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Posts posted by obbor4

  1. It indeed is a strange way of thinking when a person can be considered to be a "failure" for not reaching the top ranking in something (think Anna Kournikova in tennis or Michelle Wie in golf) when they are much better in their chosen field 99% of the entire profession and 99.9999% of the entire world.  :-?? As Hye Sun said in the quote referred to by @cheerkoo, "...there are other numbers besides the number one."  :)>-

  2. It astounds me that last year's Suspicious Housekeeper could have suffered from low ratings, or have been considered a "flop".  :-?? Not only was Choi Ji Woo simply outstanding in the role of 'Bok Nyeo-nim', but interactions between her and her tiny namesake Kang Ji-woo (as 'Hye-gyeol') were about a sweetly touching as any ever produced.  >:D

  3. Here's a little fact that I discovered while checking out the Major League Baseball scores on ESPN.com.  :-O On the box score page where the team logos and their records appear, there is a statistic that shows the amount of Facebook likes that the team has. Other than the New York Yankees (7.8 million) and the Boston Red Sox (4.8 million), Goo Hye Sun (3.7 million) has more likes than any team in the MLB. The Los Angeles Dodgers are the next highest team with 2.4 million. She is more popular on FB than all but two major league baseball teams! As a lifetime baseball fan myself, that, to me, is mind-boggling... @-) #:-S  =D> <:-P :)>-

  4. It seems to me that most of the jealousy/envy aimed at Goo Hye Sun is due to frustration of those who are beside themselves because of the very charms and abilities that she possesses.  ~X( I can imagine many a Korean mother castigating a wayward, or underachieving daughter, shaking her head from side to side and uttering the too often heard phrase, "Why can't you be more like Goo Hye Sun?"   [-(

  5. It's always nice to hear those eyewitness accounts from fans lucky enough to see, or meet, Goo Hye sun, in the flesh. 8->  They are always incredibly breathless, and similar.  :)] Unlike many stars and celebrities encountered who turn out to be rather ordinary, and less than "larger than life", people's encounters with Hye Sun always seem to include an amazed, nearly paralyzed reaction to the sight of her in human form... :-O @-) #:-S :)

  6. I've always wished that someone would sub and show By My Side, too, as I really like the daily dramas and Yoon Ji won an award for her role in the series. Weekly dramas get most of the notices, but the dailies are the "bread and butter" of the genre. We get to live for an extended time with the characters, they are filled with great veteran talents, and the good guys always win in the end... :)

  7. So, apparently we are mostly in agreement that Hye Sun's outfits do not always go the extra nine yards in order to take full advantage of her generous attributes.  8-| Now, by a show of hands, who's ready to move on to the swim suit and evening gown portions of the program?  :-h

  8. You didn't miss anything @wmeen.  #:-S The original telecasts were about 35 minutes long and the series ran for 167 episodes. Later, sites began running 48 minute versions that limited it to 122. I'm not certain how this came about, but, I suspect that the 167 episode run was the original form and the 122 version was condensed, but not edited. We both got the same deal. And what a great deal it was!  =D> =D> =D> :)>-

  9. I'm definitely with you @wmeen!  :-bd 'Yang Gukwha' is most definitely the Goo Hye Sun character that remains closest to my heart as does the drama that featured her.  :x For those hesitant about the 167 episodes I might ask, "How could too much Goo Hye Sun ever be considered to be a bad thing?"   ;)

  10. Yeah, that really is an incredible picture. My favorite shots of Hye Sun are her selfies taken as she is. No adornments, no make up, the way a person looks for a day at the beach. Who you are is how your are as you are. I know that everyone is not quite so fortunate. This is the kind of stuff that really gets those antis where they live...  :-O :-?? :-S :(( ~X( ;)  :)>-

  11. Her voice is as pretty as she is! :x She could easily have had a career as a singer. But, I'm very happy that she was advised to become an actress. The person who pushed her into that direction has the undying gratitude of millions across the globe... :-*

  12. I am very shocked, saddened, and scared by the news of Gong Hyo Jin's accident, and the injuries that she sustained. I can only hope that she has a speedy recovery and that it is no more serious than the reports have detailed. I also hope the the other passengers, and everyone else involved, are not seriously hurt. Please stay strong, GHJ, and get well soon. We love you!!! 

  13. Like all of you, I am, once again, proud, happy, and vindicated as a loyal fan our Goo Hye Sun for her performance in every aspect of her portrayal of 'Yoon Soo Wan' in Angel Eyes.  =D> I'm pleased and happy to welcome and new converts from the other side as there is great maturity and growth for those who have become enlightened and awakened. Some of our greatest allies may have once been adversaries.  >:D< With this new perspective, I predict that many will go back and review earlier projects both familiar, and unfamiliar, and come away with a different outlook on them, as well.  :-? Our princess has a project, stamped with her own special brand that will be here for the ages. The "grown up" Goo Hye Sun is now free to take on bigger and more far reaching projects. Although I will miss her child-like, wide-eyed innocence, the blessing of recorded media allows me to revisit 'Yang Gukwha' in melancholy times and encourage happy tears, full-faced smiles, and falling on the floor laughter at the touch of a keystroke. <:-P
      As we are also well-aware, this pivotal year in the career of GHS is far from over. :bz I have the feeling that the release of Daughter will open eyes even wider in regard to their respect for her as an actress, writer, producer, director, and artist. :-O I'm hoping that her character is not the reflection of any actual abuses suffered by her in the past. But, as we all aware by now, adversity is part of what has made Goo Hye Sun who she is today. She takes a baeting at times, but she always comes back stronger. >:/
    Once again, I salute you, Goo Hye Sun. You are really, really something else. I couldn't be more proud of you as a fan, viewer, and person...^:)^

  14. I found this link somewhere which includes Yoon Ji (at #42) in a list of the 50 most naturally beautiful Korean women.  Among all of these other beauties, it's nice to see our girl included. 8->

  15. Although I know that, as viewers, we will forever have to live with whatever ending that the writer allows us, I'm here, as one drama fan, to issue my personal demands regarding the final outcome of the Angel Eyes saga: 
    The fact that this couple (and several other characters, as well) have already suffered death, blindness, shock, betrayal, etc. inter-spliced with genuine love and affection, it is time to wrap things up on a hugely positive note. $-)
    This means that I want to see our lead couple blissfully happily married, with a couple of kids running around (a copy of each parent would be nice;) ) having squirt-gun battles with Aunt Ellie (after she finally comes to her senses an turns her attention to the boy who has been smitten with her from the moment he first saw her:x ) who will be piggybacked home by Teddy (after a few months spent in the gym getting his legs in sufficient shape in order to hoist and transport a five foot tall, 88 pound girl #:-S) to where the younger two will begin planning their own tribe. :bz Chief Ki and his son will find a new wife and mom who will have a baby girl giving the boy both a playmate, and a baby sister who he will train in squirt-gun warfare to defeat Ellie and crazy Yoon's pair (see above demand.) Kang Ji-woon will continue to be contrite, making every effort to remain truthful and sober and will have love visit him in the form of officer Cha Min-soo, who will be given away at their wedding by chief Kim Woon-chul:\"> The two guys who work at the hospital will each fall Yoon Jung (the pretty hospital worker) and each will lauch his own campaign to win her heart. :-h Oh Young Ji will head off to work underprivileged children (or adults) to be summoned home once her son phones her with news regarding the expectation date for a new arrival in their family. <:-P
    No "open endings", no ambivalent, unresolved issues of any sort. No more pain, sadness, or any tears other than ones of joy. >:D<
    I will accept nothing less than happiness all around. Don't pull an Iljamie on me, now.=((  You got it?!!  [-( :P :)>-

  16. Whenever I see pictures of YEH on the streets in foreign countries, going by anonymously and doing her business, I always sort of laugh inside.  ;)) Although the employees are, no doubt, aware that she is rather well-off financially and quite beautiful to look at, they are blissfully uninformed as to the identity and immense adulation that this polite, well-spoken young lady enjoys in other parts of the world.  :-$ She must feel like Superman walking around disguised as Clark Kent... ;)

  17. As more than 600 comments have emerged on the Angel Eyes thread since the raws from episode 13 appeared, I'll just stay at the Sunnies sight which is, for some reason  :-?? a lot more manageable.  #:-S As our princess is, without a doubt, on her way to winning a year end acting award for Best Actress and Best Couple (along with Lee Sang Yoon) for AE, I would think that the popularity of this thread would be greater (like in the BOF days), but I guess that's the difference between a drama with high ratings aimed at a younger audience, and a melodrama with fairly good ratings and a more mature story line. As with each of the earlier segments, the entire cast (and particularly the two leads =D>) have continued to give moving, and incredibly nuanced performances of the their characters. The director's use of studied silence, so that we may read the expressions and actions, without the need for words, is as brilliant and remarkable as the portraits these two actors paint with their faces. Both are able to emote with their eyes and read lines that evoke razor sharp impressions upon the viewer wherein it easy to crawl into their skin and feel what they are feeling. 8-| =(( :x <:-P As a long time fan of our Goo Hye Sun, I find nothing shocking here as her elasticity in pretty nearly every artistic endeavor is already the stuff of legend to those already "in the know". ;) I must though, say that I'm also impressed by Lee Sang Yoon who has struck me as talented throughout several dramas, in whatever rare occasion allowed me to lift my glance from whichever screen beauty was playing opposite of him at the time... 8->

  18. The story about Mandre reminds me of when Yoon Ji was "marrried" to that pop star guy in We Got Married, who always seemed to be running around, practically foaming at the mouth and being so full of himself, until Yoon Ji's mom showed up and told him to treat her daughter better.  L-) [-X [-( He never quite did grow up though and was still a bit of a jerk right up until the end... 8-|

  19. Although. like all of you, I would really like to see our Hye Sun "dressed to the nines", I never get a chance to give it all that much thought because I've been getting lost in her beautiful face, and eyes, for so many years. :x Part of me becomes completely incensed when someone mentions that her acting, or her beauty, has become apparent in this recent drama as both have bowled me over from day one.  :-?? While I'm happy that her star is, once again, on the rise, part of me wants so say,  "Well, duh!" to those who didn't get it the first time.  #-o I guess denial, and jealousy, can cloud one's vision like nothing else on this earth. Sometimes, I just think that it's so much less complicated being a guy... ;)

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