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Posts posted by nightskye

  1. I believe they’ve already released news articles about the nominees as well - TV show nominees on top and film nominees at the bottom! ^_^



    @TotoroSY I believe TWOTM was not nominated for best drama as it is still airing and it would be unfair to award a show that hasn’t even finished it’s run (excluding the best actress nom). It still may win the Daesang since those nominees are not publicly posted but that’s still debatable. I don’t really know why the lead actor of the show wasn’t nominated but it might just be due to screen time. Either way, we’re gunning for HB, SYJ and CLOY to win so let’s focus on that and be grateful that they’re nominated ♡ 

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  2. First of all, THANK YOU to everyone who put an end to the DM nonsense. This thread keeps being filled up with people asking others for DMs when they could literally just click to someone’s profile and ask them personally. Having over 500 pages and 10,000 replies on a shipping thread doesn’t really mean anything when half of those pages are just filled with “DM me plz” and other nonsense posts. Please have some respect for the other people in this thread and follow Soompi’s guidelines - there is a word minimum requirement on posts to curtail this sort of occurrence and many of you break it on a daily basis.


    7 hours ago, cgb1108 said:

    Is there really going to be a Crash Landing on You Season 2 ???!!  I've seen two different articles about this & I really don't know if both stars will agree to a sequel and where the story can go ... :phew:

    Netflix seems to be keen on the idea since it's been a highly-rated drama & wants  to fashion it after Kingdom, which will have a Season 3.


    If I were to estimate the chances of having a season two of CLOY, I’d say it was about 2%. LOL. Kdramas pretty much never have more than one season, plus CLOY already had a fairly satisfactory ending when considering all the political controversy surrounding it. Remember when we all thought SYJ had a baby bump underneath her dress in some of the behind the scene photos, the ones with outfits that weren’t shown in the drama? Well,  there was a picture of the two young Seris (baby and young girl Seri) and apparently they were sitting with another baby too - which MIGHT have been RJH and YSR’s baby. No one knows for sure, of course, and she might just be one of the possible candidates for baby Seri but it is notable nonetheless, especially considering the cast took photos with her. I know the “2-weeks in Switzerland” ending makes it impossible for such a young baby to be a part of the story but it’s always nice to hope, right? Sigh.


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  3. 21 minutes ago, Kezianrnd said:

    Is it allowed to even post something here that can potentially hurts us and leads us to unnecessary overthinking? As i saw one post from one IG page,posted 3 days ago, and its video captured by fancam, showing HB with his RJH haircut (means its recent), and he was with his entourage, but next to him there was one girl with winter jacket and stuff..and i am afraid its not our Jinnie. I hope she is only one of his staff. :(((((((


    Did someone also seen it? 

    An incredibly problematic (and frankly annoying) recurring topic on this thread always seems to be bringing up random, unverified and unrelated blind items to instigate controversy. There is literally no proof of what you’ve said and even if you post the IG pic you mentioned, it won’t do anyone any good to see or discuss it. Just because HB was seen with a woman who isn’t YJ doesn’t meant squat - by all official purposes, they shouldn’t even be hanging out publicly. It could be a VAST employee, makeup artist, stylist, random staff member; literally anyone! A lot of us on here have already asked this thread’s members to not post stuff like this so if you haven’t read that message already, I hope you understand it now. This is a positive space for shippers, not paranoia central that thrives on hate and delusion. 

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  4. I don’t believe this has been mentioned before but it’s pretty interesting - SYJ was spotted at Baeksang 2019! Not in person - LOL - but in two clips from Jannabi’s performance at the awards, where you can also see HB in the audience. If I’m correct, they used clips from YJ’s movies “White Night” and “The Classic” (in that order) to match the emotional nature of the song; both movies (especially the former) are pretty melancholy and YJ’s performance in both was acclaimed. For those who are curious why YJ wasn’t present at the awards, I believe her 2018 drama “Pretty Noona” missed the deadline to be nominated so she didn’t attend, but correct me if I’m wrong! And yes, KNG is mentioned in the tweet but let’s just ignore that because I can’t edit it. 

    For this year’s Baeksang, here’s to hoping that:


    a) both of them are nominated for their respective awards along with CLOY;


    b) they BOTH confirm their attendance; and


    c) they win something!!! They (and we) deserve it!

    It’d be even better if they’re in an awards montage like the one below LOL, I love them so much. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, ktp-syj said:

    I wish someone could translate this video, it's like a property showing on the vid.

    The video is from TMI News’ segment on the most expensive idol homes and the house in question belongs to f(x)’s Krystal. She came in 2nd on the female idol list and it’s mentioned that she lives in a luxurious apartment complex overlooking the Han River, with top stars like Hyun Bin, Kim Yuna and Lee Minho as her neighbours - so I guess we can assume that HB doesn’t live at VAST HQ as previously thought and has an actual apartment home? At least that’s what I’m getting from the news :sweatingbullets: 



    I know people were speculating about the distance between VAST HQ and YJ’s house so this kind of changes things, LOL - now we have to estimate the distance between HB’s apartment and YJ’s house! Either way, I’m glad he has a home away from family/work as it offers much more privacy and relaxation, which is a must for celebs. If he and YJ really did meet at their homes from TN era on, it’s a lot easier to be circumspect when you live in a top-of-the-line secured apartment and not your company’s headquarters :lol: If Dispatch isn’t just playing games and actually giving us a hint about the future than I think they really must have pics of them meeting up, which they’re reserving to reveal after the marriage announcement (a la SSC). But that’s pure speculation, so let’s all be prepared for the worst :sweatingbullets:

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  6. 1 hour ago, charray said:

    Cool! We finally have a date for Baeksang but sad that we will not get to see Binjin walk the red carpet since it will be unattended. 

    Based on the qualifying criteria where they seem to have extended to dramas that have screened at least 4 episodes by 30 April, there will be strong competition with the inclusion of current JTBC hit drama ie The World of the Marrried. 


    I will be contented with a Best Actor nomination for Hyun Bin, Best Actress nomination for Son Ye Jin and a Best Picture nomination for Crash Landing on You. Any win will be a bonus as the chance of winning will not be high with strong competition from Itaewon Class, The World of the Married. What do you think? 



    Can someone clarify if the ceremony will be unattended or simply have restricted attendance in the venue? I’ve been seeing a lot of different reports on Twitter so I just wanted to make sure LOL especially since Korea seems to have no more community transmissions of COVID (yay!) and the awards are a month from now.


    I also think CLOY and Binjin have a very high chance of being nominated for the Best Drama/Actor/Actress categories - though the Daesang seems unlikely, due to The World of the Married’s immense domestic popularity. Unfortunate, really, since CLOY probably would’ve won the Grand Prize otherwise, but it’s well deserved nonetheless! My greatest wishes are just for Binjin to be nominated, attend together, win something and congratulate each other. I just need to see them in the same vicinity LOL it’s been way too long since CLOY ended ><


    ALSO! That Dispatch news is extremely suspicious! The real estate investments mentioned in the article are several years old, there is no specific reason to mention them (especially together in the same article) or to include their couple pics instead of individual pics like normal articles. Dispatch has always been weird in the sense that either they’ll reveal everything when trying to expose someone or something (and they have like a 98% accuracy rate with their news) or they’ll stay mum until the news is revealed by the celebs themselves and than release their own findings. A good example would be Song Song couple, who Dispatch didn’t really report on but once the couple announced their marriage, Dispatch revealed secret date pics from months ago. It’s almost like they decided not to out SS because it was clear the relationship was serious and there would possibly be bad blood between them if Dispatch acted out without letting the couple themselves reveal their relationship. Dispatch isn't always kind but they have their own way of doing things, which is why this random article about Binjin’s years-ago real estate deals mentioned together with their couple pics is highly out of character and possibly a hint about something coming up. Either way, I’m just happy to see them mentioned together (and damn, BJ are really out here making some good investments!) and hopefully we’re not delusional about looking deeper into this! Have mercy on us, Shipping Gods!


    Also, new forum members: please delete pics from your quotes! It is against posting policy and there are way too many people constantly ignoring this rule! Thank you!


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  7. The amount of fake-fan trolls on this forum truly is concerning. I get that we’re in a worldwide home stay period but don’t you clowns have something more productive to do with your time and energy? Go yell at the sky or something but stop venting your nasty thoughts on here by claiming “oh I’m a Binjin fan BUT” <_< SYJ is gorgeous, rich and unbothered by whatever nonsense some rando on the Internet is saying so that’s that, I guess. 

    I think it’s about high time we bury Hand Drop Gate, no? It was clearly an issue that only two close friends knew about in detail, it was literally never mentioned again anywhere and it’s what antis keep bringing up so let’s never discuss it again for our own sanity. This is a thread for happy, heart warming and encouraging discussions between shippers, not a space to create gossip fodder and duel with anti fans so any speculation about that incident (or other things like YJ’s personality) that aren’t positive will only result in more conflict. Let’s bring this back to the real deal that we signed up for: Binjin’s bond and their (hopefully) written-in-the-stars marriage 


    I don’t believe anyone’s mentioned this yet, but CLOY/SYJ/HB were mentioned on a popular variety show! CLOY’s impact is still relevant and powerful :D



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  8. @citron I wholeheartedly agree; Yejin has worked so hard for so long - I think there’s only been 2 years in her career when she’s had no release but even then, she filmed for future projects in that time so it wasn’t truly a break. Plus, she was hospitalized for a bit due to exhaustion (but only because it was the Lunar New Year and clinics were closed) so I know these months of filming have been hard on her. Though I know we all suspect her current break is due to other, more heart fluttering circumstances, I really do hope she’s resting, eating and relaxing well ♡ On that note, I hope people stop flooding her friends’ insta with demands to post on her own account. Let’s have some class, guys ^_^


    @BJHope Oh, dear God, I really hope HB hasn’t read anything on or even come across this thread >< While this is all in good fun, there’s still so much stuff on here that would probably traumatize him and YJ so yeah. LOL. I’m sure his English comprehension is great but still not on par to access this forum or really comprehend everything on here but still. Look away, HB, look away! :sweatingbullets:

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  9. Everytime I think of TN promos I keep thinking of how HB kept shuffling SYJ around on stage for no particular reason so when I came across this video, I remembered how much he did the same in CLOY :sweatingbullets:


    Also, anyone else rewatching their old works and crying over how good they would’ve been if they’d worked together earlier on in their careers? They both looked like babies in the early 2000s so it’d be like watching a softer, cuter version of Binjin :wub:



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  10. 8 minutes ago, Restless said:

    The reason also why I'm saying that CLOY is bigger than DOTS, Goblin, and  MLFAS is the amount of new viewers and demographics that I've observed got hooked by CLOY (these includes politicians, celebrities, athletes, etc.). As previously mentioned, the great majority of the demo who would watch Kdramas here are women, and these were practically the same ones who watched DOTS, Goblin and the other shows. In all honesty, if you were a straight guy/male watching Kdrama here, you would be laughed at, ridiculed. That's why HB and other actors here are so popular, because their fan bases are women (just like anywhere else I guess) calling them their oppas. 


    But with CLOY, I've noticed that suddenly even men (though this is anecdotal) have started to openly say that they binge watched and are hooked with the show. I've known of some friends that even watch it without their wives or gfs and just on their own. Some even watch it advance compared to waiting for their SOs.  That's why I can say that it is bigger than any previous Kdramas.

    That’s very interesting to know! May I ask what country you’re from? I’m assuming somewhere in Asia but I just wanted to confirm :)

    DOTS, MLFTS and Goblin can all be classified as THE new-age “pan-Asia cultural phenomenons” due to their relevancy and popularity in the continent in the past decade and while CLOY is on the same level (albeit a bit more circumspect due to it partially being overshadowed by COVID), I don’t think it’s above those dramas overall. What makes it unique however, as you mentioned above, is the amount of new (and old) kdrama watchers it reined in to watch the show in a time of economic uncertainty and drama stagnancy in Korea. Netflix’s distribution also helped propel the drama to worldwide viewers in a way never seen before with huge kdramas, but I estimate that if those three other dramas had also been on Netflix at the time of airing, they might’ve had the same reception too. Let’s not forget though: CLOY is still the pioneer of worldwide relevancy for kdramas, since it takes a LOT of people consistently watching the show for it to constantly rank in the most watched shows on all major streaming sites. It managed to draw in viewers even at the height of COVID’s messiness and shows no sign of stopping down, so I think it can safely be classified as an all-time classic blockbuster kdrama with its own unique accomplishments and acclaim - and the best couple. Binjin were the most charming, romantic and well fleshed out leads in all three shows and that is something that is not up for debate. PERIOD.


    Oh, and I’ve also noticed that there’s been an unusual amount of male viewers for CLOY, more so than what is typically the case for kdramas. A lot of male celebs have watched the show, many of the articles about CLOY were written by male journalists and a lot of the new fans for SYJ and HB have been male (which usually isn’t the case even for the most popular dramas). I’m glad more men are watching because considering how beautifully Ri Jeong Hyuk was written - kind, generous, chivalrous - maybe it’ll inspire them to become better partners and people in general, LOL.


    @Choi sam sook This forum is open for everyone and their opinions but maybe if you have only a little bit to say to someone specifically or several things to say to everyone, could you please consolidate them into one post or DM the person individually? I think it just makes it easier for everyone else who won’t have to scroll through several small comments that don’t involve them to get to the bigger posts where there’s more of an open discussion. Thank you!

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  11. Yet another article about CLOY from the Washington Post! There was another one posted a couple of days ago that someone linked a few pages back about how CLOY was still one of the most popular shows available on streaming sites around the world and now, the site goes into a more comprehensive review of the show. It’s pretty much talks about the same stuff we see in all the other articles about CLOY but this is a major western news site and the fact that they’re even talking about it speaks volumes about CLOY’s popularity, relevancy and international appeal. So, so, so happy for the cast and crew!!! :wub:



    There’s also another article from a Malaysian website (I don’t believe anyone has linked this yet) but it’s from a non-regular Kdrama watcher and a super sweet read. I think it’s pretty much an understatement to say that CLOY has not only brought in tons of new fans but also brought back old fans who’d abandoned watching kdramas for years since they didn’t like any. As I said before: CLOY is a masterpiece, PERIOD!


    Also, it’s truly crazy how everyone around the world is talking about CLOY but Binjin themselves won’t acknowledge it with post-drama interviews :tears: I sincerely hope there’s a good reason why because they were not shy at all during their pre-drama interviews despite all the rumours (see: any of their Swoon stuff) so even despite all the COVID nonsense, they still should have done at least ONE interview. Individually or together. Have mercy on us, guys!

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  12. @Wendybe So glad you got to watch her MITH episode and your analysis is fantastic! It’s extremely rare to see a top actress (especially a movie actress) on a variety show where you’re expected to be funny and silly since it might damage their image. But YJ really had no problem engaging with the cast members and being her natural, hilarious and competitive self. As a new YJ stan, it was her appearance on here that made me realize what a beautiful soul she truly is; how despite all of her achievements, she was still so humble and generous at heart. Suffice to say, watching these episodes made me a lifelong fan of hers right away :wub:


    Also, how gorgeous is her house??? She’s got an expensively classic yet rustic vibe going on that I absolutely adore.



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  13. 56 minutes ago, TotoroSY said:

    @nightskye  Nice analysis on why Binjin has actually planned for the LA trip and why it couldn't have been just a coincidence. :D Just one question though, about wearing a mask at the grocery in US, isn't that not normally done even for celebrities (unlike in Asia). I am asking cuz of the recent Covid19 situation and I read how wearing a mask is not a usual practice in the US. So maybe Binjin never near any masks there, just caps and dark glasses to remain inconspicuous. 

    Yeah, non-Asian celebs typically never wear masks but I think just to be safe, BJ may have done so at the beginning. Plus, it’s L.A. - everyone just whatever the hell they want, LOL. If they didn’t wear masks though, they must’ve been more careful about their appearance - in the pics, you can see SYJ wearing dark glasses but HB isn’t, so maybe they toned it down? Either way, you can tell from their body language (and HB’s glare at the person who took the photos) that they didn’t expect anyone to catch them so they must’ve felt comfortable enough to shop together and risk the exposure. 

    @Yanny62 Honestly, people in L.A. do whatever the hell they want and there’s celebs everywhere so the people are used to them who knows but yeah, like I said above, maybe they never wore masks and just wore other coverups. Just the fact that they went out though, says a lot about their dynamic, which is the main point right? :wub:

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  14. 2 hours ago, cloyfan said:

    Here SYJ talks about how she didn’t make friends during the first few years of her career and how loneliness and solitude have always been a part of her. It reminds of Yoon Seri and this is just another similarity she has to that character. I root so much for SYJ and hope that she has found the happiness that she had been looking for. As much satisfaction as her career success can bring, it is not enough.

    Wow, I’ve never seen that clip before :( I’m so happy she has a more stable support system now, from her personal staff to her fellow Cinderellas to HB. It’s clear she still feels a bit lonely though - I’m assuming in part because she lives alone and probably hadn’t dated anyone in years - in a way that some people without partners or spouses can feel. If YJ wanted to be independent, that wouldn’t apply, but she’s made it clear she wants to marry, have children and create her own, unique family. The soju scene at her house in CLOY must’ve been particularly emotional because of those factors; having your potential husband say such beautifully romantic things to you (on screen or off) would make any woman cry, especially one who’s dealt with loneliness and abandonment from those close to her. God, I need this marriage announcement more for the reassurance that YJ is happy and loved by someone who’s only hers rather than anything else at this point.

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  15. @Kari Don’t worry, you’re doing amazing on here! I love reading your takes since they’re so insightful so I’m very happy that you’re a citizen of BinJin Nation, LOL.

    @BJHope OMG, I almost forgot about those airport moments! While there isn’t much known about the post-Grocery Gate airport incidence, the second one is really heart fluttering when you realize he physically acknowledges YJ’s staff as the latter unloads her luggage AND waits for her so that they’re in sync when checking in for their flight. Though they don’t acknowledge each other after that (since the media is probably rabid with curiosity) it’s so sweet to me that he still waited for her despite the scrutiny. I just wish we had more pics of them in the first class lounge but I’ll take even the slightest BJ crumbs to be honest :sweatingbullets:



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  16. 1 minute ago, cloyfan said:

    I don’t think anyone here has said that HB is shallow and superficial when it comes to relationships? He doesn’t need a trophy wife because let’s be honest - he’s the trophy :lol: As for how he fell for SYJ, my observation is that he was intrigued by her talent and the intrigue then turned to attraction when he realized what a fun and dynamic personality she has. Her incredible beauty is just the cherry on top 

    It’s not really people on here that think that but it’s become pretty much the norm to call him a vain serial dater amongst some knetz, which comes up on any of his articles on Korean social sites. The fact that he’s in the minority when it comes to admitting his relationships just gives the haters the fodder they need to tag him with that <_< But on a more positive note, I agree completely on the intrigue > attraction > courting timeline! He was so obvious in his fascination that we can literally track his stages of love, LOL.

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