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Posts posted by turtlegirl

  1. Okay! I'm so late but I'm gonna try to live cap even tho it will be terrible cuz I haven't learned any character names yet!


    Starts out showing 2 kids doing chalk drawings. Then we get a voice over from PMYs character (DM??). Cut to her as an adult, fixing up some art piece in a gallery. 

    Her and other employees are redoing the whole gallery now for a new exhibit, inspecting art pieces, repainting, etc. 

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  2. It's been too long!! Real life is kicking my butt <wah> but yes, I came across this on IG. I have no idea what's going on, but looks like he's gonna be back. I have yet to watch this show much due to lack of English subs but I'll be happy just to look at him of course :D

    And I guess here is info on his birthday fan meeting ?? Oh how I wish I could go!! 


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  3. My dears I'm sorry for not keeping up on the thread. I have been gone from my home except to sleep for like 4 days, aishhh. @triplem thank you so much for making the birthday greeting!! It's wonderful! @joonminfan try not to be too anxious! I'm sure we will have news soon. If not, we just have to fly to SK and track him down. No biggie for me, just a 20 hour flight :P

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  4. @triplem it's the deadline day for the birthday message, isn't it? I've been so busy with real life I haven't properly written a good message. So I'm going to write one off the top of my head right now lol. Please correct my spelling, do you write Ji Suk or Ji Seok? I don't know lol.


    Happy Birthday, Ji-Suk/Ji-Seok from your fan turtlegirl over here at the Soompi forums! I hope you are able to have much fun and celebrations with your family and friends and enjoy a birthday treat, too. Best wishes and lots of love for the year to come! I'll be cheering you on wholeheartedly when you return to the screen! 


    Thanks @triplem:kiss_wink:



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  5. Ahhh I'm so behind, sorry! I have been almost non-stop on the go since Thursday eeeks. I love the idea for the birthday greeting @triplem @joonminfan And yaay you're using my wall paper :D So I need to get a message to you @triplem by Feb 28 and one to his fan club e-mail by March 15...let me put that on my calendar haha. How fun! Now what shall I write/draw/create HMMM 

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  6. @triplem is another miss oh worth watching? Those clips were pretty funny but whoa they were about to do it in the elevator in front of those perverts who kept pushing the buttons. But I can't talk cuz I'd prob be doing the same hah :rolleyes: anyways I spotted NJ and the lady was Jennifer in 30 But 17 right?

    @joonminfan good idea about changing your phone - KJS sexy voice is worth it :lol:I hope work slows down for you eventually and you can join us on the forums for future shows (hopefully TSYB pt 2 hehe). 

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  7. @triplem Jin Jin is an awesome girl, as are her 2 friends. I like each of their storylines. I think I have maybe 1-2 more eps of angst. I'm gonna feel bad for Anthony cuz he's a nice guy. Hopefully he gets someone too in the end.

    And omg thank you for finding those gifs! That's the fake role from TSYB ending that I thought he looked really hot in. I approve this as a real role for him! 

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  8. Y'all I'm in the angsty part of 20c b&g. Thankfully I don't have to wait to find out what's going to happen and I know there will be kissing thanks to the vids you all shared with me. Ji won is such a lovable character. Seems like he'd be willing to give Jin Jin up if it makes his brother happy. Wait a sec....Kang soon giving up Yoo Baek to make Ma dol happy...hrmmm. Well anyways, the part where he was remembering bringing his gf flowers and then finding her with another man :tears:and then he asks Anthony, do you think I'll ever love again? Or something along those lines :bawling: He's such a sweet heart! Can't wait to make it to the lovey dovey moments!

    @triplem @joonminfan I hope he is getting plenty of rest and he can eat more! As much as I love his abs, I also like a little chubbiness in his cheeks :kiss_wink:It suits him. Plus he should be able to enjoy eating more than just plain chicken breast!


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  9. Happy New Year my friends from the other side of the world! 

    I am going to try and catch up on all these videos this week. 

    Oh yeah I watched a few episodes of "celeb bros" on YouTube since they are subbed. I don't know anything about Park Kyung or Block B, but his interactions with KJS are hilarious. KJS pokes fun at him like a real older brother would hehe. Really fun little mini show :)

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  10. Just popping in for a min! I've been super busy the past few days but I've managed to watch a couple episodes of 20th Century Boy and Girl. I really love it so far! Very feel good, heartwarming story. Just got thru the backstory with his father and the tears were flowing. Oh my heart. I like how their childhood memories weave into the present day story. And I really love the bond between the three girlfriends. So nice to see such a lasting friendship like that. I see some jealousy coming now that Jin Jin will be appearing on that reality show with her idol love Anthony who just so happens to be Ji Won's brother (nice twist by the way). By the way I've heard of the show We Got Married. Is the premise just 2 celebs living together like they're newly weds or...? Anyhow I'm looking forward to seeing the love story heat up. KJS is definitely male lead material. His smile is to die for. I see some of the same mannerisms from him as in TSYB. Ahh he's such a cutie hottie that man :D


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