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Posts posted by junee22

  1. I watched again Arang & The Magistrate just to kill my times until Monday..(but I only watched LJG & Shin Minah scenes lol ) .. can't wait for Monday..but then again..I read at some thread about ep 6 won't aired because of world cup 2018 qualification..is this true?anyone here would know?or somebody already discussed this? please someone tell me if they knew..I really want to see that eps ...:tears:

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  2. Chingus!!! so I put this beautiful face of LJG at my profile pic on BBM when he held a sword look from side (can someone told me how to insert pics please??) ..and my friends were like..what is that? the pic is very beautiful,Kdrama? she asked..then I told her about MLSHR..and looks like she already had an interest but didn't watch it yet, I think she's going to do it now..yeayyy!! spread it to the world..hehehe.

    I always wondering..why is the queen/empress in the monarch or even a king in a historical/period drama..had to be so sly & tricky? Very smart but also very very cunning like a snake..maybe it is needed to stay survive?to make sure that noone could ever overthrow them or made them as a puppet? or is it only in a drama? but then again,on 2nd thought,an honest leader even though loved by ppl,if he's not smart enough to manipulate others a.ka. act tricky when needed, could easily be replaced. That's a common practice around the world..that's why I don't like politics. And maybe one of the reason why the characters for queens/kings or in this case in our favourite drama,Queen Yoo & Princess YeonHwa,described like that (evil,sly,cunning etc). Just a simple thought of me :)

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  3. 1 hour ago, ruizaio said:

    I don't know if this scene was filmed and then left out or if it didn't get shot at all, but in an early version of the scripts that had been leaked, there was a scene right before Chae Ryung was beaten by the princess and her maidens. It shows how a bond forms between Baek Ah (13th) and So and hints at So's mettle for kingship. Basically, Prince 3 (Yo) insults Prince 13 (Baek Ah) as Baek Ah's mother is from the royal family of the fallen dynasty of Silla. So subtly comes to Baek Ah's defense, and they walk together. This is why they appear together when So comes to the rescue when Soo is being beaten by the princess.

    The following is a rough translation of the scene:

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    Prince 3: I called you all here because His Majesty has starved the camel that was sent as a gift by the Khitans to death. Petitions are flying in from all ranks of court officials. We should do something to support His Majesty.

    Prince 14: (Unhappy) They're so afraid of having a war with the puny Khitans. Those pathetic figureheads need to be offed first.

    Prince 10: By the way, did the camel really die? I guess it takes quite a few days for it to starve to death... Now that it's happened, they should just distribute its meat to the starving people.

    Prince 9: Nonsense! We might have a war domestically! Ever since the Khitans stopped bringing in horses, the price of horses has gone through the roof! We can't have war without horses for the army.

    Prince 10: I believe you're talking about horses for racing, not the army. For your betting.

    Prince 9: (Menacing look)

    Prince 8: We must support His Majesty as he looks into improving our diplomatic relation with Later Jin as we burned our bridge with the Khitans. This is a good chance to change the direction of our diplomatcy.

    Prince 13: The Khitans destroyed Balhae. As we come from the same ancestry as Balhae, of course we should cut ties with the Khitans.

    Prince 3: Take a huge loss just for the sake of a ruined kingdom? (Looking at Prince 13) As if Silla wasn't enough, now even Balhae? Sure, we may come from the same ancestors. They're basically like distant relatives that are dirt poor and try to mooch off of you.

    Prince 13: (Clenches his fists, but can't say anything) ...

    Prince 4: You're right, brother 3. 

    Prince 3: (Surprised)

    Prince 4: However, whether the owner of the treasury decides to offer some of the wealth to the poor relatives or to feed to the dogs, it's all up to the owner. Instead of just exchanging empty words here without being able to voice anything in front of the actual owner of the treasury, why don't we just go take a look at the dead camel? As 10th brother said, let's see if it's edible at all. Baek Ah, shall we go?

    Prince 13: (Stands up hastily) Yes, let's do that, Brother.

    As Princes 4 and 13 leave, Prince 8 smiles as he drinks tea.

    Prince 3: (Clenches the teacup and shudders) That insolent buffoon.

    Prince 10: (To Prince 9) See! Even Brother 4 wants to know if camel meat is edible.

    Prince 9: (Shut up!! Nudging)

    Prince 14: (Looks at his brothers, worried)


    Garden of Prince 8's house

    Princes 4 and 13 are walking.

    Prince 13: Thank you, Brother.

    Prince 4: No need to thank me; I don't help people. I just hate the attitude of sucking up to those with power and oppressing the weak. 

    Prince 13: (Bitter) You become a commoner or a slave based on your mother's station... Even though I'm treated as a prince, I'm no different from a slave. Even though we all have the same father, our stations are so different.

    Prince 4: ...if you were a slave and not a prince, you wouldn't have had to serve your father as the owner of the treasury. At least you don't have to worry about when you might have your next meal. Take that as a consolation.

    Prince 13: (Looks at Prince 4 with fresh eyes. Feels a little closer to him)

    They get closer to each other as they continue walking.


    This excerpt is written in a tone that is very different from the episodes we've seen so far. The lines sound more Sageuk-like and the vocabulary used is way more advanced than what is actually spoken in the drama. So I can understand that the scripts may have been totally revamped before they started shooting and that this scene may have been cut out totally. I just hope that they'll include enough scenes in the future that show more about how So prepares himself to be king... 

    Oh..no..why did the cut the scene?it really looks like the main theme of the novel..fight for the throne...and it showa the political views of the princes..oh well,I'm sure the production team have a good reason for that.

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  4. Busy at life...and there were already 10 pages to catch up!!! okay..I'm going to skip to last page..:rolleyes: . Last night, I rewatched MLSHR from first ep to ep 4 in a row..not watch ep 5 (not ready for the roller coaster yet lol) and when I watched it again..I think the actors/actresses did very well..but yes LJG sets a very high bar to acting so for some junior actors/actresses in this drama,even though they acted very well,bcoz of LJGs acting skill their acting could look average. I'm sure with more eps to come their acting could improve. And I can see,pieces by pieces,little by little..how HS actually suppressed her feelings for WW. I'm not good at putting it into beautiful words..so I'll give it to you friends to do that..hehehehe.

    And I just love LJGs fighting scenes..he really looks awesome when doing that..(I hope he could be the next Samurai X -- if there's gonna be one :P ) LJG really put much efforts for this role..I mean this kind of drama needs deep chemistry between the characters,a very deep understanding for the roles,and a very good research to the history. And I think not only LJG did that but also all of his co-stars at this drama. Well,maybe it's a matter of experience in acting fields that made a diff.(LJGs been in this industry for 15 yrs now..while some of the actors only had a couple of years,but many pros actors too in this drama besides him). Yes,KHNs acting are very good too..but he didn't do those fighting scenes himself simply bcoz he's not there yet (in my opinion). I'm sure later,with more time passes,if he did well like LJG,then he could become like LJG. Good in acting skills,also fighting skills, and all skills needed to do a good acting. KHN had a very good potential,as a lot of actors in this drama (Jisoo,NJH,IU,Baekhyun..though I think that the later would focus more in singing field).

    Oh..when I mentioned before about the wrong translation of Qing dynasty (WE and HS dialogue scenes ep4),I'm very glad to know that actually Baekhyun/WE said JIN ...so glad that the production team really did a research..(so it's right when I said China is in the era of 5 dynasties & 10 kingdoms). Hope everyone who didn't interested in this show could see all of the potential that MLSHR had,so they can love this drama as we all do. Can't wait for the next Monday..yayyy..it's already Thursday!!

    • Like 20
  5. 5 minutes ago, ruzikie said:

    In the forest where So saved 14th prince and Soo, he didnt say what but said hwat. He might be trying to say Hwaiting like Hae Soo did

    I am relieved that Wang So really understands the emoticon that Soo drew in the paper. I can relate these two are understanding each other. Hae Soo knows who is Wang So even she saw his naked body in bathing :phew:

    i mean she already saw his weakness from time time ( and it makes me worried if she would not end up with Wang So because i am terrible shipping them since beginning)  even his mother treated him like richard simmons, she was on his side. I guess i better not to invest my feeling to much for this couple because i know it's minority here. 

    Ah..so that's it..I'm so glad I join this thread and get more understandings for the drama..thanx a lot @ruzikie :)

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  6. Someone ever mentioned before (I really really forgot by who,and I lost track..sorry), in the forest scene where 14th and Soo + Wook were saved by 4th in ep 4..(again I don't know how to insert pictures...) WS said something like "what?" and I was like..really? so I go checked again and...YES!!! LJG was saying "What"..and I can even also hear him said that!! I wouldn't know if someone didn't point it out lol...oh well,maybe that was unintentionally bcoz he already into the state of being one with the character he played..I was join in theatre/drama club back in my college days..and I know a little bit that when you already absorbed to your role..sometimes you forgot of your surroundings,coz you acted naturally..like it was your own character..and thus you speak with your own words..sometimes improvised the script..but still....

    Didn't the director see it?or maybe that too was a hint on how close WS to Ji Mong? (perhaps Ji Mong taught him english language :sweatingbullets: ) .. oh and the wrong translation of 10th Eun said (ep4) about ball from Qing/Qin dynasty?? neither both..maybe Jin?? or Tang?? because (I read from wiki..not sure if its accurate) the time line this story took was when in China was the period of 5 dynasties and 10 kingdoms...

    Apart from that..I still think this drama is great,and LJG is a wonderful actor, and all of them really work hard for this drama....I'll skip that little annoying facts and just enjoy the show..

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  7. 2 hours ago, irilight said:

    @junee22, oh, bummer. Thank you for trying  :)
    yes, I think DF is more restricted to some geographical areas but I am not sure which they are.
    Maybe U.S, Canada. I think they recently started in Australia too.
    Can you not even click on awesome? What a shame.

    Well, we can all still help the drama by watching as much as possible on Naver, and Korean media....

    source: AsiaToday

    source:  TV Daily

    Below are some BTS and clips video from Naver. If we all watch consistently on Naver, it would help the show.

    Even better, if you sign up for Naver (I signed with FB, it only takes a minute), and then you can also "like" the videos by clicking on the heart symbols

    This scene had me tearing.
    Not only his wife's dying, but the fact 8th Prince never got to say the words that he loved her....



    Oh..thank you sooo much @irilight I'll make sure to do that..

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  8. @irilight as much as I want to write a comment on dramefever..I faced an obstacle..dramafever isn't allowed at my country :dissapointed: ..I need to sign up but I couldn't bcoz of that..as for the other site related to Korea..I don't know the subs/writings..so it's kinda made me feel frustrated (coz google translate can't help in some words *sigh* ) Anyway...maybe you could enlighten me? Just want to help this drama to be appreciated more by the natives fellows in SK..(although it's getting more and more positive feedback and I'm happy for the production team :) )

    In the theory of Hae Soo's travel back to the future,many say maybe happened when its eclipse again..but exactly how many years took? scientifically...I heard it took hundreds of years...any of my friends here would know?

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  9. Hi Guys!! It's wednesday at my country..and it's raining hard since morning..so I just want to skip work..because I was backread about 15 pages last night (WOW!!!!)..6hrs straight..fr 10pm to 4am..(and I woke up at 7am..imagine that) coz I really want to catch up with all of you,and yet I'm left behind again..yikes!! and I'm dreaming about my prince LJG..can't seem back to reality right now..oh no..someone help me!!!

    But then..I still go to work..hhh..reality calls me once again..

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  10. 7 hours ago, KdramaSwimmer said:
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    Sorry to quote the pics but can anyone translate the caption on these pics....?

    @LyraYoo Pofyty in motion.... thats adjective we can use for someone like LJK and belive me after coming here I have learnt so many new adjectives and words...all credit goes to SHR, LJK and all genius here.

    @MadraRua dibs... i  never heard it before but got it now. And all for the seniority and I am much later on ladder there must be so  many unni's before me (still in line waiting for Poery in Motion) hehehe...

    I love @LyraYoo captions too.. 

    And..I know that I just said I won't write again tonight (coz the internet)..but I just can't stop smiling on this little fun thing of my mind..So we are all the concubines of King Wang So...nope,I mean King Lee Joon Gi..in Empire of Eclipses (is it official now?I love thayt name)..I wonder whose The Empress here.. @MadraRua ? Hehehe..lololol

    I'm one of her concubines by the way :))

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  11. 7 hours ago, Glamour90 said:

    Thanks chingue for your answer

    I thought about that too but if it was based on empress arrangement, shouldn't we have 5th instead of 14th???? He's queen's son but came last

    Maybe..its based on the birth arrangements?8th WW said that he's born in the same year with 4th WS..and rheThen I noticed that queen Yoo's fosrtborn child is the 2nd prince..so maybe 5th,6th,7th princes are all born in the samE year as WW & WS but with different mothers?so my guess is based on that though..sorry again the internet connection made me go "ugghhhh".. Looks like I will only reaf tonight(read)..oh my...I better stop writing for tonight at least.. :( 

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  12. I lost track to what I read the last time..and it's only for 12hrs!!13pages!!! Omoo..you guys sure so fast..anyway @meahri_1 I already vote..and looks like I'm getting obsessed by this show..coz ppl around me looked me like I was crazy lol (they don't even bother to know the reason..coz my husband and friends not so into kdramas..hehe,but it's okay) I know its out of the topic..but I love how ppl around the world gathered in this forum/thread..respecting each other,with same/different opinions..I know someone already said this here before(sorry,I forgot who)..but I want to talk about it again..bcoz I had the impact of this feeling only last night..so I wrote in certain forum where the commentators were from the same country as mine..but they just want to pick a fight!!really..what does it use for..(I wrote abt MLSHR but they wrote abt the hates..gosh!!)

    So yes..I love this forum..my apologies again if I look like mumbling..hehe..keep fighting guys!!and love for MLSHR

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  13. I'm sorry about my post before..I was backread the pages and i clicked like(coz I like all your comments chingus) but then my connection acted up and I don't know what to do..so I just click submit reply..my bad..I'm very sorry for this :( ..oh well, I watched half ep 4 with eng subs..and I know now what our frinds here mean with WS is so cute..hihihi..but yes..there are also too many close ups faces and that kinda bothering me (I don't mind seeing LJKs face anyway :D)..

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  14. I don't think the development of the love triangle is too fast though..WW already had interest on haesoo since she made the glue..another interest when haesoo cried at the forest..and another one when they talked in HS room,about the feeling WW have after his first time killed someone..its her sympathy that made WW even more like her,and I think the love blossom from there?just getting deeper for him

    As for Wang So..not that fast either..he started to have interest at HS when WS say her name (one of my favorite tones of LJG's voice) "Hae Soo?" and he didn't really mean to kill her..its just his anger,frustration,shame of scars..but I don't think WS had real intention to kill HS.

    Hae Soo..her character is that she's nosy..she like to be involved in others life,and that's why HS is full of affection and sympathy towards others (trust me,I know..since I'm a bit nosy myself..haha) so this far HS's feelings for the two princes?Sympathy & understandings for 4th/WS..respect,admiration&adore for 8th/WW (and maybe like him a little bit),but there are no deep love yet..maybe at the next episodes?

    It's just my opinion..oh no..its 00.47 at my place,I need beauty sleep :P Good night all

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  15. There's moral lesson I learned from these early eps..never abuse your children,give them love as much as you can..with all your heart..bcoz really it can make them hurt all their life..and still traumatized even when they grow up..it can make them a monster who will abuse their children too,and the cycle would never ends...I know I'll always and will be more..love my 3yrs old daughter..I don't want her ends up like WS *sob* hhhh...I'm sorry for being mello..I wouldn't do that again :sweatingbullets:

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  16. Thank you all for the recaps..I really loved it..but what made me a bit confuse is...if the production team didn't change the drama they sold to cable tv chanel outside SK..then what about the one that aired in live streaming? Is it mean that there will be 2 different version?oh..please don't..it could ruin the show I guess..

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  17. 1 hour ago, bebebisous33 said:

    I also have the impression that he comes from the future, I would rather think, from a different time like the beginning of the 20th century based on the bike or plane design in the episode one. He knows History and he wants to make sure that WS will become the King, especially when he appeared much earlier in the History. He was the one who predicted Taejo's future and it was based from his knowledge about History. However, he noticed that something was wrong with WS: he is the outcast due his tragic past and he is afraid that WS might not become Gwangjong like he is supposed to be. Choi Ji Mong doesn't know that Hae Soo will play a big part in it, therefore he is supporting WS as much as possible.

    As I alreeady mentioned before..I love your analysis..thanx for the insight :) forgive my spelling..it's internet connection acted up again.. @kentangbakar thanx a lot foer the link chingu

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  18.  Maybe someone already mentioned before..but it's too far to track..hehe,so I want to know about Choi Ji Mong's part in this drama..I know it will reveal soon,but I'm still curious..is he also from the future?and is he in WS side?becauae you see..he's the one who asked WS about his wound when there were noone who cares about it..and he smile when finally the king asked WS about his wound (when he undercovered as CP)...and he too by WS side at many scenes in the trailer (again..I'm sorry coz I really don't know how to insert pics lol..I'm new to this)...so I would like to read about your analysis friends..:) curious curious..

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