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Posts posted by _heywatch

  1. 16 minutes ago, gm4queen said:


    Feelings mutual. The leads were casted for the drama in 2020. It's already been 2 years. Now that jtbc confirmed the premiere month themselves, they would start promotions soon. I saw his co-star actress Oh Yoon Ah posted on her instagram few days ago that butterfly is coming soon. But the said post is now deleted.. Why so secrecy?? May be a surprise is awaiting for viewers?? Can't wait! B)


    Is the official date next month?

    Yes, I would like to know why this drama has been kept in the basement for this long lol. I can’t wait to see KHG return to the small screen! Also, CD too.

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  2. 6 hours ago, Sakurafairy said:

    Ditto. He lacks depth. His facial expression apparently didnt deliver the scene's mood. I love his acting on Netflix SH though.


    Maybe melodrama doesn't fit him but it is still episode one so I'm still looking forward for more. 


    I hope he improves given his many projects previously. 

    I’ve seen him in Sweet Home, Navirella, and snippets in Love Alarm. My overall consensus about him is that he’s an okay actor. He is great in the emotional aspect like crying but his line delivery is rather stiff. He’s isn’t quippy in terms of his face/eye acting either lol. 

    • Like 7
  3. 13 hours ago, tofumochu said:

    Jae Eon is lol creeps at all the side-eying indirect butterfly comments. Haha If he weren't attractive, I'd stay the f away from him. The amount of times he sent his face up to her though... and she rejected him every time. 



    The unwanted advances & touching makes me want to (ง'̀-'́)ง PJE. 


    He needs his patootie handed to him lol. Like a fish on a cold platter.


    The men Na Bi attracts so far are repulsive. All she needs is her gal pals lol. 

    • Like 6
  4. On 6/12/2021 at 3:15 AM, gwenolivia said:


    I agree, this one supposed to be an uplifting drama

    I hope the cast & crew are doing fine. Pretty excited for this one.



    On 6/14/2021 at 2:41 AM, gm4queen said:

    On the set of Fly High, Butterfly!

    These are the locations of the drama!



    The set location are really nice. Wow, I hope we get to see all these places in the drama! Choi Daniel looks dashingly handsome as always. I like that there isn’t an onset photo of KHG. I assuming they are keeping her appearance a surprise for the drama premiere. 

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  5. On 6/5/2021 at 2:16 AM, gm4queen said:


    Hello there! Welcome to the thread! :)


    Korean wikipedia confirms that this series is airing in August. But jtbc itself has not released a statement regarding the airing date yet. I am a huge fan of Choi Daniel myself. But I know that Kim Hyang Gi is also a talented lady. Both the leads casted for the drama a year ago. So hopefully this series airs in August. It's been a too long time since everyone is waiting for the first ever korean drama based on a hair salon.


    And jtbc hinted before that this has romance involved. But we have to wait to see who's gonna fall for who!


    I don’t mind romance if it’s well written, light, & not the main focus. I love slice of life dramas & the setting sounds like it will be very energetic & fun. 

    I know a lot of people are apprehensive about the age difference between Kim Hyang Gi & Daniel Choi but KHG is an adult.  I doubt there be any romance between the two but if there is, I’m sure it won’t be heavily written & most likely implied. 

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  6. I’m really excited for this one. Kim Hyang Gi’s first role that’s not a highschool setting. Nice to see her venture into more mature roles now that she is older. She such a precious bean. 

    It’s a kind of drama that I would watch because I love slice of life genres. The cast looks great so far. I don’t think I have to worry about Kim Hyang Gi because she always play her roles well. It’s been a while since I watched Daniel Choi so I’m looking to see him since he’s the lead here. 

    August is just around the corner yet so far lol. I look forward to promotional pictures & teasers! Seems like it’ll be a feel-good kind of drama. 

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  7. @sadiesmith

    I found out it was on VIKI just recently so I decided to give it a watch. The first episode immediately hooked me in. When I reached the last episode, I didnt want MM to end. I wouldn't have mind if MM was a longer show lol. I just wanted to see more. You're welcome. MM is definitely those shows that sticks with you. It may not be for everyone but I enjoyed it whole-heartedly. 


    There's many great things about MM. Wished I watched the show when it aired lol. LJA & PDH's were so inseparable throughout the show. When they had to part ways near the tracks & LJA asked to hug PDH once, it was so precious. I teared up lol. I love their unconventional comaraderie. They have a kindred spirit in eachother. A strong bond. I loved all their moments. Her relationship with grandma & PDH were two of my favorite things about the show, besides everything else that I mentioned above lol. The use of sign language when she communicates with her grandma is so touching. The relationship LJA & PDH have is definitely one of the stronger & well written relationship between two characters in a while in a drama. Kudos to the screenwriter because the dialogue/conversation & interactions were always engaging onscreen. Never a dull moment. I liked how she could easily recognize PDH by his voice at the end. 


    Also, LJA is so witty & tactical in the way she speaks & thinks. I loved how she fiddled DYJ like a fool, or well almost everyone around her lol. She's so great. Loved her overall characterization. As well as PDH. It's really nice to see a male character who physically/mentally

    talks & acts like an adult. Loved that he had the upmost respect for LJA's wellbeing & treated her with so much care. The total awareness & maturity they both have in eachother's presence. Also the internal & external conflicts on the show was *chef kiss*. Liked how everything played out. Another note, I like how the

    characters dont feel superficial/2-D. They genuinely feel like people I'd meet or see in the streets or

    neighborhood. The writer does a great job at avoiding typical cliche/tropes too.


    Btw, is there a physical copy of MM's soundtrack or official DVD release of the show with ENG sub?  

    • Like 6
  8. I'm kicking myself for not watching this drama when it aired two years ago in 2018. A true gem. That year was loaded with lots of tv shows & I only watched Prison Playbook, Mother, Life of Mars, & Mr Sunshine. Yes, I was one of those who was put-off by MM because the idea of romance between the two characters & was skeptical. I actually didn't know what the story was about. I only knew that IU & LSK were the two main actors to lead it. I watched the whole thing on viki the past days & so glad that I did after 2 years lol. Better late than never right. I didn't have any expectation of MM but I knew it was going to make me cry buttload of tears lol. I was pleasantly suprised how good it was & liked it ALOT. 


    From a technical standpoint, fantastic. The directing style, camera work, & editing.


    Love the tone & setting. It's very grounded & realistic tone. The comic relief wasnt over the top but definitely enjoyable to watch. It almost gave me a Prison Playbook kind of humor. There was a thriller vibe too with the slight shakey camera work. MM had a pleasnt soundtrack from ost to the bgm but the way it was incorporated throughout the show was good. I also liked the parts where it lacked music when everything was surrounded by natural sounds from the surrounding. Kudos to the music directors & production team involved.


    The editing is on point. Such an organic flow of storytelling with smooth transitions. It was almost like a long 16 plus hour movie than a show.


    The writing was consistent from start to finish. Liked how contained & grounded it was. A solid-strong screenplay, in terms of it's dialogue which is one of my favorite thing about the show. There's a level of maturity in it & its reflected in its characters onscreen. The interactions between the characters was so good & charming. Lots of personality without it being loud or bolstering. The writer & director knows how to portray such nuance & subtlety, along with all the actors portraying their respective characters, from the way they spoke to the their movements/actions within their setting/situation. The thing that struck me was the storytelling. Impeccable. I liked that the viewers are dropped immediately into the setting without any info of the main characters other than they both work at a company together. The juxtaposition between PDH & LJA in the first few minutes in the 1st episode with the ladybug & how they react to it was so spot on the characterization. That moment, I knew what kind of characters they were going to be. I love those kinds of little things. It really makes the characters. 


    About the characters themselves, in regards to LJA & PDH. Really great characterization throughout & liked how super flawed they were. I could relate to them whether it be personal or people I know with similar experiences.


    LJA was such a fascinating character. I enjoyed her a whole lot. Her movements, posture, & tone in voice & the way she carried herself both physically & mentally. Her character development & how the progression unfolds was so well done. The nuance & her change in attitude was just so fascinating to watch. I loved her relationship with her grandma, so endearing. I liked that she wasn't presented as someone who was pitiful but quite resilient & headstrong even though she was cynical & poor. Loved her intuitiveness, keen observation, & street smarts. I also liked that even though she was young in contrast to the PDH, LJA was never presented as someone who was naive. The thing that I like about PDH is that he physically & mentally, onscreen & in screenplay, feels like an actual middle aged man. It's not just his appearance, but the way he carried himself. He's like an actual adult male character. The way the show highlighted his burden to keep it together whether it be his own personal struggle with himself, his marital problems, or family affairs, was good. I like that his good nature was also his downfall & his passitivity to his problems was also the core of it, besides his self-esteem. Just like LJA, I enjoyed his character too. Well written main characters. I like how different they were but had a deep connection & mutual understanding of eachother. 


    I love their character development. Their personality was intact but the change in attitude towards themselves & eachother was present. It never felt like a 180 degree drastic change. Everything is so subtle.


    So many lines exchanged between the PDH & LJA were fantastic. There are too many scenes that I enjoyed. The one that stuck with me was in regards to these two were -


    - PDH telling LJA that she is good & listening to the recording on repeat by the staircase.

    - LJA telling PDH that he's a very good person at their dinner out.

    - The confession at the train tracks when he hits her on the back of her head.

    - The 30000 year old - reborn comment & how she'll like to be reborn again at that neighborhood.

    - PDH's "I would have killed him to If I were her" & gave GI a classic @$$ whooping that he deserved.

    - Grandma's notes to PDH at the senior hospital care.

    - LJA signing to her grandma that she is happy she met someone like PDH when she cried. So much crying lol.

    - Can I hug you once? That was the most precious thing the second time around she said asked for it when they had to part ways.

    - PDH calling LJA pretty because she is pretty lol. I mean IU is just pretty no matter what. 

    - PDH at the cinema speaking to LJA through the phone after knowing about the wiretapping. 

    -  'Its nothing'.

    - PDH telling LJA the meaning of her name & if she found comfort at the end.

    - LJA telling PDH the reasons why she likes him at the hospital bed.

    - the after funeral procession when PDH lifts LJA grandma's ashes away between her hands & watching her run with grandma's photo to the bus from behind.

    - PDH's meaning why he chose LJA because of the 'running' on her resume

    - when LJA erased the wiretapping program from her phone & cuts to PDH walking at night, his steps silent. This was just a good scene. 

    - Handshake initation in the last scene.

    - the whole 10 or 20 years later speech if when they meet again, hell greet her warmly.


    I'm not sure what was the writer's intent but I liked that the relationship between LJA & PDH was not romanticized. I'm not sure how to describe PDH & LJA's relationship because it's a mixture of alot of things. So much layer & complexities, cant really put a label on it. One of the better if not best relationship written between two characters I've come across in a show. 


    I do view their relationship to eachother as something very precious that transcends/goes

    beyond romantic love. It is the experience of human love that of kindness/compassion & understanding. Although LJA liked PDH, I think it stems alot from admiration & respect because PDH saw her as a human being whom others would have scoffed away her as a nuisance & he was someone she could relate to on a personal level because the love for their family vice versa. Family is both very important to LJA & PDH. The attraction & obvious emotional attachment they both have for eachother is there. There is no denying that. Their relationship is one of my favorite thing, from interactions to dialogue. The depth & level of understanding they have for eachother was so deep & touching, albeit the whole wiretapping issue lol. Alot of great tension & tender moments too. 


    SH & GH - the brothers 


    These two were very hilarious to the point they were unbearable sometimes lol. Not in a bad way though. GH is just a drama queen which makes sense since he was a former director lol. I did enjoy watching them. Although I wasnt a huge fan of GH & neither did he really had an overarching personal arch in the show. Would have like to see more of him trying to get his groove back into directing/writing instead of him being in a relationship with YR & cleaning. SH spending his money to help with the funeral procession was such nice gesture/big thing to do not just for LJA but for PDH too. It just shows how important LJA has been apart of PDH's life now & ultimately their's.


    PDH & YH and marital problems.

    I liked how the show illustrate it as not a simplistic as most tv show presents marriage problems to be.


    It's more complex than just signing away divorce papers from the get go & that be all/said & done. They both were at fault. These two definitely were so out of touch from eachother. The lack of communication. I honestly didnt hate YH as much as I should but I hate her decisions/

    guts though. These two were just not on the same page. He's family/community man while YH is more secluded/individualistic. They both were not going to compromise to make it work so ultimately it wasnt going to last after a 20 year streak. The toxicity was strong.


    Btw, DJY can go eat a cactus lol. 


    The age gap issue.


    Before watching the show, I read that there was not any romance, therefore the age gap was not an issue to me. The imbalance of power was never present either. MM seemed like a drama I could watch without worrying there'll be any cheesy or corny stuff. To me the age gap worked within the context of the story because LJA is presented as young & troubled who still has alot to learn. PDH being an older person with life experiences, in which he guides her in terms of the social sphere of people & community. And vice versa too, since PDH learned from LJA. There is so much nuance & depth in the progression and development between PDH & LJA relationship to eachother. It felt so organic & smooth like butter the way it unfolds.


    MM isnt a romance but the relationship between PDH & LJA is profound & unique. Way better written than any romance I've seen between two characters, but then again I dont watch romance drama much. I get bored easily lol. It's funny because I watched Mr. Sunshine that year too which had a huge age gap between the main characters, not as big as MM though. I'd say the romance in MS was overtly heavy handed & way too on the nose. It lacked depth & nuance, atleast to me. I actually dropped the show halfway. Also, not huge fan of the writer. I could never get into her stuff. She wrote Goblin too, which also had a huge age gap, a show that I didnt care for as well. 


    IU & LSK acting


    Really great chemistry onscreen. Everything from dialogue to interaction felt super organic. Love the nuance performance from both. I was suprised how well they both acted together onscreen since LSK was so much older than IU. I liked that IU was given alot to do physically & emotionally. This is actually the second drama I've watched IU in besides You're the Best LSS. I know who LSK is, never seen his work. But I do remember watching him in Coffee Prince so many years ago lol. It helps when the show has great director & a solid writer/script to pull off great performances throughout. The whole cast/production was consistent throughout. The both were befitting of LJA & PDH.


    Overall, MM was a solid great show from directing to script, strong from beginning to end. MM has a very unconventional storytelling so it really peaked my interest from the get-go.


    I cried like 3 or 4 times watching the last episode alone. I lost count how many times I cried watching MM throughout lol. Because of the subtlety in its storytelling, would have loved to see PDH & LJA's transition from their current life to their new life within the 1+ year time span instead it being a quick montage/straight cut at the end. Would love to know more what happen to KB (LJA's friend). There's so much meaning within MM & its characters, it'll be a long essay to pinpoint everything about it lol. But the one takeaway, the the thing that stuck out to me the most was PDH's kindness & openess to LJA, who probably saw herself as temporary & nothing whereever she went & the fact that he open himself and his community of people to her is such an important & pivotal point within the story in MM. I like the juxtaposition of PDH & LJA at the end from how they were always eating in dark enclosed spaces to more bright open areas. LJA transition from a cynical impoverished person who holds the whole weight of the world on her shoulder & always on the run into someone who found a sense comfort at the end was such a joy to see. Him reaching out for a handshake is a nice call back to when he said he would greet her even after years past.

    Theres so much more to say but it'll be a whole book if I go on lol.



    I watched & finished it a few days ago too. I'm 2 years late but MM is definitely one of the better dramas that I watched in a while. All the praises that was given to the MM is well deserved. The show really captures the essence what it means to reach out to people & the simple act of kindness & how much impact it can change someone's life. 

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  9. @raziela

    Yes, she has that lady elegance vibe about her lol. She also models too so she has that natural beauty & height. I liked her alot since Dr. Frost. She's been relegated to alot of minor or secondary roles. I hope she gets to lead a drama in the near future. 



    I havent seen any of her work although I am aware of who she is. Yes, everyone's pretty in their own ways. She definitely has a natural charm. 

    • Like 2
  10. I didnt read webtoon but I really enjoyed talking about the IC on this thread. Probably the first kdrama that I was engrossed & watched closely from start to finish. Reading everyone's opinions about the show was fun & insightful, whether it be negative or positive. Hope to see some of you in other threads! There's so much drama airing this month & I can't keep up with all them but it sure was a pleasure discussing the show y'all. 

  11. @tok-soompi

    That mood switch was so seamless. KDM is just *chefs kiss*. 


    I liked that this episode highlighted SK in contrast to the Boss leader. It shows that your past & who you were doesnt fine you in the present or future. It's what you do/actions that speaks volume. I love the call back scene with SK & SRY when they first fought. I liked that he saw SRY cried for the 1st time. SRY isnt someone who lets himself be vulnerable so crying is a very good thing. 

    • Like 7
  12. @LanA

    Same thought. I had gripes with SRY lol but I came to understand that he is someone who lived his whole life with a set of principles, which is his greatest attribute but also his biggest flaw. So seeing him kneel was pretty satisfying. Kneeling does not mean he's forgetting his revenge nor does it diminishes all his efforts from 14 years lol. It's just kneeling folks. Plus, this time, it's a different situation. Kneeling doesnt hold the same weight it did 4 years ago or when he was a teen. Like he can literally get back up & kick JDH's old dying a$$. Maybe not physically but y'all get the point lol. 

    • Like 6
  13. @Broaddaylight

    SRY didnt lose his dad to his ego. SRY didn't want to kneel & apologize so rich folks like JGW & JDH who think they can do/say whatever they want because money talks. Yes, SRY's dad lost his job in the process but it's better than working for terrible people, & his dad understood 100%. Plus SRY & his dad became closer while opening a restaurant. The hit-&-run just happen to occur, which proceeds all the outcome of events to happen. If SRY apologize that day, none of the stuff in the story would have happened. That's literally the plot point. 


    Its not weird fetish lol wtf. JDH is a petty old geezer & SRY wants him accounted for to take responsibility. JGW needs to go to jail for murdering SRY's dad. But it's been 14 years, SRY's principle & outlook on his views of living changed. Nothing is ever pointless. I'm sure JDH will still be accounted for. I mean dying of cancer is karma. Like YS said, JGW is a dumb head. It's not that hard to fool him with his big mouth. Although I agree with the timeskip but hey, I supposed the writer wanted the show to be present in 2020. Timeskip arc is a tricky thing to execute especially if theres only a limited episode to develop anything. I have my issues with the timeskip arc but it is what it is. The ensemble cast was still fairly used in the timeskip. Tony, not so much. Also, its been 4 years, people either change or they dont. I'm sure that's what the writer is trying to illustrate. In comparison to SK, who became a director at IC Co. who used to be a lowly gangster, the Boss leader seems conflicted but I suppose he values money much more.


    SA could tell SRY had feeling for JYS in that cafe scene back in ep 14 when SRY saw JYS come in with JGS. SA knows, it's quite obvious in SRY's body language. JYS & JGS ain't your average folks obviously. Im not excusing the things they said/done. I mean the majority on this show isnt inherently healthy. Although I do have a gripe about certain things regarding character development & the way it highlights social issues but overall I enjoyed IC nonetheless. Whether your opinion about the show is positive/negative, I think IC is pretty memorable, specifically with its distinctive cast of characters. Some of the things in IC, Ive never seen done on other kdramas before so I give it some props. This show definitely invoked STRONG opinions out of people so that was something. 

    • Like 11
  14. PSJ was so good in this episode. He hit all the emotional beats. SRY saying "I have a date". That hit me lol. It has a double meaning as in he has to go back to meet YS & go back to continue living. The scene with SRY & his father was beautifully done. I love their interaction about humanistic values on living. That scene when his father tells him whose his friends are & he says everyone but YS, meaning he doesnt see her as a friend but something more. That tiny snippet back to the rejection scene was a nice touch. 


    The scene between SA & SRY in the hallway was good. Even though he was tired, he still the energy to finally tell SA that he likes YS. The weariness in his voice & concern in his eyes was striking. Also this scene between SA & SRY definitely parallels/reminds me of the bus stop scene. In the bus stop scene, SRY runs to SA to hold her hand & promises to make her quit & SA cries. In the hallway, SA runs out to grab his hand, telling him not to go, but he tells her that he likes YS, as in the promise he kept 4 years ago & the feeling he had for her back at the bus stop was simply not there anymore. SA then cries. Even SA knew that & everyone else but him. Definitely closure for the both of them. Long overdue lol.


    That kneeling scene. Beautiful shot btw, the symmetry is on point & so is the stage design! I honestly don't know why people are so mad at this scene lol. SRY kneeling doesnt mean he's succumbed or forgive or forgetting about JDH's sh^tty ways lol. It just means he has nothing else to prove. Kneeling is a meaningless gesture now. It's up to SRY to decide what that means & it means 'nothing'. SRY has more important things to look foward to & shows that the way he lived was the right way. JDH is pretty much the loser in the end, plus hes an old geezer dying of cancer lol.  

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  15. @serenilmauve

    Yes, it's definitely a bit a both. This is the only drama I've seen from PSJ besides the first 3 episode of WWWSK lol. But yes, SRY has a very distinctive personality/quirks & the way he does things, his gestures sets him apart from the usual male characters. I find SRY to be very unique & the way PSJ portrays him is effortlessly. That scene was my favorite part of episode 14. That moment when he mat down his hair is very on brand of SRY & I never seen that kind of gesture that portrays that state of feeling anguish so well in any drama. All his little moments from his eye-acting & body language/posture was *chefs kiss*.  


    I'm gonna miss KDM so much. I hope shes gets offer for dramas after IC & her new film in the near future. Shes been a joy to watch through & through. Love to see her tackle light hearted stuff or a historical period tv show. Like what do I watch after IC lol, although this month still has alot of good looking dramas coming out so it's not so bad. IC has a cast of very distinctive characters & some of the best looking clothes. So iconic. I gonna miss seeing SRY all clad in black lol.

    • Like 8
  16. @serenilmauve

    PSJ body language & facial expression is so good in the cafe scene on his freetime with SA too. He didnt have to say much for the viewers to understand what he felt at those exact moment but it was pretty obvious.  


    When sees JYS enter the cafe with GS, it hit him so hard. Alot of may say it's because she saw him with SA, SRY felt some sort of way but I think it was the opposite. SRY going on those kinds of dates with SA is pretty much a casual thing he does innately. He did it alot before, even knowing about JYS feelings from 4 yrs ago & now. To me, the difference is he sees JYS with GS whom they havent met in a long time. I doubt she ever went on any dates in those 4 years & JYS never looked at anyone else romantically. SRY is highly aware how much JSY loves him to the point he knows everything about her regarding him like her password, it being his birthday lol. SRY was probably caught off guard that JYS, whom openly loved him so much/always on his side, would go on a date with another man, GS, who actually have feelings for her. SRY looked so distressed in a state of anguish lol as he matt down his hair furrowing his brows.


    It almost reminds me of the truth/dare scene 4 years before when GS openly says that JYS will come to him after he takes over J Co. SRY reaction to it, he was somewhat suprise by that statement. Look at how his brow slightly furrow & he appears somewhat spaced out and then brushes off that idea when JYS tells SRY they werent a thing. That day was also that last time JYS had contact with GS with SRY around(besides that slap scene) & the last time SRY said he likes SA. Fastfoward, he doesnt even look/say anything to SA as he leaves the cafe to go to after JYS. Even SA could tell what was happening to him. He didn't even tell SA he likes her in the usual manner anymore when he obviously was avoiding that question.

    • Like 8
  17. I really enjoy this artist SRY&YS fanart. I'm so excited to see their last piece for the show.



    When JYS expression went from hurt to satisfication. KDM is so darn good. Those eyes says it all & when she stood up to walk towards him that green romper & heels. That tension lol. KDM & PSJ knows how to play off eachother so well with the dialogue in that scene. 



    I'm gonna miss YS classic face slapping lol. Yes, I'm gonna miss this show. Cant believe it flew by so quick. Havent been this engrossed in a kdrama in a while. Definitely looking forward to KDM's future projects. Really enjoyed PSJ & KDM's performance on this show. Been a wild fun ride. 

    • Like 9
  18. @dvoran

    Without YS, SRY's plan would have diminished but not ultimately since she isnt the only one who helped him in his business. He has Lee Hojin & Kang and Danbam crew. He needs an ally in Minjung because she is a one of the director of J Co. He wanted to buy a seat into reelecting/take JDH out of his position. Obviously it didnt work, which is the point. It's an obstacle, like in a hero's journey. He has to undergo certain trials & fail to find other way to succeed. He's accumulating specific people with certain attributes on his side so that he can reached that success. Isnt that what most CEO/boss of a corporate management/businesses do? Im assuming that's what the writer is trying to illustrate. SRY got the idea to start the business & it went from there. YS is his luck so he's grateful in that he met her who helped him in his business. YS mentioned that she wanted to find love & success. Propping up Danbam & liking SRY and wanting him to reciprocate back is a desire. Is the way she goes about it questionable/unacceptable? YES it is. But her inexcusable actions are not played out to be romanticized. The viewers are highly aware of her actions & so are the characters/peers around her in the story. 


    SA was always driven by money & success. She wanted to live a good life with a financially stable job because she was an orphan. No one tamed her.

    She decided/chose to work for the company.

    When she decides to work for JDH all those years & he reveals that he is dying, ofcourse she's going to cry because she feels in debt to him for giving her a scholarship/allow her to work at J Co. JDH is a manipulative geezer so those words coming out of his mouth is pretty on brand of his character. So dying of pancreatic cancer for all his past action is karma. SRY telling him not to die is not a lowball thing to do because JDH is a terrible person, who was responsible for covering up his father's death/SRY's imprisonment. Cant compare apples & oranges together. SRY still wants JDH to genuinely apologize/kneel for what he did. 


    SA & SRY's relationship is stagnant. I didnt read the webtoon either but from watching the show, it's obvious that the writers didnt intend for them to be together. Most of their conversations & scenes are repetitive. That's the point. Their long term crush

    /like for eachother is stale. It never goes beyond liking eachother or even close to love. SRY is a socially inept

    /awkward kind of person. Hes not well versed in the 'romance' department & working rigoriously nonstop trying to build his life back up through various jobs/manual labor 7 years shows he doesnt have time for a well rounded social life. He liked SA for a long time, but his feelings wavered when YS came into the picture. Theres a difference in accepting/admitting to the feelings you already have for someone vs finally realizing you love someone. SRY already had feelings for YS before the rejection scene. He just decided now to accept/admit it & go against his principles.


    IC has its flaws & shortcomings, no doubt. YS isnt a perfect/remotely good person obviously, since shes purposely written that way. Shes heavily flawed & has inexcusable actions. I acknowledge that many times in this thread. I'm going to refrain from giving my overall opinion about the show until it finishes. I have my own (eyebrow'raising) opinions about the writing but as for now, I'm going to continue watching it & see how it plays out.

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  19. I mentioned before SRY is someone who lives his life with a set of principles because of his father. Like SRY said, he didnt want to live a life of regrets & consequences hence him always being a good honest man. Ep 14 perfectly illustrates SRY's mindset & puts everything in perspective, specifically how he sees JYS. He always had feelings for JYS way before the pub/rejection scene. But he was lying to himself in that truth/dare game scene with Danbam & SA. Watch for the nuance in SRY's expression when he answers each question regarding JYS. Every questions he pauses/ponder. The reason why SRY didnt want to accept those feelings 4 years before because of 'consequences'.


    1. Being in love/working with a 20 yrold, people will gossip.

    2. GS is a friend & he has feelings for her so SRY didnt want to come between that.

    3. Lastly Saeroy liking Soo Ah is an obligation he feels he needs to do, not want.


    Yes SRY liked SA for 10 years but it changed once YS, his 'luck', came into his life. His feelings started to waver, specifically when SRY & JYS went on that bus trip together & afterwards. He keeps telling himself he likes Soo Ah so he doesnt want to hurt SA's feelings even though he actually likes someone else. In 2020(present day) SRY doesnt tell SA he likes her either because what he feels towards her is not romantic anymore. He simply just likes her, that is it. Remember that truth/dare game when GS tells JYS that she will come to him after he takes over J Co.

    SRY reaction was of suprise & somewhat taken aback. Fast foward to that scene when he saw JYS & GS entering the cafe together, SRY was in a state of distraught/anguish & couldnt keep is emotions in check, matting his hair when hes either nervous or flustered, so he probably did not like the sight of them together. SRY continued to live his live without consequences, but he ends up living with regrets. SRY lie/hurted himself supressing those feelings for 4 yrs & disregarding JYS's affection/love hence he keeps telling YS not to say/do things for him. Thats why he said 'Now I regret that day alot" which refers to that rejection scene. SRY now decides that he'll live selfishly for once because of love, something that he never allowed himself to. He was his own barrier & kept those feelings towards JYS all to himself for 4yrs.


    SRY genuinely likes/in love with JYS. It's not out of pity. Btw, this ep made me so emotional lol. I teared up seeing SRY's revelation/coming to terms about accepting his feelings for JYS when he thought about all the things she did for him as he looked at the drawing JYS drew years ago & JYS being his 'luck' in his life when she ran to him that night. That line at the end 'Now I regret that day alot...Right now I miss you like crazy" shows how much he regretted not letting himself love her like how she loved him all those years who stood by his side/whom he needed & want.

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  20. @serenilmauve

    That's the thing about SRY. Hes a man of principles & an old fashioned kind of guy lol. He's not going to just be with anyone. Also, it is not weird/unusual for someone to have not dated anyone into their late 20's/early thirties especially if their priority is work & managing a franchise business. SRY is not used to recieving love so hes in the stage where he doesnt seem like hes ready or holding back? Its obvious SRY is uncomfortable when JYS when she tells him that she likes/loves him in the workspace. He's also not aware of those love feelings yet or dont want to acknowledge it. Yes, the show built up SRY & JYS's relationship from ep 3 to 12 so theres no need to show the romantic side from SRY POV because he is just not there yet. SRY & JYS's relationship is not romantic but they have a strong platonic relationship to eachother as friends/partners. Its very visible. The timeskip is going to illustrate whether they'll be a pair or not. Theyve worked together for 4 years, someting is bound to happen or not lol. I'm fine with those two being platonic because their platonic relationship to eachother has been strong from the beginning & what I enjoyed the most. 


    Yes, MHY was never an awful cook, probably not up to JYS's standard. The show I'm assuming takes a span within less than a year so it's possible for someone to have learned/polished their skills that fast. The thing is I wished the viewers got to see her cook more so that her ability to win the show feels organic. 


    @Aliceson Choe

    KDM has been fantastic through & through. This is my first time watching her act & shes brilliant IMO. Star quality. I hope to see her more in tv shows or get offers for leading roles. She has that natural charm. 

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