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Posts posted by ningsangcpp

  1. On 1/4/2019 at 3:50 AM, n3bula said:

    I'm still waiting for subs. However, I'll miss it when I'm done. Can't wait for s2 lol

    Have you guys seen this? 



    Is that supposed to be MSS? 


    I can't wait to see him with SYR. 

    Oh I seen this on insta too! Somehow that woman doesn't look like MSS to me? Should be the same actress played by Yuan Bing Yuan but that doesn't look like her...... Hopefully not lol and her hairstyle seems to have changed to no bangs 

    • Thanks 1
  2. I've seen a few posts on weibo(not sure if official accounts) but MSS will also still be played by the samg actress. In another video found on YouTube it initially said she would be replaced. Makes me kind of worried if some of your predictions were right about her having such a sweet/overly long story with NQ because she's a bigger star than SYR? and they might demand more screen time for her :crazy:

    • Sad 1
  3. 1 hour ago, n3bula said:

    NQ is definitely not my favorite character in the book. Hell, of any book of that matter. His ONLY redeeming quality is his love for SS. I can take him being shameless, but he is way too flirtatious and is tempted (you can argue even does tempt) with the other ladies. Please change this in the drama lol. You gave us unnecessary and nonexistent NQ&MSS/NQ&YHY arcs. Please give us a more loyal Ning Que! LOL  

    You're right on point! As much as YHY is bad richard simmons everytime I saw her interaction with NQ I had to roll my eyes.. Was the same when it was NQ MSS it looks like NQ is in love with all these pretty women and with SS during later eps he's always got a pissed off looking face on like his mind wasn't really there? ?

    • LOL 1
  4. 6 hours ago, Snow Guardian said:

    WHO CUTTING THE ONIONS???!!!:bawling:

      Hide contents


    Maybe only me (and the empress) shedded tears while knowing Xia Hou died and I dont care. I hate Xiling people! I hate their schemes! They wanted Xia Hou dies at NQ's hand. I hate to see Xia Hou was thinking back his past life. He did regret for what he had done. But, he is just a victim of that white-hair granpa!:heartbreak: Xia Houuuu:bawling:


    Meanwhile, I dont cry or feel any emotional at all while seeing SS dying and I think its because I already knew inside my head that she is actually alive and still have a long life to go on. 


    I kinda attracted to LQ. When I saw his appearances at the ending part, he looks different and cool:D dont hate me comrades, sometimes I like 'bad guys or bad girls"



    If the season 2 is airing next year, meaning I will be watched it in New Zealand since I am moving there soon:tears:

    Oh! You'll be my neighbour I'm in Sydney Australia 

    • LOL 1
  5. 15 minutes ago, Snow Guardian said:

    But, when SS touches 2nd bro's face, NQ was jealous. While LQ wanna eat SS alive and triggering NQ's madness

    OMG Thankyou for letting me know that. Was that in the novel? Do you know roughly which chapters so I can try and search it. If not that's okay I can only pray aunty will include that in S2


    Update:found it just then myself through searching JunMo and SS in Chinese. And I'm dying at Google translate after SS touched Junmos face the translation was : "the vinegar was born and it was very angry" LOL literally Chinese to English translation of eating vinegar when jealous 

    • LOL 3
  6. 3 minutes ago, Snow Guardian said:

    AS WHAT IT HAD PREDICTED and I am not surprised with ending at all!

    Now we have to wait another few months or a year to watch season 2 :tears:wish we didn't have to wait that long!!! Going to miss CFY as NQ aswell but also looking forward to Dylan wang as NQ and hoping he will fit the character! Also is there a place we can petition for SS to have a second male lead??? Lol it's always SS getting insecure or jealous I want NQ to feel the same in season 2 aswell 

    • LOL 3
  7. Spoilers for ep 59-60


    My heart literally broke when NQ and SS were battling XH. And when NQ hugged SS and screamed "sang sang you're not allowed to die". 

    Season 1 ends with the cliffhanger of NQ saying that she can't die and then moves onto LQ with dark emo eyeliner turning around and saying NQ I've returned. 

    CFY acting in the last scene was really well done! I could feel the pain and loss if SS dies he looked like a helpless little puppy scared of losing his life 


    Is it bad I also kind of giggled in that intense moment SS runs towards XH and pokes him with her black umbrella lol :PI thought it would be more epic than that


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  8. 39 minutes ago, Snow Guardian said:

    As long as MSS doesnt suddenly come out in season 2 and trying to snatch NQ away from SS nor the auntie trying to add in unnecessary parts between NQ-MSS, then I am fine:lol::lol: sorry comrades, I am so biased:D

    I feel you! 

    16 minutes ago, rhaps said:

    Like I said, I often forgot that he was a villain, because he always has this heroic aura

    Same! My first show I watched of him was Tian Long Ba Bu 2003-classic amazing drama 

    • Like 4
  9. 6 minutes ago, Snow Guardian said:

    She/he calls Song Yi Ren ugly girl

    I really don't like those That that criticize actresses and actors saying they are ugly. Have they ever looked in the mirror themselves? Do they look like goddesses or something? It's honestly so rude! Can't imagine how it would feel for SYR to read those rude comments if she ever came across them! I really think SYR has a refreshing look and is cute and pretty at the same time :wub:

    • Like 5
  10. 1 hour ago, Snow Guardian said:

    @rhaps @lynne22 @epinklyn @angelangie @raziela @toninha @greenwatch08 @stella77 @ningsangcpp @Cheng Chao


    Have you all ever wondered what if we all joining Viki's discussion at the same time? Will they shoot us with NQ's Thirteen arrows???:joy: :joy:



    HAHAHAH for sure they will!! Honestly those hardcore MSS and NQ shippers are only going to be disappointed. As much as the screen writer can change the plot a little bit and add more romance between NQ MSS, at the end of the day NQ and SS are still endgame. I'm sure they've made it quite clear with all the stuff NQ has said TO SS in recent eps. Like spending forever with her and stuff. It's also quite impossible for screen writers to change the plot for MSS NQ to be endgame because they'd be changing so much other details too since SS and NQ lives are tied together and they are destined to be together. 

    • Like 5
  11. 9 hours ago, pad-hari said:

    Thanks to @ningsangcpp for the translation of the first one.  Can you also give us the gist of the 2nd and the 3rd one.  Coz in the 3rd one, SS somehow is hesitating to go and he raises his hands to beat her but controls himself.  I am curious as to why SS's like that?


    9 hours ago, epinklyn said:

    Ah i forgot to kowtow to @ningsangcpp, thx for the express translation!

    No worries at all lovely friends :wub:

    I just wanted to share my joy from watching that scene with you all! 

    @pad-hariI'll have to go back and re-watch tonight as yesterday I stayed up late waiting for the eps and skimming through to NQ SS scenes didn't watch carefully because of work. I'll update you all once I get a chance to watch it! 

    • Like 2
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  12. 3 minutes ago, angelangie said:

    oh boy SS will be kidnapped?

    She doesn't because NQ stops it

    They were kind of just persuading SS to return to Xiling with them to be the priestess of light. But CPP (under fuzis instruction) to run and tell NQ that she is being taken away by other people. Fuzi did that as a catalyst/motivation for NQ to break free from that place I believe cos he did indeed go cray cray after hearing that haha 

    • Like 3
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  13. GUYS i am SWOONING at the 2 eps released today!!!! NQ finally proposed to SS infront of all the Xiling members and it was so sweet. his lines ive translated below for those who need to wait for subs!


    Cheng lixue was calling NQ selfish for only wanting to keep SS by his side to be his servant cleaning, cooking and doing everything for him and using SS as his servant forever. NQ then turned around and made this amazing speech: 

    NQ: who said she is just my little maid?

    NQ: who said her staying by my side is just for washing the floor and cooking

    NQ: we have relied on each other since kids, wandered together, both carried and walked under the big black umbrella onto the Min mountain. 

    NQ: If the umbrella is present, then i am present. If Sang sang is present, then i am present.

    NQ: our lives have always been entangled together, im already so use to having sang sang in my life. so use to it that...ive never even pictured my life without her

    NQ: Sang sang...i like it alot that i am so use to it (referring to him use to having her in his life) ...and i never want it to change. im talking about forever..do you understand?

    NQ: youre not allowed to leave me

    NQ: I want to marry you


    GAHHHH my heart!!! :wub:

    We also saw in the eps NQ finally went crazy when CPP told him she was being taken away by Xiling ppl and he broke out of the cave. 

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  14. 14 minutes ago, angelangie said:

    the soft touch of NingQue for SangSang :) hehehe some screencap it and they sharpen the color doesnt it make it almost wishful for us to have more than just that? :D 


    cr: as tagged


    In that scene where he was grabbing her head he kinda glanced down at her Lips and I thought they were going to kiss guess not 

    • Like 1
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  15. 2 hours ago, n3bula said:

    Can you tell me what episodes have MoSang ? I am curious to see if he has a thing for her lol. 

    It's in the two new eps from last night ep 50! :D

    Not reffering to just that scene in particular but also others how the directors kinda focus on them two gazing into each other's eyes and zoom in LOL! Like when SS was about to go with the two masters to battle he came and looked her in the eye and said I came to see you and then CPP asks him 'ohhh so you came just for SS' 

    • LOL 3
  16. 2 hours ago, lynne22 said:

    Arghhh just like @ningsangcpp say... LOL.. get ready to be abused by their sweetness :wub::D





    Oml I just skimmed ep 50 for NQ SS scenes. It's just tooooo cute 

    You can see so much love for each other in their eyes! And I swear they are trying to make MoSang a ship 


    Maybe something for S2? Because the way second brother looks at SS is so loving in a man to woman way not just brother and sister way lol. Atleast that's how I interpreted their scenes. Oh and I'm referring to when in ep50 SS was freezing and running around trying to keep warm but he gently touched her head and made her warm with his power! 


    • Like 7
  17. 20 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

    I have heard some people were calling Song Yi Ren ugly but I think she is beautiful.  I really hate how there is so much haters out there. Especially Fans saying these things because they don't think her character is good enough for Ning Que. smh smh. 

    Song Yi Ren is beautiful 



    She is beautiful!!! She looks so pretty it's just for her role they make her look 'uglierr' with that fringe and brownish yellowish hair and dark skin. I really want to see her like that in season 2.:wub:

    10 hours ago, raziela said:

    Thanks for translating!  So basically the whole cast is changing except SYR?

    Yes pretty much! And also the actress that plays YHY. Tbh I feel like they should have put more thought process into this show if they knew they were going to potentially go for more seasons. Like how weird is it having so many cast changed and us as viewers having to get familiar with new faces lol. The most dramatic one being NQ cos I'm so use to seeing CFY portrayal of NQ. but that being said as long as SYR is still Sang sang I'll watch on for her :)

    • Like 4
  18. 24 minutes ago, pad-hari said:

    I heard yang yang in the video, I think.  So I hope she is the director.  And I don't think they'll take this to another season.  They will try to incorporate the balance half of 500+ episodes in S2, even though it's very difficult coz there are more important scenarios in the 2nd half of the novel.  They are having so much casting problems unless they should have signed with the cast to compulsorily finish off the whole novel as drama.

    Edit: calling @ningsangcpp, to confirm from the video.  BTW TY for the video gist.

    In the video they did indeed mention Yang Yang however it wasn't a direct confirmation that she's the director but rather that she was the one that gave out news and confirmation of a season 2 plus the actors in season 2. So I would assume she's still directing it :D. Also forgot to mention Fuzi will not be played by same actor anymore aswell. Pretty much seems like everyone's changed except SYR. I'd definitely still watch for her though! 

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