. I mean, they still can whine and complain and joke and sabotage, but with SiYoon in the mix, we get to compare their whines to his just-do-it attitude. You have no idea how utterly refreshing it was for me to see him just jump into the water without any fuss after hearing JunHo's very, very long "I can't do it!" And then to see it happen again with Defconn in rapid succession, whoa! If DongGu weren't there, the effect would have been really understated to see just Defconn plunge into the water and then... nothing. The end. (And I love seeing JunHo flustered and DongGu makes him flustered, heh.)

    Some people do feel like he's pushing or forcing it too much, but I think that's just him being himself and not necessarily forcing anything. Sometimes we're crazy happy and sometimes we're just blank (like DongGu was in the recent episode) and I think I'd rather watch people be people like that rather than just see one character on screen all the time.

    To be fair to DongGu, TaeHyun isn't one who brings laughter with his stunts either. Yet, he's such an important part of the cast just because he keeps laughing in the background, providing the reactions. Gutaeng held back a lot of times too, and still he was our lovable grandpa that we still miss. Defconn... lol, Defconn. Remember the first few episodes? DongGu seems to be someone whose variety persona and place fits somewhere in between the three and because 1 Night 2 Days is a group driven variety, I think he's doing and will do pretty well there. 

    With regards to Yoo IlYong PD, there's a sudden shift in tone in the show that many are reacting to because Yoo IlYong is the awkward dad with his dad jokes (and it shows in the activities he plans for our guys) while Yoo HoJin was the cheeky bastard who pulls your pigtails but still loves you all the same. That's the thing, I think, that gets people's goat because not everyone warms to Dad jokes and frankly, Dad jokes just aren't fun, ha...

    Another problem is the editing. He going all out, throwing in random music clips and repeating funny scenes past their moment. He's doing too many things when he should be checking them against the flow of the show and inserting them when the climax hits and removing anything that drags. The editing's kind of awkward but nothing that I don't believe Yoo HoJin can't teach and help with.

    • Like 11
  2. DongGu, DongGu, Yoon DongGu. He's such an inspiration (and basically that comes off the best because he had the best oratory skills, heh). I think I loved this episode the most out off all the episodes with this new group.

    Anyway, episode 128 recaps here:  https://varietyrecaps.wordpress.com/

    4 minutes ago, calypso73 said:

    Kim Junho is a pleasant surprise because I can tell how he has warmed up to YSY despite initially having the most misgivings in the group with residual feelings of missing gutaeng hyung. He teases Dongguya a lot but he also looks after him, making sure to feed him (ramyun speed meal during the cruise trip), to acknowledging him in gesture when he does well and now to actually congratulating him after his talk


    Actually, I think credit goes to Yoo HoJin PD for this, for making him pair up with DongGu on the "luxury cruise" trip. The pairings for that episode were really well thought out - JongMin and JoonYoung had been experiencing some awkwardness between them and JunHo was the most flustered and uncomfortable by DongGu. TaeHyun and Defconn basically had no problems with anyone and therefore were paired, hur.

    • Like 14
  3. 2 hours ago, kjmcth said:

    you all been fooled again .. when though /write abt pd leaving .. (i not  believe that  news so not talked abt pd leaving ) 


    Did you catch the reason for him leaving? I watched it live but I didn't and I'm freaking out here because I didn't even know there was a different PD during their next shooting!

    Why is there a different PD?


    Edit: Oh, just watched the episode again. I just wanted to go on a break to recuperate. Lol...

    • Like 5
  4. 1 hour ago, montanari said:

    Dong Gu looked surprised and flustered that JJY suddenly back hug him lol. I guess he didn't expect JJY is that free with skinship when it's the first time they met that day. But that's how JJY is. :P


    I think it's that and a mixture of shock at him getting the answer right. Because he just threw anything out at that and didn't expect it to be right.


    Also, I'll get a recap up by tomorrow! Please wait for it! :D

    • Like 11































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    "Currently, there are no specific guidelines as to what websites will be covered by this new regulation."
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    If they are to ban JYJ for simply being JYJ, I will have their heads off. See what happens if you ban "Tarantallegra".
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    But on a more serious note, SERIOUSLY?? Have they ever heard of people actually displaying the undesired behaviour even MORE when deprived of something? If you're just going to keep telling someone NOT to do something, he or she might actually become curious enough to PURPOSELY do it and so while you're banning all these actually harmless videos (really? you call that graphic? I have read fanfics that are more graphic and actually prior to those fanfics, I had no idea what that 'humping the floor' dance move actually connotated.), kids can be finding ways to find out what is this curious thing that is making all the adults go gaga.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Protecting your kid ISN'T about blocking everything. It's about making him or her UNDERSTAND and so allow them to make sound judgements. Sex-Ed, Korea, just teach them. Also, kids can be really innocent and actually have no idea about what you are trying to "protect" them from, which actually just results in you wasting your time, since either way, the kids would be clueless.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ha ha ha ha ha!!! So true. Yeah, the older generation of Asians tend to be a little loud, through there are (As usual) always exceptions to the rule. For example, my mom talks on the phone as though the person on the other line is deaf while my dad on the other hand mumbles and assumes that I have supersonic hearing.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Females do tend to be a little louder than males, from what I've seen.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    About mothers shouting for their kid's names in shopping malls, I've found out that it's just because that Asian parents are more protective of and thus anxious about their kids. Must be confusianism...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I don't really think that this is a very uniquely Asian phenomenen though. I've heard loud westerners...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    To me, the louder a person is, the closer the speaker is to the listener. That's what I've observed anyway.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So at gatherings, bring ear plugs.

































































































































































































































































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