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Posts posted by junee22

  1. 11 hours ago, violet90 said:

    about whether YH trick or WS HAVE to get married to her in the end what he will do is for everyone.. 

    1. if its about the clan.. WS not only going to make him stronger in power also bringing the clan together.. remember what King said its their job to get married and make peace.. 

    2. YH trick WS.. if he did't comply he will likely will get a punishment or strip down from his current status or even worse die.. what he can do is just married her and get the power from her clan too and thrive to the throne... cause by now i think WS will want to have more power seeing the situation where HS go through..

    but for once i think HS will accept that.. i think she will love him enough to understand that what he have to do NOT what he want to do.. to protect her and himself also BaekAh.. i don't think WS care if he being punish cause duh he willing to die for her but its involve the person he love the most that something he can't risk at all...

    about whether HS will do his make up.. i got a feeling that she will be the one who prepared him.. putting her fake smile and fake courage and send the man who she love to get married with other people... imagine the scene where HS did Lady Oh make up for the last time and double that sadness... well i going to cry really bad if that happen.. gosh the feeling of two broken heart who still entangle but want to make each other happy even their heart broken to pieces........



    I imagine that while listening Davichi's song..and I.am.CRYING......Ohhhhh...naye kasumi..:bawling:

    • Like 6
  2. Recent activities of me :

    1)Monday night..waiting for recaps..after that reading analysis here. 2)Tuesday morning..goes to work but can't focus thinking of MLSHR. 3)Tuesday night..reading the thread for recaps and analysis. 4)Wednesday til Sunday..can't keep my mind off of MLSHR..rewatch over and over again,goes to work but can't focus.

    What has this drama done to my life?how am I going through it when the show ends?okay,only exaggerated..I'd still pray for LJG-IU, KHN-IU duet songs..and hopefully there's someone in Korea whose willing to help with MLSHR DVD-extended/director's cut..I'm going to pre-order it.

    To mods : noted..my sincere apologies..won't do that again..please kindly forgive me *bow*

    • Like 20
  3. @miyukiakira1988 tried it for the second time.. and still the same answer "The administrator is currently not accepting new membership registrations" :huh: I wonder if this has anything to do with my IP like in case of dramafever???? 


    @fathiayunia aslinya sih dari Banyuwangi.. :)

    @dhia205 & @solelylurking it's okay..kalian pake lu-gw aja..kan udah kebiasaan :) ..about LJG..IKR...cantiknya ngalahin cewek..hahaha..tp pas liat dia fighting..ughhhhh..jd bener2 keinget sama kartun SamuraiX....hehehe...jadinya kayak aq selingkuh mata dari suami deh...astaghfirulloh...:P

    Tadinya jg nonton drama satunya..tp pas SHR tayang di-pause dulu deh..ga bisa lepas dr bayangannya LJG ssi...

    @leekyuphii why did you laugh?are you perhaps Indonesian too??or maybe know bahasa? nice to meet you again :wub:    

    At last..did it on keeping up..but left behind again :rolleyes: oh well..let's keep on going friends..tomorrow is Moonday!!FINALLY!!

    • Like 11
  4. okay..just a quick question (going to read all of your insights later..super busy IRL) ... @40somethingahjumma or @ruizaio or anyone who become DSS member..I actually a DSS forum member..3 years ago,but then real life kept me busy so I didn't logged in for a very long time..and I forgot my password and my profile account..so I'm trying to register again but got rejected..the site said this time they don't receive new members. This isn't OOT by the way, because I want to have MLSHR subs so I could compare it..there were so many convo that had a different translate (like when WS learn in the palace with his brothers..the paper boats and the current etc). Somebody can help me?thank you again.. :)

    • Like 3
  5. 35 minutes ago, sukbin said:


    Finally, I just realized there's another SukBin here. 


    My dear..I'm sorry if this offends you..but I'm laughing at this..coz,you see..I thought you're the same person..and I too,just realizefD it when you point it out..well,glad havinhG the two sukbin/SukBin here..love you both and your analysis'.

    Again @MoOnLoVeRz thank you..your pics was the Match that lit the fire on this thread..yes,I know I said gud nite..couldn't sleep coz I'm enjoying read all of the thoughts here ...aahh the love of the drama :)

    • Like 10
  6. Oh..my..HEART!!!

    I knew it I shouldn't read tonights thread..besides the bad connection, I've decided to watch MLSHR again and edit the subs to my language (just for the fun of it)..but then..you're really get me addicted..lol..and I've got so many things to say about HS..but then those pics!!!!!!! I was like..BAM!! And started to remembering how was it feel after watch BBJX..and..I know I said I'm ready to the tragedy..but still.. T_T 

    The dark chocolate is getting into our throat now..huaaaaa..(I remember after watching BBJX..my mood was down almost a week..and just to forget the feeling I watch RM continuedly for hours..literally!!) What am I going to do now *sob sob* but I just couldn't take my eyes off this drama.

    Anyway..thank you @MoOnLoVeRz ..but..whaaa..okay, gud nite chingu..I better take my medicine now..

    • Like 17
  7. 1 hour ago, dhia205 said:
      Reveal hidden contents

    @hallyus legend just a number of post Lol.. I think i'm one of the few legend who not good at analysts, i just watching without too much thinking this and that, that's why you guys amazed me. 

    live blogging is fun, lagian besoknya kan nontin hasil download. jadinya gak masalah hahah...

    @solelylurking kenapa ibu RT? kalo d panggil emak2 kan terlalu fulgar say Lol, aku jg g ngeh awalnya kenapa dia tiba2 memanas, padahal kayanya cuma 1% dr kita yg bawa2 rating drama tetangga. dan kayanya masa2 penghuni ML thread ngebadingin sama rating sebelah udah lewat lama. I don't know maybe she back read tio much,




    I'm not..coz I don't have the channel that airs the show/shows..namely..Mahabharat,Mohabbatein(the series),Ashok(the series),Navya etc (I couldn't remember it all..while for me..I'm only interested on SRK's movies..oh and Hrithik Roshan..of course..hahaha

    Sorry for this..bad connection again..ignore this post chingu :)

    • Like 1
  8. @hallyus 


    download..hahaha,streaming sinyalnya ga kuat..ga ada chanel One juga :P



    cuman lagi ngomongin kenapa di Indonesia ga ada berita rating MLSHR :)

    I think I'm going back to silent reader mode for a while..the thread is too fast to keep up..anyways, I'm enjoying all your analysis'..2 more days..happy weekend all. :heart:

    • Like 13
  9. @KdramaSwimmer


    I'm not..coz I don't have the channel that airs the show/shows..namely..Mahabharat,Mohabbatein(the series),Ashok(the series),Navya etc (I couldn't remember it all..while for me..I'm only interested on SRK's movies..oh and Hrithik Roshan..of course..hahaha

    Oh..how frustrating when your mobile didn't want to cooperate with you..keep posting the same thing!!sorry for this...so I just added some 2cents here.

    Maybe it's OOT or not.. Idk..but I just watched RM ep 314,where uri princes were the guests. There are many hints there to the drama..first...about the sun and the moon gate..its been repeatedly shown. Second,at the arrow games..the last contenders were LJG&HJH..which HJH won over LJG (WY became the king before WS?) and it specifically point on the arrow,how HJH so good with it (more hints??). Noted that KHN always lost in the games..oh,I forgot to mention this..noted that LJG is the last one who passed the first game. (KHN passed bfore him..so LJG lost from him..hint?) and once again at the final game..noted LJG was the first guest that got eliminated. I also saw how KHN hide bfore he could attack Gary (fails miserably..ofcourse..its about RM anyway). The last one standing from guests is HJH..sitting on the pillow that could make him a king (another hint?) ofcourse by now we all aready know that..maybe this has mentioned before? My apologies then..its just as a long fans of RM,I knew that when there are guests who came for promoting something,they must gave hints here & there about the promotion.

    Just want to share chingus..:) once again,big thanks to @LyraYoo for the comments above..and to @MoOnLoVeRz for the pics and gifs..I love it.

    What if..all of us..294 members ( expecting more to come) of MLSHR thread at Soompi made a video (like photogrid images..I don't know how to mention it) saying something like "We love SHR!!Fighting!" and upload or send it to Korean related websites or YT..or Youku..or likewise. I'm sure it could boosts spirits of everyone at the prod.team (including our beloved actors/actresses). Or is it maybe too much to ask? I don't know......

    Gud nite from my side of world..fellow Eclipses..sweet scarlet dreams :)

    • Like 11
  10. @KdramaSwimmer


    I'm not..coz I don't have the channel that airs the show/shows..namely..Mahabharat,Mohabbatein(the series),Ashok(the series),Navya etc (I couldn't remember it all..while for me..I'm only interested on SRK's movies..oh and Hrithik Roshan..of course..hahaha




    I'm not..coz I don't have the channel that airs the show/shows..namely..Mahabharat,Mohabbatein(the series),Ashok(the series),Navya etc (I couldn't remember it all..while for me..I'm only interested on SRK's movies..oh and Hrithik Roshan..of course..hahaha


    • Like 5
  11. Indonesian not really into Kdramas..of course there are many who love watch Kdramas..but many more who prefers local dramas and or Indian/Turks dramas..maybe because of the close cultural connection :)

    Anyway,I'm so glad to hear that..hope SHR will always continue shining.

    @dhia205 @ruzikie


    Ga baper kok say..cuman kebawa mimpi aja..hehehehe


    • Like 8
  12. 28 minutes ago, skxz said:


    So there has been a lot of talk about whether this drs usama is doing well based on many factors (such as views, ratings, international attention, cast, storyline etc.). I absolutely agree that everyone is entitled to their thoughts and opinions but there are just a few things I feel the need to get this off my chest.

    To me this drama is amazing for many reasons, that is why I am so active on this forum and continuously trying to find out more about the drama. Sometimes what I don’t understand especially on the internet, is why people seem to love defaming and hating on something. Why do people like stirring and creating such negative energy? Is it really necessary? If I don’t like something I stop watching, looking, reading it and move on. Isn’t that the most logical thing to do?

    I was really saddened in the beginning where there was all this talk that the drama was going to flop because of IU’s acting and how it was KHN and LJK that was carrying this drama. Yes KHN and LJK are amazing actors there is no doubt about that but the rest of the cast puts in their own colour and skills just as equally. Sure some actors are better than others I mean there are designers, musicians, directors etc that are better than other designers, musicians, directors etc. and there’s nothing wrong with that. That just shows there’s room for improvement which is what individuals strive to achieve.

    From the get go I thought the acting was fairly good. I do admit in the beginning it was slightly shaky but everything was smooth sailing from Ep 3 onwards. People who say IU can’t act I’m unsure of what their definition of acting is? I mean negative reviews are most certainly welcome and that’s how directors themselves improve but straight up hate because it’s not your cup of tea is just, I can’t fathom why people love to do that. And the funniest thing when I thought about this was MLSHR got so much hate after the first 2 episodes were released. Like seriously? You didn’t even give it a chance how do you know it’s bad? I don’t understand.

    I feel like one of the reasons people are trying so hard to say how bad the drama is is because of how good-looking the whole cast is. On top of that the cinematography, costumes, and plot overall (to me) are amazing. I mean people hate it when things are perfect and they can’t help nitpick at the smallest and most irrelevant things. 

    Which brings me to the next thing I wish to address, ratings. I am glad the ratings for this drama are increasing but I don’t feel like it something we need to refer to constantly as it does not give an accurate representation of anything. Firstly the ratings are only in South Korea which means it does not encompass the views accumulated by the rest of the globe. Sure ratings show the popularity of a show but if it doesn’t take into consideration the views from everywhere then isn’t it a little inaccurate. I’m not saying this to defend the ratings of MLSHR I’m saying this because it makes sense. This is like saying okay we are going to do a federal election but we are only going to let people from one town vote. Not sure how that’s an accurate representation of what everyone wants if it’s only the results of a small group of individuals. Secondly we Eclipses know how well this show is doing both domestically and internationally. But of course it has just exploded beyond South Korea. There are positive comments that I have seen translated from Korean websites which is also amazing.

    I don’t tend to speak up about these things because it’s the internet and I mean sitting behind a screen you can say anything you want without facing and consequences. Since everyone is entitled to their own opinions people will always have opposing views and varying expectations on different things and that is absolutely fine. Constructive criticism is always welcome but snide and rude comments to drag something down and make it feel like crap I don’t believe in nor do I approve. It may make us angry but in the end we are just wasting our energy on something that is basically irrelevant to us. I mean if haters take their time to watch the drama and hate on it they’re wasting their time too right?

    But I really felt the need to say this to my fellow Eclipses so you guys don’t get worked up by negative comments. I know what it's like when you love something so much and people just come and shoot you down. It's not a pleasant feeling but we learn to ignore and move on. We should all just enjoy this drama because we love it and it matters to us. We don’t need to defend that it’s good to people that what to talk badly about it because we know in our hearts it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to us. 

    I hope Eclipses can continue to spread happiness, love and excitement and not get brought down by all the negative things said. I hope I haven’t offended anyone because that wasn’t my intention. I just want everyone to be in a good mood and enjoy this drama (while it lasts). Man that’s so sad to say but it’s so true. We don’t have time for the negativity. I hope everyone is having a wonderful week and are anticipating Monday because I sure am! 3 DAYS TO GO! I AM SO EXCITED!!!! Thanks for reading as always! This one is quite long (like everything I ever post hahahaha). I really appreciate it and it makes me just want to write more and share more with you guys :) LOTS OF LOVE xoxo 



    I'm so agree with you..this is what I meant with pur /outr senior members in this thread will always brings us the positive (sorry for many of typos..as always bad connection).. basically put on point what's the most important for us gathering here..thank you @skxz :)

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  13. Okay..before I forgot and before the thread jumps to 650..I want to say something..

    @KdramaSwimmer Omooooo...I just couldn't stop grinning..literally..from ear to ear..when I saw this..sadly only for 1 minute..hope you could made it again when there are more eps to come..my opinion..LOVE IT..just love it..thank you dear..(I was like haaahhh...:blush: )

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  14. @dhia205


    bisa gantian ga say??? kkkkkk....lol :phew:

    So..I know it's not a significant amount but I'm glad that finally,one of my colleague decided to watch the drama..yayyyyy!!!! Noted that..she is someone whose in her 20's, so in return she actually only interested on young and gorgeous people..and more interested in the sweet fluffy things (she has just finished ep 2.. and she is only interested on Nam Joo Hyuk..haha) but the main point is..she's loving it. She said this in our language "Baguuuuuuuussssss banget" (means VERYYYY GOOOD!!) and she already hooked and holds her other Kdramas..hahaha..hope there'll more much friends who join our journey :lol:

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  15. @dhia205 Oh..how I wish it would come true..the dating scenes...please give them sweet moments before all the angst become their love obstacles..a little happiness won't kill right?

    Now that I think again..actually the both version (Int. & SBS) are complement to each other..I'll point on this scene as an example..the scene where HS did WS make-up at ep 9 (SBS version) and suddenly Lady Oh came..it should be after that Lady Oh talked to HS about WSs feelings (international version)...so I'd love to have both versions to see which other scenes that are complemented each other.

    @leekyuphii Ha! I knew it! you just said it chingu..that the prod team will take the most important and significance scenes (while I only said about the fast pace..you're smarter than me :lol:) thank you again for keep putting my mind into words.

    @Gabi Bros could you kindly PM me too the link to international version? (before it's missing from internet circulation coz many chose SBS..I hope it won't though) thanks in advance :wub:

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  16. @ruizaio thank you very much for the song..I know I was wrong..hehe... and thank you @miyukiakira1988 to point on him..love this song...when it'd release?

    @qwenli thanx for showing the interests of Singaporeans to the drama. I lived in Batam..we're so close..maybe when there'll be fans meeting of SHR in Singapore you'd let me know? *puppy eyes* 

    • Like 8
  17. May I point on something chingus? It's 25th reign of King Taejo Wang Geon..and it means the year is 943...also it means that the King will die very soon,so the CP will take the throne,maybe the next ep? (King dies at the end of the eps). IU hinted the fans to have fun at ep 11..so my guess is the king is CP..and because WS is his trusted man,they will live in peace (except for YoYoo+YH)..and maybe HS-WS already have mutual feelings?love is in the air..happiness for them both..but only for a while,coz CP will only be king for 2yrs..until ep12?? Maybe HS-WS would separated by WY who took the throne from CP..and the struggling lasts for 2 eps?and the tragic love story will take place at ep15? Yup..the fast pace..there'd be some scenes that would cut indeed..but I still have trust to Writer and Director..even though the pace is fast it wouldn't look rushed. Maybe..just maybe we could get happy ending at the last ep (fingers crossed). But I'm still preparing myself to cry the whole time :tears:

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  18. Ok..let's see..first..how packed and full our thread is..I feel like I have new families all comes together for the big wedding of our OTP..hahaha..okay,maybe that's not going to happen..my point is..I'm happy..welcome welcome newcomers..

    Secondly.. @dhia205 and @KdramaSwimmer..I'm going crazy searching for the singer..lol..I still thought its SG Wannabe at the last ep9 for the int.vers.and maybe 4men? at the end ep9 sbs version..hope they'll release both..coz both songs are soooo good,with a verrryyy good voices too. (SG and 4Men voices would perfect for the osts..no?) - I compared their voices..SG with DOTS ost,and 4Men with Gu family book ost..I could be wrong though,since I don't know much ;p

    Then,about LJG english language?I'm sure with his own character whose always want to do the best (okay,ambitious+perfectionist) he will learn english to speak more fluently..with his raising followers in IG that most of them (including me) are from diff.countries,I trust him..:wub:

    Well,last but not least..chingu yaaa..its only thursday and we already reach page 611..I'm sure by the next eps we will reach 800..hehehe..and I'm so addicted to this drama..my friends seems too busy to watch this drama,my husband literally hates dramas (prefer action only with less convo),and my daughter's only 3yrs old. That's why I'm so blessed with all the friends I get from this Soompi thread.

    Thank you in advance to @LyraYoo @bebebisous33 @briseis @marosa_jin @meahri_1 @MadraRua @qwenli @KdramaSwimmer @dhia205 @Mona Ys @40somethingahjumma @solelylurking @skxz @trizha1 and many more that I couldn't mention (there are 200+ ppl who follow this thread..yaayyyy). Spread the love and leave the hates..keep our peace.

    Love and hugs :heart:

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