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Posts posted by junee22

  1. @LyraYoo adding one more person that explained what I'm trying to say in my previous posts...thank you so much.

    Chingudeul..many of us here (including me) feel so emotional..so angry that maybe we couldn't see what is exactly HS feelings right now...the convo between WW-HS is too misleading..it could make many of us want to curse (and even throw the remote tv or banging the laptop keyboard..haha). I guess this drama made us as viewers let out all of our emotions inside..angry,sad,fun,frustrated,hate...only happiness that we don't feel yet...(suddenly I remember the animated movie inside out..sorry..OOT). So I guess that's why many of us here still can't accept all those explanations and analysis.. when we calm down..when we are more cooling down inside..maybe then we can embrace this whole episode..to try to understand why HS did what she did. I guess tonight we all having panick attack like HS in ep9.. lol..that's why our judgement is so very bias.

    Give us more times (as I like to give times for myself)...tomorrow or maybe the day after..we will come to understand what's exactly HS want to deliver to us viewers..and...I'm getting sleepy,my eyes are getting heavy..gud nite fellow eclipses from my side of world..once again..let's just see today eps (it's already tuesday in my country)

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  2. @fathiayunia @solelylurking @dhia205 @leekyuphii     If this is going to happen (still happens) in the next ep 13...I'll ask Captain Yoo (my precious Captain) to call the helicopter...and throw her off myself... Well...let's just see what will happen tomorrow night, shall we?*fingers crossed* --- still hoping.....

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  3. Okay..okay..before I go to sleep..first...I've calm down now..and decided to stay to see what tomorrow eps will bring..let's see..thank you @MadraRua @meahri_1 @Gabi Bros and everyone else for the reminder *fingers crossed* I'll give this drama one more chance...fiuuhhhh...

    Special thanks to @amisyka77 dear friend...thank you for putting my mind into words (I was calling for someone to help in my previous post..to explain what I'm trying to say) though maybe you accidentally did it..I'd still want to thank you :)

    Yes..like I said..when HS rejected WS proposal I can see sadness in her eyes (and you've explained it so well). Why did I forget that?I guess because I'm too emotional when I read the recap lol. And yes..I could also see the little smile in HS lips when WS is going to the mission..not only you by the way...so once again..thank you :)

    gud nite all fellow eclipses.. Let's see what will unfolded in the next eps..hwaiting!!!

    • Like 15
  4. 14 minutes ago, MiisOh said:

    Ohh i also shout at my child...just now

    My anger ohhh like one to smash the tv....


    Oh..please..don't do that to your child..you don't want him/her to become like WS, right? I know it's unappropriate for me to say this...please forgive me..(though I'm sure you already feel sorry for your child right now :) )

    Again..please please forgive me..


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  5. Okay everyone..I'm off from here..at least until my heart is ready to accept all of this...oh my precious times..I know I said that I will have faith..but after tonight eps..I just don't know anymore what to do...hhhhhhh.

    Thank you @qwenli @Yippeuni @LyraYoo @MoOnLoVeRz and everyone else (sorry..couldn't tag all of you..) for the recaps and pics..I guess there's no differences of the 2 vers in this eps also..oh wait..there is..WE & SD scenes..I think one vers.is in the early eps..and the other vers.is in the middle eps (and maybe BGM too). Thank God Lee Hi's ost will release tonight..at least it could help for me...

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  6. @MadraRua I'm here!!!! Thank you for the roll call..thank you in advance to all contributors tonight *bow*.

    I don't know if this is OOT...but fellow eclipses...does WS character reminds you of someone??hmm??anyone??? *wink wink*

    Gu.Jun.Pyo a.ka. Domyoji Tsukasa..a.ka. Tao Ming Tse...a.ka. Murong??? (The Chinese version..I forgot his name)...........Like yeah..when he said "I will follow you even if I should go to hell".... Just my opinion though..


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  7. Omooo...I'm sooo busy right now (add the reports dateline)..but the last thing I saw in this thread was @LyraYoo s post on the preview (from twitter?) and I couldn't keep my mind off from that scene..though I promised myself not to look (cause I already read many of frustrated comments on that particular scene, so I don't want to ruin my mood either)..but I just can't ignore that..I just wanna speak my mind...so please don't kill me chingudeul.....:tears:

    So..when I saw that scene..the first thing I saw is HS eyes..when WS proposed to her..why did I only see sadness?? many of our friends here saw her refusion expression and feel disappoint to her..and add of her expression when Wook saw them...but really, why I only see sadness? (did I said this sentences twice?yes..I did, forgive me for this). She looks like she will cry anytime soon if she didn't leave WS..and actually I only see her shock when she saw WW (am I in denial state like HS???? :sweatingbullets:) I don't know...anyone can help me to explain this in words?? I can only point out to this...can't really find the exact words...can't I just say it in simple words?? if I was Hae Soo..I will say this :

    (From ep 8 make-up scene when WS pulled her close) "what's wrong with my heart?why is it beating so hard?" (WS left her..HS finally can breath again..holding her hand instead her heart because he's not in her heart yet) "No..I shouldn't betrayed Prince Wook..I like him" (denial no.1)

    (Gwang Jong scenes at early ep9) "why would he be GJ?why it should this prince Wang So?"(her heart hurts because she thought this guy will kill many ppl). Let's skip and fast forward, shall we? Remember in the cave? her monologue.."if it this guy, he won't change...(if it WS..he definitely will change..I don't want that)...he won't hurt me (if it WS..he definitely will hurt me)..I'll be happy with him (if it WS..I won't be happy)" (denial no.2)..To the dialogue scene between HS-Lady Oh..when she said that WW won't change --- denial no.3

    Okay..I won't write an essay cause you all already know the rest..many already point out the next scenes and episodes. My point is..I already mentioned it in my earlier posts...she's sad because she knows WS's heart..she's sad because she had to protect a lot of ppl (well, at least that's what she thinks) including herself, WS, WW..and IDK who else. Maybe Ji Mong or the King threatening her if she dares to close to the princes. Well, we need to see tonight eps if we want to be sure..

    Thank you for those who read this..:)

    3 MORE HOURS!!!!!

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  8. @Bambiina Hi!!glad you decided to join with us again :)

    I can understand your POV dear..I myself, am a mother..so I really can understand how it feels if your children chose someone they love above you as their parents..for me they'll need to prove that their love is great enough to handle all the obstacles ahead of them..but..this is if it happens in modern times..in Goryeo..nope..as a mother I'd be afraid to see what could happen to my children if they foolishly chose their love. They'd be dead!!!!!our child and the lover..the family..all are dead! Well,that's from the son's mother POV.

    From the girl (in this case HS) mother POV? I could also relate with many of our friends maternal instincts to protect HS from Wook. "How dare he left her..always talk about empty promises" If he really love her he should protect her,sacrifice,etc.

    We all see it from different perspectives..but for me..I'll try to see that from both perspectives..so I could see the whole story with objectiveness. I don't hate WW..I don't hate HS (though I rolled my eyes because of her stupidity..seriously this girl)..and I couldn't even hate WY..well,maybe I hate Queen Yoo and Yeon Hwa though..haha.

    6 more hours chingu!!!!

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  9. @mabelialong @MAROSA_JIN thank you for the pics...so pretty :wub:

    @enigmatic_zephy @Umi_ni_Sora omoooo...I think I know now why I couldn't get WS...he's just not me at all!!! I guess Prince Wang So isn't my type totally..hahahaha...aigoo..Hae Soo-ya..just accept Prince Wang So already!!!!!!!! Until when are you going to deny your feelings for him??huuuuhhhh???WAKE UP GIRL!!! I wish I could say that to her..but I won't hurt my laptop because of her..lolol.

    Speaking of which...we actually could find hints and clues from the BGM played for HS-WS scenes (the SBS version)...and I would like to say..in the 6min preview we could see that HS smiles back to WS..if she doesn't like him why would she do that? I guess we should wait for the upcoming eps...I'm excited!!!

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  10. 22 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:



    I mastered the art to get WS as your answer :P

    MY first attempt was 14th prince, jung - honest attempt

    2nd - was tryign to get WS got 3rd 

    3rd- got WS :D:D

    And you won't believe it was essentially 2 answers that were different from what i tried for 14th :P - One being what you do in morning, and other your non fav drama trope..


    My guess is the drama trope holds the key :D:D:D .. i was choosing amnesia till now.. but then changed it to the very obvious..


    ROFL..if that defines WS.. i can't stop laughing

    well well well.. could you give me the secret recipe?? :wub: LOL .. why we all want to get prince Wang So? hahahaha

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  11. @LyraYoo @chelseab I sooo soo loveeee your posts...please keep doing that..

    @freckledbelle is right...we need more of those to make us loosen down a bit...it's okay to watch this heavy drama..and I don't mind with the beautiful analysis'..but once in a while we need something to make us smile :D...Come on guys...we don't need to be serious all the way, right? a little humor won't kill you..........;)

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  12. 17 hours ago, Yippeuni said:

    Goodbye So....the fortune teller say I'm better off with Jung....huaaaaaaaa...now I really understand Eun feeling when he got to marry Seon Deok.... 2121

    It seems like you're perfect for Jung, probably because you're the only one who can match his energy levels. You guys don't care too much about calmly reasoning through things; you trust your instincts, and you're usually right to do so. Active and always excited to be spontaneous, no one is able to catch up with your adventures. Not to mention that both of you would have the best adventures because you're down to chill all the time!


    I took the quiz 2 times and the answer is the same with you...huaaaaa...Prince Wang So!!!! Looks like it's true you only belong to Hae Soo...I'm sad to let you go..but it's okay if it's for her :cold_sweat:

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  13. I'm not moderators...and I'm not a senior member on Soompi..but I'd really really really realllly want to say this..as a reminder

    PLEASE DO NOT QUOTE IMAGES,PICS,GIFS,VIDEOS if you want to comment on someone and you don't know how to delete the images etc..just tag that person's name

    PLEASE DO NOT POST UNRELATED TOPICS OF THE DRAMA  if you want to talk about unrelated topics just go to PM..or you can do that on PM group. If you want to talk about actors/actresses of the drama you can go to the actors/actresses thread on Soompi forum.

    PLEASE READ SOOMPI RULES AND FAQ OF DRAMA THREAD I'm pretty sure mods already put this at the thread first page..you can go back to page 1 to read that

    Thank you. Now can we go back to the drama discussion please?

    PS : I don't mean to offend anyone..so please forgive me if I'm overreacted *bow*

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  14. @freckledbelle   @junejungki

    aigoooooooo...dears..you both really are "as white as tissue papers"....God knows (and maybe some of us here) what we're talking about..but let's don't taint your minds..love you both :wub: (p.s don't get offended okay?? We're just kidding..nothing serious :D)..and his name is Jun Ki...yes..Jun Ki..or Joon Gi..or Wang So..or 4th Prince..or my love..or "wolf dog" (I'm mumbling).

    @ruizaio thank you for the IG post of HJH..I love that boy..his acting as a villain really believable..

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  15. @solelylurking and @dhia205 yup...honey is a very good healing tool indeed...HS and WS could absolutely use that to li....."caress" each other wounds..Hae Soo really needs something strong to recovers from all those tortures right?Hope WS learns to be more gentle to her....well,maybe before that they could take a bath? Together?? :phew:

    Even if HS couldn't do yoga..we all know how flexible WS is..I'm sure he can lead the way..........*humming*

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  16. @briseis and anyone else who already mentioned it..about the hairpin..I think it's a lotus..white lotus..look at the shape..I'm going to back read again to read the meaning of the white lotus. Now where did I see those comments?? need to track the pages (hope it's not too far back).

    Okay..found it..thank you @Hanazumi to confirm my guess about the flower..and thank you for the explanation of the meanings..back to lurking...

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  17. @solelylurking I agree..Prince Wang So needs more "exercises" and Hae Soo would be perfect for that..she needs exercise too for her upcoming lives in the palace, right?

    I don't think they already invented melting chocolate at that time...what about "copper and honey" color? It tastes sweet too and perfect for them to li.....okay..that's not appropriate to said here..let's just say...HS could make use of the honey to "caress and cleans" WS wounds *wink wink*

    @dhia205 maybe after watch the sun sets and rises at the beach HS-WS could go hunting too??at the forest?? you know the trees are perfect to ...errrmmm  *cough cough*...hope they won't hurt their backs though :phew:

    and Wook can go hunting somewhere else with the "female wolf" he already tamed...;)

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  18. @dhia205 I don't think blood red will enough though...you know our prince WS..would he be content to only add one color? ;)

    I'd prefer places like beach..you know, HS-WS could spent night together..while watching the sun sets...and until the sun rises...sure,I'll love it if they "clean" each other wounds.... :phew:

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  19. Friends..please have mercy on me..my internet is veeeryyy slow like a turtle..it keeps failed on loading..maybe you could kindly put the heavy parts on spoiler?I love it..very much..but not all our members here live in an internet friendly area :tears: (Now I understand how our mods feel). Thank you...

    @ruizaio thank you for always updating about the DVD..half a year?hope I have enough times to save money (US $200 in my country equal with 3M..those are a whole lot of money for ppl like me :sweatingbullets:).

    @dhia205  maybe WS could add pretty colors on HS dresses? I'm sure I'll love it lolol.

    Finally..I can't move on from ep8..keep playing it over and over again..hhhhhh..tomorrow is Saturday,eclipses..let's cheer up..oh,and welcome to newbies..and don't forget to read Soompi rules :)

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  20. Yes @kilovekyo...what @solelylurking said is right..we only talked about the general things that happened in this drama..well, if that amused you and could make some of us smile a little..than it's a pleasure to do that ;)

    @dhia205 my mind is pure and white too, you know..just like the pretty dresses HS wore when she's in WW residence :wub:

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